Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




I'd love the option to use some weapons with two hands (the Bane mace in particular.)

Also the "Stomp your foot and bop someone on the head" animation I find silly and over used. It's supposed to be the more powerful looking one from a lot of one handed weapons head splitter, shatter, etc... I love the powers but the animation tend to make me feel silly while doing them.



I'll back up all the posters suggesting alt ani's for the weapon attacks in the largely non-weapon sets (fire sword, earth hammer, etc.). It would be great to able to take weapon-less versions of powers on those characters that just don't mesh with large melee weapons in concept.

But my big wish, this one goes back to before PC and custom weapons:

Weapon versions of Energy and Radiation Blast.

I've wanted a Space Ranger-style ZAP pistol for so long I'm starting to dream that I had one as a child. I'm sure that other sets-- that escape me at the moment-- could stand being weaponized, but Energy and Rad would be perfect for weaponized animations. Add to that, I've got a lot of baddies in AE that drool at the thought of an arsenal of energy weapons to replace their antiquated slug throwers!

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What about a "Suck it" animation for taunt powers?

In time, I'll come to forgive you.



Capoeira animations for MA (or Tae Bo)

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
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*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Pretty much all of Dual Pistols could do with alternate animations. I'd much prefer less twirly superfluous movement in the set.

Dark Blast->Black Star The power effect is OK, but the pose is a little problematic. How about the old Twilight Grasp pose instead? Thats the one used for Thunderous Blast, and I think Bitter Freeze Ray. Instead of shooting outward, since the attack is PBAOE, perhaps it could shoot upward or downward.

Munitions Mastery->LRM Let me use a rocket launcher weapon model for this please! Shooting a rocket out of the assault rifle models is well, silly looking. The rocket launcher model is in the game for the Council/5th, let me choose it and re-draw be damned.

Another suggestion, let me use the Traps "punching buttons on my wrist" animation and have the LRM target marked in some way, and have the rocket come in from above, as though you called in an air strike.

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I would very like my dark blast witch to be able to pull out a broomstick and ride as an alt for fly



Greater Fire Sword.

The size of the sword is indeed fine however it doesnt feel like the strongest attack in set but more of a filler due to animation.
Possibly having an effect of the fire building up from you and forming the fire sword attack in one motion would create a more of an epic feeling to it.

Phantom army:

An alternative way of summoning them would be most welcomed. The costume emote change on the latest booster where you morph into multiple versions of yourself before changing costume, perhaps something like that

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Well, if it's possible, it might be a good idea to give the Super Jump and Flight powers an alternate animation with Jet/Jump Packs.

Also, it might be cool to give Teleport the option to use the new Praetorian teleport animations instead of the default.



I'd really, really like Ripper to in the Spines powerset not to do a flip, just something that looks like it -really- rips into them. XD

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Originally Posted by Nazarene View Post
Just as electrical blasts don't "miss" with the animations, I would love to see eye beam powers not "miss". There is little in this game that makes less sense than a player shooting eye beams straight up into the air instead of the enemy directly in front of them. With the beams still aimed at the target but missing, you could at least argue that you misjudged the distance, it was absorbed, or just slightly deflected. As the case now, I have to pretend every character with an eye beam also has ADHD and will look at anything shiny in the room instead of their target.
Oh God Yes. This is a huge annoyance for me. With certain powersets, like Dual Pistols, or Kinetic Melee (especially Kinetic Melee) the miss animations are just... awkward.

Dual Pistols has you randomly aim up instead of at the enemy if you're too close. But Kinetic Melee? I have randomly turned 90 degrees toward an enemy at least once.



Alternate animations for the blaster sets. You have sniper for the different ones, and they are all the same, same for some of the lower tier powers, have the same stances. So in some of the earlier posts they asked for different animation points, that would be cool.

Some of the melee powers/blaster secondaries have the same animations.

Oh, oh, oh, would love to see some options given to firey melee. Breath of fire, that would be tough, but something more meleeish, like hand clap, shoot out flames. Fire sword or greater fire sword, how about some fist animations instead.

