Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




I would like to see some new animations for:

Super Speed
Anything would be nice so tired of the glow under the feet thing

All blasts and control effects
As in i would like to see some spell casting perhaps they would look like the temporary power that is the special word from crotoa would be cool.
Or maybe mecha versions of things for those power armor type characters.
Or maybe even effects that look like they are like from that anime Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha

Also Changed animations for each of the Major Teleport powers....
This is a big one i think should be done....its really lame that teleporting to pocket d...going to the base...teleporting to the mission or going to an auction/black market place...all use the same buggy animation that can easily be interupted by people zoning or quiting a team or using an oroboros portal or even casting buffs on you.(yep i bet you get 100s of bug reports about this..this would be a great excuse to semi fix the problem)
It was fine when it was for just pocket D...but then instead of making a different one for the base one or any others the same exact animation was used....
That is so not a good one for the base teleport...makes no sense for the base it imposes you to get the full animation to get a pop up box you have to select.
Maybe if the base one worked as it was described and sent you to your base...instead of popping up a window letting you select where to might make more sense....
I really think you should change those teleport animations.

Lastly Rez Animations....
There are a bunch of good ones...but most of the animations can never get accessed becasue they come from special limited time players are stuck never being able to use thematic ones like the angel resurection one or the hell one....

oh had to edit this one in..almsot forgot about it...

New Healing power Animations
I dont know about anyone else....but the tapping onthe wrist thing is old...and it would be neat to be able to have an animation that fit the character more....yes there you are the magic user tapping on your wrist comp to heal people...there you are the mutant with spike protrusions tapping on your wrist to heal people....if this where reality i could forsee it now...the spike scrapper comes over to heal they type on their wrist comp their spikes shooting from their body kills the person first....



I understand my request will be way way too much work but since we are all wishing for the impossible.

I wish Air Superiority had alternate animations that thematically matched the Melee attack sets we have. Fire Air Superiority, Dark Melee, Energy Melee etc.

AS is a great power and I'm not skipping it over the fact it doesn't match my other attacks. But if I could choose a Energy Melee AS on any toon and get colorable poms poms I would bounce around and scream like a little baby.



1. Giving many of the blaster-esque powers the ability/animation to eminate from left right or both hands, chest, head, etc would be nice. To make the powers activation times similar, an appropriate energy charge or stance alteration could be coupled with it in the cases of those that require longer activations.

2. Assault rifle and pistols could be done similar when paired with certain costume pieces(ie tech/robo etc).

3. Cellphone calling instead of whistling for thugs.

4. Alternate skin/animations for most of the controller and mm pets (thinner/more android style bots, more punk or crime boss style thugs, different military looks for soldiers, etc) Accompanied with animations more appropriate to those times as well once summoned.

5. Alternate stalker stealths: poofs, melts into the ground/shadows, dispersed particles, etc.

6. More and less fearsome plant animations.

7. Earth and stone animations that synergy better with the sets. More liquidy mud n quicksand.

8. Multiple different fire animations across the power sets: Higher/lower flame counts, more/less smoke.

9. Different shark animations for the Mako powers(ie different shark choices as well).

10. Multiple taunt style choices to fiercely or humorously rile those enemies up.

12. Dark sets with more skull/spirit/etc looks. Also choices of more ichoric goey darkness instead of vaporlike.

13. More "Ball", spiral, cylindrical, dart style animations with various elemental blasts.

14. Weapon draws(pistol, sword, shield, axe) with alternates of materializing, growing, shaping from raw element to solidified forms.

-Storm Revenant-

Fires Within: Lvl 50 Fire/Kinetics Controller (Champion)
Steamed: Lvl 50 Thugs/Dark Miasma Mastermind (Freedom)



Alternate stance for Ninja Run while standing still.

An option to be able to pull out and keep out your character's weapon if they have one while using Flight/Super Jump/Ninja Run/Super Speed/ect.

