Powers that really don't make sense




Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
As far as they know, you're dead. The villain already finished you off and usually Longbow have a job to do so can't leave their post to drag people to a cell. Figure they just radio someone else in and they'll come pick up the carcass/unconscious body.
If I am human I need to breathe. Therefore if I am breathing, I am not dead. We can only chalk this up to "villains are stupid."

You mean just plain missing or that AoEs aren't auto-hit? Because there could be any a number of reasons an AoE didn't take effect. After all, if I have an insulating energy field meant to deflect any heat/fire attacks, I expect even an AoE fire blast to bend around it.
I mean just plain missing. It's a superhero setting, I accept that people can dodge a spray of bullets from an automatic rifle (for that matter, Full Auto either missing an enemy entirely or hitting him with every shot doesn't make sense either) but if I throw a fireball at a pack of Freaks, who don't have defense (meta-game knowledge aside, my character has fought them enough to know this), it hits five of them and misses the sixth....how did that happen?

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Honestly, the passive resists could be any number of things but for the most part, it's agreed to be 'rolling with the punches'.
The passive resists certainly could be rolling with the punches, you weren't able to avoid it, but you were able to keep it from making full contact.

Why it scales, though, that's so it's useful when it needs to be there, without being overpowered when you are at full health. If it was just constant across the board, it wouldn't be useful, really. Although, I was kind of hoping that was exactly what would be implemented, before the scaling idea was thought of.

A counterpart in D&D is if you missed a saving throw against some effect. As a secondary benefit in some cases you could get to halve the damage, even if you were hit. It kept a saving throw from being "all or nothing".