Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




Super Speed. I have two characters who take it for concept, and the sparks annoy me to no end. It's even worse while standing still. What I want: Synapse's version. I love that, and often wonder why we don't have that version instead.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



I'd really love to be able to pick my character's handedness! Let us swap all of our character animations for mirrored ones, including emotes. Making it a semi-permanent choice switchable at a tailor would be just fine, maybe per costume?



Yet another vote for pure fist/weapon versions of the elemental melee sets. Even the ones that aren't already mixed animations like Dark, Electric, and Energy.

Also, it may not be pure skeletal animation, but an alternate version of the stone armor graphics that are more form fitting and less poo like would be greatly appreciated. It's one of the only things keeping me from making a character with that set.



I'm assuming that alternate particles and effects fall under the rubric of Alternate Animations.

With that in mind: The Plant sets could really use a more sylvan and flowery set of effects. Butterfly and flower particles floating around, colorable flowers on the vines, big bright leaves, carrion creepers when cast creates a field of bright leafy ferns, etc. Perhaps--though this may be asking too much--an alternate pet form for the Venus flytrap? Something that allows more color than the rather dark and gloomy current model, maybe based more on a carnivorous flower?

bright carnivorous flower example:

leafier vines than the current dry, dreary thorny set:

in short, there should be a version of this set that when all the powers are in full swing, I think of this:

rather than this:



Haven't been keeping up with this thread as well as I should have so please forgive me if this has been brought up before.

What I want more than anything else are two alternate forms for Granite Armor to match the Lava and Crystal themes that come with Stone Armor. I've wanted to use them for quite a while but just can't get my head around why a character that uses the Crystal theme still turns into a lumbering collection of stone plates. Since Granite Armor uses a command to replace a toon's current costume with one that's, according to City of Data, called ROCK_SUIT it seems plausible that alternate costumes could be implemented.

I'd like to see a lava option for Granite that turns the player into a Magmite Lord of the Minions of Igneous:

And a crystal option that utilizes one of the Devouring Earth Quartz:

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I was wondering, would it be possible to make alternate animations for Archery/Trick Arrow that use a crossbow instead? It seems like we already have several crossbow animations ingame already, so I wonder how hard it would be to tweak those and make a whole slew of alternate animations for those sets. Of course, I'm not really sure how it would work with weapon customization, but it's just a thought.




Infight it's hard to see when Rages crash. Often i only realize it only after 2-3 Attacks, cause the Damage drops. It would be nice if the Debuff would be more visual.
Maybe if we could not only select a color for the Rage-Aura, but also for the 10sec Crash(1. Color Rage active, 2. Color Crash). So i can use my Blue or green Aura for the Time Rage is up and it turns in a glowing red Aura for the time i'm debuffed. What also would be nice a different visual Effect for Rage under the Heroic-Option->Sizechange instead of Aura. While Rage is active +20% Size, when Rages Crash and in the 10sec Debuff time the Toon shrinks to normal sieze or -20% Size. This would show the Strength of Rage and the Weakness during the Crash in an impressive Way. Would be a cool Hulk-Effect, not only getting stronger but also bigger when in Rage. I think this would fit many Chardesigns well.

P.S. The visual Effect during the 10sec Crash have to overwright the Effect during Rage, if it is doublestacked.



To continue up on my earlier posting on an alternate animation for Energy Transfer feeling more like you're hitting someone and moving a lot of energy. My mental image is very similar to that of the signature "Piston Punch" finishing move from Big O, as seen here:

Big O Punch!

Something along these lines, rather than the whole upper body double fist pom pom thrust right now.

Would it also be possible for fist auras to be changed so that they're not your entire forearms and just the fists? Fire powers have their flaming fists, energy melee has the pom poms. It'd be nice to be able to attach something like the Kheld aura to just your fists.

Other thoughts: more/different animations for the Control powers. There's a rather small number of animations used in most control sets, with most powers getting a handful of very similar handwave/point animations. It'd be cool to have some stuff that's a bit more... flashy. Same animation times of course, but more pizzaz to it. Though the same can be said for a lot of the older power sets, such as the blasts. I'm pretty sure Fire Blast, Fireball, and Blaze all use the same animations, for instance.

