AE Exp has to go!!
This is not a problem specific to AE missions. Maybe read the responses you got in your other thread instead of just copying and pasting the opening segment repeatedly.
posting this idiocy multiple times doesn't make it any less stupid.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Yeah, who can believe someone new to an area who thinks they know everything and have the weight to make imposing, sweeping changes as though they're definitely right.
Oh, wait, we're talking about AEbaby idiots. Uh, yeah. Those are terrible.
Oh joy.
The horse isn't dead yet?! Seriously, guys?

Ok guys not to long ago I ran into an AE lvl 50 in PI. He knows nothing about the game. Has NO CLUE how to get anywhere. Gets the entire team killed repeatedly. THIS is what AE is producing and yes in greater numbers than you might think. Please for the love of Pete take EXP away from AE all together. Then you will find out who\ss really using AE for story telling and who isnt. Maybe increase ticket count or something. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Oh btw, if you take xp from AE guess what... PL'rs adjust and you are not solving the problem.
I doubt that someone could get themselves PL'd from 1 to 50 without learning anything unless they paid for it, in which case the AE building isn't the focus of the problem.
If you encounter someone like this my suggestion is to use your player notes and star system............. Oh and stop moaning about it.
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
Killing XP completely would make AE deader than it already is.
"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these. It might have been."
Ok it seems I have the attention of a few note worthy individuals. Yes we have all ran into that special someone who gets the team killed. We take a quick look and see "oh? this is an AE baby"? All im trying to get at is that I have SEEN with my own eyes what AE can do to newer players.
I have heard hundreds of complaints thus far from my fellow players who are just plain sick and tired of running into these new AE 50s and getting smashed for it. By the way, it may seem whiney or moany or whatever, but its just not me who watches their team mates get trashed repeatedly do to a new AE pwrlvd 50 or there abouts. So just realize I am not alone in this guys and gals I'm "not" alone.
I wont bother posting any more I have said what I have had to say. Good day.
Ok it seems I have the attention of a few note worthy individuals. Yes we have all ran into that special someone who gets the team killed. We take a quick look and see "oh? this is an AE baby"? All im trying to get at is that I have SEEN with my own eyes what AE can do to newer players.
I have heard hundreds of complaints thus far from my fellow players who are just plain sick and tired of running into these new AE 50s and getting smashed for it. By the way, it may seem whiney or moany or whatever, but its just not me who watches their team mates get trashed repeatedly do to a new AE pwrlvd 50 or there abouts. So just realize I am not alone in this guys and gals I'm "not" alone. I wont bother posting any more I have said what I have had to say. Good day. |
Is this an assupmtion?
It is possible to PL in normal content... take the xp outta that too... good idea, genuis!
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
I have heard hundreds of complaints thus far from my fellow players who are just plain sick and tired of running into these new AE 50s and getting smashed for it. By the way, it may seem whiney or moany or whatever, but its just not me who watches their team mates get trashed repeatedly do to a new AE pwrlvd 50 or there abouts. So just realize I am not alone in this guys and gals I'm "not" alone.
I wont bother posting any more I have said what I have had to say. Good day.
It's a video game. If you don't like AE-babies in your team, kick 'em and move on. Depending on your definition of "AE-baby", that would either happen often, or not-so-frequently. For me, I've personally not witnessed an "AE-baby" since the nerf to Rikti Comm Officer farms.

So, kick the AE baby and don't team with them anymore.
PLd idiots have existed long before AE, they will continue to exist regardless of what is done with AE. Avoid them and move on.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
Ok guys not to long ago I ran into an AE lvl 50 in PI. He knows nothing about the game. Has NO CLUE how to get anywhere. Gets the entire team killed repeatedly. THIS is what AE is producing and yes in greater numbers than you might think. Please for the love of Pete take EXP away from AE all together. Then you will find out who\ss really using AE for story telling and who isnt. Maybe increase ticket count or something. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Exploits in AE should be removed, no argument there. The devs have been busy eradicating those since day one.
But AE already gives you less experience: patrol XP doesn't work in AE. You don't get a mission XP bonus. If you fight custom mobs that don't have the right power choices you get less XP. There's currently a bug that causes less XP in missions that have allies/hostages.
AE is not the problem. The problem is players who want to make levels fast and easy. No matter what the devs do, that problem will always exist.
There's currently a bug that causes less XP in missions that have allies/hostages. |
Or, y'know, try to educate the ones that are willing to learn.
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[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
People will continue to farm and PL regardless of what happens to AE. AE would continue to be a failure from a cost vs. benefit standpoint regardless of what happens to it. Unless AE receives a complete overhaul for its reward system, people will continue to use AE mostly for maximizing profit; this the nature of any human society, be it real or virtual.
The sooner people realize these, the sooner everyone can relax, the happier everyone will be, and the sooner we can go back to sitting back and watching developers play whack-a-mole with AE exploits (and by "exploits" I'm referring to the exclusive, distinct usage of the term; not farming, PLing, or any other term some people like to count as a subset of "exploiting" and "cheating").
There. The horse should be dead now. No? Someone check for a pulse.

