Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




I ditto those asking for alternate animations for elemental sword powers, that don't use swords. I'd prefer a punch with an elemental effect around the the fists.

Also, the Assassin's Strike animation (AKA the Potty Squat) from Energy Melée could use an alternate.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Originally Posted by Dromio View Post
Agreed about Broadsword. I just don't think alternates should be really considered until all sets have unique animations.
A unilateral change to existing animations would probably just upset people, who may not WANT a different look.

Now, a new OPTION of how to look... say, a "Finesse" animation set for Broadsword (Stabbing/Swashbuckling style), "Berserk" for the Battle Axe (More aggressive appearance, bigger windup with faster blows), and... something else for the Mace (Some sort of combination of the two? The mace/club could be used with both finesse and precision, or wildly aggressive, so I'm not sure which to go for...) and people would be happy without anyone getting upset over something changing they didn't want to.

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



I've got a couple, I'm in the boat of hasten and SS need no efffect added. With that alone I would be happy. But I do have a couple more, Electric powers in my eyes need's new sounds and animations. Maybe something like a backpack that has a generater that produces the charge or something.

And I do too believe Mind powers like Ill and mind control need different animations if I was a mind controller in RL, there would not be a swirl appearing in front of me.



I Would like to have the option to either have all fire sword attacks in fire mele or be "swordless" depending on the theme i got going



I think an alternate animation for Energy torrent would be nice. I'm not a big fan of the wave the arm and an energy wave comes out.

I think something like the last part of Kinetic Melee's Repulsing Torrent would work, of course it would look better if there was a blast of energy like the other attacks instead of a wave.

The other idea that comes to mind is the character kneels placing their hands on the ground and the energy wave comes out, or even a two handed smash on the ground.

I like the idea of gun drone being a shoulder mounted gatling gun, but that would probably need to modify the power not just the animation.

If we're talking about changing the power and the animation, how about changing time bomb to a short range missile barrage. Have it be a location targetted AoE like rain of fire, the animation could start with the tech wrist tap and the targetting reticle, then the missile animation from the Malta Titan robots could be used.

One last suggestion, I don't know if anyone else mentioned it, can we get an alternate animation for all the single target rez other powers. I'd like to kneel down beside the downed person like the Vahzilok reapers do for the cadavers.



Variable energy blast animations. By that I mean that the bolts swell and ebb in width before hitting the target.

The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
This entire post should receive some kind of award for being both hysterical and fantastic.
Well done.
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.



Eyebeams: Hate 'em. Would love to have some way to specify something other than eyebeams for a few powers.

Martial Arts: Wouldn't mind a few punches or something in there with all the kicks. Ideally, you'd be able to pick some punches and some kicks.

General: It might make sense to move these to a pair of settings; instead of going to a single pop-up menu of "punch/original, punch/tintable, kick/original, kick/tintable", have a selection menu for choice of animation, and then a second menu for coloration of that (disabled if you can't colorize a given animation).

All the things like FFG, robot summons: Would like to be able to pick which arm I type on to summon. That's because there's options to create a character with a robotic right arm, but not to create a character with a robotic left arm. It would look awesome to be able to have the human hand typing on the side of the mechanical arm, but that's not currently possible. (And I'd think this would be an exceptionally easy animation set to allow, because you'd just be flipping the default animation?)

Blazing Arrow for archery: Please make it more like "set up arrow, then fire quickly" and less like "draw arrow, admire it lovingly for a few minutes, then as an afterthought let it go". I'd rather see, say, pulling an arrow out, manipulating it to cause it to light, then firing it quickly. That'd look a lot less like my archer is a totally self-important jerk. ... hang on, leave it alone, it fits his RP.



Another thing I just noticed on my Mind/Fire:

The hold effect for Mind Control's Dominate and Mass Domination are a bit too subtle-- it's nearly impossible to tell who is held in combat. I'm not sure how this can be done, but some type of mez animation that is a bit more obvious would be wonderful when in a team situation. Confuse sticks out well with the purple bubbles popping.



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
I Would like to have the option to either have all fire sword attacks in fire mele or be "swordless" depending on the theme i got going
More generally, I'd like the option to have "you make a weapon" attacks in general be optional, and/or allow weapon animations for all the attacks in a set. One of the reasons I deleted a /fire tanker was that it bugged me that he SOMETIMES used a flaming sword. Dude, either your fists being on fire is awesome enough, or it's not.



