Assault or Tactics with Gaussian




I'm trying to work on my new Blaster build for when Fitness becomes inherent. I'm deciding between Assault or Tactics with a Gaussian Chance for Build Up. Does Tactics have to be toggled to get the Chance for Build Up to work? How will my damage bonus over time compare between the two choices? Thanks.

Chromium Man Model Designations
I - Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, II - Fire/Energy/Fire Tank, III - Elec/Elec/Elec Blaster,
IV - Elec/Elec/Mu Brute, V - Elec/Elec/Mu Stalker, VI -Elec/Elec/Energy Tank, VII - Elec/Elec/Body Scrapper, VIII - Elec/Elec/Mu Dominator
Co-founder of Riders of Apocalypse - Triumph Server



Tactics needs to be toggled for the proc to work.
It rolls a proc chance when you activate the toggle, and every 10 seconds of toggle activity after that.

I'd go for Assault, myself, if you don't plan on getting both. A chance to proc a short-duration damage buff every 10 seconds is uncontrollable and unreliable. If you're as unlucky as me, it'll proc continuously when you're standing at Wentworth's and barely ever proc in combat at all.



Pve only reason to take the proc is to complete the set



Assault only provides 10.5% increase to your base damage. It's not worth the End to run it once you have SOs.

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Pve only reason to take the proc is to complete the set
So the fact that it adds the same amount of damage over time as the damage proc in the Mako set when used in an attack like followup must mean that there's no reason to use damage procs in PvE either!

/sarcasm off

Placing the CFBU in a toggle doesn't work as well as placing it in an attack like blinding feint or followup, but the proc is hardly useless.

If you've already got tohit buffs and acc from elsewhere, you'll get more out of assault in general than you will a CFBU in tactics.

Be well, people of CoH.



The Chance for Build-Up isn't really why you would take the Gaussin's set, though it is a nice bonus. You can "expect" the build up to occur after about 190 seconds typically, but that's not a guarantee either. It might go off back to back, it might ignore you for over 300 seconds. It might not even go off while you are fighting something.

Still, having the entire Gaussin's set offers you a very nice defense buff which is very useful when trying to soft-cap a position/element to increase your survivability. The other set bonuses aren't too bad either. Those taking the leadership pool will usually stack a six slotted Tactics with Maneuvers for this purpose.

Even without Gaussin's, Tactics is still a favorable toggle. You can get away with slotting less accuracy, your damage will increase from missing less, and enemies which cheaply boost their defense will be less of a hassle to you and your team.

Assault in comparison is a 10.5% Damage Buff, which, while still nice, isn't as versatile in it's application as Tactics. I've never been playing and felt like assault was the key to victory, where as Tactics often winds up being paramount to my success against particular enemies for the simple fact that you can't hurt what you can't hit.

Assault is the better option, however, if you can't find slots to devote to Tactics, you already have excess To-Hit and Defense, or if you play on a low enough difficulty where you wouldn't need larger amounts of accuracy to overcome your enemies.

*Edit* Tactics is also slightly less useful if everyone on the team is using it in comparison to Assault/Maneuvers because it's far easier to have excess To-Hit than it is to have excess damage/defense. If you are planning on playing with someone else who has Tactics, you might consider picking up Assault instead.



Thanks for all the replies, guys! It seems that most people seem to think that Assault is better than Tactics when I don't have the slots, or at least that Tactics is not worthwhile just for the GSFC Proc. I didn't see anyone mention the +Perception of Tactics though. When you consider that, how do the two powers stack up?

Chromium Man Model Designations
I - Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, II - Fire/Energy/Fire Tank, III - Elec/Elec/Elec Blaster,
IV - Elec/Elec/Mu Brute, V - Elec/Elec/Mu Stalker, VI -Elec/Elec/Energy Tank, VII - Elec/Elec/Body Scrapper, VIII - Elec/Elec/Mu Dominator
Co-founder of Riders of Apocalypse - Triumph Server



+Perception is only useful when fighting enemies with a Stealth power (Like PPD Ghosts) or with a -Perception power (like Night Widows). In PVP it's a very good thing to have as much as you can get. In PVE though, it doesn't crop up that often, and one +Perception power is enough to get through almost anything.

So if you've got any other source of +Perception, the +Perception in Tactics is useless (outside PVP). If you don't, then it may be worth having, but I usually just pop a yellow Inspiration.




I've run Herostats with that Chance to BU slotted in every power that can take it. Placed in Soul Drain it was awesome. In Follow Up it is kinda okay. BU and Aim weren't up IMHO. Slotting it in these powers insure that when the proc fires you are beginning your attack chain. Putting this proc in Invincibility, sure it fired, but I searched for each time it proccod in the logs and on average I was only getting a damage buff on 2 powers.

I'll never 6 slot that set again. I get the same defense bonus if I take Combat Jumping.