Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




Would love to see new animations for all body types when running with shields, weapons etc. That animation looks way too dainty and it is annoying



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!
Mmmm, eye beams Can we get eye beams for all energy blasts?

And some way to get the sliding run animation?

And please pretty please the option to use the original hover animation? The new, more upright position, occludes more of the screen than I like when combined with wings. It was a sad day when PhoenixHawks wings were clipped because of an animation change


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the loss of friends you didn't have
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"Flash Step" effects for teleportation, please.

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Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
"Flash Step" effects for teleportation, please.
If I had teleportation like that, I would pick Teleport on every character.

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wtb flash step teleport!



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
"Flash Step" effects for teleportation, please.
I don't think the game can handle that. Ar, at least, it wouldn't work like that, since it would still require the same "Set up the destination" time that is one of the main problems with the system.

I would like to use alternate animations for Teleport - I've always been fond of the "stepping into the darkness" and "stepping through a portal" concepts of teleportation. But Teleportation (as a primary mode of transportation) just doesn't feel smooth or well implemented in this game, and I don't think they could fix that with the current engine.

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Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
I'm throwing in my votes for previously mentioned items:

- alternate (more subdued) animations for Dual Pistols. I think the animations look really cool.. but they're so spastic that I think I will get sick of them pretty quick.

- alternate animations to all eye-beam powers. I have a thing about my eyes, and I absolutely can't take any of the eye-beam powers. They totally squick me out.

- adding elemental swords for all (or more) powers in each set that has access to an elemental sword, and possibly sets that are elemental and don't have swords. I keep making /ice doms just because I love ice sword circle so much. I started the game as an ice blaster and watched jealously as a friend used her fire sword circle all the time. I wanted an ice sword circle so bad, and I glee every time I use it on a dom.

And something that has probably been mentioned but I don't have time to read the rest of the thread:

- alternate animations for any of the "using a keypad on my arm" powers, such as summoning and upgrading bots. Also alternates for any tech based animations (medi pool comes to mind) so that they can be more believably used by non-techy toons. (Not all of my bots MMs are actually techy, and none of them wear gloves that support the "keypad on my arm" animation as believable.)
I don't have any unique suggestion for alternate animations for the powers we already have.. I am in agreement with the suggestions that have been made here already...

  • Breath Attacks
  • Teleport
  • Medicine Pool (an absolute must)
The eye-beam issue is one that I recognize as well... but just for added thought.. why the hell do you "miss" eye beam attacks? I mean.. really... you are LOOKING right at the target... never have understood that.


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I hear a lot of requests for 2-handed Broadsword attacks.

How about 1-handed Katana too? An Iaijutsu style where the weapon stays at the hip, being quickly drawn to slice the enemy then just as quickly, returned back to the hip.

And a fencing style either added to BS, Katana or both! Anything, as long as you don't bother making *another* sword set. I love swords but I think 3 is a bit excessive.



Originally Posted by Trollsfire View Post
I remember reading that assault rifle was originally going to be called "Weapon mastery" or something similar and that each power would actually make use of a different weapon. How about having alternate animations for most of the assault rifle set that feature alternate weapon animations already in the game.

A few examples...

M 30 grenade could pull out the M16 clone or a separate rotary grenade launcher.

Sniper rifle could actually bring out a sniper rifle.

Flame thrower and ignite could use the council flamethrower animation or the fire extinguisher animation.

Shotgun and beanbag could pull out the shotgun model.

Last but not least full auto could use the Council Gatling gun model and animation.

On a different note could there be a random setting for some powers that have alternate animations to give more variety to fights?
I really like this idea, espcially if we could get a modern and a sci-fi/futuristic version for each weapon.

It allows for a character with a complete weapons arsenal, but i think would require minimal new animation work (relatively speaking).



War Mace, Battle Axe, and Broad Sword.

The same copy/paste animations for each set.

I think something overhead coming down to the ground for the alternate tier nine attack would work for all three.



Some I'd like:

Energy Melee. I love the brawly look of Barrage, but some of the later animations are a bit... well, they don't always fit. You see Bone Smasher's double handed smash everywhere (when you've got Bone Smasher and Air Superiority, it seems like half your moves are just fistsmashing). I'd love some more options there. Same goes for the air jump of Total Focus. With Whirling Hands, maybe an option where you hit the ground and release a burst of energy or something (it'd help if Whirling Hands had a bit more oomph to it). That really goes in general for the melee sets. More variety in the attacks besides the same half dozen or so animations. The overhead smash is used in everything.

Agree with those that want the option of either turning off the elemental weapons like Fiery Sword, or going all the way with it.

For Assault Rifle, and even Dual Pistols, more options with the shots. Like letting people shoot lasers like the Mastermind pulse rifles or the Resistance guns. You shoot lasers instead of bullets.

With a lot of the blasts, like Energy and Radiation, maybe the option to change the single target Kirby Dot blasts to more laser-like.

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A single knee crouch for Assault Rifle/Sniper Rifle would be awesome.

and a heavy single handed uppercut for Super Strength/Knockout Blow would be very nice.



One more thing.

Please give us an alternate animation for Shadow Maul. Preferably something involving a massive hammer(maul) made of shadows.