I like that there are options. So I guess that is what I would say. Not very good at this, but I try.



Dark melee if I had to pick a set. Dark melee is pretty boring.

However what I would like to see is more travel powers or a change in look like has been suggested before (Flying hoverpads, teleporting in smoke, alternate forms of superleaping, etc....). I think the power pools really need a reexamining as well. Some power pools have near never taken powers (The team teleport, the higher level presence pool powers, and group fly come to mind)

I know that they are no longer considered competition anymore but when I first saw Champions, the new travel powers was the main thing that really interested me in that game. That and the whole "Having a nemesis fight you constantly and level with you" thing. Two things I would love to see in this game. (And not "You can make your nemesis through MA" BS)

Edit: Oh, and MM pet alternatives!!!! I'm tired of the same freaking robots/ thugs/ undead......)

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How about Eye beams as a choice for all blast in a powerset as opposed to hands, or vice versa, or from your chest. ( for folks with the chest jewel)

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I don't know if this has been said somewhere else, but...

If we can't get jet packs as another 'back' option (like wings, capes, etc.) can we get them as Hover/Fly animation options? This one has been a sticking point with me for a while. Also, do all the jetpack options have to be the sky raider one? How about the one purchaseable by heroes in the Shard look like the Longbow ones (properly colored versions of the jingle jetpacks) and the ones purchaseable in Grandville Goldbricker versions? This would create at least some degree of diversity if they can't be back options.

Also, I like many others, would enjoy seeing alternate animations for Pool Powers. It was mentioned once that this would be difficult as there's no way to 'flag' a character for any particular Pool, unlike pre-assigned Primary and Secondary sets. Why not make it like an invisible 'badge' that unlocks the 'costume piece' that is the Pool #or Ancillary or Patron# when the player takes the power (like unlocking the Mace 'costume piece' for selecting Black Scorpion). Is this viable data-wise as they're only allowed 4 Pool and one Ancillary/Patron?

All that aside, I'd like to see unlockable in-game skins for mastermind pets. Not just customizing what's already there per-se (which would also be nice) but I mean actually being able to unlock faction skins (no change to powers) of your pets in game. Like:

#lower pet, medium pet, upper level pet)

Hellions (Blood Brother, Fallen, Damned)
Skulls (Grave Digger, Death Head, Bone Daddy)
Trolls (Trollkin, Garvord, Supa Troll)
For Heroes
PPD (Cop, SWAT Officer, SWAT Sergeant)

Vahzilok (Cadaver, Abomination, Eidolon)
Banished (Husk, Chamber, Shaman)
Circle of Thorns (Spectral Follower, Spectral Knight, Spectral Daemon Lord)

You could also maybe do ghosts or the pirate ghosts, but not sure how that would look with the powers necromancy gives?

Spetsnaz (Ryadovi, Efritor, Serzhant)
Family (Button Man, Capo, Underboss)
Council (Covered face, Open face, Archon)
5th Column (Similar to Council, since there are so many variants)
Nemesis (Lancer, Hussar, Sergeant)- and the red alternatives
For Heroes
Longbow (Soldier, Sergeant, Officer)

Tsoo (Random enforcer types, Random Ink Men types, Ancestor Spirit)
Knives of Artemis (Mercenary, Blade, Hand)
For Heroes
Longbow (Soldier, Spec-Ops, Warden)

Council (Zenith Mech Man, Mk I Zenith Warcry-hover is only in appearance, Mk II Zentih Warcry (the big guys)
5th Column (Mek Man, Steel Valkyrie, Mk II Wolfpack)
Nemesis (Jaeger, Automoton, War Hulk)
Arachnos (Spiderling, Drone, Disruptor)
For Heroes
PPD (Drone, Guardian, Enforcer)

Circle of Thorns (Hordeling Lasher, Hordeling Berzerker, Hellfrost)
Circle of Thorns (Behemoth, Behemoth Overlord, Blade Master)- This is debateable, but I think it would look cool

Keep in mind none of the powers would change, I just think it would be cool to have unlockable 'skins' for MM pets that could further integrate characters into the game world. I'm sure there are tons more I forgot and more coming in GR but you get the picture.

