Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
What I'd want the most is that abilities would not interfere with whatever weapon's drawn, and would actually offer an alternate animation compatible with said weapon, ala brawl being turned into a kick if you click it while using twin swords. That would mean for example:

Illusion Control / Trick Arrow - Spectral Wounds being turned into a Spectral Arrow, Blind being turned into a Blind Arrow

Forcefields / Dual Pistol - Force Bolt being turned into a Concussive Shot, Repulsion Bomb being turned into a Repulsion Shot

Assault Rifle / Devices - Web Grenade and Taser being fired from the rifle

Warmace / Whatever / Fire Mastery - Fire Blast being fired from the left (free) hand while the warmace is held on the other hand

... and so on.

Of course, I'm sure it's impraticable, but I know I'd love it
This is exactly what I want for my new DP/Fire Blaster... would be epic.



Wouldn't surprise me too much if these have been mentioned already.

Empathy, all of it. It's like there's only 3 animations for the entire set. The 'hands out towards target' single target animation such as in Heal Other, 'arms out to the sides' for PBAOEs and the 'one hand towards target'. Just a little variety there would be nice.

Another I'm thinking is Spines. At the very least Barb Swipe and Ripper. The wild flailing of Barb Swipe just seems a little too over the top for a power that only has 3 damage ticks (not counting the dot). Ripper just looks...silly. Without the backflip it wouldn't look too bad. Add in a bit of a charge-up to make up for the animation time lost by removing the backflip. This one I have a specific idea for. Start with a hunched over, hands to chest type of thing similar to a couple of the blaster nukes with the spines retracted. As the 'charge' builds over the second or so it'd take, the spines would re-extend. As soon as the spines get to the head/shoulders, the charge releases and hits in the 90 degree cone it's supposed to.

Lastly (unless I think of another before finishing this...again) the melee PBAOE attacks such as Whirling Sword (Broadsword), Spin (Claws), Fire Sword Circle (Fire), The Lotus Drops (Katana), Whirling Hands (Energy), Whirling Axe (Axe), Whirling Mace (War Mace) and Ice Sword Circle (Icy Assault). That's 8 melee PBAOE powers out of 15 (that have a pbaoe damage power, only counted Fire once) that use the exact same animation, maybe a couple others that I missed. For Energy, Fire and Ice the animation is fine, it even works perfectly for Energy and reasonably well for Fire and Ice. But when I think 'spin' or 'whirling' anything I don't think half-spin, hop into the air and drop to the ground on your knee. I think something a little closer to Whirlwind.

edit: Forgot about Ice Sword Circle

"And yes, it worries me that people know how many pipelines their graphics cards have and the bus speed of a PCIe-16x, yet don't know how to convert between bordering time zones."

[COLOR="Yellow"]Avatar by Dragonberry, coloring by Bubbawheat[/COLOR]



Alternate MM pets. Heck even if we could choose from the existing pet sets - like Thugs with ninja powers or Zombies with thug powers.. etc etc. Side note - the new Demon set : the models are Too Big...would be nice if they were scaled down a bit.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss.
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. "



Could we please have another look at the Super Strength alternates? They just look awkward.

I'd love to see animations more like the Ghouls. Ghoul Rage is really fun to watch (shaking violently, glowing eyes, etc). I would really like to see the SS attacks changed to fit this style as well. Instead of rearing back and throwing a right cross... the character could pump their fists down quickly, look into the sky and quickly throw a punch.

And along with what some others have said (and maybe something I emphasized on another post... can't really find it at the moment though), Animations made to better fit specific origins. For example... Tech. An Earth controller could bring out a handheld device and press a button in order to 'activate' earth cages. An elec blaster's Zapp.. he could press some buttons on his arm and a riffle pops out of his shoulder, and fires. This could be geared specifically to take the same casting time without the boring 'stand there shaking while the power charges up' animation.



You know the giant Zenith Mech Man in Hess TF? I want him to have a new animation for his self-destruct! It's sucks to wait the timer out just to notice there's no explosion. =(

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



Though it has prolly been pointed out, I was on a team with a mace tanker, a broadsword scrapper and an axe brute. talk about seeing the same animations a LOT that day... How bout we diversify the set animations a bit? When several sets look almost like duplicates in animation it is kind of a let down.

