Morbid Star

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  1. The momentary peeps into the lives of the rest of the team made this episode all the more kewl. The Queen going all "mother protecting her young" on the enemies was pure awesome.
  2. Morbid Star

    Smallville 3/4

    Superboy has got a seriously psychotic mean streak. Awesome midseason ending
  3. So, NCSoft decides to make the CoH/CoV game extremely difficult to log in to. Considering that the game population took a huge hit due to the new well esstablished comic super hero MMO that isnt allowed to be named on the message boards. I'm not trying to be a doomsayer or anything here. But why make it even more difficult for people to play this game ? ... I mean it would be one thing to have the already established patcher upgrade itself in a patch as standard log in protocall,... but why make the entire game population have to go through some other new process to download a new patcher that appearantly doesn't even work correctly? Why make the game so hard to just enter to play ? Will there be a new retail box on the store shelves , since this whole new process will make the current ones obsolete and unplayable ? It all just seems that it's going to push more people away.
  4. Very cool episode ... awesome surprise ... LOL got to luv Zatanna ...


    "a billionaire playboy with high tech toys, and a wonderous woman who's going to totally throw you for a loop"
  5. The "reality check" episodes are always my favorite ... i miss Gabe
  6. Not too long ago, there use to be a News Paper 'ish periodical series on this message board (can still find past issues), based on everything City of Heroes / City of Villains ... what ever happened to it ?
  7. Who here, that enjoys watching SmallVille, has not seen the Matrix ?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
    I looked at the pic and thought Frank Castle snagged a symbiote.
    I read that "What If " comic... it was a good one, but than most of the What IF's were pure awesome sause anywayz
  9. I'd like to see a remake of "The Last Starfighter" , I think it's well deserveing and due for a remake for the newer generations

    I'm pretty sure a safe prediction for a remake is "Death Wish" though, it pretty much fits all the criteria
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Don't click on the glowies in the Terra Volta respec trial.
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    I still remember that one. Most resilient rumor ever.
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    You took my answer!

    A few of us still joke around to each other about that. Once in a while when a specific person dies on a TF, I tell them "See what happens when you click the glowie!?", even if there wasn't an objective involved. It's just bad karma that sticks with you. rofl
    Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
    Of course the "don't get the glowies" in the TV respec is certainly a mighty hard rumor to squash (for the record they do nothing at all), I first heard this one when I was running my first respec back in issue 3 and it's STILL out there. It may be the all time most impervious to removal rumor in the game.
    As i understand it, that started out as a deceptive lie to keep others from clicking them because each glowie in that trial use to give an insane amount of XP and inf... so to keep others away and keep them for themselves. Which was remove sometime later, yet the ill informed warnings of such still remain in the player base.
  11. Morbid Star

    New player.

    Originally Posted by Lexxi View Post
    Hi guys,

    I'm a new player to CoH, I was just wondering archetypes etc should i choose. Thanks for the help.
    The best answer i can give this question is to first think of a concept of what ever you think would be fun to play ... for example, maybe your favorite comic book super hero could be an influance, or maybe you really enjoyed playing a cleric or a ranger in a different game... then just read through the descriptions and check out the power sets they have and see which one fits best , then you move on to how you want to look, and you can design to your hearts content

    if you start with a basic concept then everything seems to smoothly come together (except getting the name you want,... may need to try a few different times for that), just remember to just take the concept as your influence and not as a direct copy or you'll get "generic'd"
  12. Morbid Star

    Permanent Ban

    Originally Posted by BashfulBanshee View Post
    Were there RMT before the markets arrived? What was there to buy?
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    No. Maybe not mathematically zero, but practically zero. When Issue 9 was released (markets and the invention system), I thought to myself, "With 'loot' in the game now, they're opening the doors for RMTers." I had never received a spam e-mail up until then.

    I know it's not going to happen, but I do wish we could roll back to the days when we didn't have a loot system, when we were topped out with SOs and it didn't really take that long to earn them, when a million influence was considered a hell of a lot and there wasn't this persistent drive to farm it because, frankly, there wasn't a whole lot you could do with it other than share it with the newbies to help them out.
    Yes there were, but they were almost all of the level your toon from 1 to 50 in 2 days or some such type of scam RMT'ers, before the market and IO system,... but it's always been there in the shady parts of the CoH/CoV community
  13. Morbid Star

    Winter Event ?

    sounds fun ... how do you get the mission ?
  14. Morbid Star

    Winter Event ?

    I'm just wondering what if anything is actually new this year as opposed to last year and previous, and any details on such information. ... ?
  15. One of my all time favorite shows ... Chiana (Gigi Edgley) was my fav charractor
  16. Morbid Star

    Smallville 12/10

    deffinately an "Epic"-sode
  17. awesome surprise guest star at the beginning
  18. wolfwere's are common in lycanthrope mythos, just not as well known
  19. well, i totally get the no soul = no emotion thing, not really sure i understand the whole no soul = no sleep thing... sleeping seems more of a physical/mental thing than a spiritual thing

    btw... today is the 12th
  20. totally amazing episode ... the parents speechs were touching and the unholy trinity rocks, plus an awesome surprise at the end

    btw... today is the 12th
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pouncer View Post
    This? He should win an award for hilariously bad acting.
    THIS is what i think of when i hear that perticular line, and how the line should be delivered
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaderath View Post
    Actually, no, its a Pulp Fiction quote from the movie Pulp Fiction, pretending to be a Bible verse The actual verse is quite different, and not nearly as cool sounding. He says it several times in the movie, and it actually changes a little even within the movie, not always the same. But yeah, that was my favorite scene of the episode, I was cringing the rest of the episode. Lois's little sermon was all "Wow, see? I told you she could act!" and then 10s later the crap she was saying it was like, "Nope. I was wrong..."
    hehe, Actually, no, ... it really depends on which version of which publication of which translation you're refferanceing ... but it's all semantics, considering it's quoteing a quote of a quote of a quote
  23. lol, i think the funnyest moment that episode was Dean's double-take in the bar
  24. LOL, that was a Bible Quote in Pulp Fiction , not a Pulp Fiction quote ... also, nice to see Lois and Clark being truthful with eachother finally ... and that kid has got Lex's expressions down pact, that smirk was Wicked