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  1. Soulwind

    Ice Slide

    Unlockable by E.Merits! I didn't think to look there at all.

    That's the part I was missing...

    I looked through the tailor and didn't see a Frost version, the wiki just listed it but not how to acquire, and I couldn't find it in the store either.

    Thanks All!
  2. Soulwind

    Ice Slide

    OK, I've been away for awhile.

    Have they ever implemented anything that could be used as an Ice Slide?

    Note: Not Prestige Power Slide -- I'm looking for an actual ice type slide effect.

    I remember there was supposed to be a "Frost" type path aura, but did it ever get implemented?
  3. I've done similar screw-ups in the past.
    But just remember that Karma eventually evens out.
    I just got paid 500 Million for a Circuit Board . . . .
  4. I have admittedly not read all 15 pages of responses yet (I have gone through the first 5 pages and haven't seen any mention of this question though), so maybe I misunderstand.

    Did I misread this or what?

    "Entropy Shield is now Entropic Aura for Scrappers and Brutes. This power is a taunt aura that grants the user a scaling recharge buff based on the number of foes surrounding the user. The Stalker version of the set doesn’t have a taunt aura, but it offers a small Recharge bonus."

    Entropy Shield is the MEZ PROTECTION shield for EA . . .

    So are they saying that EA will be a defense set without any mez protection? Or that the new power will be both mez protection AND taunt aura AND scaling recharge buff?
  5. I do agree that it's a bit unfair that some sets get easy access to both sets of procs and others don't, but *if it was me in charge* I'd just make the 2 procs actual uniques.

    So you could have one of the two available +Def and one of the two available +Res procs slotted and that would be it.

    I personally feel that an easy (albeit expensive) +20% Resistance and +10% Defense to everything is a bit overpowering for the balance of the pets.
  6. Soulwind

    Regen issues

    Well, it's just my opinion of course, but I think having all your click powers recharge instantly (if it's even possible) would be overpowered.

    All the other self-rez powers simply have that 10-15 seconds of "you can't hurt me" while they are animating and you're getting up. I'd think that would be good enough for Revive as well.

    In game terms it could be viewed as you using all your available regenerating powers to come back from the brink, so that's why your other clicks are (probably) already used up.
  7. Soulwind

    Regen issues

    Although I really do think Regen needs some general help overall (some debuff resistance, possibly letting IH and INT be fully enhanceable again, now that Perma-IH is no longer a factor), I'd really honestly be satisified if they would just fix Revive at least.

    Letting me actually use Revive in the manner for which it's intended (ie getting up and continuing the fight ... like, oh I don't know, a regenerating super-hero should do ... or say the FREAKSHOW DO GET TO DO!) would really solve most of my overall complaints with Regen.

    Fight, fight, burst heal, fight, drop, STAND UP and KEEP FIGHTING, soliliquey ("Ha! Foul Evil-Doer's, you can't stop me that easily!")

    Trouble is right now its:

    Fight, fight, burst heal, fight, drop, stand up, DROP AGAIN BEFORE THE ANIMATION FOR STANDING UP EVEN FINISHES ANIMATING!, get p.o.'d in frustration and respec out of a worthless power.
  8. Soulwind

    Regen issues

    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    I can't think of a single positive change to Regen in the last 5 years (the entire time I've been playing).
    Well I'd consider the Moment of Glory revamp as a major buff/fix, but yeah that'd be about it.

    To fix Regen:

    1) Give it the same -Regen resistance in Fast Healing that Willpower has.

    2) Give it some small amount (say 20%) -Recharge resistance in Resiliance.

    3) Add the "standard" untouchable period to Revive that all the other self-rez powers have.

    4) Sit back and bask in the glow of adoration of all of us /Regen scrappers.
  9. Have you done a respec ?

    The last time I did a respec, it made my alignment power go away.

    I figured it was intended to and didn't give it a second thought (I rarely bother to use the powers anyway), but perhaps it was actually a bug happening....
  10. I'd be all for a travel customization pack.

    I wouldn't complain about free but that would probably mean it would be unlockable [which is apparently our only other option these days] via some stupidly high-grind merit or trial requirements nonsense, so yeah I'd pay for it.

    The only real problem I think you'd run into would be with the Teleport customizations. You've got some really cool ideas there, but could they be animated fast enough to keep a TP-chain going without looking stupid? I'm not sure, but I have enough faith in the art dept to say, probably.

    And I do WANT my elemental wings
  11. Soulwind

    Sick of Super 8

    I have always been of the opinion that *in general* the quality of a movie is inversely proportional to the quantity of advertising it gets.
  12. I don't hate the vanguard claws. I don't particularly like them either though, and they definately do look 'odd' at times and certain angles.

