How have you re-purposed powers?
My Praetorian PD toon is an Energy/Elec dom.Both his powers are the same "non-lethal" blue energy from PPD,including the electric control,that is NOT electricity,but energy!

Nerima Girl is a martial artist... a Natural Brute with the Stone Melee primary. She has the strange ability to pull large mallets seemingly out of thin air. She makes good use of Air Superiority and the Sands of Mu veteran attack too. Oh, and she has the Energy Aura secondary, representing her ability to dodge attacks and her martial (chi-fueled) battle aura.
So... a Stone/Energy Brute who is a natural martial artist.
Hooo boy...
Mindhammer, Kin/Will brute Heroine. RPed as Telekinetic Melee and defenses.
Sceance, Science based Illusion/Force Fields controller. All her powers RPed as controlling ghosts for combat and defense.
Velocity, Fire/Fire super-speed blaster. Recolored the fire powers to match her gloves (for blasts) and boots (for immobs) to represent her hyper-speed movement.
Glory Girl: Energy/Pain Dom Corruptor, All Powers Recolored Red and Blue for a Patriotic character.
Brimstone Bombshell: Fire/Will brute with green flames using "Baelfire" from ancient magic methods.
Samantha Bogart: Thugs/Dark Mastermind. Used Dark as a physical representation of her latent psychic potential.
Bramblehammer; Stone/Shield Brute with all powers repurposed as "Bark" since the character is a tree-person.
Neutrino-Girl: Used Dark Armor/Dark Melee recolored sickly green/yellow as Radiation armor and melee.
There will be more, possibly in the near future. =-3
Though not all required color-changes to represent what they are, and represent something -else- to the character wielding them.
I hated my Warshade but loved the character, so I re-rolled her as a Fire/Pain corruptor and recolored all the blasts and heals to look like Warshade energy.
I rerolled my DD Defender/scrapper as a DS/Thermal and recolored the thermal to look Dark for character consistency.
I've got an Earth/Rad where the Rad is all recolored dark brown to continue the Earth theme (it really looks like clouds of dirt or dust)
I recolored all of my Clockwork Elec/Elec's blasts a different color just because >.> She's like playing a christmas tree!
Dust Walker - Storm Summoning/Dark Blast Defender - Has the ability to generate and manipulate sand, so all her powers are colored a tannish-brown to appear as sand. Was my first use of power customization on day one of I16 going live.
Spirit Kat - Kinetic Melee/Dark Armor Stalker - An Air Manipulator with a twist. Her powers are all colored a light grey, so Kin Melee is the Air Manipulation, but the Dark Armor (and the ability to Hide) represent her ability to convert her entire being into a gaseous state while still retaining consciousness and awareness of her surroundings.
Magic Minx - Illusion Control/Radiation Emission Controller - A stage magician and magic-based hero. Her style to take out criminals involves a combination of illusions and misdirection (Illusion Control) and actual magic spells (Radiation Emission). Her powers were recolored to be a light blue with some purple highlights.
I also have a couple of characters who I made their powers more in character than anything. Not really having much to do with power customization (Though some of them have used power customization).
Dragonfly. - Willpower/Fire Melee Tanker - (made years ago, after we got wings, long before power customization) A mutant with an array of different mutations. On top of pyrokinesis she also has a large number of defensive abilities: Hardened skin (Skin hardens to a near diamond-like consistency a fraction of a second before any harmful impact), Regeneration, and an inability to feel pain.
Bluff - Katana/Regeneration Scrapper - A security specialist and consultant with almost perfect shapeshifting capabilities. I say her shapeshifting allows her to heal her own wounds quickly. Her real powers are more represented by the fact I copied a bunch of signature characters to the best of my ability for her 4 extra costume slots.
Velo-CD - Radiation Blast/Energy Manipulation - Sort of a Dazzler inspired character. Her powers are fueled by music, not really much else to say there.
Gamer Girl - If you ever saw the first 'Who Wants To Be A Superhero' and know who Feedback is, you'll get a bit of an understanding of her powers. She's able to mimic the abilities of characters in games she plays. So far I've made an FPS (Dual Pistol/Electric Manipulation Blaster) and Fighter (Martial Arts/Electric Armor Scrapper) versions, depending on what genre of game she plays (I also planned to make an RPG version but ran out of slots at the time). Both have Super Speed as well (Sonic the Hedgehog anyone? :P)
Ice Lynx - Dual Pistols/Ice Manipulation Blaster and Dual Pistols/Cold Domination Corruptor (couldn't decide on one so since I got Dual Pistols early for prepurchasing I made the Blaster first in Paragon City and then the Corruptor to play through Praetoria). When playing in character on her I always use Cryo Ammo as she uses her powers to create bullets made of pure ice. Penetrating power of a bullet with no evidence to leave behind.
And those are all the ones I've made who bend the powersets a little :P Sorry for the long post.
