worst misinformation?
"Dark Armor is a bad Brute secondary because the -ToHit reduces Fury generation."
(There are other arguments re: Fury generation which are less cut-and-dry, but this one is just plain wrong.)
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
- "The easiest archetype for a new player to start off with is a Scrapper."
After 6 years, I still have no Scrappers in my characters roster. The last serious attempt at one was maybe 4 years ago and I gave up at the low teens. I will note that I do have 3 Brutes and a couple of Tanks.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
"An Empath should buff the tank and no one else, because it's the tank's job to keep the team alive"
This is commonly spewed alongside "Putting Healing Aura on autofire makes you a good healer"
Also commonly said with "Empathy = Healer"
Empathy is so much more than just a "healing" set, but it is a very common misconception (still!) that Empathy is only good at healing and nothing else.
Ironically, I don't even have an Empathy character, but my wife does, and I can tell a good one from a bad one.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
1) tankers need taunt
2) the devs hate farming
3) farming is wrong
4) there is pvp
5) the game is dying
6) triumph is alive.
7) you need to wear pants
8) roleplay is fun
9) insperations are cheating
10) you dont need ios
Teams should always consist of a tank, a healer, and 6 DPS...
"Siphon Life is a heal, not an attack, and should be slotted like a heal."
"Defenders/Tankers don't deal any damage so don't bother taking/slotting attacks."
"Purple recipes are not good, go ahead and give them to me."
Although I am quite sure that should qualify for best misinformation.
A whole bunch of 50's.
Grav/kins must take speed boost.
Mercs is a lousy front set for MMs.
TA is a lousy back set for MMs.
Combining the two makes a lousy MM.
You can't make money in this game without farming.
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
The market is hard and complicated.
Global @StarGeek
ParagonWiki.com-The original is still the best!
My Hero Merit rolls
Accuracy needed for 95% ToHit spreadsheet
Forum font change stripper for Firefox/Opera/Chrome. No more dealing with poor color choices, weird fonts or microscopic text
Search Wiki Patch notes, add site:ParagonWiki.com inurl:patch_notes to your Google Search
"Earth/Emp is great if you just want to heal your team and hold enemies".
No mention of Earth's debuffs and control nor Emp's great buffs. With help like that, who needs enemies.

SAVE CoX info:
Titan Network efforts
Saving CoX events/FB info
"Defenders without heals are useless." - I think it should instead say that defenders with just heals are less useful.
"It's not cheating!" - Usually the only people that use this phrase are exploiters. Farming is not cheating... but exploiting is, regardless if you are using an exploit to farm or just to quick travel from one place to another.
"Dark Armor is a bad Brute secondary because the -ToHit reduces Fury generation."
(There are other arguments re: Fury generation which are less cut-and-dry, but this one is just plain wrong.) |
- "The easiest archetype for a new player to start off with is a Scrapper."
After 6 years, I still have no Scrappers in my characters roster. The last serious attempt at one was maybe 4 years ago and I gave up at the low teens. I will note that I do have 3 Brutes and a couple of Tanks. |