I really am sick to death of the 'many punch' animation. It has been done to death and is also part of a Vet Reward.



I think the first priority should be creating animations to allow more power sets to work together, obviously some like duel blades will probably never fly but I don't see why you couldn't have a one handed claws power animation set to go with Shield Defense for example.

Once that is done though I'd kind of like to spines get some alternate animation, maybe make it a bit more "Witchblade" like. I've always lamented the lack of a Witchblade or Venom Symbiot style power set which morphs into some of your attacks and Spines seems to be about the closest to that.



Hi guys,

I am not someone who posts at all but I read a lot about your discussions for sure .

This particular thread caught my attention and based on what Castle asked here is my suggestion:

I was thinking about something like "fighting styles", for example, in case you have a DP Blaster and you want to change your "ways" of shooting from that current Pistol Kung Fu way to more like "Cowboy" or "Professional Assassin" kind of shooting style.

This way your hero behaviour of attacking/defending would fit into its concept.

I can also see that applied to "sword based" powers where again you could have different ways to perform your attacks based on the "style" you choose for you.

The way I see this option would be a toggle and always available at no end cost.

Anyway, I love my DP blaster, but I would love to be able to play with him using a different style than the Kung Fu shoot out (don't get me wrong, it is a really cool animation, it is just a bit away from the concept I wanted for my hero in the 1st place).

My 2 cents

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All melee attacks really (perhaps save for the ones that already got makeovers such as Martial Arts (though it could easily look cooler)).

But the one powerset I want cooler animations for is Broadsword. It just seems like some dude (or dudette) swinging a heavy sword randomly. I mean I've done fencing for 5 years and I can tell you right now that anyone fighting with moves like in the BS set would die very quickly in a duel against someone who at least know how to HOLD the damned thing.

Thanks for listening



Mine is simple and rather silly. I'd like to see Sprint WITHOUT the dust and flakes coming off of it. When I am Super jumping, it just seems wrong to have the dust and specks flying off the entire time.

Yes silly, but he asked.



I'd like wider eye beams. More Darkseid or Cyclops like than Superman.

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Originally Posted by Gehnen View Post
I'm going to assume Power Pools are out, but Jump Kick looks outright crazy on non spider-hero guys.

Considering how split the community is on Dual Pistols... the set needs options for less "Gun-Fu", and more "realistic" shooting. I'm sure that will be one heck of a challenge to make interesting normal animations with the same animation time.
I second whole-heatedly.



Dual Pistols and Kinetic Melee are both sets I would probably use if they had less flashy animations. If DP looked like Malta Gunslingers, and Kinetic Melee had simple animations like those of Touch of Fear and Siphon Life, I'd have used each set at least once. Long flashy animations work for Dual Blades, in my opinion, because it looks like the entire time is spent attacking, whereas DP and KM, to me, both look like mostly choreography with an attack at the end. I get that these are allusions and lots of people really enjoy that; it just doesn't appeal to me at all, so of course I'd like to see alternates.

Also, it's great to see this being asked. Very cool.

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A better animation for Kinetic Melee's Concentrated Strike.



Originally Posted by bjooks View Post
Power Pools
  • Travel -- use hover animation & flight emotes for flight, puff-of-smoke or arm-tech summoning for TP, less glowie/color customize for SS, landing crater for SJ
  • Leadership -- no ideas really, but something less military
  • Medicine -- use empathy or pain dom animations, something less techie
  • Fighting -- martial arts style options
Empathy/Pain Dom
  • As much as I complain about wanting non-techie versions of the power pools, I'd be selfish to not mention techie versions of these
Blasts (& more)
  • Staffs, wands, rifles & rayguns -- various weapons to fire each blast through a staff, wand, or gun; other non-blasts could do the same, when appropriate (i.e. confuse/stun/hold raygun, or weather summoning staffs)
  • Dual Pistols -- I love the set, personally, but I could like something more "cowboy" as well
  • Fire blast -- the snipe power in this set bugs the heck out of me. I hate it. Hate.
  • In-game critters -- if not complete customization, how about allowing relevant sets from in-game critters (i.e. -Arachnos robots, Warrior thugs, CoT demons, Tsoo ninjas, etc)
  • more magical versions (i.e. mystic circles for targeted AoEs)
This list pretty well covers most of my requests. I'd just add a few things that I've not seen said over and over (but I'll admit to only having read the first 10 pages closely, then I started longing to get back to GR).

First: Any normal looking variant of Ninja Run. Something where the runner is mostly vertical, and has arm motion while running.

Second: Not just a sonic gun variant for the sonic powers, but maybe even a musical instrument option. I'd love a piper type sonic alt. Or a trumpeter, or even a electric guitar sonic blaster... Just think that would be a world of fun. Of course, I know it'd be a world of work, too.

Third: For both Dual Blade and perhaps Broadsword, some animations that focus more on point-work.



I would like to see more controlled looking animations for Dual Pistols, a simpler set of animations for Kinetic Melee and and Assassin Strike animations for sets like Energy Melee that don't look quite so constipated.

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I still want to use guitars and violins for the blast sets. I'm honestly not rolling a Sonic simply because I hate that my only option is to scream at people.