Swordless Fire and Ice Melee.

Conversely? Swords for Dark, Energy, and Electric Melee.

Also, a two handed option for weapon sets.

I'd also like the Thugs Mastermind animations for Dual Pistols, the Dual Pistols animations for thugs, and a single pistol variant for both.

Also, if you could have a variant of Shield Defense where the shield floats in midair in front of the character would be cool, but is probably beyond current engine capabilities.

Also, alternate animations for the travel powers would be so so so nice. Basic recoloring is cool, but there are other things I'd like to see as well:

PPD and Rikti animations for Teleport.
A "surfing" style flight animation, like Static Shock, Silver Surfer, Iceman.

But yeah. ...It'd be cool.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Elemental melee sword/no sword choices.

I want every one of my fire tank's attacks to use the fire scimitar.

I want every one of my ice melee tank's attacks to not use an ice sword.
I agree completely.

All fire attacks for all sets to be able to use a fire scimitar.

Ice Ember



Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
A unilateral change to existing animations would probably just upset people, who may not WANT a different look.

Now, a new OPTION of how to look... say, a "Finesse" animation set for Broadsword (Stabbing/Swashbuckling style), "Berserk" for the Battle Axe (More aggressive appearance, bigger windup with faster blows), and... something else for the Mace (Some sort of combination of the two? The mace/club could be used with both finesse and precision, or wildly aggressive, so I'm not sure which to go for...) and people would be happy without anyone getting upset over something changing they didn't want to.
No problem from my side. I'd just like to see those sets able to differentiate themselves from each other. They've been sharing animations for a very long time.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
One of the projects we are working on is to create more alternate animations for various powers. The animators asked me which powers I wanted to have this applied to and rather than simply come up with a list myself, I thought it would be interesting to open the discussion to you the fans.

Powers with Alternate Animations will still have nearly the exact same Animation Lengths, so this thread is not about creating shorter animations for various powers.

So, let's hear it! Tired of doing Backflips with Eviscerate? Sick of beating your chest like Tarzan? Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!
Hasten/SS, they always ruin my costumes but i love them so much lol



Oh and also for the Assault Rifle it would be cool if you aimed threw your sights like in real life



I feel that when making alternate animations for powers, the top priority should be on those that re-use very common animations. Next should be adding those things that really feel like they should be common, but aren't at all.

1) Many of the earlier Blast sets share similar animations. I'm 99% positive I've a ton of similar animations between Fire, Ice, and Electric Blast -- and probably in a few others, too. I don't have any particular preference for the type of new animations you create for them, but older blast sets really do need some new flavor-filled animations.

2) Broadsword, War Mace, and Battle Axe have already been mentioned several times. I concur with the Two-Handed animations for Broadsword (for that "Claymore sword" feel) and I believe that anything new for War Mace should look pretty brutal. Maces are extremely brutal weapons, so something very barbaric-looking might be in order for it. I have no ideas for Battle Axe, but new animations would be nice for it too.

3) Eye Beams are a very good idea. On the surface they do seem kind of limited, but I don't think that's the case. For a weaker attack, perhaps a very small, short eye blast; for a cone AoE, perhaps an eye beam sweep?

4) Arcane/Magic versions of Traps and Devices. I don't think Caltrops should fall under this really, seeing as how caltrops have been used for millennia to great effect. But a lot of the other powers could, especially those that create pets. Like Acid Mortar, Gun Drone, and the Force Field Generator.

Birth of a Villain Group (Arc ID 60573): Designed for villains level 1 - 10. Found a villainous organization on Mercy Island. Find a base, recruit some minions, gather valuable equipment, and destroy your enemies!



Originally Posted by Ashcraft View Post
NDA is lifted, right?


Could we have an alternate animation for Conductive Aura? The wave animation doesn't really scream electricity to me. I'd just like the choice to pick something like the Lightning Field animation instead.
I second this. In the description it says the aura "leaps out" and shocks foes too close. In reality your enemies wander into the electro field of doom that is constantly around you. While it may be a bit more work maybe something more akin to psychic scream, the kheldian cones, and powers like consume. Where a bolt of lightning leaps or arcs from your body to the enemies the power hit. Then have it pulse in that fashion.

I'm also 100% behind the guns/staves/wands for the blast sets andy maybe some nifty wrist mounted weapons for assault rifle.

