51 -
Sorry to raise this thread from the dead but after just getting Fire Blast for my Spines/FA scrapper, I'm a little PO'd. The damage listed in for this power in Mid's is way off.
The level 50 damage per activation numbers in Mid's for Fire Blast (Scrapper Blaze Mastery APP) are 134.5+5x4 for a total of 154.5. This is unenhanced. In-game, the listed lvl damage per activation is 64.45.
I noticed something was up with the beautiful orange number that popped up over a mob's head was not what I expected so verified everything in-game (power info, damage inflicted spew) and in Mid's. If I had been more familiar with the stats on other APP attacks I might have caught this before I committed to the Blaze Mastery APP. It's not a big deal as I have plenty of free respecs and I should know by now that APP attacks are never as good as primary pool attacks. The numbers for this power in Mid's are too good to be true because they are.
And Des - you're not comparing apples to apples. Your in-game info includes enhancements whereas your Mid's data does not.
ETA - I dug a little deeper into Mid's data base and found something odd. The damage numbers listed in the data base are correct (same as in-game) but I'm not digging any deeper tonight - I have to hit the hay. -
I've run about 6-7 Brutes to 50 (2 were SS/FA and SS/ELA) and my Claws/WP Brute was the fastest leveling one by far.
I'd suggest reading the guides posted in this forum. There are guides on blasters in general and guides specific to the power sets you are interested in.
When it comes right down to it, no one can tell you which powers (or AT) are right for you.
BTW, they're called "enhancements" and not "enchantments". -
The loudest sound in the world is "whiff!"
It would seem you kept this person on the team longer than you should of which is your fault and not AE's.
The Server Status pages indicates that all servers are up, save the Training Room, but when I attempt to log in, I receive a message indicating I cannot due to the log in server being down.
Yes, I am aware that Thursday morning, this morning, is when scheduled maintenance occurs but the discrepancy between the Server Status page and reality is annoying to say the least. -
Quote:2 lvl 30 IOs adds 69.6% to the pet's damage. 3 lvl 30 IOs adds 95.96% to their damage. The in-game stats for enhancements on demons' dmg is currently borked so don't rely on its numbers.You can 3-slot damage, but with the ED cap it's better to slot your henchmen with something specific to their ability.
Once you get 3 tier 1 pets, I would slot them with 3 SOs or lvl 30+ IOs. For the tier 2, I would use 2 acc enhancements instead of 3 and the top tier only needs one. This assumes that you're not running Tactics either. -
BTW, I'm also finding /Thermal as easy to work with as /FF though /FF still takes the cake in survivability for me.
I'm a relatively long time player (42 months on and off since 3 months after launch) and have around 8 or 9 (lost count) lvl 50s (scrappers and brutes). I'm new to the MM club but I had tried a Bots/Dark right after CoV launched. I got him to lvl 22/23 and ended up deleting him because I wasn't having fun. I have not kept track of all the changes made to Bots, /Dark and MMs in general since that time but I just wanted to mention that I had tried them in the past.
Anyway, I rolled up a Bots/FF a few weeks ago and this time around, I'm finding MMs much more enjoyable. For me, that combo was easy to level up (lvl 34 so far) and felt like a good starting build to help me learn the AT better.
Over the weekend, I got DS fever (sorry, I love 'em) and rolled up a DS/Thermal and DS/Dark which I've been leveling in parallel. Why? Well, I liked them both and so far, they both feel very different to me.
My point is I found Bots/FF to be easy to work with. I don't mind maintaining the bubbles on the bots and find the /FF secondary very straightforward. A defense based secondary just feels easier to me, as far as getting my feet wet with the AT itself. -
It's a game so I don't care about anything like this as long as I have fun playing the game.
I would prefer their AI programmers focused on the core pet behaviors so they stop running off into melee unless they are primarily melee pets. I'd also like to see Bodyguard mode get fixed and it's a pain in the butt to use right.
Have you downloaded Herostats to capture real data of what's going on? If you haven't you are just giving your impression of what's going on vs. what is really going on.
BTW, what's the level of the mobs you're fighting and which ones are you fighting? -
Having played both (SS/FA to level 46 so far and SS/ELA to 50) I can definitely say that ELA is more durable due to it's greater range of resists, especially to energy which is a more common dmg type if the later game.
Both secondaries have the same damage aura (different dmg types of course) but after the changes in i18, Burn is awesome so there's no doubt for me that /FA is the better of the two when it comes to damage. -
I think we should just wait and see what happens. All this speculation will not change what the changes will be. Ultimately that is up to the designers and our fate is in their hands. Besides I find playing the game much more fun than talking about it.
Screw motorcycles. I want a golf cart, not just for getting around zones but in mission themselves. It could be a team travel power.
Bingo! Insects really freak out some folks so a set like this will never see the light of day I'm afraid. It's an interesting concept but some folks wouldn't even play the game if this set existed.
Quote:Sweet with sugar on top! Thanks again for the info.Note that you can right-mouse on up to ten individual attributes on that list and select the "monitor" option to place them in a tidy little window that stays open while you play. This is VERY handy for stats that change, or the Rage crash, or for monitoring your "last chance to hit" to know when you're debuffed, and so on.
I've been playing on and off for a while (39+ months of play time over the past 5 yrs) but now that no RL friends play, I sometimes miss things like this. -
Not to get OT but how does one call up that stat screen in-game? It seems that I missed the memo on that.
Heh, that assumes that one can copy a character of required level to test APP/PPP powers to the test server. I for one have not been able to for at least a few months.
I take the easy way out and fight mobs that don't immobilize me.
I also don't worry about runners.
Use whatever works for ya but I loves me AS.