Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




Eviscerate - Lose the backflip.
Focus and Shockwave - Please, please, please, please find an alternative to the current ranged animations. Preferably to some sort of lunging attack.

Add 2 or 3 alternate animations (column of smoke/mist ala Steamy Mist, ninja style smoke bomb, spinning into nothingness, etc.)

Super Speed
Add a blurred or phased run kind of look.

Add a low key glow or blur effect that covers the whole body.

Dual Pistols
Give us some John Woo or Dirty Harry style animations, Old West gunslinger animations would be good too!


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Something I forgot to mention:

Could we get an alternate version of Hurl from Super Strength where we hurl actual objects like what Propel throws? It'd be much cooler if we were able to chuck forklifts and air compressors and junk cars and fridges, rather than dinky-looking slabs of rock that don't even match the ground we pull it out of most of the time.

I realise it might be odd, as in "where did he get a junk car from?" However, the same can be said about the slab of rock right now. If I can pull rock out of a metal catwalk, out of the roof of a car, out of power cables, and out of DEEP WATER, then I don't see pulling a piano out of the ground as being any more weird. Would look cooler, though.

Only if one of the random items is a Bigger Fish though.



When characters classified as Huge snipe they use one arm and no other arm for the 'kick back' of the snipe. Make one arm snipe available for non-huge characters



Skipped the other postings to add my idea

Heres the ones I would like to see change

Super speed= he glow shouldn't be all the time only when you move, and maybe other elmental options like Fire taril, Electric OR maybe even use the Power Slide animation and use Ice Sleding =-)

Teleport= the powers animation is ok mostlly but maybe some other options on the VIP teleport or your Base Teleport, have the Wrist tap animation play. A removal of the Hover Lock on the teleport ending animation would be good too, ( when you come outta the teleport you are locked in place for a bit no forward motion).

** New idea stuff **
This is my idea of a change to the teleport power, an addition or change to the power list, the final power in the pool is Team Teleport, it's kinda useless for any non Masterminds ( porting you and your pets), maybe add a power of "Map Port", for the die hard True to the power teleporters. you can require all the powers in the pool to get and area Exploration badge s to activate in the outside area's.

this power would be more like the acual long range Teleport or in a misson teleport, You think of when day dreaming about , you open the map and select a marker/contact or even the misson door and port, tada you are at he point, it's what the power should be like if a true teleporter used it.

No more being beatedn to the misson door or contacts by a super jumper or whatever, you are a teleporter, you are the fastest traveller there is becuse you dont' pass thru the space inbetween, and true mastery of the power would mean better than line of sight use.



FEARSOME STARE ! and any powers that use that same "stand on your tippy-toes and look down at thee" pose. Ugh, one of my biggest let-downs ever was playing my Dark-Elec Defender and getting Fearsome Stare for the first time. Then I fire it off and went ewwww!




I mainly would like to see a more natural animation form of the Claws powers, more beastial / feral / animalistic , the current versions are far too artificial.

Also, another vote for the more variety in pool powers animations.



Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
"stand on your tippy-toes and look down at thee"
I... I think I might have to put that in my sig. It's so beautiful...



Originally Posted by Durien View Post
Teleport, the animation on this is perfectly fine for many concpets and INCREDIBLY silly for others. I really like the travel poor but only a couple of my people like sticking both arms way up in the air.
I hate the way you are stuck hovering like a turtle on its back for a few seconds at the end of tp. The only time this doesn't happen is when you can click on a door to enter or exit something. Some fluidity of movement at the end would be nice.

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In addition to the added animations, I'd like to be able to select a "random" option that will randomly pick one of the available options and not the same animation every time for that power. So sometimes you'll get the Martial arts kick and sometimes you get the punch. I can sort-of simulate this with costume changes, but I'd rather it be built into the game's mechanics.

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Stalker Assassin Strike animations should be unique to the powerset chosen. Not recycled versions of others.


"if I am guilty for what goes on in my mind, than give me the electric chair for all my future crimes"



Originally Posted by Shred_Monkey View Post
In addition to the added animations, I'd like to be able to select a "random" option that will randomly pick one of the available options and not the same animation every time for that power. So sometimes you'll get the Martial arts kick and sometimes you get the punch. I can sort-of simulate this with costume changes, but I'd rather it be built into the game's mechanics.
Ah, an "alternating attack" system would be nice once we get some variety out there.




I can't play the dual pistols set with the animations as they are. I lose all interest as soon as my alt starts doing 360s, thrusting his arms in all directions, firing rounds all over creation. I just can't get into it.