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Originally Posted by Castle View Post
One of the projects we are working on is to create more alternate animations for various powers. The animators asked me which powers I wanted to have this applied to and rather than simply come up with a list myself, I thought it would be interesting to open the discussion to you the fans.

Powers with Alternate Animations will still have nearly the exact same Animation Lengths, so this thread is not about creating shorter animations for various powers.

So, let's hear it! Tired of doing Backflips with Eviscerate? Sick of beating your chest like Tarzan? Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!
First and foremost, please give us some open hand attack animations specifically to be used in conjunction with a "no claws" or "natural claws" option with the claws set. Please. With alternate animations being on the table, the old "closed fist animation" argument against such a choice is no longer valid.

I may come up with many more of these but for the rest of this post, I'm going to focus on the Broadsword. We have a lot of great options for weapons customization with this set but it is a reality that the forms for these various weapons aren't really the same so I figure why not give us alternate animations based on the various choices. If you mix and match animations, you could really create unique styles of blade handling.


Chinese Broadsword:

Chinese Dao:

Chinese Jian:

Additionally, I'd love to see fencing swords added to our choices with animations based on those movements. Fencing seems more about stabbing than slashes but the posing and the sword flourishes would make for some interesting animations.


Fight doesn't really start until about 1:58.

Additionally, I wasn't able to find a very good example but I know that techniques for scimitars are quite different than western swords. Some animations for those would be wonderful and would likely work well for a number of the other options.

I'd love to see these additions to the game and the promise of mixing animations for various attacks could make for some fairly unique fighting styles. Thanks for asking!

Attache @ deviantART

Attache's Anti-401k Art Collection



I'm sure this has already been mentioned too but I'd say alternates/customizable MM minions, especially the thugs or something cause you could get some really sweet looking minions.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
One of the projects we are working on is to create more alternate animations for various powers. The animators asked me which powers I wanted to have this applied to and rather than simply come up with a list myself, I thought it would be interesting to open the discussion to you the fans.

Powers with Alternate Animations will still have nearly the exact same Animation Lengths, so this thread is not about creating shorter animations for various powers.

So, let's hear it! Tired of doing Backflips with Eviscerate? Sick of beating your chest like Tarzan? Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!
Uhm, how about the old baseball pitch that claws used to have, as well as the old spastic cat attack look.

That'll do for me for now.

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
One of the projects we are working on is to create more alternate animations for various powers. The animators asked me which powers I wanted to have this applied to and rather than simply come up with a list myself, I thought it would be interesting to open the discussion to you the fans.

Powers with Alternate Animations will still have nearly the exact same Animation Lengths, so this thread is not about creating shorter animations for various powers.

So, let's hear it! Tired of doing Backflips with Eviscerate? Sick of beating your chest like Tarzan? Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!
Uhm, since brutes are not getting BS anytime soon- can we at least get the BS for an alternate look on Warmace or Battle Axe?


"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



Didn't want to read the entire thread, but there are lots of great ideas and am not sure if this was suggested yet. The idea originates after fighting the Praetorian PPD. I would say it would be cool to see some, if not all variants of armors and shield buffs act like this. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'll explain it. When you attack a Praetorian PPD, when he gets hit, he has some sort of body shield envelop his chest, but for the most part, the shield is invisible. I could see this pretty much working for almost all the armors and shield buffs, and it would reduce people getting past when they get buffed by ice shields, or fire shields cause they can't see their toon.

Another thing I would like to see is being able to have multiple animations of jumping and running. I'm not just saying like Ninja Run, but sometimes you want your toon to run around like a mad man with his arms flailing about or like a sprinter (Somewhere between sprint and ninja run.) instead of running in a proper form.

Also, maybe I'm the only one, but I'm not a fan of Lightning Rod. I'd prefer something similar to the alternate foot stomp. Raise fist upwards, teleport and punch the ground with a boom.

Scrappers are about doing whatever the h*ll you want, whenever the h*ll you want.



Everyone wants alternate animations for dual pistols. The character I have in mind is the no nonsense kind of guy so the flashy animations just don't fit at all. the pistol powers for the thugs mastermind set nicely for my character, but sadly being a gang leader doesn't



The ability to turn off the aura from powers like Rage and Soul Drain would be great.