The travel powers all ready have animations for it, but an toggle option so that it's always on when we use those powers would be great. Could use energy melee's pom poms and the like as well during flight and such.

Color changes for Peacebringer and Warshade animations.



PLEASE for the Love of GOD PLEASE Propel !!!!!! After Five years of using this power, watching and waiting for an image to be generated just so that I can watch it hit AFTER the foe is dead is TOO MUCH !!!

I know some people love this.. thats cool.. but I want something faster and less complicated that is actually useful in teams.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Id like to see the Warshade TP animations be made available to all TP'ers

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Thaw should have the new Clear Mind/Enforced Morale animation.



I'd like energy transfer to have a one handed animation again. The increased animation time doesn't bother me so much as changing that very cool, very brutal punch. Barring that, I would like to be able to give it the Eagles Claw animation. Or really any attack from Energy Melee to be able to be changed to kicks.

I think that adding in kick animations, even if they're existing ones from MA to the options on some of the other sets would creates less of a need for the often asked for street fighting type of set.

Also, I'd like hasten to have the FX in PVP Only option.

Probably not the scope of the thread, but power customization for Ancillary and Patron pools please. I want my Mu Lightning to match my Electric Melee, etc.



It's already been mentioned, but I'll just reiterate for my own 0.02.

Hasten - Minimal/FX only in PvP would be awesome, and probably pretty easy to implement. Tired of firey hands.

All Ice/Fire Melee weapons - A blast alternative would be great, as the animation is one of the main reasons I've never explored these sets adequately. They are too valuable to pass up for the set, yet force you thematically.

Finally Fire/Ice Breath - I typically play Technology oriented robot/automatons, stuff that does breath. Flamethrower hands or, chest, or... what not would be nice.



Something else that came to mind:

Seeing as, IIRC, we've been told that Widows can't customise their claws as the current ones are tied to the animation, how about new animations that let us use the normal claw options?

edit: As a continuation of the widow claw theme, I'd also like to just have the "blade" part of the current claws, and not the "spikes" (if you can understand that), and have the blade act as a normal weapon (ie it stays out) rather that just appearing during the attack animations.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Sick of beating your chest like Tarzan? Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!
Going with this; I hate the chest beating stuff as it's not universal to peoples toons and eyebeam could be chest beam or something.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Mercenaries. They look so bland. I think many more people would play them if they just had different skins.



Can we have alternate animations for all powers? =) Seriously though...

Spin- I would like to see the Dual Blades spin animation available for powers like Fire Sword Circle, and vice versa.

Tesla Cage- I really like the new Tesla Cage animation for Electric Control where the lightning blasts are more....wiggly (for lack of a better term) when applying the cage. I would like the option for this with my Electric Blaster. Not sure if something like this could be applied to other holds....

Lefties- Being left-handed, I was very excited to see that Charged Bolts from the Electric Blast set fired from the characters left-hand. It would be nice to see more lefty-friendly sets, especially in regards to the blast sets, melee swords, etc.

Shields- I would like to second an earlier post I read, where Ice Shield animations have the character encasing themselves in Ice and breaking out with the shield on, or applying a fire shield with animations similar to the Energy Morph costume emote, etc.

Snipes- I like how the snipes are differentiated, and would like the option to make Zapp fire like Blaze, or Moonbeam to fire like Proton Volley. (That sounds like a mountain of work to me though, so I won't hold my breath. =)

Thank you for your interest and work in this field. Anything to make my character a little bit more unique from other characters with similar powersets is a HUGE plus for me.



Something i forgot to mention that i'd want....

Costumisable pets! Being able to make all your thugs look like you would make a nice duplication set. =3 I know... theorically, it's not alternate animation, but they were skipped in the last batch of power costumization!

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



All I would like if is possible is two handed animations for broadsword, battleaxe and warmace if you do not use a shield as secondary.



