Sonic Melee - SS or KM?
For concept, i'd take kinetic melee. For efficiency (as i've heard), SS seems better.
Now, any powerset works well enough not to bother too much with efficiency only so stick to your concept would be my advice ^^
By the way, how noticeable is the -DMG on Kinetic Melee? Especially against AVs and such, but also against regular mobs.
It's unfortunate they haven't ported Energy Aura over for tanks yet. That would have been perfect for your concept.
Of course.... you could (I can't believe I'd suggest it in the Tanker forums) make a brute??
Since this is about concept, AT differences shouldn't stand in the way. I mean, you are calling it a Sonic/Sonic, right?
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
Honestly, for concept, I'd do EM. Give yourself some orange pom poms of death and imagine the extra concussive impact coming from a sonic effect. No -res in the attacks, but the stuns replicate at least one Son blast power.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
All preferences equal: I vote SS. The sounds and enlarging spheres, to me, always spoke to "sound-barrier-breaking" impacts and performance (which could be the echos and reverberations of your sonic attacks).
The -10% (I think) in KM is meh; I'm not sure it is going to save anyones life. I'm too hung-up on it being a wind/energy/qi/chi/ki set. I think its secondary effects are more sonic than its animations.
Can't go wrong either way.
Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server
I'm no huge Tanker connosieur, but my Invulnerable/Kinetic Tank is performing fine so far now that I'm over the initial hump with Invulnerability. I havent taken Sonic Siphon yet, so I cant comment on that.
Kinetic Melee would really fit the vibe of "Sonic Melee". If you do re-roll, I'd definitely pick it over Energy Melee.
Having created a Praetorian version of my Sonic/En Blaster, I can say that KM does a fine job recreating the shockwaves of Sonic in melee style. Plus you get a ranged burst of sound, a shockwave like effect and Burst which works well as a wave expanding from yourself.
No idea what it's like for Tanks though.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

By the way, how noticeable is the -DMG on Kinetic Melee? Especially against AVs and such, but also against regular mobs.
SS is definitely much more offensive though, and will be better for dealing damage etc. Power siphon is nice, but it doesn't really compare to rage unless you have lots of recharge bonuses.
Active (Freedom): Setna (Ice/Psi Dom), Arram (WP/KM Tank), Tesmiel (Elec/SS Tank), Astredax (Robot/Dark Mastermind), Operative Vidali (melee fortunata)
Retired (Virtue): Gaav (Inv/EM Tank), Baqra (Fire/SS Tank)
The -damage is around -15% in an AoE and about 35% against a single target. The -15% isn't too noticeable, but given that I'm WP/ I definitely notice the -damage against AVs. For instance I'm not IO'd out yet but was able to tank the giant monster hydra's toxic damage without support up until I ran out of endurance, at which point I couldn't keep the -damage debuff up and died pretty quickly.
SS is definitely much more offensive though, and will be better for dealing damage etc. Power siphon is nice, but it doesn't really compare to rage unless you have lots of recharge bonuses. |
I would go with KM myself, but then I already have a L50 INV/SS and as such would want a different attack set anyway. KM is a little slow for Tanks at first, since they don't get PS until L16, but the stuns/KD from the first couple of attacks do add a nice bit of mitigation when they trigger. Mobs weak to KB will get knocked back instead of down, but they don't go very far so it's not really an issue.
Which is why my KM tank is Elec/KM, since the +recharge from Lightning reflexes gives a (admittedly small, overall) leg up on getting PS up more often.
I would go with KM myself, but then I already have a L50 INV/SS and as such would want a different attack set anyway. KM is a little slow for Tanks at first, since they don't get PS until L16, but the stuns/KD from the first couple of attacks do add a nice bit of mitigation when they trigger. Mobs weak to KB will get knocked back instead of down, but they don't go very far so it's not really an issue. |
Active (Freedom): Setna (Ice/Psi Dom), Arram (WP/KM Tank), Tesmiel (Elec/SS Tank), Astredax (Robot/Dark Mastermind), Operative Vidali (melee fortunata)
Retired (Virtue): Gaav (Inv/EM Tank), Baqra (Fire/SS Tank)
I don't see how SS can be re-imagined as Sonic Melee. There is nothing sonic about it.
Kinetic Melee is just perfect for this concept and the -damage is quite potent-- particularly on Burst.
So, my brother and I have a concept duo. He's a Sonic/Sonic Defender, I'm a Sonic/Sonic Tanker. Both are Technology and use special powered armor suits to produce these effects. Now, obviously Tankers don't actually have Sonic powersets, but I've been using Invulnerability and Super Strength as substitutes, the latter being inspired by CoV's Goldbrickers in Cap au Diable, who use Super Strength animations/FX in melee, and whose powers are named along the lines of "Sonic Punch".
(I skipped Hurl because it didn't fit the concept.)
However, now we have Kinetic Melee. It does not only Smashing damage, but also partial Energy damage. It still has knockdown/stun, like SS. It has small shockwaves when you attack stuff, but so does SS. And it makes funky fzzhhh pweoo noises, somewhat similar to several Sonic Blast powers. It'd also give me a ranged attack.
So, I'm wondering - should I reroll Invul/KM? How good is Kinetic Melee on Tankers? How does it compare to Super Strength? If you were to make a Sonic Melee concept, would you pick Super Strength or Kinetic Melee? Why?