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
hmm... worst misinformation ever...
I think I'd have to dig all the way back to I4 or there-abouts. I was told that since Plasma Shield on Fire Aura did not protect against smashing / lethal damage, and that I needed to take it out of my build.
Which I did on a respec.
Back when respecs were only gotten by the original hard-as-hell Terra Volta trial.
Plasma Shield is the anti-mez on Fire.
I think the most annoying misinformation that gets on my nerves today consist of the following falsities:
- You need Invention Origin Sets
- Everybody slots for soft-cap defense
- Everybody slots for mega-recharge
- Everybody has hundreds of millions of influence
- Influence on the market is provided by developers or the game itself, not by players who at some point have to go out and defeat an enemy to produce that influence.
- The market can be used to make everybody in the game rich (see previous false idea; that influence has to come from somewhere. It comes from player characters defeating enemies)
- Dark Armor sucks: well, only if you try to tank like an Invuln or a Stone.
- Fire Armor sucks: again, only if you try to tank like Invuln or a Stone.
- Devs hate farming: Developers hate exploits, not farming. Problem is so many farms leverage exploits. You do the math.
- Kins must have Speed Boost and Increase Density on every build: While these are Class Defining Powers, they can be situational. Controllers with pets will benefit by always having the two powers in their current build. Fire / Kins with ID can cure their imp's lack of knockback protection and increase resistance, keeping the imps in a fight for just a little longer. Grav / Kins with ID can give Singularity tank level resistances to smashing and energy damage. Speed Boost cures pets taking forever to catch up. For Petless controllers like Mind, or the defender and corrupter classes, these powers may be better suited for a dual-build.
- Devs hate super group bases: Paragon Studios has limited resources available to develop the game and has to make the most of each cycle of development. Some aspects of the game, such as the implementation of Super Group bases, probably needs to be scrapped and rebuilt from scratch. The time and resources spent on updating Super Group bases wouldn't have an immediate impact on sales or subscriptions of the game (that is not up for debate, updating the SG bases wouldn't bring any old subscribers back and the draw to new players would be insignificant). Ergo, SG base work has to be done on a de-prioritized level.
- Devs hate architecture entertainment: see above section about limited resources. In many cases the improvements players want in Architecture Entertainment requires programming or user-interface work that hasn't been available.
- Devs hate PvP: The developers actions and reactions to PvP is more related to the core concept of the game's inherent imbalanced structure being adversarial to the balanced structure required for a competitive PvP environment to succeed. Imagine it a bit like this: you spend all day building 4-wheel sports cars. You know the ins and outs of the frame of the car, how the wheels hit the road, the cross-section of the tires and their grip per inch of rubber applied to the road, and other things like how the transmission and trans-axel work. Then somebody comes up and asks you to build a motorcycle reasoning that both a car and a motorcycle have wheels, engines, tires, and transmissions, so if you know how to build a car, you've got to know how to build a motorcycle. If you didn't get the meaning of this example, go down to your local mechanic and ask them to explain the difference between a car and a motorcycle. Here's a hint: they are very different vehicles.
- Devs hate insert your pet project here: read above sections about developer resources.
- Accuracy was nerfed: Players tend to remember when things don't work as expected, sometimes referred to as the perception phenomenon. So when a player misses an attack, that miss tends to register and stay in memory longer than the number of attacks that connected.
- Such and such attack does too much knockback: in the current revision of the game the knock-around effects are all centered on a magnitude scale of the same power effect. This means that knockup / knockdown powers on opponents weak to knockback will generate knockback. This couples in with the perception phenomenon. Players remember the times that an enemy critter went flying backwards instead of the times the enemy just flopped over or bounced straight up.
Don't click on the glowies in the Terra Volta respec trial.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Badging sucks
Playing the market is too hard.
and alot of what has already been said.

Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
One of the more interesting ... "discussions" in broadcast was about this. Specifically after one of the devs refuted it. Mentioned that it had no effect, pointed that out, and was told the devs were lying. Started fighting heavies, and pointed out "Oh, look - so-and-so still has shadow fall on." Somehow, the other person *still* defended that claim.
Every new tanker should take taunt and see if it helps with your set/tanking style. Some sets have better aggro generation on their own, without taunt, than others.
2) the devs hate farming 3) farming is wrong |
4) there is pvp |
6) triumph is alive. |
8) roleplay is fun |
10) you dont need ios |
I don't know if the market can make everybody rich, but it sure can make anybody rich who tries. It made me quite happy.
The forums in general are usually a good place to get a lot of misinformation
"Using Fire Imps lowers your xp over time"
"You can't 'control' AVs"
A few of us still joke around to each other about that. Once in a while when a specific person dies on a TF, I tell them "See what happens when you click the glowie!?", even if there wasn't an objective involved. It's just bad karma that sticks with you. rofl
I don't know if the market can make everybody rich, but it sure can make anybody rich who tries. It made me quite happy.
So to summarize:
1. Anybody who wants to make money from the market can do so
2. If everyone wants to make money from the market no one can
Over time I've discovered that certain information I picked up while I was a wee noob was wrong, which got me curious as to what misinformation others have suffered (and with which I may still be afflicted). What has been the worst misinformation YOU've received? My examples:
-- "A new player should not bother with the markets and just vendor everything." I picked up this gem from the forums as I was starting out.
-- "You need more than one player to start a supergroup." Only yesterday did I discover to my joy that any toon can go to city hall and found a supergroup. Less than 3 hours later, I had my own shiny solo base to store salvage and enhancements.
-- "The order you select slots continues to be relevant when you exemplar down." I always wondered how people could enjoy playing with Mids builds, because I found it tedious to go through and select the slots in leveling order. I was quite happy to discover the dynamic mode in Mids for playing with different build ideas.