AE Exp isn't that bad at the moment cause exploits are under control at the moment.
That said, I'd like to see tickets get nerfed a bit more for recipe rolls (not salvage its nerfed enough there already). Its kind of silly that the easiest way to make money is to kill a bunch of virtual^2 stuff and then take bronze rolls (Gold rolls should be removed outright.....TF need to have some value still).
(Gold rolls should be removed outright.....TF need to have some value still). |
Originally Posted by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
The Horseracing Industry: Drugs, Deception and Death
They weigh at least 1,000 pounds, they have legs that are supported by ankles the size of a humans, and theyre forced to run around dirt tracks at speeds of more than 30 miles per hour while carrying people on their backs. Racehorses are the victims of a multibillion-dollar industry that is rife with drug abuse, injuries, and race fixing, and many horses careers end in slaughterhouses. A New York Daily News reporter remarked, The thoroughbred race horse is a genetic mistake. It runs too fast, its frame is too large, and its legs are far too small. As long as mankind demands that it run at high speeds under stressful conditions, horses will die at racetracks. ... Racing to the Grave ... Given the huge investment that owning a horse requires, reported one Kentucky newspaper, simply sending one to pasture, injured or not, is not an option all owners are willing to consider. Care for a single racehorse can cost as much as $50,000 per year. When popular racehorse Barbaro suffered a shattered ankle at the beginning of the 2006 Preakness, his owners spared no expense for his medical needs, but as The New York Times reported, [M]any in the business have noted that had Barbaro not been the winner of the Kentucky Derby, he might have been destroyed after being injured. Compare Barbaros story to that of Magic Man, who stepped into an uneven section of a track and broke both front legs during a race at Saratoga Race Course. His owner had bought him for $900,000, yet the horse hadnt earned any money yet andunproven on the trackwasnt worth much as a stud, so he was euthanized. Eight Belles suffered a similar fate when she broke both her front ankles after crossing the finish line in the 2008 Kentucky Derby. Joseph Dirico, the owner of a filly who suffered a heart attack and died mid-race at Pimlico only days after the Preakness, said of her death, I guess thats part of the game. That sentiment was echoed by the general manager of Virginias Colonial Downs, where five horses died within eight days. We're upset when it happens, he said, but it's just part of the racing game." At least six horses died at the track the year before. ... Even the Winners Lose ... An insurance scandal cost the life of Alydar, who came in second in all three races of the 1978 Triple Crown and fathered many fast horses. After being retired from racing in order to serve as a stud at a Kentucky farm, Alydar was originally believed to have shattered his leg by kicking a stall door and was euthanized when he wasnt able to maintain a splint. Ten years later, an FBI investigation revealed that his leg was deliberately broken when it was tied by a rope to a pickup truck. ... What You Can Do In a commentary on the racing industry, a reporter for the Philadelphia Daily News remarked, It is not something they talk about much in their advertising, but horses die in this sport all the timeevery day, every single day. Help phase out this exploitative sport: Refuse to patronize existing tracks, work to ensure that racing regulations are reformed and enforced, lobby against the construction of new tracks, and educate your friends and family members about the tragic lives that racehorses lead. |
Yeah! Down with Winterlord babies!
Hmm.. I can solve everyone's problem simply by saying this..... Its a game, a game that each person pays 15 bucks a month for. If they want to PL, SO WHAT? If they wanna go to a server and fill every slot with a 50 in 5 days, who cares? /THEY/ are paying money to do so. If you don't like this.. DON'T PARTAKE. Don't team with em, hell don't even talk to em. I seriously don't understand where some people get the ego to think that something like PL'ing should be wiped off the map because /they/ don't like it.
I don't PL alot, but I have done it a few times. Now.. how do you know a person doesn't PL a toon, simply to get a idea of the AT at it fullest, and /then/ go and reroll the toon and actually play it to lvl 50, but with a full understanding and a plan on the build they want? You don't, stop whining and get over yourself.
Ok... you saw one person who didnt know how to play the game at 50 and that demands everyone shouldnt be able to use it anymore?
If the game worked like that we wouldnt get exp at all because theres still people at 50 who play normally and have no clue how to play the game.
I do think it was way out of hand before the heavy nerfs its already had though, there were more than just one or two proper noobs then at 50 plus I know people who got 50 in less than three days. Thats just insane.
As it stands now, theres nothing wrong with AE, you get a nice mix of AE and none AE teams on most servers right now so why change that? A lot of (pathetic i may add) players already left when the first AE nerfs happened we shouldnt be taking away something players enjoy using for the sake of one or two lazy people.
The 'you dont like PL, dont do it crowd' will jump all over this one for sure and a few already have from what I can see. Ultimately its not up to you whether someone PLs or not, granted. Thats the devs job but that arguement is kinda stupid in its own right, its basically argueing that people are telling you not to exploit lol. Its always gonna happen on both sides.
I Was Wrong!! AE EXP is AWESOME!!