Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




Okay, I've been playing my Inv/KM tanker in Preatoria and loving it. So far, the animations for the attacks seem fitting for him (and I had the concept for my Kung Fu kineticist for years!). The only thing that is needed to make him a perfect simulation of what I imagined are a few animations (that and he needs a long braided ponytail that goes halfway down his back >_<):

1. Walk pose - Hands behind back. The way he stands, unless he's fighting, is he keeps his hands behind him all relaxed-like. The 'atease' emote works for that...but It would be awesome if he could 'walk' in that pose. And it's be the easiest thing in the world to add! Besides the 'hands behind back' walk pose, you can have a 'leg limp' and 'hold shoulder' walk pose to emulate being hurt, 'zombie shuffle' just 'cause and 'seething breath' walk pose which would be your standard "I'm pissed! And I'm coming toward you!...slowly!" pose.

2. Taunt - One arm behind back, other hand out motioning to come. That, and other emotes that would also be fitting. Maybe an emote that isn't so much a 'hey, I'm talkin' to you' type deal and more a 'holy crap! look at this bright shiny thing!' deal.

I would love you forever if you added those ^^ and if you give me a melee/support AT, I'd just die of delight



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
that and he needs a long braided ponytail that goes halfway down his back >_<
One of the Helmets (not Half Helmets, not Medival Helmets, not Full Helmets, JUST helmets) has that, I know it probably won't work for you, but you should have a look to see if at least the braid looks all right.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Alternate animations for standard running would be nice, though I'm not sure how that would be implemented. Tailor maybe?

For Broadsword, more animations would be neat. How about for Whirling Sword, a Zelda-style whirling blade move alternate animation?

I agree on any of the element fighting sets to have non-weapons/all-weapons as attacks too.

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Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
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I agree whole-heartedly with the super speed. It's nice and all, but it doesn't make much sense thematically for some speedsters to have their feet glowing an obnoxious shade of yellow whenever they move. Just my opinion.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
One of the projects we are working on is to create more alternate animations for various powers. The animators asked me which powers I wanted to have this applied to and rather than simply come up with a list myself, I thought it would be interesting to open the discussion to you the fans.

Powers with Alternate Animations will still have nearly the exact same Animation Lengths, so this thread is not about creating shorter animations for various powers.

So, let's hear it! Tired of doing Backflips with Eviscerate? Sick of beating your chest like Tarzan? Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!
Flight - Customized from the Tailor instead of using emotes to change flight stance.
Sprint - Alternate run animations. Like Ninja Run, a lumbering gorilla, a hunchback Igor/ zombie.
Rifles - for most of the ranged sets that don't already use weapons.
Slide - Custom colors for the prestige power.
Broad Sword - 2 handed animation options when the defensive powerset isn't shields.
All Melee - Over the top anime style animations.

And while we're on the topic of customization: Voices.

"What part of Chaotic Evil don't you uinderstand" `Stevil



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
I'm not going to suggest anything in particular, but rather something that could be a long-term project.

Go back and look through the earliest powersets. Notice how, overall, there isn't much diversity in the animations. Most blast attacks, for example, share the same handful of animations. And compared to the newer sets, those animations are very simplistic and kinda dull. Instead of just making new animations for powers X, Y, and Z, why not go through and gradually give every powerset a couple of alternate animations? Not necessarily like Super Strength, where most of the powers have alternates, but stuff like making sure that each Blaster Nova-style attack has a unique and thematically-appropriate animation. Little bits here and there to help give the oldest powersets a tiny shred of individuality.
^This sweet thx.



I would like to request that the animation for "Mu Bolts" in the scrapper / stalker Mu Mastery set be changed to look like you are attacking with a lightning bolt instead of looking like you are giving someone a buff. Maybe change it to look something like the blaster's electric attacks with your fists extended, or even make it look more like Fireball's animation? It just looks kind of silly right now in my opinion.

I would also like to see a unique animation for the electric melee's Thunder Strike attack. Possibly make the user throw their hand back, have lightning swell up on it, and then they thrust their fist forward, completing the attack as usual. We just need a change from the traditional jump way up in the air for three seconds and come down on the foe's head.



I've been thinking a bit more, and I suppose if I had to make a top 5 list, it would look like this (not necessarily in order):

1. Anything using the Tarzan emote.
2. The "take a poop" Assassin's moves.
3. Total Focus and all its super-slow-mo friends.
4. The old Flares animation, not sure what still uses it, but it looks a little too much like you're trying to sprinkle fairy dust on them.
5. Any breath or eyebeam attack...not necessarily bad animations, just not particularly suitable for a lot of concepts, would be nice to get an alternate version that generates from the arms/hands.

A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations

- Jonathan Coulton



Another one I thought about today...Dual Fire Swords for Fire Sword Circle! Use a slower Typhoons Edge animation (as Typhoons edge is a little faster than FSC).

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Stone Melee's Tremor-Animation is looking very weird on some Chars. The Groundpunch-Animation from SS or a new Animation where the Toon smashes his mallet on the ground would be much cooler.



Originally Posted by Kaeper View Post
And some way to get the sliding run animation?
Please, please yes. I was just outbid for an old version of the game that was at $70, and I was only bidding for the stupid slide run.. People would and are paying a lot of cash for this..



