worst misinformation?




Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
If everyone used the market in a perfectly logical manner then price variations would (theoretically) vanish and the markup for crafted IOs would be equal to the crafting costs + salvage costs + WW fee in which case no one would be able to make any money from the market.
Personally, I don't tend to spend a lot of time worrying about situations which will only come about when a very large group of people acts in a perfectly rational way :-)

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



There's just so much misinformation I've seen over the years that it's hard to narrow down. For instance I was on a team with a new player running an Invuln tanker and someone was trying to tell him that Invuln sucked at tanking and he should reroll as, of all things, a Fire tank if he wanted to be durable. Nothing against Fire, but there's no question that it's far less durable than Invuln. That one really had me shaking my head, and I told the new tanker that he was just fine; he just needed to change his build a little... he was 15 and hadn't taken Unyielding yet because he thought it rooted you in place like the game manual said it did (that was actually changed way back in issue 2 or 3). That was actually what got me to write my first 20 levels guide... which needs an update now with inherent fitness.

Of course the "don't get the glowies" in the TV respec is certainly a mighty hard rumor to squash (for the record they do nothing at all), I first heard this one when I was running my first respec back in issue 3 and it's STILL out there. It may be the all time most impervious to removal rumor in the game.

Hmm, there's the "Nobody can make any inf in this game" and the "Everyone's fixing prices so they make tons of money" bits, and usually they're stated by the very same person without realizing the logical fallacy of that statement. In today's game the inf creation power of a high level character is so high that there's simply massive amounts of influence constantly being generated and added to the game. Most of the time I list things on the market at fairly low prices; it's not the marketeers doing that people are willing to pay so much. Excluding the market totally any level 50 can make at least 3 million inf per hour simply by running missions and killing mobs. That's why things cost so much; there's simply so much money floating around and so much more being made every second. The inf supply is increasing much faster than the supply of the more desirable items therefore those items rise in price.

I haven't had a character in several years who hasn't made enough on his own simply by playing to afford a modest IO build by level 35; all of them have had over 200 million by level 50 even after buying IO's.

I saw SerialBeggar mentioning that he didn't get Scrappers and that's perfectly ok; but the point that a Scrapper is the most straightforward character to play is a valid one, they simply run up and smack the bad guy upside the head and have enough durability to forgive many mistakes while having enough damage to kill things quickly. That makes them a good choice for a player still learning his way around; his character will survive many mistakes he'll make and it'll take out mobs fast.

The Taunt/no Taunt argument has been ongoing in the Tanker forum for as long as I've been playing. Yes, some tanker sets have great aggro management tools and can get & hold aggro without it, but it's still another tool in your toolbox. I very definitely believe that a good tanker can do the job without Taunt, but I also believe equally strongly that any tanker can do the job better if he has Taunt available, and there are times where it's invaluable. I have it on every one of my tanks and while I don't use it every group I find it useful several times per mission. Yes, it's situational but that situation pops up very frequently.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
I don't know if the market can make everybody rich, but it sure can make anybody rich who tries. It made me quite happy.
Exactly. If you want to get rich, easily, the market can do that. If everyone tried to do this, eventually it might stop working... But that will never happen.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I still remember that one. Most resilient rumor ever.
Pull Shadowhunter in the water to lower his regen is one of the best.



Sometimes in a beta you can hear people claiming that certain things are as intended and they like to talk that way without specifying it as their opinion, or frame speculation as fact.

If you join it after those people and can't find any official statement to refute it, eww.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Don't click on the glowies in the Terra Volta respec trial.
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I still remember that one. Most resilient rumor ever.
Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
You took my answer!

A few of us still joke around to each other about that. Once in a while when a specific person dies on a TF, I tell them "See what happens when you click the glowie!?", even if there wasn't an objective involved. It's just bad karma that sticks with you. rofl
Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
Of course the "don't get the glowies" in the TV respec is certainly a mighty hard rumor to squash (for the record they do nothing at all), I first heard this one when I was running my first respec back in issue 3 and it's STILL out there. It may be the all time most impervious to removal rumor in the game.
As i understand it, that started out as a deceptive lie to keep others from clicking them because each glowie in that trial use to give an insane amount of XP and inf... so to keep others away and keep them for themselves. Which was remove sometime later, yet the ill informed warnings of such still remain in the player base.