    Unfortunately, they are the only 'energy' or 'non-physical' options available.
  13. Yes. Assuming my math's right (I think it is, but I'm willing to accept that I might be wrong), 1 atom of anti-hydrogen being converted entirely to energy via matter/anti-matter reaction would release 0.15 nano-joules of energy.

    1 nano-joule is at 1E-9 (or 0.000000001 joule) and we're actually at E-10. I'm not sure what the prefix for -10 would be though so I moved it to 0.1E-9 (or .1 nano-joule)

    1 nano-joule is supposedly equal to 1/160th of the kinetic energy of a flying mosquito.

    So this would be approximately 1/1000th of the energy of a flying mosquito.

    If the references for energy amounts I found are correct, the Large Hadron Collider releases energy at the scale of 1E-6 (or a full 4 decimal places [10,000 times] LARGER than what we're talking about) when it does an atomic particle collision...

    Oh and thanks for pointing out the need to double the value since 2 atoms are actually in question (the hydrogen and the anti-hydrogen). I did forget about that part! So that would make it 0.3 nano-joules total.

    Of course, these numbers only hold true if the energy release/conversion was 100% efficient, and frankly I'm not smart enough to figure that part out
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
    1 atom of antimatter would be enough to create a fire cracker amount of energy. It'd sting so it'd make a decent weapon. 2 or 3 more would likely be enough to disable a person for a bit.

    1 atom of Hydrogen has a mass of 1.67E-27 kg
    (we'll assume 1 atom of anti-hydrogen has the same mass)

    E = 1.67E-27 kg * (300,000,000 m/s ^2)

    E = 0.00000000000000000000000000167 kg * 90,000,000,000,000,000 m2/s2

    E = 0.0000000001503 kg*m2/s2 or 1.503E-10 Joules

    Hardly a firecracker. In fact, I doubt it would even be measurable by anything but the most sensitive of equipment.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
    Right now I expect it costs more energy to make the stuff than we'd get out of it.
    And the Laws of Thermodynamics say it always will...
  16. Soulwind

    Backpack Idea(s)

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    There's enough room for everyone to get a style of backpack items they like.
    Except that they'll all be locked behind the Incarnate Trials and each backpack will cost 15 Emp Merits or 5 Super-Secret-Double-Probation-Fury-Merits (to be introduced with the next set of Incarnate slots) . . .
  17. As a pure coincedence, I started levelling up 'The Silver Pixie' (Pix to her friends) over the weekend.

    She is actually an Energy Melee/Energy Aura Brute. I wanted someone who looks small and inoffensive and then opens a can of whoop-$$$ on ya. Plus the glowing EA shields look rather nice.

    Just be mindful of the "must be on the ground" powers if you go with Earth or Plant.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    Hmmm...I set up my security question in such a way that my answer would never change, and I would never forget it.

    I got in on my first try because my question was something only I would know, and that I am extremely unlikely to forget.

    I dunno, maybe make sure you answer to the question is something you won't forget? Unless I'm mistaken, they give you multiple options for what your question is. I'm sure at least one of those questions would have an answer that won't change and will be memorable.
    See, the thing is Claws, I actually (usually) go down the other path.

    I typically put in either total nonsense characters or at least an answer that bears no relation to the actual question being asked for these security questions.

    Then I remember my USER NAME and PASSWORD. That way, there's virtually no possible way that anyone can guess my security questions to reset my passwords on me.

    Which works/worked great, so long as the security question was only used for validating the reset of passwords (which I don't need).

    Now that it's required just to even access my accounts, even though I know my UN/PW, I'm basically hosed.

    I can't get into my accounts, I've tried multiple e-mail chains to support and since I'm unable to give them all of the info they want [it's been over 6 years since I put in the CoH id's and the actual master accounts are even older than that due to other ncsoft games] they just keep sending responses back that I haven't provided them the info they want.

    I've been trying (off and on) for months now to just get my security questions cleared so that I can re-enter them. Continually noting that I don't need the user name or passwords messed with, just the stupid security question.

    And the really, really annoying part is that I even know what the answer to the security question is, generally. I just don't remember the EXACT capitalization, punctuation, spelling (if I used leet speak or not, sometimes I do), and spacing of the answer.
  19. Soulwind

    I'll be damned

    Originally Posted by Lewisite View Post
    Why is no one else hyped as I am about being able to buy Purple and PvP sets?! Those cost retarded amounts of infamy. Now it'll be possible to buy a few choice ones!
    Probably because you can already buy them via Alignment Merits, but they cost "retarded" amounts of alignment merits each, and we all expect that trend to continue.

    So for Purple or PvP IOs you'll have stupidly high costs of Inf, Alignment Merits, or "Incarnate Merits", take your pick.

