Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




Shadow Maul, Smite, Shadow Punch would be my first choice. DM is close to a magical melee set now, with five powers not involving physical contact. I skip Shadow Maul every time because of the activation (I know, that won't change) and the, to me, out of place speedster nature of the attack. Nothing else in DM evokes super speed. I'd love to see those first three given any kind of alternate that would look more like Siphon Life and Touch of Fear.

Aid Self: Arcane version, please! Or even just something that looks like Empathy?

All the melee spin attacks look strange with wings, especially in Hover, which most of my melee characters use. I'd like Hover-friendly versions.

And, I'm another vote for more natural claws (less Wolverine, more Cheetah), not having a backflip in Eviscerate or a jump in Total Focus and its clones. And being able to keep the fire scimitar out, and alternate breath attacks, and wand/staff blasts. The Blackwand was really well done. More of that! I like how the blasts were done in general. I could see alternate animations with gadgets (Starman's cosmic rod, Sonar's sonic gun), too.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



I'm throwing in my votes for previously mentioned items:

- alternate (more subdued) animations for Dual Pistols. I think the animations look really cool.. but they're so spastic that I think I will get sick of them pretty quick.

- alternate animations to all eye-beam powers. I have a thing about my eyes, and I absolutely can't take any of the eye-beam powers. They totally squick me out.

- adding elemental swords for all (or more) powers in each set that has access to an elemental sword, and possibly sets that are elemental and don't have swords. I keep making /ice doms just because I love ice sword circle so much. I started the game as an ice blaster and watched jealously as a friend used her fire sword circle all the time. I wanted an ice sword circle so bad, and I glee every time I use it on a dom.

And something that has probably been mentioned but I don't have time to read the rest of the thread:

- alternate animations for any of the "using a keypad on my arm" powers, such as summoning and upgrading bots. Also alternates for any tech based animations (medi pool comes to mind) so that they can be more believably used by non-techy toons. (Not all of my bots MMs are actually techy, and none of them wear gloves that support the "keypad on my arm" animation as believable.)



Fly: we already have the animations, just make the /flypose emotes available in form of alternate animations.



Breath of Fire that comes out of the mouth on huge models...not the nose.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Thanks for the feedback, all.

I'll be going through this thread and forwarding the info to the animation team.
Thank you, Castle. I've been hoping for a thread like this for some time.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
One of the projects we are working on is to create more alternate animations for various powers. The animators asked me which powers I wanted to have this applied to and rather than simply come up with a list myself, I thought it would be interesting to open the discussion to you the fans.

Powers with Alternate Animations will still have nearly the exact same Animation Lengths, so this thread is not about creating shorter animations for various powers.

So, let's hear it! Tired of doing Backflips with Eviscerate? Sick of beating your chest like Tarzan? Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!
I would like to see Ice Patch (Blaster) use the Frozen Aura (Blaster) animation, or something similar similar the FA animation is much faster than Ice Patch. (Heck, I could have every animation on Ice/Ice be FA, but that would make the animations of the set overpowered and would greatly imbalance the animations of the rest of the game.)

Allowing the 1st 2 tiers of Blasts to use interchangable animations would be interesting, since they are already the same length in animation (or should be really, really close).

Would be asking for the 'Iceman' ice slide while flying be too much to ask?

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Originally Posted by Gorgar View Post
I skip Shadow Maul every time because of the activation (I know, that won't change) and the, to me, out of place speedster nature of the attack. Nothing else in DM evokes super speed. I'd love to see those first three given any kind of alternate that would look more like Siphon Life and Touch of Fear.
As I mentioned, I'd like to see Shadow Maul actually summon a maul, or mallet. However, I have to admit, keeping the DoT nature of the attack would be difficult with that kind of theme. If the caster summoned life force out of his foes, though, shaped it into a mallet, and then slammed the foes with it at the end of the animation, that would keep the DoT nature, while giving it a different conceptual feel.

It would even preserve the semi-AoE nature of it, since the "drain" would be a cone, and the maul could be swung in an arc before slamming it down.

I still want to see the old Storm Kick again, I miss it, although it was clearly way too long an animation for the damage it did. Conceptually, though, I have to admit a "drain over time" followed by an attack would fit the feel of Dark better than multiple strikes.



Originally Posted by Gorgar View Post
All the melee spin attacks look strange with wings, especially in Hover, which most of my melee characters use. I'd like Hover-friendly versions.
This is another thing I can't believe I forgot to mention.

