Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




I havent read the responses and I'm sad that I'm so late. I hope the devs read all these.

I really want alternate animations for Pets. Specifically Fire Imps. I don't even want new animations. I just think the Fire Imps are too theme-locked. It would be nice if we could get tiny versions of the Singularity animation for the Fire Imps, so you could get 3 red glowing singularity spheres for them. That way, more "science" or "fey" type controller concepts would work. Or they could even use the ones they have now for the Vet pets that look like will-o-the-wisps. If they have time to make new animations that look like flying orbs of fire, then cool, but existing animations would be fine.

I feel the same way about all the Ice Swords and Fire Swords. They are all so theme-locked. It would be nice if we could get an animation that would flare or glow or spew out of your hands, while the same movement animation of the skeleton was happening, just so that if elemental weapons dont fit your concept for Ice Melee or Fire Melee or Ice Assault, well you could still make the same chopping/stabbing motions, but elemental material would just be spraying out from your hands or surrounding them.

I would also want to see non-high-tech options on the Traps and Trick Arrows and Devices powers, so that it would make sense to have them for an Elf or Magic character without having to stretch the imagination so far.



Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



  • All blasts. Something other than the blast from the right arm.
  • Non-Weapon melee. A choice between using a weapon for attacks or to use your fist for attacks that currently use a sword (Would need to have weapons available for non fire/ice/stone melee)
  • Assault rifle. Allow a choice to be able to do "Sniper" like attacks or "Shotgun" blasts and use grenades, perhaps doing damage for the multi-shot attacks in larger chunks, for example - Sniper animation of burst will do a single shot and do one damage number (That would be the same as all 3 burst damages put together) and maybe having a shotgun Full-Auto being repeated blasts doing chunks of the total damage each shot rather than a stream.
  • Weapon attacks. Allow me to hold my bow in a way it is used in blazing arrow for all my attacks (Perhaps allow use of all the bow animations for any attack, with the arrow(s) needed for it) and allow me to choose sexier dual blades moves and make the single weapon melee to have differing attacks.
  • Laser eyes. I would prefer shooting a laser out of my hands/chest instead.
  • The darn tarzan animation... So sick of my badass DB/Regen doing a really annoying animation and screech.



Sorry for not reading all of the posts, I will just be giving a large list which will definitely be repeating suggestions...

Melee sets:
*weapons<->no weapons
--give weapon options. ie sword, mace, mallet, pole arm, axe, claws, and whip?--
*acrobatic<->non acrobatic
*add in knees, elbows, and headbutts (Batterin' Ram would be very happy)
*...shooting high here...ALTERNATING animations!
--its a punch, then a kick, then a spin, etc--

Blast sets:
*weapons<->no weapons
--ie wands and staffs for casting...and the ability to shoot bullets from the a suit...or using a gun to shoot fire or electricity--
*as many options for where the blast come from as possible...hands, chest, kicks, mouth, eyes, forehead...back?
*acrobatic<->non acrobatic
*...specific but still nice...mental powers that have the character do nothing but have very flashy animations...
--ex, the character stands still but an array of beams shoot out and home in on the baddies head--

*magic and elemental options (even things that could be taken as being from the body...for mutants <like having a floating eye to help you aim>)

Armor sets:
*new looks for things like ice and stone...especially granite!
*armor that looks like suit armor rather than organic
--fire armor that has form, ice armor that isnt blobs, stone armor thats less dirt looking and more stone looking--

Other sets with very specific themes:
--dark stuff for the most part--
*give them generic animations
--ex, get rid of skulls and tentacles--



Castle, thanks giving us this opportunity for input. Some great ideas so far. I'd like to add:

Trick Arrow: a non-tech look for the arrows - maybe energy arrows or arrows tipped with mystic crystals

Archery/Trick Arrow: the KoA wrist crossbow animation and costume part

Devices/Traps: again, something less high tech looking for those origins it clashes with.