TL;DR version: I'm an altoholic.
Light of the Phoenix - lvl 50 Fire/Emp Controller; Snow Panther - lvl 50 Cold/Ice Defender; Dragonfly. - lvl 50 Willpower/Fire Tanker; Magic Minx - lvl 50 Ill/Rad Controller; Dust Walker - lvl 50 Storm/Dark (Sand) Defender; And more...
I recolored my FF/Energy Defender's Blasts to match Force Bolt's natural color.
And upon reading this thread, I'm tempted to do a Radiation Melee/ Armor on my Electric Brute. If only the Patron powers were recolorable.
I was finally able to make my water blaster by recoloring energy blast.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I recolored my FF/Energy Defender's Blasts to match Force Bolt's natural color.
And upon reading this thread, I'm tempted to do a Radiation Melee/ Armor on my Electric Brute. If only the Patron powers were recolorable. ![]() |

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!
My Blood mage/Hellfire Brute (DM/FA) Dark melee coloured red and fluffed as draining out the power of blood. While flames are coloured yellow with black highlights making them Hellfire. my Volcano/Ashcloud controller (Earth/Storm) using the lava set for earth and colouring storm a dirty gray. But I have to admit I like the water blaster idea. I have a Ice/Mental fluffed as a water blaster might remake her as En/Mental or just give her a praetorian doppelgänger.
Originally Posted by Steampunkette
Sceance, Science based Illusion/Force Fields controller. All her powers RPed as controlling ghosts for combat and defense.
Ghostwood: A dark/dark tanker who is supposed to be a type of tree person. Both sets have been recolored to greens and tans to give the idea of them being pollen/moss/plant stuff instead of shadowy energy.
Bodhisattva: A rad/rad defender with psionic and empathic (I don't like the regular empathy powers) abilities colored gold to represent her transcendent nature.
Puakai - An Ill/Storm. She is a water nymph who uses free hydrogen molecules in the air to create illusions (smoke, reflections, mirages), and can manipulate the weather to create... Storms. Because her body is composed of nearly 99% water, she is also able to manipulate her physical structure to a small degree to turn invisible, or become slightly vaporous in order to increase her maximum height when jumping (unfortunately such a feat often causes her to quickly re-solidify and come back to earth at some point) ((it's super jump)).
Mostly I recolored her powers to variable shades of blue. I like tornado in particular, because the right shades can make it look like a small hurricane. With GR she might need to go mentally insane for a bit so she can hang out with Captain Mako for his awesome shark abilitieis~
Si'Lentra- She was my token Dark/Light Magic character, and has gone through several reiterations. She started off as an Empathy/Dark Defender when I began playing the game, seeming the obvious choice. Unfortunately, I didn't like how Empathy played at the time, or rather, what the general team decided I should be playing like and re-rolled her as a Kin/Dark. That had it's own problems as the cone nature of Dark Blast didn't want to play nicely with the up close nature of Kinetics. I'd often be running all over the place and accomplishing nothing. With GR she is now a Fire/Kin Corruptor, with her fire attacks painted purple/blue to look "Dark", and her Kin attacks colored all sorts of different ways. Unfortunately the original hero-counterpart had to die an agonizing death~
Kulanu - My first character, a BS/Regen, who was supposed to be the "Divine Warrior" type character (without the lame, holier than thou, personality, of course). Well Shield didn't exist back then, so he took Regen to simulate using "Light" magic to heal himself. Being able to paint it a light blue was far more preferable to the garish GREEN color he had been sporting for so long, and also the first thing I did when Power Customization was released.
Zx'Ark - Some Dark Evil entity that feeds on the negative emotions of it's host to gain control over it and then THE WORLD. Naturally he was a Dark Melee/Willpower brute, but he didn't really scream EVIL with the happy ****-yellow glow of Willpower. Recoloring WillPower various shades of Dark Blue, Dark Purple, and OFF helped make him look more threatening and less... Toilet-y.
Raindancer uses the "energy" custom Shield, colored blue, to represent raindrops making ripples on water's surface tension. It works pretty well when you see the animation in motion -- that shield type has little pulses and ripples flowing in it.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
Captain Vaserbeam, a Rad/Dark Corrupter whose powers are all recolored to the same nasty, dirty greenish brown. It's supposed to be that he's taking all of the pollution in the area and redirecting it in a condensed form. Which is why all of his powers weaken, slow down, or damage the enemy in some way.
In contrast, his costume is incredibly bright and silver agey.

Johanna Sinclair (aka Mender Anomaly) - energy/energy blaster whose powers are coloured gold to represent the temporal energy she wields.
Ifreann - my demon/storm MM whose storm attacks are colored pale reddish-orange to resemble a hurricane from hell - literally!
