How have you re-purposed powers?




I think my favourite 're-purposed colouring' is my Kin/En brute, coloured yellowy green to look like Radiation.

[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]



I've turned Dark Melee into a dark red color for the purposes of Blood Magic on my DM/Inv Scrapper.

Made all of my Empathy and Energy Blast powers into a light yellow for that look of having holy powers/light based powers on my alternate Valkyrior.

For a plant character I've turned Dark Melee into a dirt brown color so that when the character is punching enemies, it looks like there is a bunch of dirt flying around.

There are plenty more that I have done and I am so incredibly thankful that the developers have taken the time to give us Power Customization. I am hoping that APP/PPP and Power Pool stuff will get the Power Customization treatment sooner rather than later.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Miss Skinless, my Dark Melee/Regen has her powers all colored red. She's not restoring her health by draining her enemies with the power of the netherworld; she's ripping the blood from their bodies. She's not scaring them with otherworldly energies, she's scary because she's a homicidal lunatic with no skin coming for your face.

The One From Outside my Dark Blast/Storm is a living gateway between dimensions, and is flinging matter drawn from that alien dimension at its enemies, as well as weather drawn from that other world. Nothing it does has a remotely "negative energy" or normal-weather look to it.

The Contaminated Man my Fire/Earth Dom has everything colored green and purple to look toxic. His Earth attacks use the lava skin.

Crystalsnare my Ice Blast/Traps uses purple and green "ice" that's supposed to be advanced polymers.

Lethal Contamination my Ice/Rad Corr (named after the label on the containment vessel he was found in) also uses odd colored ice to look poisonous.

Lady Stormwraith my Elec Melee/Dark Armor scrapper uses purples and blues for her /DA for a more "cloud of charged air" look.

Crystalmist my Earth/Cold Controller is supposedly condensing the "utility fog" cloud of nanites surrounding her into denser forms, not controlling earth.

Shatterbright the Ice/Psi Dom isn't controlling ice, she's manipulating a psi-sensitive crystalline dust that she exudes from her body.

At least half of the Elec/ powers of Revenant Wrath my Elec/Rad Controller use Dark Electricity and are supposed to be the energies of death.

Malignant Flame my Fire/Rad Corruptor has recolored Dark Fire Breath for a nice "breathing forth contamination" look.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Puakai - An Ill/Storm. She is a water nymph who uses free hydrogen molecules in the air to create illusions (smoke, reflections, mirages), and can manipulate the weather to create... Storms. Because her body is composed of nearly 99% water, she is also able to manipulate her physical structure to a small degree to turn invisible, or become slightly vaporous in order to increase her maximum height when jumping (unfortunately such a feat often causes her to quickly re-solidify and come back to earth at some point) ((it's super jump)).

Mostly I recolored her powers to variable shades of blue. I like tornado in particular, because the right shades can make it look like a small hurricane. With GR she might need to go mentally insane for a bit so she can hang out with Captain Mako for his awesome shark abilitieis
I like that concept, but may you have proven to the devs we don't need water-themed sets. :/
(And i might be unfair, but that the PPPs are still to have been unlocked, gave another dimension to char concepts, The whole explore-your-dark-side-and-return-even-more-powerful thing )

Originally Posted by Blarg View Post
Captain Vaserbeam, a Rad/Dark Corrupter whose powers are all recolored to the same nasty, dirty greenish brown. It's supposed to be that he's taking all of the pollution in the area and redirecting it in a condensed form. Which is why all of his powers weaken, slow down, or damage the enemy in some way.

In contrast, his costume is incredibly bright and silver agey.
Hahaha, what a great idea, would love to see a screenshot.

Originally Posted by Primal View Post
Dread Image - Dark/Kin Corruptor. Can't actually hurt anyone on her own, aside from Brawl. However, if they have malicious intent, she can draw that out of them and return it in tangible form, essentially defeating them with their own bad vibes. I always start off with Siphon Power.
Thats consequent, even using the powers after your concept.^^
Real dedication, awesome.

Originally Posted by Chompie View Post
Energy Blast in yellow and black (or was it black and yellow) makes an excellent BEE BLAST!

Earth Control in garish blues and greens with black, using the Crystal type.. well, you get to trap people in 1970's cyberspace polygons!

Also I have a character whose allergies manifest as Sonic Blast/Fire Manipulation. She's really, REALLY allergic. To everything.
Dude, do you know what time it is here in Europe? You made me laughing out loud (literally). Bet I woke some neighbours because of you....^^

Bee Blast, Polygons, allergics as powers. You, indeed, deserve an award.