Ninja Run: something that doesn't shout "I'm an anime ninja", perhaps a "beast run" animation and a "trained athlete" animation.



I'd like to see Sonic powersets come from the hands instead of the mouth. While the mouth makes sense, sonic-based powers can also come from vibrational gauntlets.



If you can't change the colours of the power pools can you change the animations so to change the colours?

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Perhaps animations for Energy melee where, instead of the pom poms, you get a streak of light like the ones the Praetorian Police show in one of the ViDocs, can't remember which ones. It give it a really cool feeling. Have them explode or dissipate on impact, so your hands aren't CONSTANTLY glowing.

"Iron defenses and a crappy attitude do not, a tanker, make."

Proud Leader and founder of The Gangbusters Super Group and The Madhouse Villain Group: Ask me about becoming a member!



Originally Posted by Ulysses_Dare View Post

Trick Arrow: a non-tech look for the arrows - maybe energy arrows or arrows tipped with mystic crystals
Talsorian blades that fly through the air would be great. I have always wanted to change the look of those arrows as well. That's efinitely near the top of my list too.



For Illusion Control, Phantom Army: In the costume creator, when you look at this power the phantoms almost always match the character's body type. IE, Huge characters get Huge phantoms, females get female phantoms. It would be really nice if this could be added as an option for the actual power. Or better, just let the player select one body type.

It would be nice if all the pet powers had an "alternate animation" choice that summoned a different looking but equivalent pet, but I'm guessing that's way outside the bounds of what's being asked here.



1) The outdated Axe animations need some sprucing.
2) The outdated Mace animations need some sprucing.
3) The dual-pistol (less uber-epic) options, in-fact , the option between less and more elaborate animations for every power set would be excellent.
4) More martial arts options, specifically a set that would be more appropriate for a Batman-esque style of fighting.
5) More defensive activations animations - maybe related to the costume change emote animations (drinking a potion to activate a MOG would be *awesome*).
6) Elemental melee set weapon/no-weapon options (This would be *huge*)
7) Not really a power - but an updating of responses to Knockback effects would be cool - to put it more in line with sliding along the ground - and less looking like a rag doll.
8) The option to use all "eye beams" for energy blast, and possibly for radiation.
9) A less "Spider-man" option for [Jump Kick]
10) A *more* "Martial Arts"-like set of animations for the "Fighting" pool power set, for all those Ninja Masterminds out there.



*Any* Customization for Controller / Mastermind Pets would be *huge*

Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
For Illusion Control, Phantom Army: In the costume creator, when you look at this power the phantoms almost always match the character's body type. IE, Huge characters get Huge phantoms, females get female phantoms. It would be really nice if this could be added as an option for the actual power. Or better, just let the player select one body type.

It would be nice if all the pet powers had an "alternate animation" choice that summoned a different looking but equivalent pet, but I'm guessing that's way outside the bounds of what's being asked here.



I too would like the foot stomp power for PB's to have the fist pound option. A beam coming out of the chest would be cool too for another option on one of the attacks. I guess that is more FX than animation request though. Well a combo of both.

I see a lot of request in here that actually fall under more of a FX than animation option. I like the comment on changing a bubbler's bubbles to a more form fitting force field looking style. That would be awesome! I still want and aura that look like a form fitting light around my toon as well.



Integration/Tough: Got to lose the tarzan thing; it lost it's shine a long time ago. The 'girding' animation that Rage uses would be a great alternative.

Medicine Pool/Devices/Traps/Munitions Mastery: Magic. Based. Animations. Being overtly Tech hinders their use in Non-tech themed builds. (Even Robotics; MM Primaries are notorious for being 'Origin-locked')

Unstoppable/Rage: Both could use /em Growl, Howl, or even MoG's animation.
(Alteratively, Rage could use tarzan...*sigh*)

Practiced Brawler: /em Crack or some variant for those MA trying to make more of a brawler type toon.