Originally Posted by Quaver View Post
Desperately need alternatives to the skulls in Dark Blast/Dark Miasma, I love both sets but cringe every time my 'hero' flings a skull...though I guess the sets are kinda 'evil' in themselves, the skulls are definitely too cheesey-evil for me. Talking specifically about Gloom and Fearsome Stare here.
I'll 2nd this



Originally Posted by The_Overlord View Post
I still want to use guitars and violins for the blast sets. I'm honestly not rolling a Sonic simply because I hate that my only option is to scream at people.

And a BIG SECOND to this (even though I know how unlikely it is).



Originally Posted by Nicodemus View Post
Eyebeams bigger, like Cyclops as opposed to Superman.

Dual Pistols redraw to be looked at and hopefully eliminated or at least reduced where possible and thematically appropriate (does Kinetics really require my hands to be empty with every cast?)

Broadsword. Right now it's a snoozefest.

This game also needs more mystic circles. =) Alternate anims, or a new control set, or something, but moarplzthx. =)
Speaking of redraws.. Can we please have holsters/sheaths/quivers?



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Know what I want an alternate animation for?


That's right. Rest. The power. You know that semi-cool kneeling animation? Wouldn't it be cool if we had options? Like, say:

*Sprawled on the ground, huffing and puffing, exhausted. I mean, when I run out of breath, I tend to collapse, not just kind of kneel.

*Upright and posing. A more "dignified" way to rest. Think the current /em stancevillain2.

*Yoga on the ground, eating out of a picnic basket, or out of a duffel bag. Eating like a slob is optional. That's just how some people recover their energy.

*Floating in the air with swirling mystical energies. Some people need to meditate to regain their energies, after all.

*Hunched over, hands on knees, gasping for breath. You know what out-of-shape people look like when they run a mile? Like that.

And that's just off the top of my head.

This is a fun idea!

Low priority, I'll grant, but very fun. Like 'Walk'.



Originally Posted by Pareidolia View Post
Energy Melee - I'm actually kinda ok with the animations, but those pom-poms... ugh... it would be nice if we could change the glow to something like a subtle glowing second-skin instead of a big ball of light, or even get rid of it all together for natural-looking attacks.
I think everyone that's played the game would 2nd this.



Originally Posted by Luminara View Post
TA is sorely in need of alternatives to the distinctly technological animations.



Originally Posted by Fomsie View Post
All non weapon blast/ranged powers having a choice of origin points... eyes, chest, double arm, single arm, head, etc.

All device type powers (Medecine Pool, Traps, Devices) having non tech options/graphics... a mystical/mutant web spell, a floating eye(observer?) or energy sphere for targeting drones, a syringe or magic wand for aid self/other, etc.

A non gun fu pistol set...
*nods* This too..

Sadly, it seems there is SO much I want...



Originally Posted by Watchdog View Post
I think all of the ones I want have been mentioned (but add another "me too" for more traditional Dual Pistols animations).

One thing I would like is more options for "No FX" across the board. I like that I can turn off aura effects from sets like invuln and regen, but being able to turn off the bright effects of Super Strength or the dark clouds from Dark Melee would make traditional strong/brawler concepts easier to swallow.

In other words, glowing punches work for Iron Fist. Not so much for Luke Cage, y'know?
Ditto this, too



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
One of the Helmets (not Half Helmets, not Medival Helmets, not Full Helmets, JUST helmets) has that, I know it probably won't work for you, but you should have a look to see if at least the braid looks all right.
Agreed. It does, and for some alts, it works. But really, a Norman helmet every time I want a long braid? Just add the braid to the hairstyle list (for both genders! Tired of finding the hair/shirt/x I want, just to find out it's gender limited).



Squee!! Only took 3 hours, but I'm finally caught up to the thread! Yay!!



Like many in this thread, I also have opted out of the various breath powers;
it would be fantastic to have the power eminate from somewhere else.

Please please please give alternate animations/models for the tricorder of doom that is aid self/aid other/stimulant.

Creepy - Claws/WP Clown - 50 - August 10, 2008
Juniper's Daughter - Fire/Regen Scrapper - 50 - April 12, 2009
Fae Leigh - Grav/Kin Troller - 50 - May 30, 2010



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Thanks for the feedback, all.

I'll be going through this thread and forwarding the info to the animation team.
Thank you!



For me I want alternate Animations for both Martial Arts and Super Strength designed to work with Shield Defense; ie make it look like your bashing them with your shield.

Haven't read through the posts yet, so no idea if anyone else brought it up...

And while less 'Alternate Animation' and more 'Alternate Looks' maybe make it so you can colour your Mastermind minions and maybe select from a small variety of looks. For Thugs, for example, make a mafia and cowboy themed sets.

Just a suggestion.



I haven't read the whole thread yet so I apologize if my idea has been mentioned...

I would like to see a 'Random Activation' option for the powers that have more than one animation.

This way when you activate the power, it randomly chooses one of the animations allowed for that power. It could alternate, or be truly random... either way it would make it seem like your character has more moves, and you aren't forced to pick between animations that look equally cool