Originally Posted by Roleplayer606 View Post
All I would like if is possible is two handed animations for broadsword, battleaxe and warmace if you do not use a shield as secondary.
Seconded, though it's already been mentioned before. It'd be nice to see some of those sets have their own unique animations too, instead of just sharing the same ones they've had since
the game was released.



Originally Posted by Roleplayer606 View Post
All I would like if is possible is two handed animations for broadsword, battleaxe and warmace if you do not use a shield as secondary.

Originally Posted by Mephistroth View Post
Seconded, though it's already been mentioned before. It'd be nice to see some of those sets have their own unique animations too, instead of just sharing the same ones they've had since
the game was released.
Agreed. I would very, very much like to see unique animations that capitalise on the nature of the given weapon added to Sword, Mace and Axe as diversity options, and I would be very happy if we got some two-handed options for the larger of the weapons.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Agreed. I would very, very much like to see unique animations that capitalise on the nature of the given weapon added to Sword, Mace and Axe as diversity options, and I would be very happy if we got some two-handed options for the larger of the weapons.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Haven't read the whole thread sorry but can I throw in:

Ninjitsu animations being made available to other armour sets for when you are activating armour toggles

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Originally Posted by PhroX View Post
Something else that came to mind:

Seeing as, IIRC, we've been told that Widows can't customise their claws as the current ones are tied to the animation, how about new animations that let us use the normal claw options?

edit: As a continuation of the widow claw theme, I'd also like to just have the "blade" part of the current claws, and not the "spikes" (if you can understand that), and have the blade act as a normal weapon (ie it stays out) rather that just appearing during the attack animations.
I second this idea and extend it further. All the villian epic archtypes are pretty locked into custom outfits, and if I remember the reason correctly, it was because of their unique animations (like the crab backback).

It would be great to allow us to use the full range of costumes with these characters, and to do that I suspect additional animation options have to be created.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Oh, and another thing. Speaking of "eye beams not your cup of tea," can we get an alternative of X-Ray Beam Eyes that isn't... Well, an eye beam? I wouldn't mind if it's still a small, narrow beam, but I'd be very happy if I could shoot it from my fist.
I'd like to see this as making pistols with both hands and having the hands fairly close together. Pew! Pew!



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
One of the projects we are working on is to create more alternate animations for various powers. The animators asked me which powers I wanted to have this applied to and rather than simply come up with a list myself, I thought it would be interesting to open the discussion to you the fans.
Your forum-fu is not all it could be. An open-ended request like this will eventually have every single power in the game suggested, even those that already have alternate animations.

If you're still reading this growing thread -- and my request may have been mentioned before -- I would like an alternate animation for Energy Transfer (in the energy melee powerset).

I nominate the alternate animation for Eagle's Claw (in the martial arts powerset). The alternate Eagle's Claw is a nice big one-handed roundhouse punch.

Also, it would be nice to have the option to completely switch off the Dark Armor powerset's smokey shields (particularly cloak of darkness and obsidian shield).

Thanks, and costume jetpacks would be nice too.

Goldbrick 50 inv/ss tank
Other 50s: Power Beam, Rocky Mantle, STORMIE Agent, Matchless, Major Will, Knightmayor, Femstone, Space Maureen, Crimebuster Ako, Dr. Twilight, Doc Champion, American Gold Eagle



Not sure if your still reading this thread and I'm not sure if this has been mentioned but the adding of alternate spine models was awesome except for one thing. They still have the green poison effect. So picture someone who just finished setting up an awesome looking character using the crystal spines to make it look like they have ice shards coming from their body. Looks cool and all but when they use their powers theres still that green poison showing up ruining their immersion.

If it was possible to have a no poison version of the current spine models that would be amazing.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Can one of the Claw's attacks looks like Mynx's "claw of fury"? Like Demon minion's melee attack?

I actually don't associate "flipping in the air" with a Claw attack. I prefer that "cat scratching" animation if we can choose.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I hate to say it, but what are the chances for a alt set of dual pistol animations.....The current ones look silly to me