@Dremster Wrecking Crew / Guardian



Originally Posted by Nerfed2Hell View Post
Oh yeah, we definitely need some new taunts. I think the "getsome" emote should be included as an alternate animation.
I think a "point and insane stare" optional taunt animation would be awesome. Think the Monkey from Family Guy that targets Chris.

But, any alternates for Taunt (all incarnations) would be good.



I love LRM rocket BUT you have to shoot it out of the original squirt-gun assault rifle or anything that has no look of a rocket launcher. Give the options for like the councils rocket launchers or a bazooka.



I would LOVE to see an origin specific animation for the Healing Power Pool.

That, and I would also request psychic power animations on attacks that don't involve holding my hands to my head. It makes it look (to me) as if I have a huge headache whenever I make those attacks.

Rock on for Devs bringing this to us for our feedback!



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
Martial Arts: Wouldn't mind a few punches or something in there with all the kicks. Ideally, you'd be able to pick some punches and some kicks.
Uhm... 0.o
Well if power customization ever gets added to the game i'm sure Martial Arts will get some punching style alternate animations. i wonder how long we'll have to wait for that to happen...

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Some of these are similar to other ideas posted above - but here's things that might be neat.

  • A flamethrower for fire blast, or firebombs.
  • A freeze raygun for Ice blast
  • Throwing Grenades might work for energy blast
  • A big super megaphone for Sonic Blast
  • Staff animations instead of kicks and punches for Martial Arts
  • The entire archery set replaceable by throwing stars or knives
  • Grenades that replace Trick Arrow powers
  • Combat Jumping that made you do flips and fancy acrobatic moves
  • More dramatic dodge animations for Super reflexes some of the time when attacked and missed.
  • Torch/Blow Torch for fire melee
  • more catlike claw animations
  • Make the boxing Jab look more like brawl
  • fix crippling axe kick .. please. (the crippling axe punch isnt so great either)
  • A bag for dropping caltrops from
  • Super Sprint alternates : Horses, Motor Cycles, Small Cars, Lightning Bolt, Roller Skates
  • Flight Alternates: Jet Packs, Flying Horse, Griffin, Dragon, turn into a floating mist
  • Super Jump alternates: Jet Pack, Giant Springs on your boots



Pick any 'clearly tech/gadget' related powerset/animation, and give it a set of 'mystical' animations. Please start with the medicine pool.

Imagine Assault Rifle as a 'wizard staff' power set with 'magic missles' replacing the bullets, Force Field with a 'magic warding circle' animation, or radiation with a variety of 'binding chains' animations and effects.

Then you can do tech versions of some of the magic stuff, like zombies that break out of glass 'specimen' tubes, or demons that appear from Stargates.

But after that, basically, origin-inspired alternate animations for all powersets.

Also put me down for a 'more boring' set of dual pistols animations appropriate for pirates and cowboys.

Is changing hit effects on the table? It would be great to have a stun that replaced the model of the victim (turning them into a frog, for instance) for the duration.

Don't use this as an excuse to delay having a 'staff melee' powerset! Please.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Uhm... 0.o
Well if power customization ever gets added to the game i'm sure Martial Arts will get some punching style alternate animations. i wonder how long we'll have to wait for that to happen...
While there are already some punches in the alternate animations, the animations for them don't scream "highly trained martial artist" to me (iirc they use the same wild - and unbalanced - swings as the alternate Super Strength animations).

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
While there are already some punches in the alternate animations, the animations for them don't scream "highly trained martial artist" to me (iirc they use the same wild - and unbalanced - swings as the alternate Super Strength animations).
and none seem to "move" well with the other powers

For example, when throwing the Crippling axe punch it seems like you stop kicking, take a break for a bit, and then almost punch only to say "haha made you flinch"

The brawl power looks better.

Why cant we get karate chops, etc?



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
One of the projects we are working on is to create more alternate animations for various powers. The animators asked me which powers I wanted to have this applied to and rather than simply come up with a list myself, I thought it would be interesting to open the discussion to you the fans.

Powers with Alternate Animations will still have nearly the exact same Animation Lengths, so this thread is not about creating shorter animations for various powers.

So, let's hear it! Tired of doing Backflips with Eviscerate? Sick of beating your chest like Tarzan? Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!
Please please please make Soldier of Arachnos Fortification power's aura able to be turned off. I got this power on my crab spider today and it has ruined my wonderful costume, so I'm respecing out of it. Its a great power too and I wish I could use it, but style over substance for me.