Defenses vs. Control
I thought only Gang War took Recharge sets. Unless you're asking where to put final slots.
EDIT: I'm too nervous about filling two spots on a pet that only help one aspect. Consider a Acc/Mez HO (would also help his KO Blow... I think).
Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.
I don't have a thugs mm to testify, but the globals seem better to me. They will increase your survivability even more than normal if you already have the other globals as you say.
Do the globals. I'm not even sure why you'd want to try and increase the stun duration from Handclap. Keeping your henchmen alive a little longer with the defense Auras would be more useful. (In my opinion.)
50s: Yumi Eryuha-Arch/Energy, Mirria-Thugs/Dark, Meyami Kitsuna-Claws/SR, Celesta Seusen-SS/Invuln, Lady Mirriella-Illusion/Empathy
Arc 503982 "Dimension Xi Epsilon 22-10" Part one of a multi-part arc.
Ah, I guess the Bruiser doesn't taker Recharge-Intensive Pet sets. Which means the damage from Gang War's gonna have to take a hit, but at least I get to keep the control.
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.

The globals are more awesome than you'd think, both on paper and in practice.
Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.
Nah, I kept the set bonuses and just took the 50% reduction in damage enhancement.
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.

Yeah ... you could probably live without... 5...oooh, maybe 10 points of damage per attack ... from your cannon fodder.
I still think about Phantom Army when slotting Gang War... where Illusion Control badly needs aoe damage.
Thugs - not so much.
Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.
Which do you think would be better on my Thugs/Pain MM? Two Stun IOs in the Bruiser for his Hand Clap, or the two Recharge Intensive Pet Aura globals? (I already have the two Pet Damage aura globals.)
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.