Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




Seems most everything I can think of has been throught of.
One I didn't spot, before I skipped forward though;

-Remove the daft glow from Super Strength. I dont want my troll to have glowing hands when he punches stuff. He no longer has to glow simply from being a badass (willpower), why does he have to glow when 9 foot of peeved muscle punches someone so hard the screen rocks? No-glow for SS would be great (leave the screenshake, as I love that, and it can be turned off under options as it is atm )

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I know I posted already, but I've seen a few things crop up I'd like to throw my support behind and reiterate.

Sleeker look for ice armor (perhaps something like Armor from the X-Men but less bulky?) would go a long way to making me ever want to use an ice armor set.

Alot of very nice suggestions for travel powers that I'd like to see implemented. The flyposes used as alternate animations for fly just needs to happen, that's a given, but I would also like to see elemental particle effects, or just a glowy trail of light as one person mentioned a page or so back. It could really tie a concept together. Same with Superspeed, alternate animations (Normal run, Ninja run look if you have the booster, feral beast run) and elemental options, most notably fire and electricity. Teleport with elemental options (Tornado spin and bamf anyone?) and some alternate poses like Presto Chango or something.

And I hope I don't sound like a broken record but I'd like to restate my wish for some alternate "themes" to powersets like those in Spines and Earth powers. This kind of goes along with the wish for a sleeker ice armor set that alot of people have been requesting. Could extend to things like fire armor with a magma theme (different from Lava in Earth, maybe just something more molten looking than being engulfed in flames?) or perhaps some kind of glowy, close-to-body forceshield (Again, like Armor from X-Men or the various Lantern Corps' of DC) as alternates for Invulnerability and Willpower?



My main request would non-tech animations for the Medicine pool.



Alternate animations I would like to see:

* /salute, /evillaugn, /howl and /raisefist as alternates for /tarzan in regen, tough, etc
* cosmic burst - closed fist version
* eviscerate - something without the backflip, suggestion: stab both claws straight forward, rip out to the sides
* dual pistols - something less complex for the dual wield power
* electric blast - version of thunderous blast that finishes with character blasting lightning straight up, lightning rod hit FX on target(s)
* dual blades - version of one thousand cuts that has the whole body spinning, with a variety of differently angled slashes
* martial arts - version of crippling axe kick that does a hand edge chop
* non-weapon snipes - version with outstretched open hand, no recoil, for all
* broad sword - versions that are more precise/elegant, also add some stabbing action
* sonic powers - versions that originate from hands
* mental powers - versions with no movement, only FX
* energy blast - continuous beam versions
* <stuff> breath - versions that do not originate from mouth
* elemental melee sets - with weapon and no weapon versions for all powers
* elemental melee sets, again - add some kicks
* weapon melee sets - make the FX color tintable
* rain of <stuff> - versions with "blast <stuff> upwards"
* whirling <whatever>, Spin, etc - versions that actually look like the character is hitting things around it, the current animation only really works for fire/ice/maybe energy
* forcefield/sonic bubbles - different textures on the bubbles, suggestions: honeycomb, writing, symbols, etc

I do not suffer from altitis, I enjoy every character of it.



Actually... Stone Spears. I had a completely different thought of what this would look like when Earth Assault came out, and was dissapointed with what we got. I imaged more of a quickened propel animation, with 3 small spears coming out of the ground and flying to the target.

Also, while im on Earth Assault, Hurl Boulder should have an alternative, either a propel-esque one, or flinging the 'Mallet' thats used for the melee attacks.

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



Kheldians - a different dwarf form (all powers still the same - even same name) I think I remember somewhere that it was said this is based on a huge body type.
I'd like just a variety of dwarf form.
Same with Nova form - maybe a flying globe - a bit like light form or singularity. That way it would still fly and you wouldn't have to worry about where the powers were shooting out from. Aligning them with the squid points of origin wouldn't be a worry.
Kheldians don't get power customizations so this would be a way of adding some way for players to customerize the HEATs

Also I'll throw my voice behind ...

