60 -
Maybe the gas grenade hold patch got you? I so hate those, as if the 30 sec+ stun that malta and knives get wasn't bad enough alone.
Quote:Edit: someone was nice and pointed out the correct info, and looks like there isn't any tips for praetorians/under lvl 20.I was clicking on doors for about two and a half hours earlier tonight and I got one tip. So you may very well be just as unlucky as I am.
And yes, I was in a costume the entire time.
http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Halloween_Event_2010 which states
Whispered Rumor Tip Mission
Whispered Rumor
* When a character goes Trick or Treating in a Temporary Costume (whether gained from a 'Treat' or a permanently bestowed one such as from attending a convention), there is a chance of a Halloween Tip Mission dropping from a 'Treat'.
o This Halloween Event Tip will drop even if you already have 3 Alignment Mission Tips.
o Testing has indicated that you need to be Level 20+ and not in Praetoria to get this Tip. No official word whether that is working as intended.
* The Tip is entitled Whispered Rumor and has a jack-o'-lantern picture on it.
* The Halloween Tip Mission grants some minor rewards plus one of five badges: -
My praetorian under lvl 10, 6/7 has been TnT ing for over an hour and has yet to get a tip, is the min lvl 10 or something?
Quote:Since the dvd editions, there has always been paid costume options. The difference between free and paid ones, are that the paid ones are accessory extras, while the free ones are something new, or left out.Fair enough, yes I understand there's been a mixture of paid and free costume options. But to me it just seems that the focus lately has been on paid costume pieces. I had forgotten the animated tails, that was my bad, but when comparing the options offered with monthly payment and separate payments, I still see a difference in amount and quality.
But why all the hyberbole? I haven't seen anyone else talk about "dark current regime" "rainbows" or "golden times." Sounds almost like a straw man.
Capes, auras, more than 1 costume, moving tails, trench coats, are part of the fundamentals of the game, and not all of which were put in when COH went live.
There is always new costumes with updates, they just get less attention because they are free.
Different regimes? Stateman (jack) regime, no stateman (Positron, Babs, Castle regime?), now its dark (with no babs?). -
Quote:The key point that you missed are that these are OPTIONAL EXTRAS, character accessories.Not every player of CoH has a pile of money to spend on these overpriced Booster Packs. Less content for more money equals no sale and unhappy customers. Why should I "be happy" about that?
No one says you have to have them except yourself. If something turns you off about them, then you save money by not buying it, while others buy it and help contribute to the extended life of COH.
Also if the target amount of people do not buy it, then maybe in the future they will try different things and add more.
Question, so basically if the pack came with a temporary power that wasn't useless (not that I can think of one off the top of my head), would people not complain about the pack then? -
Quote:You still get the normal things with our monthly fee, these are just supplementary items, that are basically there for people who want extra stuff, and to help COH with their profits.I don't like the trend of having to pay extra for stuff that we used to get with our monthly fee at no extra cost. However this pack IS a step up from the Party Pack and having the auras and capes from creation onward pushes me into the "will buy" crowd.
You should be happy that there are no temp powers, like ninja run, that would make you want to buy the pack, or make it a special pack that you "should" buy for an extra edge.
IMO I don't see anything wrong with these, since more profit=more coh/lasting longer and not dying. -
I want sonics for MM. I know there is already force fields (which I don't take due to lack of debuffs), but I don't really see the problem with sonic being ported over.
If the toggle debuff (Disruption field) is the issue, they could always just switch power orders around and swap it with something else like the "Clarity". I mean it wouldn't be that much of a game changer since MM already have dark with Tar Pit, but just minus the heals from dark set I would think would balance it out. It isn't like sonic is like force fields, the pets will still get hit just as often, but just not as hard. -
Quote:Unless the illusion controller is able to defeat the GM in 1 minute with only the illusion set then I would agree with you, but since that is not the case you are forgetting something important. The controller's secondary power set!Here's my reasoning. For every single ability that a hero/villain has access to, I could name some mechanic that counteracts it or at least mollifies its effectiveness. Whether that's PToD protecting AVs against mez, or abilities that grant foes +acc and +ToHit to break through high defense, or simply creating an enemy group with higher protection to certain mez types-- Nemesis and confuse come to mind-- there are tools that the developers can employ to counter hero abilities and make the game challenging.
