12 -
You're right. The recharge is pretty much only for the Oil Slick Arrow. This is THE power in the set! Especially with pretty much auto igniting thanks to the pets (The slow still works when the patch burns).
Your problem with the Flash Arrow.... didn't thought of that because this never happened to me. It works pretty well on all my archers. And yes, the tohit is small, didn't I mentioned it? But it was "important" only if you stay the def route, because every little bit of -tohit helps your def like any +def set bonus!
I forgot one thing: For pet survival, try to slot all 4 bonus auras for pets in your build. Its not that much, but it will help. -
I like both sets, I have both sets, but not at the same toon....
But maybe I'm still able to help you, because I think I see your Problem:
You go the "Def cap everything" route which is pretty popular right now, and usually, its a good idea for most toons, it isn't for all. Neither your primary nor your secondary give you any def powers you can base your build on. You need to go completely with pools and boni for this. And reviewing your build, you did a good job with it. But you didn't reach the cap, and with the last 5% as important as the other 40%, it isn't really reliable imo. And you pretty much ignore the tools TA gives you completely this way.
So my advice is try another (2nd) build:
- Get some resistance. PPP/APP Pools, Fighting Pools Tough. You should getroundabout 65% s/l resistance easily this way. And resitance doesn't care about def caps AND this should be enough to take some hits with BD.
- Your arrows, USE THEM!
"I'm spamming every debuff I have....Oil Slick, Glue Arrow, Acid and Disruption Arrow, EMP arrow"
Well, EMP arrow is good, but thanks to its recharge and even more his recovery debuff on yourself, I never considered it a "bread and butter" power in the set.
Oil Slick Arrow isn't really a debuff.... I prefer to think of it as "DoT Nuke", with bonus debuffs and usually I slot it this way or recharge. The slow effect comes from your Glue Arrow, it recharges faster, slows better and together they pretty much set the mob in "Baywatch Mode".
Flash Arrow is pretty often skipped or labeled a "bad power". It isn't! Well the tohit debuff isnt too high but if you stay with slotting for def: Every bit will help!" and -tohit is +def. And even if not, the -perception is gold! Usually a /TA doesnt stay in the mob, and mobs who can't see you, can't attack you. Same goes for the ranged first strikes from your pets
My "arrow spam pattern" usually is: Flash Arrow - Glue Arrow - Disruption Arrow (At this point my pets get the attack command) - Oil Slick Arrow. After that I usally just start shooting Acid Arrows and Poison Gas Arrows at hard targets and maybe a new Flash and Disruption Arrow, but usually one earch is enough until the mob dies.
- Assign targets manually. Pets are dumb, and waste their attacks. You're the MasterMind! Act like one!
Assign a central first target for AoE goodness! This way you usually "off the hook" and don't get any mob-attention.
TA has suboptimal damage mitigation but when it comes to really weaken a mob so it easily melt down in front of your pet army, its just awesome.
Sorry I couldn't help you to actually improve your original tactic, but maybe my alternative will do. Imo going Def with these sets is kind of a dead end.
But both CAN do fine. My /TA MM even works a reliable, cheap and really fun ticket farmer. And does as well in normal game. So I'm sure you can make your toon at least "work". -
I can't see the problem with it, in fact I think its a great idea.
No need for a complete new powerset (which is always great, if), just giving TA animations matching with BR, DP and AR spawns a lot of new concepts as well as for defenders, corruptor and even MMs (Bow? I'm shooting trick bullets from my multi-function-swiss-pocketgun!)
Conceptwise it would offer an alternative to traps for natural origin characters.
Quote:Which leaves only 4 for an animation set matching the AR.oil slick arrow, you got me to find a duplicate
however mid lvl PPD (specifically the PPD equalizers) use a glue grenade that functions exactly as glue arrow
in my previous post i described 5 similar powers to trick arrow that exist in the form of grenades fired from guns
Quote:... have you not noticed the DP powers where you only fire one of your guns? There are several.
Also, obviously it wouldn't be an arrow. It'd be a bullet - i.e., effectively invisible - that spawns a net on impact. Which is no further out there than super-strength characters coming up with a piece of pavement inside an alien spaceship.The projectile doesn't require an animation at all, besides perhaps the usual DP "vapor trail"; what's important is the application of the net effect (as it were) at the end. Which already has an animation.
