TravelPower motorcycle




There are many roads in Paragon.
I'd like a motorcycle or similar TravelPower.



search first. this is not going to happen.



Well, it won't happen Soon(tm) that's for sure.



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
Well, it won't happen Soon(tm) that's for sure.
Try Never(tm).



Originally Posted by Hero_EX View Post
There are many roads in Paragon.
I'd like a motorcycle or similar TravelPower.
So, like Superspeed, except with even less vertical?



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Try Never(tm).
Well, it won't happen Never(tm) that's for sure.



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
Well, it won't happen Never(tm) that's for sure.
I'd say Never is far closer to when it'd be done.

Let's walk through "Let's make motorcycles!" shall we?

First, what type of motorcycle? Dirt bike? Sport bike (aka "crotch rocket?") Touring bike? Chopper/customized? All four? This is important to start with, as the player skeleton will have to be positioned differently for each.

Second, people ARE going to want to customize these, at the very least for color.

Next, we need to make sure that model can scale without looking exceptionally stupid. And it needs to work with all three body types - so, really, we're likely making this three times. What works for an average male build likely won't work well with a Huge, Short model at max sliders. And don't forget designing all 12 (4 types x 3 body types) to try to minimze clipping as much as possible - looks *are* important to a good chunk of the population in game.

Finally, after quite some time, you have everything looking ok... while sitting still. Now we get to work on movement. We can move in ways motorcycles can't (strafing, for one.) How is that handled?

Oh, you want to go from the south side of Nerva to the North? So you're driving underwater? Um... looks stupid, sorry. Back to the drawing board.

You're in the shard, trying to use a jetpack? Every other travel power toggle will let it run while using one. How is THIS animated on a motorcycle?

You're trying to use the elevators in Grandville... again, looks really, really bad.

So, the devs get brain damage and decide to ignore all that. Next we get to deal with powers. Armors can be shiny still, not really an issue. Except perhaps Granite, which slows you down (and adds another consideration to the design of the motorcycle... back to animation for a while.) And don't forget shields. Or are those disabled? What if you're attacked?

How about Dual Blades? How is that animated with a motorcycle?

How about Assasin's Strikes? Lightning Rod? Shield Charge? Martial Arts?

You now have to go through *every single powerset* and figure out how to animate all this. Yes, some are easy (say, most of Fire Blast, where you're really just "throwing" with an arm.) Others, like the prior examples... not so much.

Compare to the work for the other travel powers - which is essentially "none." Teleport doesn't matter, it's not a toggle. Superspeed? You're standing or sprinting, done anyway. Superjump tends to use the standing animation. Fly? Again, often the stand animation, telling the skeleton to crouch slightly - not having to work through every single power.

When it comes to motorcycles, the best I'd say you could hope for would be a generic, limited use "Teleport to mission" type power that puts a generic avatar on a generic motorcycle and "speeds off," to reappear at the mission door (and maybe have you step out of a cloud of dust after for the "costume change.")



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I'd say Never is far closer to when it'd be done.
I am just a smart alec. Never isn't the right word for my sentence. 'Ever' would have fit better to avoid the double negative. Just pestering J



Screw motorcycles. I want a golf cart, not just for getting around zones but in mission themselves. It could be a team travel power.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
So, like Superspeed, except with even less vertical?
yes, is exactly!!



No way.

If we get motorcycles I want ramps. That's where the vertical comes in. If we could get some explosions behind us while we're airborne...



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
No way.

If we get motorcycles I want ramps. That's where the vertical comes in. If we could get some explosions behind us while we're airborne...
Motorcycle (Pool Power)
1) (Avail at L6) "Place Ramp" Location Targeted. Provides +Jump.
2) (Avail at L6) "Leather Jacket" Toggle: Resist Smashing/Lethal
3) (Avail at L14) "Motorcycle" Toggle: Superspeed, -Jump unless Place Ramp is used.
4) (Avail at L20, requires two other powers) "Explosions!"



Originally Posted by bbq_pork View Post
motorcycle (pool power)
1) (avail at l6) "place ramp" location targeted. Provides +jump.
2) (avail at l6) "leather jacket" toggle: Resist smashing/lethal
3) (avail at l14) "motorcycle" toggle: Superspeed, -jump unless place ramp is used.
4) (avail at l20, requires two other powers) "explosions!"



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Motorcycle (Pool Power)
1) (Avail at L6) "Place Ramp" Location Targeted. Provides +Jump.
2) (Avail at L6) "Leather Jacket" Toggle: Resist Smashing/Lethal
3) (Avail at L14) "Motorcycle" Toggle: Superspeed, -Jump unless Place Ramp is used.
4) (Avail at L20, requires two other powers) "Explosions!"
could replace the fitness pool in my builds



Shouldn't be able to use this in mission maps, youd should be fighting not trying to look cool. Go aways once in water, makes sense . I don't know about attacking, maybe jump off and start beating down baddies? It could work but yea scaling it to work with all builds and different armors and auras would take a lot of work. They can start on this early and bring out when it is ready? They might be working on it now! who knows? I know the tiger mounts On Conan is sick!



One word: stairs.



Motorcycle travel power could/should disable powers the way Walk does.

Sorry, you can look cool on your motorized scooter or you can shoot energy from your hands. You decide which you need to do more.



Oh is it that time of the month again?

Search. Please.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



BBQ_Pork: So, like Superspeed, except with even less vertical?
Originally Posted by Hero_EX View Post
yes, is exactly!!
Sorry, but that's not a good thing. Mechanically, that would make it weaker than an existing equivalent powerset. At least with SS, you can add Hurdle and Combat Jumping (or Super Jump) and have a pretty good travel power. Many times, you will need to be able to hop a curb or a fence.

Of course, even with this "-jump" limitation, people would still pick it for the cool factor.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Of course, even with this "-jump" limitation, people would still pick it for the cool factor.
the rule of cool strikes again and some more



Originally Posted by all_hell View Post

also D-Day from Animal House
Alright, that's awesome. Lets see that done on some of the ridiculous stairways CoH offers, where each step is spaced out pretty far from each other.