What counteracts 3 untouchable pets that happen to do damage with a 27 second mag 4 taunt attached? I can't think of anything, and that's my reasoning.
Have you watched an Illusion/** solo some of the most difficult GMs and AVs this game has? Illusion Control isn't doing this because of the breadth of abilities available to the set, Illusion Control is doing it because Phantom Army puts up an indestructible wall. Plenty of sets have access to enough damage and -regeneration to take down similar foes, but only one set has the access to invincible set pieces. From a design stand point, I would never want players to have access to indestructible pets, let alone ones that do damage and possess long duration / high magnitude agro generating abilities.
And no, soloing AVs and GMs is not reason enough to label a skill as broken, as plenty of ATs can do the same and every character gets increasingly powerful through global recharge bonuses. But doing so without any risk whatsoever? Only PA grants this.
Illusion is a legacy set, and Phantom Army kind of floats under the radar because of this. As soon as Illusion is ported, however, Phantom Army would probably be looked at.
PA when even enhanced for acc/dmg still sucks without any debuffing of the target. The main reason my PA's kick butt is from rad debuffs and choking cloud. If I can recall correctly, the base damage of PA heals back, only enhanced damage part remains if the target does not die. Yes they are indestructable except from hami, but its more of from the Knockbacks, Spectral Terror, and my secondary, radiation, that my ill/rad lives, not because I have PA (though they do help most of the time). -
Wouldn't an illusion dom just be a blapper with mez protection and pets? Too much damage is the main reason why I see them not porting over Illusion (not saying that I'm against illusion doms).
Edit: uhms I realized your issue had to do with an instance of the RWZ while inside of a mission not the actual zone, so I edited it since it may not be helpful at all.
My reply was basically I had an issue with geometry buffs turned off with the I think shader slider turned to halfway+ and I would crash in RWZ. This was prior to GR coming out, but GR fixed it. So I haven't done that mission so I don't know what in GR fixed it, if it was something in the zone that changed or graphic setting. -
Yeah if you turn on the mouse option in the windows control panel, that when you press ctrl it locates the mouse pointer. Then with mouselook toggled on, you can follow the pointer and see where it goes/starts creating headaches.
Has anyone found a fix for the mouse clicks' interacting with the UI/HUd while the toggle mouselook is on?
The problem I have is that the game still registers/tracks the mouse pointer movement while mouselook is on. So say if i'm on a team and toggle mouselook, if the game tracks the pointer to the position of where the "quit team" button is, and the left mouse button is pressed, then I end up quitting the team.
There are additional other problems that is caused by the mouse pointer moving while toggle mouselook is on.
If anyone finds a solution other than not using/playing with mouselook on please let me know, I'm fed up/tired with accidently quitting teams and deleting my chat tabs. -
EA needs the buffed version that protean uses, or at least the version of Energy Drain that he uses.
Currently as it is, once a player hits a certain level range, they can only do a specific safe guard or mayhem mission. This actually punishes those players who are teaming and level too quickly, switch sides, or start somewhere else such as Praetoria.
What I am suggesting is that after doing the required amount of papers/radio scanner missions, when you talk to your broker, they will let you pick which mayhem/safegaurd city. That means at lvl 50, you can choose from any, at lvl 14 you would have access to Atlas park, and King Row.
With the new side kick system and ouroborus, if the mayhem/safe guards does not scale up correctly, then have it implement the same tech that ouroborus and the Task/Strike Force uses where it exemplars the team.
This will also solve the problem of users having to pay other players for a specific mission and from having to make and save characters at keys just to gain access to a specific safe guard and mayhem mission. -
I vote for travel powers. When can we mod our travel powers with jet packs, rockets, magic carpets, vehicles.
I know its a less favorable set but, Energy Aura's "Overload" definitely needs a real animation. When it is hit aside from the rooting you can't tell that the "panic" button was hit.
There is not/not noticeable sound effect at all. The graphics while it is turned on is barely noticeable. it is the same as electric armor, but they visually get turned into lightning. -
The term "Epic" is continuously being misused here.
The epic sense for VEATS and HEATS, are the same "Epic" meant to describe the lvl 40+ power pools. They are suppose to be powers that are outside of the normal AT's powerset. For VEATS and HEATS, its basically EPIC AT b/c they mix together ranged, mele, armors, pets, etc, and creates new AT that are similar to or a mixture of the other AT.