It's so weird to encounter people unwilling to use their imaginations a little in a superhero game. Really quite baffling.
Maybe entangling arrow, but web grenade does the same and sticky stuff immobilizing is pretty believeable coming from a barrel.
Somehow the concept with DP reminds me of the gun from "xXx".^^
And shooting trick bullets kinda does match the concept DP already has.
Would be the "lazy" way out that works for all three firearms.
Anyway I second that Idea, even if I use the bow rather than the firearm sets.(and maybe TA gets a little dev-love too with this)
Hey there.
Seems I am the newest member of the EERC.
Being a CoH player since Oct'07 (so I am the newb here compared to the others)
Running mostly (and so far almost exclusively) at Zukunft
Leader (and atm the only active member) of the Justice Crusaders
I initiated a pretty long running series of MoSTFs, open4all with the goal to get as much players the badge as we could. And I guess we were pretty successful.
Also, a loooooooong time ago I started a giant monster hunting tour at Zukunft, also open4all.... Repeated it several times
This can be done pretty spontaneous (2-3 Vets for lead are enough) and was always pretty popular especially among new players.
How about something like this at Defiant/Union? Since EERC targets especially new players, this can be kind of a nice experience for new guys: large party, fast and successful fights against impressive mobs and an guided tour around the city. -
I didn't post a build on purpose. I don't like copying complete builds or getting mine tweaked out by others, but I like peeking in other builds for the "oooh! that's clever" effect and developing my own based on all the ideas I have and the ones I get.
So feel free to post your own mind/ and/or /elek builds here.^^
I want fly for my travelpower. Concept reasons.
From the primary and secondary pools I thought about taking pretty much every power, but I am not really sold on "Zapp" and "Levitate".
For the PPP I plan to take Makos, must have there is the "Water Sprout". ^^
For other pools I am open to suggestions.
Soloing isn't that relevant, but I would like to send AVs to a nap or punching their friends in a TF.
For everything else I would like to take the part of a supporter (mob control) with max. damage contributing (what's possible after the other goals, of course).
And I don't need a AV-Solo-Killer and I don't want to invest billions.^^ -
Hi there,
I crawled through this forum, and there's nothing about this particular combination.
After dozens of other Doms I tried this is the first one that survived to a level past 10. ....but I am pretty new to Doms, so any input, build ideas or suggestions?
Share your wisdom, oh wise veterans of this archetype!
Thank you. -
Quote:I like that concept, but may you have proven to the devs we don't need water-themed sets. :/Puakai - An Ill/Storm. She is a water nymph who uses free hydrogen molecules in the air to create illusions (smoke, reflections, mirages), and can manipulate the weather to create... Storms. Because her body is composed of nearly 99% water, she is also able to manipulate her physical structure to a small degree to turn invisible, or become slightly vaporous in order to increase her maximum height when jumping (unfortunately such a feat often causes her to quickly re-solidify and come back to earth at some point) ((it's super jump)).
Mostly I recolored her powers to variable shades of blue. I like tornado in particular, because the right shades can make it look like a small hurricane. With GR she might need to go mentally insane for a bit so she can hang out with Captain Mako for his awesome shark abilitieis
(And i might be unfair, but that the PPPs are still to have been unlocked, gave another dimension to char concepts, The whole explore-your-dark-side-and-return-even-more-powerful thing)
Quote:Captain Vaserbeam, a Rad/Dark Corrupter whose powers are all recolored to the same nasty, dirty greenish brown. It's supposed to be that he's taking all of the pollution in the area and redirecting it in a condensed form. Which is why all of his powers weaken, slow down, or damage the enemy in some way.
In contrast, his costume is incredibly bright and silver agey.
Quote:Dread Image - Dark/Kin Corruptor. Can't actually hurt anyone on her own, aside from Brawl. However, if they have malicious intent, she can draw that out of them and return it in tangible form, essentially defeating them with their own bad vibes. I always start off with Siphon Power.
Real dedication, awesome.