Hasten , medicine pool
Eye-Beams - sometimes these fit and sometimes they don't. Options to include and exclude either way welcome

and a comment to the Devs - I won't hold it against you if a power is called Glistening Eye but you fire from your fists or under your arm pits.



I'd love some two handed mace/axe/broadsword attacks, though shield powers might make that a problem.

Member of the Justice Hundredfold, and Operation Unlimited Justice.

Her Imperial Majesty's Archaeologist of Achievements, Accolades, Exploration and History



All Blast sets, have them originate from a staff or some kind of wand similar to the black wand power we have in game. Maybe once we get staff melee in the game you could add this to the blast animations.

Animations that still need work, energy melee and dark melee assassin strike animations. Needs to be something cool similar to the fists of annihalation that martial arts has. All powers that have the same animation as soul drain or twilight grasps. It just looks ugly. Also I wanted to know if one other type power customization could be added to war mace. Give us the option to use a guitar as a weapon. Whether its electirc guitar or not I dont care, I just want a guitar so I can be like El Kabong

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



1.) An alternate to the awful chestbeating animation for anything that uses it. Even if the alternate is really simple, generic toggle activation would be perfectly fine in my opinion, I just hate that emote.

2.) An alternate set for each of the standard 3 "blast" animations that get used over and over by basically every ranged non-weapon set.

3.) Particle Weapon animations for power melees that don't have them // Non-particle weapon animations for power melees that do.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Seems most everything I can think of has been throught of.
One I didn't spot, before I skipped forward though;

-Remove the daft glow from Super Strength. I dont want my troll to have glowing hands when he punches stuff. He no longer has to glow simply from being a badass (willpower), why does he have to glow when 9 foot of peeved muscle punches someone so hard the screen rocks? No-glow for SS would be great (leave the screenshake, as I love that, and it can be turned off under options as it is atm )
post em up anyhow. as i see it, the more requests for stuff, the more the devs will know that there is a demand. currently i'm glad some of my biggies are getting a lot of duplicates. not a guarantee, of course, but i suspect it helps.



The biggest thing i'd want is: uniformity in weapon elemental sets!

So every attack (except maybe BoF) in fire melee would have a flaming sword animation and a not-sword animation. Same for ice melee with the ice sword and stone melee (a malet animation for all and a fists in stone one for all)

For radiation blast. A "bubble" animation for all and a laser animation for all.

A non-tech animation for the medecine pool.

It probably wouldn't be too popular...but a "no fx" option for all the elemental armor sets as well. (all except shield basically)

Aside from that, i don't have any particular preference. But more choice is always good. =)

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



Originally Posted by Castle View Post

So, let's hear it! Tired of doing Backflips with Eviscerate? Sick of beating your chest like Tarzan? Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!
I'd like alternate animations for all of the "breath" and "spit" attacks. The main power sets that come to mind are /Poison for Masterminds, and Fire Melee. Instead of the "spit" animations for poison, I'd prefer the character to toss, throw, or otherwise project the attack from their hands. For the breath attacks, I'd like the option to have the character project the attack with one or both hands. (Several of the Blaster animations would work.) It would be really nice if there was a choice for any set that had a spit or breath power, since the breath attacks really don't work with some character concepts.

It would be nice if there was a "no glow" version of Hasten, and a version of the Medicine pool that fit better for magic or mutant themed characters. (IE, a wand instead of the tricorder, or have the effect emanate from the character directly.



When using the new fiery embrace power with sets other than fiery melee, could our attacks, for the duration of the buff, cause the flying ember effects of powers like cremate and other various fire attacks? IE. Storm Kick with fiery embrace active could have exploding flying embers effect when the attack lands. I know this may be asking a lot, but something to that effect would make the new fiery embrace even more appealing.



- The possibility to suppress the graphic effects on the powers which mess with your costume : Hasten, Dark Armor toggles, Fire Armor, Elec Armor... etc. That would be giving those the alternate animation : 'none'.
- New animations for : Dark Melee, Stone Melee, Fire Melee, Claws, Katana. (I would have put Energy Melee on the list if it could involve making the set more fast-paced and enjoyable as it is now, but I guess it's out of topic).