Other than that, off the top of my head, med pool powers (we don't all like tricorders)

Pretty much all the self buffing powers that use that"I have constipation" animation need help.

honestly even super speed could use a nice forward lean... oh wait that's ninja run... CURSE YOU!

Well the list is so long I'm just gonna stop there but yeah the axe/sword/mace sets that all look the same really NEED to look different.



If I could recolor Prestige Power Slide to be blue, I could use it as an "ice slide" for ice-themed characters.



I vote for travel powers. When can we mod our travel powers with jet packs, rockets, magic carpets, vehicles.

I know its a less favorable set but, Energy Aura's "Overload" definitely needs a real animation. When it is hit aside from the rooting you can't tell that the "panic" button was hit.

There is not/not noticeable sound effect at all. The graphics while it is turned on is barely noticeable. it is the same as electric armor, but they visually get turned into lightning.



Quills one of the ugliest Auras. Very annoying. An animation similar to Icicles would be much cooler.



Any sword that isn't real, I.E. Fire Sword in Blaster and Scrapper sets, Radiation sword in blaster set, etc.. I'd love an alternate animation that doesn't use the swords!!

JumpKick... wow that's an odd animation.

Tintable Hasten and SS.

Knock Out Blow animation for Total Focus. Pretty please!!

Fire Breath - Animate from hands instead of mouth. Maybe have two hands stretched out and slowly sweep around. Maybe use the Praetorian Police outstretched palm animation.

Normal standing pose for Ninja Run while not moving. I can deal with the anime run while moving. The constant hunchback while standing, not so much.

Reversible Rains. Rain of Fire, Blizzard. Have the animation start on the floor and rain up, like I'm summoning a pit of fire that shoots towards the sky.

More fly poses. Standing, Standing on an object like a disc, I'd love to have the hover pose as an option on fly for my ghost toons, even as an emote. (I'm one of the few that has a macro for the flyposes and I still love them!)

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



To beable to color the green goo from spines...looks silly to have blue etc crystals with green goo.

all Dark power sets need less magical looking animations...i.e. without skulls etc.

Most of all, Power Pool Customization



Mental, psi blast or assault:
For blasters, defenders, dominators and widows could use some of the animations for psi that seers use, those rocks!
Also, minimal fx for toogles for widows, pb, ws, etc... Epics should get some love too, thank you.
Pool customization:
I would love if speed had alternate animations and no fx for the whole pool.
Elemental melee sets:
All melee like fire, ice, stone, energy, dark, elec... Could use a elemental sword made of that elemental so we can choose between swords, punch etc...
It would match cool with shields, and imagine an electric, dark or energy sword with an elec, dark or energy shield... Bad ***, right?



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Any sword that isn't real, I.E. Fire Sword in Blaster and Scrapper sets, Radiation sword in blaster set, etc.. I'd love an alternate animation that doesn't use the swords!!
Radiation sword? Wut?



I got a new one, I just got a crab spider, it'd be nice if that one little claw(second from the right) didn't do all the work, those other lazy claws need to get a job! It'd be nice if which claw shot was randomely selected, or at the very least one blast was shot from a different claw than the other.



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
Radiation sword? Wut?
Doh! I have a Rad/Fire blaster that tinted the /Fire to match the Rad/
Yeah, I meant FSC...

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



More of an "energy blast" type animation for fire blast and ice blast powers, rather than the current ones which look like you're throwing a baseball ;p

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Originally Posted by Thaumator View Post
More of an "energy blast" type animation for fire blast powers, rather than the current one which looks like you're throwing a baseball ;p
thats a good one. So true.

You know, that got me thinking....

Maybe two animations per power (one sword, one not, if applicable)

and two effects choices per power would be awesome (one flashy, one subdued, and then basically none if an option).

Oh and spines needs a major overhaul. I just can't even consider the set. Spines need alternative animations and effects.



Since forum search tells me about 16 people have already requested crossbow animations for trick arrow and/or archery in this thread, I'll just briefly make it 17, and leave it at that.



Originally Posted by Atago View Post
Quills one of the ugliest Auras. Very annoying. An animation similar to Icicles would be much cooler.
Let's extend this to all Spines animations. I don't like the whole 'Puff of green toxic crap' that spills out. I was particularly disappointed to see it was still happening... even after we were given the ability to customize our power appearances.