I use Radiation Blast onmy Rad/MM Blaster "Psychorette" as kind of Energy drawn out of the minds of enemies (Yah, "real" energy, so Psy Blast doesn't fit)

Energy Blast is colored white/yellow at my main cause he manipulates light and i really wanted to make these like this from day one ingame.^^
And on his second build, i combined leap with superspeed to represent a kind of energy-surfing.

My Plant/Rad, "Vivid Fingers" got his Plants recolored in a deeper and brighter green, because, yeah because he have more than ordinary green thumbs....

Not that creative tough.



Phantom Redemptor, MA/SR scrapper. Conceptually has a bit of super reflexes but relies on his costume's smoke production to avoid enemies, so the SR is colored dark gray (along with the smoke costume aura).

Scratch Rad Fever, Claws/Dark scrapper. Colored the DA a sickly green for a radiation effect.

Perplexatron, Ice/Elec tank. IA colored white (purple on alt costume) to simulate wireframe.

Wilford Wadsworth, Rad/Dark corruptor. Has the power to manipulate oil, so the rad is pure black.

Dr. Tridentius - Grav/Elec/Leviathan dominator. Re-purposed gravity control to wind control.



I recolored kin melee for my atlantean character to make her a water melee specialist.
once we got the fifth power option with anciliary pools, rian took darkest night because it was the clsoest a scrapper can come to a breath weapon, it kind of looks like rian is breathing smoke.



When I created Zikar all those years ago as an Energy/Energy blaster, I knew what I really wanted... white energy blasts. Needless to say that Power Customisation was extremely popular with me.
But anyway, Zikar's energy powers are that, he can control internal energies and hurl them or cloak his fist in them or even use them to fly by creating a field around himself an levitating it.

At any rate, when CoV came around, I decided to make an evil alternate reality version of him called Zykat.
He'd need similar powers, so it had to be a Dominator since they had energy assault. But what primary... hmmm... Gravity Control! So yes, he doesn't control gravity, but rather he uses his energy to lift, crush and contain enemies, sort of like he does when he's flying.

So, Praetoria is now here, and I decided I need another version of Zikar. Settling on Zikal, his power had to be energy related too... but I decided to take a different tact with this guy... Kinetic/Elec scrapper.

So yeah, I've managed to re-purpose 3 sets into "energy"



For my toon Kinetsu (Kin Melee/Regen) I made all the Kinetic Melee attacks a light-ish blue to make it appear as if he is manipulating wind to make his attacks more fierce.
With an aura (Omega) that goes on his arms in combat mode, same color as the Kin melee.

For my Dual Blades/Fire Scrapper. I made all fire armor a grey-ish color to make it look like steam, as-well as the the aura which is Tendrils I think (Forgot) also a light-ish grey color.

Burn and Consume are normal fire color. His costume makes him look charred.

I think I have more but I have forgotten



My Elec/Earth Domi has the "Lava vein" Earth Assault option, with the main part being rock coloured, but the vein of colour being the same colour as whatever colour I have the electricity in his powers coloured at the time, to appear as if his electricity runs through the earth he weilds.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Originally Posted by flashrains View Post
And my favorite - Nurse N33dl3z:

While I've seen other Freakshow PCs, I think I'm the only one who plays a Meat Doctor.
THAT is win. Seriously, kudos to you!



My wife and I re-purposed Kinetic powers on our Corruptors as vampirism. The red mist that comes out of them feeds our abilities to supernaturally heal and move faster, while weakening our opponents. Have to give my wife the idea; she came up with the concept years ago, before the vampire craze resurgence.



On my Plants/Fire dominator, Poison Catnip. I colored her fire powers white with green as secondary color. It actually looks really good along with plant powers Poison burns!



/Radiation Emission and /Willpower as temporal manipulation/perception. Temporal Energy would likely not have a color, but I went with teal, because for some reason, I pictured temporal energy as a teal color.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I haven't re-purposed too many characters yet due to most of them dating somewhat before Power customization, but of the ones that I have.

Raven Sorrow: Fire/Rad Corruptor, Blasts are colored Dark, and explained as ghostly energy attacks, and Radiation is colored black as well, explained as him summoning spirits.

Solar Feline: Kin/Regen Scrapper, He's a Sun mage, and all of his powers are recolored really light and bright to look that way.

Zaxo Stryker: AR/EM Blaster, his power armor re-focuses his Psionic energy into powerful short range energy bursts he uses in melee. Otherwise, he can't really use his powers for anything else.