"Kinetics is such a busy defender primary that you shouldn't bother taking your attacks"

I teamed with a Kinetics who had done just that recently. They were easily the most useless player I've ever teamed with: in addition to doing no damage of their own (and so sitting idle for about half of every fight), they tended to hang back (limiting the usefulness of their Leadership toggles), and they hadn't hadn't developed a feel for how and when to use their powers for greatest effect (eg. Siphon Power and Fulcrum Shift are useful even when the team is at damage cap, by debuffing enemies' damage).



"Practised Brawler" is just the bigger and as useless brother of that stupid and waste of a slot "Brawl"!

Seen in team chat to a lowbie newbie Claws/SR scrapper during a sewer run!

I did send a private tell to the scrappie explaining why this was not actually the case

So many cats - So few recipes!

Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!



Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
- "The easiest archetype for a new player to start off with is a Scrapper."

After 6 years, I still have no Scrappers in my characters roster. The last serious attempt at one was maybe 4 years ago and I gave up at the low teens. I will note that I do have 3 Brutes and a couple of Tanks.
Its not really misinformation here though, Scrapper and Brute roles on a team is easy to cover for new people. I suggest it because it lets you watch what others do and learn, you can't really go wrong with teams either. This doesn't mean other ATs are impossible to start with.



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
1) tankers need taunt
2) the devs hate farming
3) farming is wrong
4) there is pvp
5) the game is dying
6) triumph is alive.
7) you need to wear pants
8) roleplay is fun
9) insperations are cheating
10) you dont need ios
About half of what g_b posted are examples of misinformation. And like most other misinformation it's mixed in with assertions that aren't wrong. A fine blend of the correct, irrelevant, and outright wrong. Also, like most misinformation that is given out, he probably doesn't even know that some of it is wrong, he really thinks what he's posting is correct. (Some of it of course he thinks is misinformation, but even then there's a good chance that he's wrong about it being wrong. )

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
je_saist's point was that making money off the market requires either price variations or crafting.
Je may know about technical issues (I don't know, but I have heard she does), but her knowledge of the market and game economics is not good.

I don't trust someone to post about the market in a misinformation thread, when that person has posted in the last 3 months that 95% of the entire playerbase is struggling to SO their avatar at lvl 50.



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
Je may know about technical issues (I don't know, but I have heard she does), but her knowledge of the market and game economics is not good.

I don't trust someone to post about the market in a misinformation thread, when that person has posted in the last 3 months that 95% of the entire playerbase is struggling to SO their avatar at lvl 50.
Well, i suppose it's possible to be starved for SO funds if you got your character to 50 in a day using an AE exploit. Of course that presumes that you don't know that the AE tickets can be traded in for items that will sell for many times what a full set of level 50 SOs would cost.

Well before there was a market any player by the early forties would have more inf than they needed for SOs. It was up until the mid thirties that funds tended to be insufficient. Of course the usual workaround was to arrange an inf transfer with the help of a friend to the lower level alts. Which was a bit tedious back when you were only allowed to trade 99,999 inf at a time.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



"Confuse powers steal XP"

This is one I see and confront on a regular basis. Confuse powers can't take away XP that you have earned. It persists mainly because there is a slight grain of truth in it -- Confuse power CAN reduce the available XP that you could earn if you killed everything on the map, but the effect will be minor if the players know how to deal with Confuse powers. Confuse powers have so many benefits that this myth is frustrating. And, as far as I know, nothing can "steal," or take away, XP you have already earned.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
"Confuse powers steal XP"

This is one I see and confront on a regular basis. Confuse powers can't take away XP that you have earned. It persists mainly because there is a slight grain of truth in it -- Confuse power CAN reduce the available XP that you could earn if you killed everything on the map, but the effect will be minor if the players know how to deal with Confuse powers. Confuse powers have so many benefits that this myth is frustrating. And, as far as I know, nothing can "steal," or take away, XP you have already earned.
Well, the major misinformation related to confuse is claiming that it reduces xp/minute, which is the opposite of the truth if you actually attack in addition to confusing enemies. It does reduce xp per enemy slightly, but the faster and safer defeat rate means that xp over time is greater.