I'm not going to assume anything is off the table, so I'm going all out, starting with pool powers:
TP powers: An "energy curtain" that drops from right overhead, opaque, and when it drops all the way to the ground, you're gone. Smoke bombs, portable holes (hole opens up and you drop in), ninja leap. I'd suggest the Burrow (like the Demon Summoning crater but smaller and in reverse) except that wouldn't fly (ahaha) if you TP'ed in midair.

Hover: Add a Mu and a Seer pose for Hovering.
Fly: Add jetpack costume parts that animate during Fly like wings. Perhaps with pylons for the jetpods that retract when not flying, or a collapsible helicopter propeller in a backpack for that steampunk look.
Add a drop menu in powers customization to select a default fly pose. Add an option for a different fly aura trail, like Mighty Mouse of yore or Starfire (the comic book version)
Group Fly: Pixie dust. That is all.

Jump powers: More flips and twists for Combat Jumping, more acrobatic tumbling.
I realize that Super Leap pretty much just lifts off from the ground immediately but I'd really like to see my toon "wind up" for the jump and get into a crouch before launching off. Also impact craters where I land (similar to the dust puff from the piston boots) would be a nice effect.

Speed powers: Perpetuate the motion blur/afterimages from Flurry into Hasten and Super Speed. Smoking feet instead of starburst feet for Superspeed.

Leadership: Some kind of "fist pump" animation instead of the salute.

Medicine: Yet another vote for origin-appropriate animations. At this point you shouldn't need specifics. Suggest looking to the inherent temps for inspiration since they all look like throwing stuff.

Same goes for Concealment and maybe Fighting pools.

Origin-themed Traps and Devices.
Point-of-origin customization for blast powers, including weapons. Wands, rods, guns, armor points, etc.

Wrist-rocket animation for LRM rocket from Munitions Mastery, think Iron Man.

Monstrous Claws with open hands and no weapon geometry.

TAUNT POWERS: /em getsome and /em bringit

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



Any power that uses the same animation as Air Superiority, it'd be nice to have an alternative animation for, since if you took both, you'd have a pretty monotonous attack chain.

Most of the Whirling X / X Circle (Whirling Hands, Whirling Mace, Fire Sword Circle, etc) attacks could stand an alternate animation, too, just because that animation is so common.



1- Rest
2- Hasten
3- Travel Powers
4- AR

The rest too =D natch

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



I would like a different animations for Energy Blast/Assault using the Kinetic Melee animations. I especially hate the lunge attacks in explosive blast and power blast of those sets.



Originally Posted by Omega View Post
Kheldians - a different dwarf form (all powers still the same - even same name) I think I remember somewhere that it was said this is based on a huge body type.
I'd like just a variety of dwarf form.
Same with Nova form - maybe a flying globe - a bit like light form or singularity. That way it would still fly and you wouldn't have to worry about where the powers were shooting out from. Aligning them with the squid points of origin wouldn't be a worry.
Kheldians don't get power customizations so this would be a way of adding some way for players to customerize the HEATs
Even if they just gave a few nodes and/or skins to change on Granite form and the Kheldian forms, it would be a great improvement. I know it'd be a lot of work for sets that not everyone plays or has access to, but... that kind of thing does happen fairly often. Demon Summoning took I don't know how much work, and I'm not going to play it at all. I've lost interest in MMs, and I really don't want to boss demons around.

Kheldians are now also pretty much accessible to all. They unlock at level 20, which is not hard for anyone to get to (it wasn't that hard to do back at the start of the game, and it's faster now). We shouldn't hear stories about how it's not worth the effort anymore, as everyone can access them and play them, and adjusting these forms would be a bonus for everyone.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



In the order of importance to me, I'd like to see:

1. Two-handed animations for Broadsword, something which looks heavy. Possibly for War Mace and Battle Axe, but their weapons don't look as two-handed as some swords do.

2. A better version of Sniper Blast, one that's not a "bullet beam," preferably. I'd like to see either a Hercules Titan style solid beam (in other words, more like Blazing Bolt) or a Dragonball Z style giant flaming blue fireball.

3. Better versions of Zapp and Proton Volley. Zapp's current animation sucks so bad it looks broken and Proton Volley's animation IS broken.