Culian: Rad/Elec Blaster, He's an android that fires Energy bolts. Not radiation. Elec melee powers are the energies being used as close combat tools.



I did a Toxic Scrapper. The guy was dumped in toxic waste and mutated generating toxic fumes around him.

Used Dark/Dark and colored it a sickly green.



Another one of mine is, RaveSpider, an Elec/Thermal Corr, who's just a telekinetic (who's able to use her abilities at a microscopic level to explain her healing abilities) who's powers look like electricity and flames, as that's just how she percieves them.

All of her powers are colored differently (one blast is a blue, one's a green, one's a yellow...ect...ect) to go with the theme, and are again just her perception of her powers in effect.

With i19, I'll be able to finish off her concept and fit in Group Fly! Been wanting to fit that into her build, but didn't have the power slot, now I will

Every telekinetic should have that power!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Another one of mine is, RaveSpider, an Elec/Thermal Corr, who's just a telekinetic (who's able to use her abilities at a microscopic level to explain her healing abilities) who's powers look like electricity and flames, as that's just how she percieves them.

All of her powers are colored differently (one blast is a blue, one's a green, one's a yellow...ect...ect) to go with the theme, and are again just her perception of her powers in effect.

With i19, I'll be able to finish off her concept and fit in Group Fly! Been wanting to fit that into her build, but didn't have the power slot, now I will

Every telekinetic should have that power!
Since all her teammates and enemies see her powers the same way she does i suppose she projects her perceptions? Or are you saying the powers take on that appearance because that's how she thinks they should look?

i have an AR/Mental Blaster with the mental powers colored gold to represent some sort of divine energy.

And a Scrapper with Fiery Melee colored white for similar reasons.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Echo Dawn: Cybernetic character adapting his systems to resist shock and trauma on the fly, represented as Willpower.

The Shattered: Generally have one power representing their psychic ability. Ranges from Mental Manip, to Pain Dom, to Willpower.

Posikhan: Is mocking you because he doesn't actually use radiation, he uses raw energy of both Dawn and Midnight.

Dawncaller - The Circle of Dawn
Too many blasted alts to list, but all on Virtue.



Mainly I've just done minor tweaks to the colours rather than totally repurposing, but I've got a Fire/Rad corr recoloured as sand powers. Looks pretty good, particularly the rad debuffs.

If VEATs ever got weapon customisation, then my Fort would get the Vanguard claws coloured pinky-purple to represent psionic blades.



I have several like this:

A Grav/Storm controller whose parents were air elementals that had taken human form. The grav powers are actually his command of air.

A dark/dark corrupter named The Hemo-Goblin whose powers are colored red to represent blood.

A character that is supposed to be ooze that takes humanoid form (like Clayface I guess) that uses teleportation to represent melting in one place and then quickly oozing and reforming somewhere else.

An Ill controller that is a spirit of vengeance where the pets Ill summons are the spirits of past victims of whomever she is fighting.

A Thugs MM that isn't a gang leader, instead he dominates the minds of people around them and controls them for his own purposes.

A Dark Armor brute where I colored the powers to look like smoke.

Several others as well.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Since all her teammates and enemies see her powers the same way she does i suppose she projects her perceptions? Or are you saying the powers take on that appearance because that's how she thinks they should look?

i have an AR/Mental Blaster with the mental powers colored gold to represent some sort of divine energy.

And a Scrapper with Fiery Melee colored white for similar reasons.
Something close to the second.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Orion_Star_EU View Post
I think my favourite 're-purposed colouring' is my Kin/En brute, coloured yellowy green to look like Radiation.
Gah! I've done the same thing... how could I forget Atomsmash, my "Radiation Tanker" who is in fact Stone Armor/Energy Melee... I used the lava pattern for his stone armor and colored it the same greeny-yellow, to make it look like radioactive ore/ooze.



Originally Posted by Syyx View Post
Dude, do you know what time it is here in Europe? You made me laughing out loud (literally). Bet I woke some neighbours because of you....^^

Bee Blast, Polygons, allergics as powers. You, indeed, deserve an award.

Well then, here are a couple screenshots that may or may not do em justice!

Old Cyberpunk Effects!



My elec/SR brute Chronon is actually a micro-time traveller - his reflexes are a result of his going to the future to see where attacks go, and then coming back to a spot that won't be hit. His elec attacks are just the residue from his time travel energies releasing out of his suit, much like how a fluorescent light bulb works.

I also made a fire/storm corruptor named Nuee Ardente, and recolored all the powers to look like dust, smoke, steam and lava.

...I forgot what experience means.