So whats longest you've had to wait for a GM?
I haven't had to call forth a GM since long long ago. When they gave us the option to complete or abandon.
Back in the day though, around Issue 7, me and a team of 6 ended up waiting for nearly 2 hours before giving up and disbanding. The very second the last guy quit the GM sent a /tell.
That was the longest wait. Usually they'd appear within 20 minutes for me.
Haven't ran said mission yet.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
I've had them not show up at all, sending an email instead. I even filled out the "update/extra information" section of their email "form" and sent it back. They replied with a customer service satisfaction survey... Yes, I used Petition, not Bug.
Average (pre-GR): ten minutes
Longest (five days ago): two hours before we gave up.
This game? A couple days. (Event happened very early Saturday morning).
Other games? 4 months. They actually e-mailed me 3 months after I quit the game and asked what my problem was.
Longest for me was a day.
Mind you, one has to keep in mind, they're probably extra bogged down right now with the influx of activity.
Global: @Kenka Banchou
Server: Virtue
Twitter: @mugennoken
Hmmm.... I don't think I've run across that mission yet. If I have then it wasn't bugged for me.
Longest time for me? Just under 10 minutes. Sometimes I think that somebody has flagged certain accounts based on how obnoxious they are in the forums or how many /petitions they get for behavior in game.
The reason I say this is because most of the threads that start with a complaint about long waits, or complaints I've seen in broadcast usually involve cursing out support as being composed of lazy idiots etc etc etc... And I've also seen threads that start "Everybody on my team has sent multiple petitions". Basically all things that if I were a GM would make me shuffle that person back to the rear of the line.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Has been taking a little over an hour recently on a sample size of around 3.
Almost always goes up directly after a release with all the added bugs.
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
Before GR: Always 20 minutes or less.
Sample size 1, after GR: The GM did not show up after 2 hours (mission in Praetoria, on Sister Psyche TF) and we gave up.
That's literally my first bad experience since June 2004.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
On average, 20 minutes or less. One occasion exceeded 2 hrs but I had logged off by then as it was late.
The most recent one was last weeks and the GM showed up in about 10 minutes. I can't say I've had a bad experience with the GMs.
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
Seven and a half hours from /petition to email. The disturbing thing was that the timestamps on the email showed that the GM responded only eight minutes after the request entered the support queue -- the delay was in getting the petition from Virtue to the support queue.
Pre-Going Rogue, 2 hours in a bugged TF (I don't remember which one). We were on the last mission and had just given up when a GM rolled around asking if we still needed help. I was the only person still in the mission so found that there was one bad guy left stuck 24 feet into a wall. It wasn't coming out and we couldn't even see it to target it to tp it out.
That being said, my normal wait time is around 15-30 minutes depending on the time of day and day of the week. Fortunately I haven't had to submit a ticket for a bugged mission since Going Rogue came out.
Before GR 10 to 15 minutes . The other night I quit the mission at 45 minutes.
Around 15 minutes but I've only used it like 3 times in 2 years and never right after an issue release.
Edit to add: The other two times were very fast, like around 5 minutes.
Average (pre-GR): ten minutes
Longest (five days ago): two hours before we gave up. |
My Longest .. okay not 5 days YET but two and counting. Did the Doc. Kahn Tf with my Rogue Crab Spider and "Holy Crap!" "My pets are attacking my team mates!" "My Team mates Phantasm just KILLED me!!!" .. I sent in a petition as we struggled along trying to find positions where the ILL/Rad's Debuffs weren't debuffing us and all went petless, cutting our damage potential, along with trying to keep our AoEs from whipping out each other. After MANY deaths and trips to Hospital .. I left with not a single Inspiration in my trays.. we managed to defeat Reichman and move on. As I said that was two days ago and still haven't heard back from a GM LOL
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
Only had two incidents requiring GM assistance and both times one appeared within 10 or so minutes of me making the petition.
Last night it took 35 minutes for GM_P_Leonard to help me with a buggy mission where freeing the last hostage didn't trigger the mission end.
I was very impressed with how quickly they responded and how swiftly he checked the mission and confirmed the bug before triggering the complete for me.
Thank heavens because my Complete Mish timer was still had 2 more days to elapse and I didn't fancy fighting those wretched Clockwork again.
I've a feeling there's some bug (maybe related to the cross-faction attacking bug) which is killing off the hostages rather than rescuing them as I had the same sort of bug with the "Get food for Ghouls" mission, last hostage was dead when I arrived at his spawn location and clearing his spawn and the rest of the map did nada.
Longest Wait Time: I've given up after 3+ hours of in-game waiting. Our TF group went to dinner, came back, hunted outside the mission, called it a night. This used to happen all the time up until three years ago. Now it's rare, but still occurs.
Shortest Wait Time: Less than three minutes.
Credit Where It's Due: The Short Wait Times - which usually average less than ten minutes - are BY FAR the norm.
Best Reason to Give GMs a Raise: It's very often the same two GMs who answer requests, at least on our servers (Protector/Champion).
Free Advice: Give GMs more power so they can fix in-game Dev screw-ups.
If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
"The customer is always right."
I've been waiting over 3 days now for my petition on Praet missions not rewarding a mission complete bonus when the player exits the map to complete the mission and it doesn't say "Find the Exit".
i.e. the mission where you steal the brain from Anti-Matter's lab, and you exit the map before the 5 minute counter for when Anti-Matter arrives runs out.
There are a small handful of missions that act this way that I've noticed/petitioned and from the long time wait have already been turned back into the contact.
Longest I remember was about 3 hours with a bugged mission in the middle of a Sara Moore TF. We ended up going to the server's scheduled Hami raid while waiting for the GM, and got a GM response about 20 minutes after the Hami raid ended.
This was a long, long time ago though (as in, when it was still the original Hami design) - I remember because that particular Hami raid provided me the yellow dawn screenshot that I still occasionally set as my wallpaper
The longest that I waited was about three hours. I've had several that I gave up on waiting and got a follow-up email, but I can't recall the time between. At least one was the next day.

Thank you, Champion.
1 and 1/2 hours, back when glowies could appear inside the walls of the Cap SF often. By then, I had already given up, but they at least got the fix in sometime that week.
As for the shortest, it was 5 minutes, in order to fix the RSF scientist.
Last night I had a Mob stuck in a wall in a defeat all that was the last mission in the arc. I gave up on the GM after 45 minutes. It was late I had to log out. In my past experience, they have been relatively quick and always helpful. last night was my first bad experience.
Im up to 45 mins right now, of standing here, picking my nose,

Can't drop this mish, but it's borked, the Contact: Jessica Flores(Praetoria)
Mission: Manipulate files in Athena Labs.
The second objective doesn't seem to be spawning or is stuck somewhere, this 3rd time in 2 days I've seen this happen.
Anyone else have this problem with said mish? Plus your average wait time also
I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.