Willpower/Invulnerability/(Super Reflexes): "Null-animations" Imagine a stern, resolute character that doesn't even blink in the face of adversity. Why must they make funky motions and break eye contact to power up? I don't mean nothing, a version of /em idle2 to show something. (Come to think of it, this could work for almost any toggle power)

Fly/Teleport: It would be fantastic if the flyposes could be baked into Fly. Teleport needs to have a few options. I think Nightcrawler when it comes to porting; who sort of scrunches when he ports so as not to have a lose limb appear in an object. I've never liked the the 'Invinicble' stance we have now.
The costume change emotes inspire possible teleporting: Spin, Prestochango, Cast, Ninja Pellet, Backflip; heck, even Evillaugh(with accompanying flames).

Hasten: Elude, Whirlwind, faster em warmup, or even vibration. Hasten is taken by much of the player base; it needs variety badly.

Super Speed: Speeders never run upright in comics; they lean forward, sometime over 45 degrees. It would be awesome(as Speed should), if the character leaned into the run.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



First of all, there is nothing wrong with ripper/eviscerate. I took those power for the animation.

Alternate Animation:

[Mind Control.Confuse] - The original animation fits more with Illusion Control.
[Mind Control.Telekinesis] - The current animation is fine, would like to challenge you guys and see what can you do with it.
[Psionic Mastery.Psionic Tornado] - This animation is from Dark Miasma, It needs some new upgrade.
[Psionic Mastery.Indomitable Will] - Needs animation that looks like it's related to mind.
Psionic Matery.Mind over Body] - Needs animation that looks like it's related to mind.
[Psionic Assault.Drain Psyche] - I like the original but a little bit bored with it now.

Alternate Power Graphics Animation:

Mind Control spiral effect is kinda not perfect swirl. I would like to see some new twist to it. This includes Dominate, Mesmerize, Mass Confusion, Mass Hypnosis, Total Domination.

I'm all about Mental Powers, any kind. I enjoy all mind/psychic/psionic/mental related powers. I would appreciate it, if we focus on realistic looking animation

[center][size=1][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] GLOBAL: @Antoinette |[/font][/color][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] MAIN: [/font][/color][url=][color=#FF99CC][font=tahoma]Pinkrise[/font][/color][/url][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] | SG: [/font][/color][url=][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma]The Ethereals [/font][/color][/url][font=Tahoma][color=#FF99CC] | PROJECTS: [/font][/color][url=][color=#FF99CC][font=tahoma]Rogue Magazine [/font][/color][/url][/size][/center]



Practiced Brawler/Active Defense: No animation. (Still pause for animation time.)
Let them be like Combat Jumping, and not cause redraw!
(Since it's natural to pair Sword with Shield, Active Defense is particularly annoying!)

Followup thought:

Add Weapons to the animation of Practiced Brawler/Active Defense. Let us choose between which weapon version so we can match it to the weapon powerset. No more redraw! (hopefully such a thing could work)

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
An option that may not have come up...

For powers that already have multiple animations, an option to have it randomly alternate between BOTH would be pretty sweet. Like the way a Shields character's brawl will either be a shield bash or a kick every other time. On some characters who wind up with very few real attacks (looking at my Super Strength tanker here), it'd help your options feel a lot more diverse if you were mixing up what it looks like you're doing. The only way to do this right now is save different animation setups on identical costumes and switch slots every 30 seconds or so.

This would be a nice twist; instead of getting stuck using an attack chain with X set animations (with change only available at the Tailor), you would get an attack chain with exponentially more animation combinations.

I would advise that it be restricted to like animation sets (randomizing between weaponized and non-weaponized animation sets, for example, wold probably come off as tacky).

