Crash in RWZ when going to the Hospital
Edit: uhms I realized your issue had to do with an instance of the RWZ while inside of a mission not the actual zone, so I edited it since it may not be helpful at all.
My reply was basically I had an issue with geometry buffs turned off with the I think shader slider turned to halfway+ and I would crash in RWZ. This was prior to GR coming out, but GR fixed it. So I haven't done that mission so I don't know what in GR fixed it, if it was something in the zone that changed or graphic setting.
I finally completed the mission last night. (I even had to visit the hospital a couple more times.) I adjusted my difficulty down after the mission, just so ya know.
I had no issues at all. I guess maybe it was my karma that cause the issue at home and at work.
I had a crash last night when I died in an RWZ mission (Levantera, rescuing the 3 Longbows captured by the Rikti). I hit the "go to hospital" button, and the game locked up. I had to do a hard reboot to get my system functional again.
Today, I did the same mission at work, totally different city, computer, internet provider, etc, and I had the exact same crash. I had to hard reboot my work system as well.
Is this mission bugged? Or is there a bigger issue?