Quote:Energy Blast in yellow and black (or was it black and yellow) makes an excellent BEE BLAST!
Earth Control in garish blues and greens with black, using the Crystal type.. well, you get to trap people in 1970's cyberspace polygons!
Also I have a character whose allergies manifest as Sonic Blast/Fire Manipulation. She's really, REALLY allergic. To everything.
Bee Blast, Polygons, allergics as powers. You, indeed, deserve an award.
I use Radiation Blast onmy Rad/MM Blaster "Psychorette" as kind of Energy drawn out of the minds of enemies (Yah, "real" energy, so Psy Blast doesn't fit)
Energy Blast is colored white/yellow at my main cause he manipulates light and i really wanted to make these like this from day one ingame.^^
And on his second build, i combined leap with superspeed to represent a kind of energy-surfing.
My Plant/Rad, "Vivid Fingers" got his Plants recolored in a deeper and brighter green, because, yeah because he have more than ordinary green thumbs....
Not that creative tough. -
I have to agree with you....
We tried all to help , we gave tons of good advice and you still.... forget it. And if you're not a troll. Delete the Scrapper and try something different, you're obviously not able to play MA.... Sry. -
What enemy group that you fought caused the most trouble?
But anyway, its strange. The lowest attack should deal more damage even unslotted....
And your attack chain is a bit unfortunate. The eagle's claw as finisher? You know you waste a huge load of damage plus a high chance for a stun plus a additional (ridiculous hig) critchance for your next attack with using it this way?
Tunderkick could be skipped (especially since the cobra strike deals a huge load of damage and can be used for damage in first place.), its only use was for the mentioned last hp from a mob but your attacks recharges fast enough that you can easily spend a crane kick or a storm kick to do that.
And where's the crippling axe kick? Sure it animates pretty long (feeled, in fact the animationtime is even 0,07s shorter than for crane kick or cobra strike.) , but the damage is more than considerable. Take it, asap.^^
Oh and it does some neat little debuffs, too.
So.... try that and let us know if your experiences with MA improved.
I would do some tests in game, but its too late now (here in Europe, of course :P). But I'll see what I can do tomorrow. -
Quote:it is a lot harder on End than claws
Other than that its pretty much normal.
Sure, claws.^^ I took this as granted, but in AVERAGE of all scrapper-primaries, MA definetly isn't one of the end-heavy sets.
But even with them I barely experience end-problems in combination with /regen.
That makes me wonder what happens the OP.
And his minimal damage-output.
A whole attack-chain on a blue LT? You should defeat even red/purple ones faster.... -
Quote:I can't see WHY this happens. My MA/Regen Scapper was kicking *** (or face) the whole time. Never played another combination that turned out so well so early for me. So maybe you do something just "wrong" or the set just don't complements to your playstyle.I have every attack except Axe kick.
it jus seems to me I'm running out of end alot even with /regen, from spamming attacks on minions becaus they don';t do enough dmg to take them out efficently(unless buildup) also it takes me like a full chain just to kill a blue leut, which I thought was lame as hell.
But your endurance problem is kind of weird, regger with end-problems? That's news to me. (And no, MA doesn't use that much end. I always experienced more the opposite....)
Maybe you can describe more precisely how do you fight, etc. and we can figure it out and help you to start enjoy MA as the rest of us do.^^ -
So far, I'm not.
And a lot of people, too I guess.
Martial Arts is a great set, and I really can't see why you are that disappointed with the damage. I made a MA/Regen Scrapper a long time ago and he was fun from level 1 and he is to this very day. With the i19 changes even more. There aren't any real useless powers and whats the deal with only one AoE? Martial Arts is single damage (which makes sense with the concept).
And for single damage, MA is pretty nice, hitting hard, being accurate and provides some nice little side effects.
And in my opinion the Dragons Tail is one of the better AoE, the damage isn't superior but I've never considered it to be. DT is best used as a kind of soft control (the Knockdown), mobs lying down can't attack. As the first attack or as the second in a mob (after Eagles Claw, if you enjoy seeing alot of "criticals" in the air^^)
But if you want to fight multiple targets at once, try the Chackie Chan way:
Trigger the tab-key.