COUNTERMEASURES - my human-form Kheldian who is actually the sentient manifestation of our SG's base computer and whose blasts of energy are drawn from both the base and her teammates as a secondary assault method.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
Qulon Chi - Peacebringer whose powers are all written off as water powers, and she can take the forms of water predators from her home planet (which is completely ocean). She's also been a FF/Rad Defender in the past, with the FFs said to be water, and me changing the subject when asked about the Radiation. Since I don't like Kheldians, I'm thinking of remaking her as a Kinetic/Energy Stalker, again with powers "colored" like water.
Quirian Kai - Warshade, from the same planet as the above. I still don't like Kheldians, so I'm thinking of rolling her as something Energy (Water) too, probably a Brute.
Sangrenacht - Elec/Shield Scrapper. Blood-red Elec attacks, blood-red shield (the one called Energy). She's a vampire.
Wind Monk - Dark/Shield Scrapper. The name probably explains it all. Clear/white attacks and shields, for my version of a speedster, with a side of Magitech. Siphon Life is explained by her ability to actually pull the evil from an opponent, painfully, and I always try to finish off ghosts and evil mages with that attack, since that's the only way to put them down for good.
Dread Image - Dark/Kin Corruptor. Can't actually hurt anyone on her own, aside from Brawl. However, if they have malicious intent, she can draw that out of them and return it in tangible form, essentially defeating them with their own bad vibes. I always start off with Siphon Power.
Majasusi - Claws/Willpower Scrapper. Willpower is colored dark purple, to act as a Dark Armor I actually like. (Sorry DA supporters, I've tried it and tried it, and it just clashes.)
Masrefah - Mind/Fire. Her natural "power" is to turn friends against each other and otherwise sow discord, and in this game it manifests as Confusion, just to speed up the process. The fire and holds came later.
DJ Shoopuff - Radiation/Psi Blaster. All powers are colored white, for an Energy Blaster I like better.
For several Regeneration characters, I write it off as the natural healing ability of humans. It's just sped up for the sake of convenience.
I've done this before power customization. My Invul/SS Tanker is actually Sonic/Sonic, the melee portion inspired by the Goldbrickers in Cap au Diable who actually use Super Strength attacks renamed to Sonic ones (check the debuff tooltips).
I've colored Fire Blast and Control to match the colors of Radiation Emission, because I prefer to pair Fire/Rad rather than Rad/Rad. Besides, radiation causes burns, not "energy" damage.
I've also colored Energy Assault to "psychic pink" on my Mind/Energy Dom to emulate Psionic Energy (I like Power Boost)
Mender Zeal, a thinly-veiled reference to Chrono Trigger. Specifically a Dark/Dark Corruptor, but with several of his attacks recolored to appear like other elements (Moonbeam is now a bright yellow lightning bolt, Tar Patch is blue-white and as frosty as I can make it, and Night Fall colored orange makes some lovely hellfire).
Voidfire, a friend's kin/fire scrapper. He didn't know how to make the name fit, so I was like "Dude just color your kinetics dead black, and be NOTHINGNESS melee."
Seasquall, Dark/Storm Corruptor. Her Dark is seawater... total no-brainer, given the tentacle blast in that powerset
Amira al Ifrit, Fire/Dark Scrapper. She's a genie, and her Dark Armor is recolored to be sand.
The Hour Thief, Grav/Kin Controller. I see this combo all the time to represent temporally-based powers. It's pretty self-explanatory. For the same reason, Kinetics is also the primary of one of my other two Menders... this one an even-more-thinly-veiled clone of Doc Brown.
A planned but as-yet-unnamed AR/undecided-maybe-energy Blaster who will use the Science pack to be a mech pilot. She won't be using anything other than a few basic AR attacks while out-of-mech (plus Brawl and any other normal-human-can-do-this powers I may or may not end up taking), since the majority of her combat abilities are tied to her giant battlemech costume.
And my favorite - Nurse N33dl3z:
While I've seen other Freakshow PCs, I think I'm the only one who plays a Meat Doctor.
Hmm, well...
I use Radiation Blast as my go-to for "pretty zappy lights of doom yay!"
Energy Blast in yellow and black (or was it black and yellow) makes an excellent BEE BLAST!
Earth Control in garish blues and greens with black, using the Crystal type.. well, you get to trap people in 1970's cyberspace polygons!
Also I have a character whose allergies manifest as Sonic Blast/Fire Manipulation. She's really, REALLY allergic. To everything.
That's all I can remember for now!
Lemme explain. With the advent of Power Customisation we can make our powers look like anything we want - so how have you turned one powerset into something else?

For example, I have a scrapper called Goldwave who's meant to be a super-speeder. So you'd think he's MA/SR, right? Nope, Fire Melee.
"But Duncan!", I hear you cry, "Fire fists have nothing to do with superspeed!"
Wrong. He's punching the air so fast that the friction causes his fists to burst into flame and ignite bad guys.
So what weird ways have you used powers as something else, or strange excuses for powers on characters that shouldn't really have them?