Scientists have apparently captured antimatter for a few minutes

Blue Rabbit



When do I get my voidhawk to go raid some antimatter stations?



Only advantage an antimatter bomb has over a nuke is no lasting radiation. Of course, there hasn't been an antimatter bomb test so it could be more dangerous. Scientists assumed that a nuke would ignite the atmosphere and similar concerns could occur for an antimatter bomb test.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Yeah... in fact, there was a small sliver of fear in some of those scientists' minds that the first atomic bomb would actually destroy the Earth in a cataclysmic runaway chain fusion reaction.

Hahaha... haha... ha... <slowly sinking in...> ahem.

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Wait... So these "scientists" got to be in I21(or is it 20.5?) Beta testing and I didn't!?!?! BOOO!!!



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
Only advantage an antimatter bomb has over a nuke is no lasting radiation. Of course, there hasn't been an antimatter bomb test so it could be more dangerous. Scientists assumed that a nuke would ignite the atmosphere and similar concerns could occur for an antimatter bomb test.
Um, no. If we haven't ignited the atmosphere with the fusion bomb tests then we won't be able to do it with an antimatter bomb. What, exactly, do you think is different about an antimatter explosion that it could ignite the atmosphere when various thermonuclear and fusion devices couldn't?

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Um, no. If we haven't ignited the atmosphere with the fusion bomb tests then we won't be able to do it with an antimatter bomb. What, exactly, do you think is different about an antimatter explosion that it could ignite the atmosphere when various thermonuclear and fusion devices couldn't?
There's insufficient fuel available for combustion and insufficient pressure to sustain a fusion chain reaction beyond the immediate blast area.

In essence, if you were somehow able to release enough energy through your explosion to start and maintain a fusion chain reaction in the atmosphere, everything would already have been killed by the heat of the blast anyway and you'd probably have liquefied the Earth's surface.

What's much more interesting is whether or not we can get any closer to figuring out why our universe is pretty much entirely matter, rather than anti-matter.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Um, no. If we haven't ignited the atmosphere with the fusion bomb tests then we won't be able to do it with an antimatter bomb. What, exactly, do you think is different about an antimatter explosion that it could ignite the atmosphere when various thermonuclear and fusion devices couldn't?
That it's a higher magnitude of released energy? Only thing I've got. *shrug*



Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
Yeah... in fact, there was a small sliver of fear in some of those scientists' minds that the first atomic bomb would actually destroy the Earth in a cataclysmic runaway chain fusion reaction.

Hahaha... haha... ha... <slowly sinking in...> ahem.
There are stories floating about that the scientists and military guys testing the first atom bomb left their cars running, just in case the atmosphere caught fire and they had to flee.

Ahh, the joys of naive ignorance...


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Awesome! If that kind of batch production can be repeated in short enough intervals (well, assuming the energy needed isn't greater than the yield), or even put into a continuous process, that's more than enough stable time to run a pulse engine on the stuff. Go particle physics!

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Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
There are stories floating about that the scientists and military guys testing the first atom bomb left their cars running, just in case the atmosphere caught fire and they had to flee.

Ahh, the joys of naive ignorance...
Reminds me of a table top role-playing session where the GM dropped the players into the middle of a desert sandstorm but described it as: "You are in a very hot orange haze and can barely see two feet in front of you. You feel hundreds of little pinpricks painfully dance on your skin."

Then one of the players shouted, "IT'S *RADIATION*! RUN FOR IT!"

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Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
Yeah... in fact, there was a small sliver of fear in some of those scientists' minds that the first atomic bomb would actually destroy the Earth in a cataclysmic runaway chain fusion reaction.

Hahaha... haha... ha... <slowly sinking in...> ahem.
And on day people will say that there were rumors that the scientists thought that the first particle collision done by the LHC would create a black hole that would tear apart the solar system or create a strangelet that destroyed the universe...

And those of us that were alive at the time will people are ignorant, please shut up.

ps... I'm not calling galadiman ignorant... I'm saying we in the future will call people saying similar things to what was said in the past are ignorant...



Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
There are stories floating about that the scientists and military guys testing the first atom bomb left their cars running, just in case the atmosphere caught fire and they had to flee.

Ahh, the joys of naive ignorance...

Don't forget all the "duck and cover" warning commercials they had for when a nuke went off.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
The gamma particles released will make everyone a hulk!
Great. More of the rainbow of Hulks.

"Plaid hulk crochet!"



imagine if they figured out a way to put 1 atom of antimatter in a release on contact capsule projectile... bullets with the power of atomic bombs.



Annihilating one atom of anti-hydrogen isn't even going to produce enough energy to reheat your cup of coffee.

And in the article I read they were only able to keep 7 atoms around for over 1000 seconds and one atom over 2000 seconds. We aren't talking a lot here.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
You mean several billion atoms of antimatter, right?
Ok so I was...
595,999,999,999,999,999 atoms off...

or 596 quadrillion atoms to vaporize a person
or 222 micrograms of antimatter

if i did the math right...which i probably didn't.

basically 40 megajoules of energy to vaporize a person
180 petajoules in 1 kilogram worked it out from there...

1 atom of antimatter would be enough to create a fire cracker amount of energy. It'd sting so it'd make a decent weapon. 2 or 3 more would likely be enough to disable a person for a bit.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
And on day people will say that there were rumors that the scientists thought that the first particle collision done by the LHC would create a black hole that would tear apart the solar system or create a strangelet that destroyed the universe...

And those of us that were alive at the time will people are ignorant, please shut up.

ps... I'm not calling galadiman ignorant... I'm saying we in the future will call people saying similar things to what was said in the past are ignorant...
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Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
But how would we get the message that the LHC destroyed the world from that website if the LHC killed us before we could get to the website?

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
And on day people will say that there were rumors that the scientists thought that the first particle collision done by the LHC would create a black hole that would tear apart the solar system or create a strangelet that destroyed the universe...
None of the LHC scientists really thought that - I mean, the strangelet thing was plausible but so improbable as to be almost irrelevant, but the black hole claims made by various doom-sayers were always complete nonsense (not that the LHC couldn't theoretically create a black hole, but that it would pose the slightest risk to anyone on Earth if it did).

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