Just a quick chime in:

(albeit a repetition of a post in ...just so excited about the prospect I had to toss four pennies in the ring)

I certainly, most definitely, and enthusiastically support the option to not wield a sword as Fire Melee. I chose to play a hero based on a mythological character who I CAN imagine wielding fire as weapon, but cannot imagine with a sword. Would be nice to not have to skip over those juicy "sword" powers just to please the aesthete monkey on my back.

Crossing fingers, holding breath,

---Adetos of A.E.G.I.S. on Virtue

***If you would like to see a version of my origin story, please try "Time Off for Good Behavior," Arc ID: 451609



we need the original Flares animation back as an option (I stopped playing my Corruptor because it was missing... ::sadface:: )

We need alternate non-gunfu animations for DP

We need alternate animations for Energy Blast, possibly alternate energy shapes (think the Pratorian Police's blasts... )

Arrows need color,

Masterminds need to be able to change pet colors/customize pets entirely. (I still want my all female gang leader, "for The Master" ftw)

Others have mentioned this, but we do need the Fire melee abilities to have the options to use the sword ALL the TIME...

Power Pools, Patron Powers, and Epic Powers ALL NEED COLORING OPTIONS, and some need alternate animations.

Mu Lightning NEEDS coloring yesterday. Especially with the options for heroes to have Mu Lightning as they're epic pool powers, and the tech for it already exists with Lightning blast sets...

Hasten is in desperate need of color and animation options, as are Jump Kick, Punch, Kick, and the whole medical pool.

PS: Sorry to anyone who I didn't manage to credit for they're ideas if posted earlier, this is imho what needs to change. If I stepped on your toes it's cause I didn't read the whole 10+ pages, and I happen to agree with you. Take it as a sign of good taste

"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
Eye beams.

Breath powers.

Both of these have preventing me from taking powers and/or entire sets.


It would cool to change breath powers to another animation and change Eye Beams to another option. I specifically avoid X-ray beam powers and Breath powers because of it and these are pretty decent powers that I would take otherwise.

This same thing was true of Crippling Axe kick. I NEVER took the power because of the animation. Now I love this power.

edited: Oh ! just thought of another animation that has prevented me from playing entire powersets : Tentacles. Can we get some other option for these. Some RP concepts may work, but to me the colorization options are just not enough. I would rather have clouds of smoke than mysterious tentacles sprouting from the ground.

Other powers I would change;

Optional animation for medicine pool. Tricorder works for tech or natural, but not for other origins IMO.

Jump Kick, shortening the animation solved its inherent disadvantages as a power, but its still a funky animation that doesnt flow well with most characters. Make it like Storm Kick or Crane Kick, or better yet something like the Karate Kid crane kick (original movie).

Completely agree with Dechs and Dr.Mike on elemental swords; Options for either ALL Swords or NO-Swords.

Not related to animations, but colored options for Dark, Bright and Minimal could be extended more universally. For example, Pain Domination does not have a Bright Color option.

And finally, how about alternate running animations similar to how we can choose the flying options. I have always wanted to play a character that has a resting stance more animalistic and runs on all fours. This one could be quite a challenge to do and I was hoping for it on the mutant pack, but maybe something for a future beast-y pack.




Just thought of a few more items that have stopped me from playing entire sets.

Alternate option for the chest-thumping animations on many powers

Alternate option for Thunderstrike style animations. I cannot stand the "floating jump" attack. Its as if gravity has been turned off, or time is slowed down. I would rather the attack be at full speed, but have the camera-shake effect afterwards. I would love that.

Ice Armors: need a minimal FX option and also an option that just does an aura like chilling embrace. These would allow me to consider Ice Armors on characters.

Stone Armor: same as Ice, would like to see a minimal FX option and then maybe an aura option like the crumble aura. The BEST solution for earth would be to have your skin texture over-written with some kind of graphic option (Lava, Stone, Crystal, Metallic etc..) which then only appear where your skin actucally shows though your costume. This way, you could look like a rock-man wearing something over the rock, instead of the stone being worn over the costume.

*** I know these are not animations, but the power's visual effect has stopped me from playing these powersets***




Since we know they now have the tech to clone our characters . . .

Phantom Army needs an option to use duplicates of our character's appearance, instead of the Legion of Dorks it currently summons.

(I'm not going to read through this whole thread, so if it's been mentioned already then +1)

And for heaven's sake make the pools and ancillaries colorable.



Been thinking to sum all this up we need alternate animations for all powers. Will this take a lot of work yes but in end will be well worth it.