    It's nice to have options of course, but I wouldn't be thinking they are going to suddenly become cheap or plentiful if I were you.
  20. These are really good ideas for improvements.

    I think your numbers are a bit too high, especially the DDR, but other than that, great ideas and not overpowered or out of scope like many "improvement ideas" seem to be.

    Force Bolt - remember this is a KB power much more than a damage power. I like the bruising, but I'd make it a -8% to -10% tops.

    DDR from Bubbles - aside from Super Reflexes, even the best of the defense-based powersets only get into the 50% to 70% DDR levels. I do like the idea of the bubbles providing team-level DDR, but I think it should be lower than what you've set it at. If it was me, I'd probably limit it to 10% DDR for Deflection, 10% DDR for Insulation, and 15% DDR for Dispersion for a max of 15% Self-DDR and 35% Team-DDR.

    I'd want to reduce your numbers on the Sonic Res adjustments as well, but overall Great Idea!
  21. Or add a second energy room...which will probably require a second control room too.

    I'm honestly surprised you were able to eat up all your energy and not run into control problems.

    Out of the 3 bases I maintain, it's always been control that's acting as my limiting factor...
  22. Ouch. Yeah, that'd make it hard to do that mission

    I have seen this one other time that I know of, but that was with someone teamed up to an actual Rogue and not another villain. Probably had something to do with your mentor being in the D.

    You could always just auto-complete the mission. Since it's a follow-on type, I don't know if the "abandon mission" (and retake it from your contact) option would work or not.
  23. Soulwind

    I'll be damned

    Well, I WAS going to state that I had mixed feelings about making the shields/buffs into AoE versions ... until the later posts pointed out that I had made the same mistake in reading and comprehension.

    PBAoE shields/buffs = mixed feelings (I'm a buff-on-the-go type)

    Targetted AoE shields/buffs (with massive recharge and/or end changes) = mixed feelings

    Targetted AoE shields/buffs (with no other changes) = WOOT!

    Now I guess the only thing I can complain (kind of) about is how hard/expensive it's going to be to get some of those auras onto my low-level toons, since I HATE the idea of having them locked behind Incarnate stuff (the incarnate armor I don't really's in concept, mostly..but the auras I want) as I don't do any of the Incarnate stuff.

    Oh well, if I have to, I have to. But I'm hoping there's another way to get ahold of the auras.
  24. I would definately skip the "epic" ATs for awhile (Kheldians - warshades and peacebringers and Soldiers of Arachnos - Widows and Spiders).

    They are more complex ATs to play and until you get a feeling for the ropes of the game, I'd skip them for awhile. Just my opinion though.

    As to what to play:

    Tankers - excel at personal defenses, medium single-target damage, good (non-ranged) AoE damage. Tankers are the non-ranged AoE and mob aggro specialists.

    Scrappers - good personal defenses, high single-target damage, usually have at least one or two non-ranged AoE attacks as well. (spines is the exception here, they are AoE specialists with less single-target ability).

    Blasters - minimal personal defense (basically none), massive damage at range. "the glass cannon - kill them before they kill you type"

    Defenders - Team Support (buff team, debuff enemies, healing, etc) with medium level ranged attacks (basically a weaker version of the blaster blasts)

    Controllers - Mob Control and Team Support. Controllers lock down the enemy and have slightly weaker versions of defender powers for team support. Controllers do only medium damage as a base, but get extra damage once they've taken control of the mobs...also they get pets at high level to help with damage.

    MasterMind - The Pet Class. Masterminds get most of thier damage/defense from thier pets (which are fully controllable via commands - controller pets are AI controlled only). MasterMinds solo fantastically and can act as Mini-Tanks and Mini-Blasters/Mini-Scrappers (depending on your pets).

    Brute - A combo version of Tank and Scrapper. Brutes start off with medium damage and gain damage as they gain "fury" while fighting. Fun but hectic type of play.

    Dominator - basically a villain version of a controller. Plays differently due to "Domination" though, and has better damage.

    Corruptor - basically a villain version of a blaster, but with team support abilities. Kind of a hybrid blaster/defender more or less.

    Stalker - the sneaky assassin kill type.

    ANY character (unless you almost purposely build against it) can solo. Some are just faster than others.

    Play whatever sounds good, heck play several different types to get a feel for things. The melee types (Tank, Scrapper, Brute) are usually the easiest to get into at first. But give others a try and you'll get a feeling for them quickly.
  25. I'd always considered "Top-Knot" to be a Super Strength/Invulnerable tanker.

    I think the "Headband Guy" next to him would be the more Martial Arts/Super Reflexes looking character.

    Hmm...Top-Knot....getting idea for a new character...wonder if the name's open on a server somewhere....