[Bullet Time effect for powers that use dodging animations or ripple-shift effects]

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by durien View Post
i'd love, if nothing else, if the gravity controls got the 'floating erratically in the air' like the ghost widow hold.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Ehina View Post
- The possibility to suppress the graphic effects on the powers which mess with your costume : Hasten, Dark Armor toggles, Fire Armor, Elec Armor... etc. That would be giving those the alternate animation : 'none'.
FYI most of Dark Armor's toggles already have a "No fade or pulse" option which basically suppresses all the toggles' visual effects.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Being able to assign any /emote (or many emotes) to self buff/team buff powers (lol, /em teabag for GodMode activations)

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



I didn't read every post but noticed a lot of the ones I did read wanted a non sword based melee option for fire/ice sword. I agree but what to change it to is the question.... How about an elemental blade coming from the end of the hand and slicing across the body. So basically picture a "karate" chop with an elemental blade on the end (think similar to Psylocke's psi-blades). Then you don't have to change the name. Or even use the same idea but with a jab to the throat(obviously the landing area will vary with toon heights) type move.



Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
An option that may not have come up...

For powers that already have multiple animations, an option to have it randomly alternate between BOTH would be pretty sweet. Like the way a Shields character's brawl will either be a shield bash or a kick every other time. On some characters who wind up with very few real attacks (looking at my Super Strength tanker here), it'd help your options feel a lot more diverse if you were mixing up what it looks like you're doing. The only way to do this right now is save different animation setups on identical costumes and switch slots every 30 seconds or so.
I'd sign up for this!



Originally Posted by Demon_Shell View Post
I'd be up for alternate taunt(s).
Oh yeah, we definitely need some new taunts. I think the "getsome" emote should be included as an alternate animation.

Now, for some other thoughts:

Medicine Pool -> Yes, I agree with EVERYONE else that we need alternate animations. They don't have to be origin themed, but we definitely need a non-tech alternative.

Speed Pool -> Flurry... I don't know if anyone has brought this up or not yet, but remember the old Martial Arts Thunder Kick (or was it Storm Kick?) animation where the attacker would be rooted and whip their leg around in several swift kicks? Can we bring that animation back as an alternate for Flurry? I miss that kick... I want that kick back. This seems to be the perfect place for it.

Flight -> Hover, can we please haz ghost hover animation back as an option? I really liked that brief time when we had it and would like to see it return... as much as some people want to go back to the old "head forward, arms back" flight pose for hover.

Claws -> all attacks... give us the option for open hands with talons as an option please. Not everyone wants blades coming out of the backs of our hands/wrists.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
One of the projects we are working on is to create more alternate animations for various powers. The animators asked me which powers I wanted to have this applied to and rather than simply come up with a list myself, I thought it would be interesting to open the discussion to you the fans.

Powers with Alternate Animations will still have nearly the exact same Animation Lengths, so this thread is not about creating shorter animations for various powers.

So, let's hear it! Tired of doing Backflips with Eviscerate? Sick of beating your chest like Tarzan? Eyebeams not your cup of tea? Tell us about it!
Do Axe and Mace still have the same animations as each other? If so, one should get different animations before unique sets get more options. Way back it was decided that Broadsword and Katana shouldn't be animation clones, that same decision should apply to Axe and Mace.



Originally Posted by Dromio View Post
Do Axe and Mace still have the same animations as each other? If so, one should get different animations before unique sets get more options. Way back it was decided that Broadsword and Katana shouldn't be animation clones, that same decision should apply to Axe and Mace.
And Axe and Mace should both be distinct from Broadsword as well. >_>

Also, alternate fly animations including Lotus, 'standing straight up like Magneto', the current /em flyposes, etc, etc.



Originally Posted by PoptartsNinja View Post
And Axe and Mace should both be distinct from Broadsword as well. >_>

Also, alternate fly animations including Lotus, 'standing straight up like Magneto', the current /em flyposes, etc, etc.
Agreed about Broadsword. I just don't think alternates should be really considered until all sets have unique animations.