A couple of the existing alternate animations that are supposed to look like punches really don't look like punches (some look like weapon animations minus the weapon). A couple more traditional punches would be nice -- the animations from Shadow Punch and Smite are great examples of solid punching animations that could be used as alternatives for other powers.

Alternatives for the Fire/Ice swords would be great, and could just use existing punching and PBAoE animations without the swords.


Global @Watchdog



I have Shield Defense/MA and shield/SS characters. I would love to be able to use the "shield bash" move you get when you use Brawl holding a shield with some of the MA or SS attacks.

34 heroes,
20 villains, Victory, Justice, Infinity, Virtue, Triumph, Exalted -- some more active than others



How about alternative animations for the "blast" powersets that don't have a projectile? For example, instead of the various Fire Blast powers summoning a ball of flame that you throw, have it so that you make a gesture towards the target, who just erupts into flames.



The animations I'd most like replaced, and these are powers that I either won't currently take or only use with great reluctance...

The Assassin Strikes for Energy Melee and Dark Melee.
Eviscerate - too showy for what it is, and what's with that weird grunt at the end?
Heal Self - a power I will probably NEVER take until I have the option not to use the 'tricorder'
Anything that uses the chest beating Tarzan animation.

Special mention for Dual Pistols (all) - although I love them as they are some of the moves are a little OTT for some concepts.



I have a biggie, I would like to see the ability to change colors on pool powers! We have the ability to change all the other it would only make sense to be able to color hasten.

Hasten: instead of having it be glowing hands be able to change it in to body aura.

Sonic and psi: instead of powers coming from head, have the ability to have them come form your hands. As if it is a tech gadget that is producing it.



Assault Riffle: Laser based alternative (Like Resistance enemies use, maybe colour tintable?) Maybe a wrist mounted animation set? (Like the Clockwork plasma attacks)

Kinetic Melee
: A 'charge and fire' set of animations where the character charges an attack in their hands before firing it out instead of flailing about. (Repulsing torrent is a good example, charge then 'shoot')

Force field: Hexagon shielding like Praetorian PD have would be a nice alternative.

Radiation Blast - X-ray Beam: Firing the beams from the palms instead of the eyes would be cool... Maybe firing four from finger tips?

If we can have pool power animation changes...

Super Speed: Sliding animation (With icy effect) Ninja run-ish 'leaning forward, arms stretched out back' kind of pose (With steaks of fire from feet?)

Fly/Hover: Power armor flight (Jet boots/back jets/hand thrusters)

Teleport: Something close to the 'Dimension shift' costume change emote.



I would like to see the melee sets get some kicks added into them.

Nothing too extravagant but along the lines of Thunder kick perhaps.



I would like to see a minimal FX option for the speed power pool.
Also new animations for all travel powers, and a minimal FX option as well.
I hope the devs come with APP,PPP and power pools full customization.
And for the alternate animations:
More animations for martial arts, something more awesome, like capoeira kicks, more acrobatic feeling, without using the old backflip animation most of scrappers use.
And I would love to get rid of the total focus, thunderstrike, etc... animation.
The slow jump and the hit with the two fist is used for lots of powers and Im a bit sick of it... New animations for them would be just awesome.
I love the energy single punch from the resistance group, would like to see it added for martial, super strenght, energy melee, electric melee, etc...



I would imagine this has been said already but, saying it again. Veteran rewards staff and wand. It almost feels like there was a sale on these staves/wands. SEVERAL alternate looks would be nice..

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:



I know peole have touched on this but I don't understand why we don't have animation sets based on our origins. All my powers would change as a magic origin "casting spells" as i want vs tech gadgets.

on the basic question of powers with alternate animations.
Weave: i want a fighters dance not just a bob

Tough: I cannot stand the tarzan chest thump, great for my tanker wild man horible for my ninja assassin.

All breath attacks: sorry but i can't stand any but one concept i have using breath weapons would love this to be a cone from my hands or use the torrent animation for throwing ice/fire.

The toilet seat assassin strike: yea anything but.

Taunt: I want a roar style animation.

Elude: i want a back flipflop.

Novas: all the ones that look like you are exploding change to be something not. I really enjoy what you did with DP and makes all the other novas look pitiful.