4. Custom colours for pool powers. Obviously.

5. A few different animations and effects for Teleport and related powers. More specifically, I want to see the inky "Smog" teleport that Galactic Football's Shadows use, or the Zeratul Blink.

6. New running animations for Super Speed, possibly including a MegaMan-style "air dash" look. A few new running animations, in fact.

7. Mouth-independent blasts for Sonic Blast. Preferably fist-based, like what the Shocker had in the 90s Fox Spider-Man cartoons.

That's all I can think of at the moment without going off-topic and into customizing things we shouldn't be, like basic running and jumping animations.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Any way the Thunder Strike power could have an Eagle Claw-like animation? It might be silly or excessive...but I think this option would be neat. >.>

"And of course, Steven Jay Blum is in it...He's the Sam Jackson of anime." -AmuroNT1



is Everything an acceptable answer?

But I'd really like to see the ability to select an option that allows those powers that have alternate animations the ability to select an option that allows them to alternate between the two animations

also, color custimization for APPs (my soon™ to come elec/elec dominatior would love blue Energy Transfer)

V-Tronix - Angry Angels
V-Tron Elec/EM - V-Tron X EM/EA

To Build a Better Hero #53098 [Newly edited and looking for Feedback] - Renegade Robots: V-Tron's Task Force # - A Summer Song and A Winters Tail #104106



My Apologies if I duplicated anything said before:

Any Blast set: Palm Blast (single hand and Both hands), Forehead Blast (maybe hand towards forehead and a lean in), Chest blast (like the new clockwork guys), Maybe a Kinetic/sorcery style one where you collect the energy/fire/ice/ etc in front of you and it shoots out from there.

Elemental Weapons: Choose between sword/axe/mace/hammer for any of them. Options for no elemental weapons as stated before and for elemental weapons where there are none (ie: electric)

Teleport: One like Nightcrawler (puff of smoke/energy), one like the energy morph (the one where you spilt in to 4 or 5 shadows of yourself) emote but forward insted of to the sides,

Claws/Spines: any new animations would be great

Ice Armor: No specific idea but anything not have the ice blocks around you

Dual Pistols/Assault Rifle: non bullet visuals (sorry if that is not part of animation), lasers, rikti blasts, pulse weapon blasts etc

Rage: like the new boss (or large) ghouls have

Illusion Control: Phantom Army: would be nice if you could have phantom demons, undead, soldiers, etc to add some flavour to it.

Any of the original sets could use some newer animations.

Stellar D-50 elec/SD Scrapper
Kazzon-50 Emp/Rad Defender
Billy Bedlam-50 SS/NRG Brute
Magrim- 50 Crab Soldier
Apox-50 Fire/Rad Corruptor



Most of these have probably been said but alas here is the list of things I'd like to see alternate animations for.

* Eye-beam powers. (Glinting eye, X-Ray Beam, & Ebon Eye)

* "Foot Stomp" powers. (Frozen Aura, Solar Flare, Dwarf Flare.)
- Fist slams for any of these it's possible for. Especially Dwarf Flare, I would love seeing that.

* Total Focus Powers. (Total Focus, Incandescent Strike, Thunder Strike, & Tremor)
- Especially Tremor. I would like to see a version where you slam your big hammer into the ground and shake the earth.

* Toss something Powers. (Hurl Boulder, & Hurl.)
- I would like to see options on what you toss. Let us choose to toss rocks, boulders, crystal, lava rock, or just chunks of garbage.

* Claws. I'd like to see more left handed use.

* The three far too alike Weapon sets. (Broad Sword, Battle Axe, & War Mace.)
- These three sets badly need different animations. I like the current ones but I don't like the idea of wielding a Sword, Axe, & Mace in exactly the same manner.

* Sword elementals. (Fire Melee, Ice Melee) I'd like to see the non-sword options as well as adding sword options to other sets like dark, & electric.

* Flailing spikes of doom. (Barb Swipe) Do I need to say more?

* Gotta poo squat. (Almost all Assassin Strikes) If I could not do that I may like more of the stalker sets more.