This isn't a change to the general animation, this is a change to wings themselves. If you use a spinning or leaping attack, such as Total Focus, with wings, you should notice that they don't move, they remain folded on the back like they do for any attack. However, if you make a jump RIGHT before you make the attack, the wings will "flutter" as you attack. I have done this several times, and I recommend any player who has a character with wings try it. It looks so much better that I will pretty much leap with my winged characters every time I use Eviscerate, Spin, or Incandescent strike.

I would like this to happen any time such a leaping or spinning attack is used. It's not connected to the character's animation, wings are animated seperately. But I would like to see this so badly that I'd rather see it even if it means extra work to add some sort of "flag" to tell the wings to flap during certain attacks.

The wings do also flap when you are hovering, and I have sometimes used the attacks that way instead of jumping, to get the same effect. I guess the OP was asking for different animations where the wings look even more realistic. However, I'd like them to move period, when the character is standing on the ground.



Can we have a 2 handed animation for use with swords/axes/maces, baseball bat would look so much better used 2 handed.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



I'm sure it's been mentioned, but the below are mine, in order:

Min FX/Fire/Electric/shadow/ice/glow alternates for the travel pool powers. Not sure if this is animations, of simply FX.

Fire/frost breath alternates that fire from gloves/hands (for natural/tech types)

Punch/Kick animations that support drawn weapons

Fire/Ice swords power alternates which use no sword, but fists instead. (For those that use elements unshaped)



Energy Transfer.

Any power that has that slow jumping up and landing with a double-fisted smash, like Thunderstrike and Total Focus.

Jump Kick, changed to anything less flippy.

Energy Transfer.

Can we get some alternate Dual Pistols animations that are more spaghetti Western and less Equilibrium?

For the elemental powers that have weapon attacks (Ice, Fire, and Earth), options so that you could use either all attacks with the elemental weapon or all attacks with no elemental weapon. For example, being able to change Stone Melee so that all the attacks use the Stone Mallet, or Fire Melee so that all the attacks involve burning hands.

And for Breath of Fire and Frost Breath, being able to change the origination area of the attack from the "mouth" to the hands.

And did I mention Energy Transfer?

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Icicles is ugly.

Hasten...pretty please.

Thunder kick?



Broad sword: I would like to see some two handed strikes and just over all redone animations with the blade.
Hack - A quick two handed over head strike

Slash- A quick single hand diagonal strike starting from the lower left and ending at the upper right

Slice- A two handed sweep from right to left

Parry- An actual parry with the flat of the blade, with a quick strike (would actually like to see a kick or punch while parrying to be slightly more realistic)

Confront-MEH get rid of it and give me another attack power >;p

Build up- ????

Whirling sword- A ground based spin starting with a two hand over the left shoulder swing that follows the momentum of the blade from the upper left corner diagonal strike spinning around 360 and ending with a lower left hand corner diagonal strike with the blade coming to a rest on the upper right

Disembowel- A two handed horizontal strike across the midsection from right to left followed by a semi diagonal two handed upward swing from lower left to upper right corner

Head splitter- a MASSIVE two handed behind the back over head strike straight down.

Oh yeah and we still need an impervium Sword >;p

I did some quick stick figure thumbnails for the animations I'm talking about

I also did a VERY rough impervium broad sword sketch

ANd I waive any and all rights to said images and descriptions incase you guys like them and want to use any part of them.


Kaoru Nan'drak 50th seasoned Broad sword/regen werewolf scrapper Justice
Founder and leader of The Crimson Moon -justice-



A "Two by Four", or "Four By Four" for Mace.

Hasten/SS = A NoFX version (or even a 'non-obnoxious' version)
Medicine Pool = option(s)
Teleport = option(s)

"Less graphic" Versions of AoE Imobs/Holds - Specifically for Controllers & Doms = Example = Earth Control - causes my whole machine to heat-up, sometimes to the point of GFX card's ram overheating & forcing me to do shutdown and let it cool off.

I don't even think about playing alts with some Powersets depending on the weather (particularly this summer), yeah I need a new PC, still that's not the point.

MinFX or NoFX Options for every Powerset where it's even remotely feasible/plausible.

Also (off topic) while I'm at it:
A "Restore to Default Colors" in Powerset Customization - accidentally changing something and realizing I've just screwed the proverbial pooch is heartbreaking.