The story driven part is just extra, and is informing the player how these AT fit in the world etc.
Just because your character is hard set to Normal origin etc, you can make whatever backstory you want. Sure the VEATS sound AWOL but what kinda villain are you that follows orders, why wouldn't you as a villain try to be at the top or best.
The reason people don't like khelds are because they are much harder to build and use than VEATS. Veats don't have quantom voids that just kill you in two shots with all your buffs on, or make shadow cyrstals in the missions that wipe out teams. Personally I'm glad they didn't do that with VEATs. -
A-merits are to rewards those who stay true. Otherwise there wouldn't be a benefit/reason to not go rogue/vig if they stayed when you switched, and that is the reason the devs give for why they go poof.
The super stunners' rez drains end so if you knock them back or run away after they die, and no one is in range, they won't rez...unless u want more xp.
I've been waiting over 3 days now for my petition on Praet missions not rewarding a mission complete bonus when the player exits the map to complete the mission and it doesn't say "Find the Exit".
i.e. the mission where you steal the brain from Anti-Matter's lab, and you exit the map before the 5 minute counter for when Anti-Matter arrives runs out.
There are a small handful of missions that act this way that I've noticed/petitioned and from the long time wait have already been turned back into the contact. -
Quote:When out of prat you can always use the base tp, pocket d tp, or oro portal, self-destruct, or if you are on a team and the mission is not yours, have the leader kick you if you quit it won't kick you out of the mission.Thanks! *tosses squirrel a quid*
Have a pint or two on me.
I certainly wish they would say Go Back to Entrance, or something else that does not intimate that there is something you currently do not know about that you must "find." But since when do the Devs listen to me? -
Quote:Just stop being a loyalist and become resistance, then you can run the toggles all you want underground o.O. IIRC the resistance auction house is in their base and does not suppress your powers. You can just buy a resistance tper, so you don't have to run back and forth.All I can say is that I'm glad Praetoria only goes to 20, as I consider the trading house unusable and won't enter. If they left sprint and ninja run alone I could handle it, but molasses run speed is not something I want to put up with in these needlessly big rooms.
Quote:That actually sounds like a bug to me, once you are introduced and actually speak to them and then decide to not take a mission right away, they should in theory appear in your contact list. If the reason it they do not appear like they are suppose is because it is their work around for not forcing you into a story arc then it is understandable, but still sounds like a bug to me.You were give 2 contacts to go to at level 4 but when you went to them you just clicked thru their introduction and left without getting a mission from them. Since you didn't get a mission, they won't show up on your contact list. You need to go back to them and start their story arcs.
Edit: Also before posting you could have found this out by reading one of the other threads on the same topic. The Search tool is our friend.
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=234796 -
Quote:I don't know about you, but sometimes when I'm almost dead I run away just as far as the mobs do... but when they run away so far that their AI resets to non-combat like in the video its pretty bad. At least it didn't jump down a map hole. The exception to this would be of course if they are suppose to run away like the hellions in AP that are actually committing the crime run away so that they can't be apprehended.I hate to say it but the guy was spot on with the review. The whole enemies run away thing has so gotten out of control to the point where control ATs are almost required unless you want to chase everything. I end up inviting doms and trollers to just about every team I make now because its just too much to deal with. Seriously Castle or who ever dev has the ability to change critter AI will you please tone down the whole AI run away thing. Its stupid and its pointless since none of the npcs ever run away to get help. I could see if it was like other MMOs where one critter could aggro another spawn on you but this has never happened the entire time I have ever played CoX. What exactly is the purpose of them running away?
The idea of them running away and causing more mobs to come to back them up and attacking could be fun, but it just sounds like a faster way to herd, but then it may give the fear in the presence pool some use lol.
I think its funny how he made such an effort to jump off the building. It reminded me of the old comics since he was using hover, it must have took him a long time to get to the top ha. Along with that I was sad to see that you could still see the faint war walls/textures ending when he got to the top.
Its funny how he mentioned where you had to have friends to find a team. Maybe the beta was that dead, but on live it isn't right now. Maybe next time help reviewers find a team, or a level bump so they can see how much fun it is, or overwhelming taking on a map set for 8 people solo.