I'd like to see all the flashy animations for DP have non-flashy alternates. For example, the Malta Gunsliger uses animations that Dual Pistols does not, some of them are very good.



Someone posted a while back that it would be fun if we could set a default death animation. That would be awesome. I have several "robot" alts that would so enjoy the old Rikti death animation (where they froze then fell over to one side like a log). I also love that Ghoul death animation.

I'd like to see that and the default flight pose added to the Options Menu.

Just my 2 inf worth.



Originally Posted by Slatecinder View Post
Hurl boulder: Stone melee is all about the manipulation of the earth element, then why must the range power look more like a super strength power. Have the animation be more like the propel animation where the chunk gets ripped out of the ground because you will it not because you have such great strength or as an alternative stomp the ground with your foot and have a bounder shoot up then punch it towards the enemy for those people that like that sort of thing
This is from several pages back, but I brought it up to second it. (Or third it, I've seen other posts request the same thing)

I know the animations in Earth Assault avoided using the Propel/Legacy Chain "levitate the rock and fling it at the foe" animation because it takes so long, but it can't be THAT hard to come up with a faster version of it. Just have the character fling his arm, and the rock shoots up out of the ground and at the target. Forget the long "hang time" rise out of the ground for dramatic effect, just FLING the thing!

In addition to making Hurl Boulder distinct from Super Strength, it could also be used several places in Earth Assault, with an even faster animation for the "fling pebble".

or in keeping with the hammer theme throw a hammer at the enemies.
Alternate idea, but yeah, I like that as well.

While I'm on the subject of Assault sets, even though the animation times are different and many of the attacks are DoT, I'd like to see the Fire Sword come back. And as with the above suggestion, some of the ranged attacks could be made to fling the sword. (Same with the ice sword from Ice Assault)



Ice Armor: Would like something that doesnt make me look like some sort of giant goemetric shape.

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100% /signed on the alternate animation idea for "Hurl" as well.

That idea also stood out to me Jade, Ripping up a piece of pavement and throwing it is very cool and all, but THROWING A CAR !!! Now that would be too much fun.




Originally Posted by Iggylove View Post
Stalker Assassin Strike animations should be unique to the powerset chosen. Not recycled versions of others.


What is that a picture of in your avatar Iggy? It looks like a pop-top for a soda can designed by Picasso and Salvador Dali!


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Primary on my list is a replacement animation for that awful double jab attack in the claws set...think it is slash. I'd like it replaced by an attack that starts with the attacker's arms spread wide and then crossed over his/her chest.

Please do this for the Widow attack that uses the same animation. I deleted my Widow because of this. Overly sensitive, I know, but it really gets on my nerves.

Other than that...some of the older blaster sets could use new animations/effects including: Electric Blast, Energy Blast and Fire Blast.



Originally Posted by McBoo View Post
What is that a picture of in your avatar Iggy? It looks like a pop-top for a soda can designed by Picasso and Salvador Dali!

3DS Max logo

"if I am guilty for what goes on in my mind, than give me the electric chair for all my future crimes"



Add me to the supporters of altering Hurl (rock) to Hurl (any heavy thing)!

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Oh, and another thing. Speaking of "eye beams not your cup of tea," can we get an alternative of X-Ray Beam Eyes that isn't... Well, an eye beam? I wouldn't mind if it's still a small, narrow beam, but I'd be very happy if I could shoot it from my fist.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



My only real complaint is Greater Fire Sword in Fire Melee. I hate hate hate that animation - actually some of the other melee sets use it too, and I would love it if they all had alternates. That big ponderous step forward into a swing like a wet noodle looks awful; there's no oomph behind it at all, which is really disappointing for the ultimate power in the Fire Melee set.



Thanks for the feedback, all.

I'll be going through this thread and forwarding the info to the animation team.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Thanks for the feedback, all.

I'll be going through this thread and forwarding the info to the animation team.

Any chance we'll get a list of the things that are being considered/worked on with the highest priority? Would love to get a glimpse of what's on the table and what we can look forward to in the future.



Could we please get a stabby and pokey (as opposed to slashy and swingy) animations for DB, and maybe a single hand sword set like BS (with the addition of the rapier weapon)?

Please please please?

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Adding my vote for

Breath attacks. Yes, please allow an arm option for these attacks.

Medicine pool. Oh please yes, Let us have a non-tricorder versions. Day job versions also alternated as well please.

Teleport, Yeah another option there. The double arm flex and chest thrust needs an alternative.