Anyway, overall, any ammount of personalization is wanted, warranted, and will be well-accepted I think. Anything that let's us make our characters more of what we want them to be visually is a good thing.

Thanks much for your time!

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
So, let's hear it! Tired of doing Backflips with Eviscerate? Sick of beating your chest like Tarzan? Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!
Fiery Melee: All fire sword attacks should have alternate animations with no sword. Ideally, all current non fire sword attacks should have a variant with the sword.

The swords are don't really fit my concept at all. So I'd love to have a fiery, but no sword animation, especially for Fire Sword Circle. Likewise, I can think of a number of concept where it would fit much better if all attacks had the fire sword out.

Thank you.



Originally Posted by Skydance View Post
Fiery Melee: All fire sword attacks should have alternate animations with no sword. Ideally, all current non fire sword attacks should have a variant with the sword.

The swords are don't really fit my concept at all. So I'd love to have a fiery, but no sword animation, especially for Fire Sword Circle. Likewise, I can think of a number of concept where it would fit much better if all attacks had the fire sword out.

Thank you.
I know nearly everyone's saying it, but I have to put in another vote for this. For both Fire and Ice melee. And maybe even Stone with all mallet/all stone fist versions.

Actually, what would be really cool would be summoning two fire swords and using the DB animations. But that'd probably be pushing it.



Originally Posted by PhroX View Post
I know nearly everyone's saying it, but I have to put in another vote for this. For both Fire and Ice melee. And maybe even Stone with all mallet/all stone fist versions.

Actually, what would be really cool would be summoning two fire swords and using the DB animations. But that'd probably be pushing it.

I'ld much prefer that rather than no fire sword animation. Since the actual name of the attack states "fire sword" so does need to animate using the fire sword in some form.

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Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
I'ld much prefer that rather than no fire sword animation. Since the actual name of the attack states "fire sword" so does need to animate using the fire sword in some form.
Not really. The alternative animation "Foot Stomp" is a ground punch. Same with some of the MA alternatives - despite having "kick" in the name, they're punches.



Hello from France^^

I don't have specifics animations in mind, but, i think it would be a good thing to have for Blaster alternatives animations. For exemple, to have the possibility to choice between eyes (as Cyclop), chest (as Iron Man), and others parts of the body instead of always ands. ^^

I know, it's not very precise, it's more a global idea^^



Personally, I'd love to see new animations for Dual Pistols and Kin Melee that are much less "busy" and "dancy".

Other then that, being able to have power customison on power pools is more importenent to me then alt animations. I hate the hasten fire fists. I want to turn them off... or at the least make them look like ice/elec/or some kind of enegy effect to match the powers my guys accually HAVE.

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Something I forgot to mention:

Could we get an alternate version of Hurl from Super Strength where we hurl actual objects like what Propel throws? It'd be much cooler if we were able to chuck forklifts and air compressors and junk cars and fridges, rather than dinky-looking slabs of rock that don't even match the ground we pull it out of most of the time.

I realise it might be odd, as in "where did he get a junk car from?" However, the same can be said about the slab of rock right now. If I can pull rock out of a metal catwalk, out of the roof of a car, out of power cables, and out of DEEP WATER, then I don't see pulling a piano out of the ground as being any more weird. Would look cooler, though.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Definitely the mentioned alts for Fire/Ice melee and if there's time, Stone Melee (Not such a big deal there honestly). Preferably without draw time too .

Man I would love Medicine with non-techy animations...



most of the gravity set

also super speed could we have the synapse version that is sweet also all other travel power animations need a revamp



(QR - haven't read the thread)
For me, it's less about whole sets as it is with specific powers. Some animations are just horribly played out. For example:

Air Superiority
Haymaker (granted, an alternate exists)
Havok Punch
Seismic Smash

Enervating Field
Lingering Radiation
Melt Armor

That's 10 different powers off the top of my head. (I realize 'just' giving 1 alternate animation for each would be as much work as redoing a whole new set.)



Dual blades - new animations where weapons are held backhand style.