An option to shutoff all "Music"... (I realized not long ago that Arachnos is into 80's/90's hair-metal/arena rock bands) even with the environmental Music turned down to 0%, but with my equalizer and Headset Volume cranked up far enough.)
And another option to shutoff ALL Sound FX/Music - (with the possible exception of glowies) = I want Freem Mode!

*I often have other stuff I should/(or actually need to) be listening to, even when I have time to play the game.*

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.



Despite a seriously awe inspiring collection of emotes, many toggles (specifically older powersets) use 4 possible animations.

Unlocking various animations as options for these toggles would provide additional customization for PvE

For Widows: Any sort of biting animation instead of melee. Go full spider on this

For Dual Pistols: I agree with earlier posts that the Gun Fu might not fit all concepts. What about a "Gunslinger" variation for some of the powers that focus on "Quick Draw" and "Trick shots"

What about power pool animations that derive from the origin you selected? This way there is no new UI needed to support customizations for power pools AND origins selected has an additional purpose. This would only be where appropriate (Heal, Teleport)



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Thanks for the feedback, all.

I'll be going through this thread and forwarding the info to the animation team.
Alternate Broadsword, Axe, and War Mace animations so that we can use Cosmetic shields with our armored heroes/villians

Golden Avatar - 50 Invul/Mace Tanker (Infinity)
Police Drone GA - 50 Fire/FF Controller (Infinity)



I'm going to jump on the Dual Pistols bandwagon. It's begging for a calm/cool/collected approach to pistols (think Clint Eastwood/Steve McQueen) It's difficult to imagine any cowboy or cop jumping around like that. For instance, instead of one of the spray attacks, I'd like to see the character go single gun and slap the hammer back repeatedly.

I've never yet taken a hit from a bad guy skidding across the floor on his keister.
~~/ /
Learn the knockback, live the knockback, love the knockback!



I'd like to add my 2 cents for alternate animations for sonic blast. While the animations are perfect for my namesake character, WolfSoul, it would be nice to see either a sonic gun for blasters or out of the hand blast.



Didn't read every post, so I apologize if these have already been said. Just a couple of ideas. First, an alternate for blasts where it emits from an extended finger. Probably most appropriate for "laser-ish" attacks like laser beam eyes (obviously without the eyes), but might work for some others, maybe snipes.

Second, someone mentioned making the Nova-type attacks more distinctive to each power set. For Nova itself, one could make it like an actual supernova: a sphere forms with some size around the character, collapses in and then rebounds for the blast. Not sure how to animate the character while this is happening.

Elsewhere, mark me down as another person who doesn't like the animations on either Eviscerate nor the Tarzan bit for Integration.

My Arc: The Power From Out Of Space, ID# 64800
Mrs. Spoon's Arc: Shades of Betrayal, Acts of Salvation, ID# 59147



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
I'm not going to suggest anything in particular, but rather something that could be a long-term project.

Go back and look through the earliest powersets. Notice how, overall, there isn't much diversity in the animations. Most blast attacks, for example, share the same handful of animations. And compared to the newer sets, those animations are very simplistic and kinda dull. Instead of just making new animations for powers X, Y, and Z, why not go through and gradually give every powerset a couple of alternate animations? Not necessarily like Super Strength, where most of the powers have alternates, but stuff like making sure that each Blaster Nova-style attack has a unique and thematically-appropriate animation. Little bits here and there to help give the oldest powersets a tiny shred of individuality.
I'd vote this...

Every set could always need/welcome new animations...but start with the older sets first.

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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Capoeira, drunken master and animal styles for martial arts.

Two handed weapon animations, like a two handed overhead smash, I want that on bash with a shovel, or a double handed whirling sword/mace/axe. Sheaths for weapons.

More blaster animations, finger beams like executioner's shot without the guns. Sonic animations with a bunch of #$@%'s coming out from the mouth for my pottymouth panda. More flashy nuke animations.



My genie-type heroes would love to be able to FLY using the yoga-sitting emote that is allowed in Hover...

(Liberty) Trick Dacy - Forge Steel - Hypother Mia
(Freedom) Folgus Sprit
(Infinity) Marcus Solomon
(Protector) Thylacine
(Justice) Ashkicker - Revile



My genie-type Hero would love to be able to FLY using the yoga-sitting emote while on a magic carpet. *nods*

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Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



This may have been mentioned but I haven't read the whole thread... any power that uses the underhand sweeping motion used in Electron Haze, Twilight Grasp, etc