Basically the only way confuse could slow down xp gain is if there was a limited supply of enemies in the game. Since we have an infinite supply of things to beat up that's not an issue.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Will you please, please stop this?
Listen! And understand! je_saist is out there. It can't be bargained with! It can't be reasoned with! It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, no matter how many people prove it wrong!



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
About half of what g_b posted are examples of misinformation. And like most other misinformation it's mixed in with assertions that aren't wrong. A fine blend of the correct, irrelevant, and outright wrong. Also, like most misinformation that is given out, he probably doesn't even know that some of it is wrong, he really thinks what he's posting is correct. (Some of it of course he thinks is misinformation, but even then there's a good chance that he's wrong about it being wrong. )
1) some of it is true
2) some of it is funny cause i have 20 50s on tri and its really a joke that tri will understand.
3) some of it is made up
4) and i am still way too cool for pants



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
1) some of it is true
2) some of it is funny cause i have 20 50s on tri and its really a joke that tri will understand.
3) some of it is made up
4) and i am still way too cool for pants
Conceded. Especially number 4.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
  • Dark Armor sucks: well, only if you try to tank like an Invuln or a Stone.
  • Such and such attack does too much knockback: in the current revision of the game the knock-around effects are all centered on a magnitude scale of the same power effect. This means that knockup / knockdown powers on opponents weak to knockback will generate knockback. This couples in with the perception phenomenon. Players remember the times that an enemy critter went flying backwards instead of the times the enemy just flopped over or bounced straight up.
I'll address the first one later, but on the second point - Knock-up IS NOT weak knock-back. Knock-up is it's own "mez", separate from Knock-back and it's weak form Knockdown. A KU power slotted for knock (with the knockback enhancement, admittedly) will send them HIGHER. Like, Mary Poppins "Let's go fly a kite" high (So fun!) if you go that far.

KU is a lot rarer than KB/KD, however.
Originally Posted by Bringer_NA View Post
Pull Shadowhunter in the water to lower his regen is one of the best.
I thought my "If you run and click it, the proximity bomb won't go off" in TV trials was the best. It just had a lifespan a second longer than the people who believed it
Originally Posted by Morbid Star View Post
As i understand it, that started out as a deceptive lie to keep others from clicking them because each glowie in that trial use to give an insane amount of XP and inf... so to keep others away and keep them for themselves. Which was remove sometime later, yet the ill informed warnings of such still remain in the player base.
Don't think they used to give XP - I think it was you could have one person nab all the belts.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Will you please, please stop this?
1) You realize he's listing the "lies" - it's truthful that Dark doesn't tank like stone or invuln.

2) He should not of posted that, however, without linking to that video in your sig

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



And most of us are way to cool for pants; kilts just are not that well accepted.

Exception : It is not coolness that keeps the Hickman pants-less.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
And most of us are way to cool for pants; kilts just are not that well accepted.

Exception : It is not coolness that keeps the Hickman pants-less.
You mentioned the name!
Might as well make it official...
Hickman. Hickman. Hickman.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
Je may know about technical issues (I don't know, but I have heard she does), but her knowledge of the market and game economics is not good.

I don't trust someone to post about the market in a misinformation thread, when that person has posted in the last 3 months that 95% of the entire playerbase is struggling to SO their avatar at lvl 50.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. In this case je's point was correct. The market does not create either items or inf and as such there is a finite profit that could be withdrawn. As long as only a portion of the total population attempts to withdraw it then it is possible to make a profit from the market. If everyone did it then it would become impossible.

Although as Groucybeast said:
Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
Personally, I don't tend to spend a lot of time worrying about situations which will only come about when a very large group of people acts in a perfectly rational way :-)



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. In this case je's point was correct. The market does not create either items or inf and as such there is a finite profit that could be withdrawn. As long as only a portion of the total population attempts to withdraw it then it is possible to make a profit from the market. If everyone did it then it would become impossible.
Or to put it in layman's terms:

For every person getting rich off the market, there's a sucker on the other end overpaying for stuff. You need both.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Or to put it in layman's terms:

For every person getting rich off the market, there's a sucker on the other end overpaying for stuff. You need both.
The reason this isn't as bad as it seems is that the "sucker" may well be getting a good deal.

Say I am a non-marketeer who just enjoys punching dudes. I have 50s, plural. I have started a new character, and I am pretty sure this new character will be able to punch a lot of dudes when I get him into the 30s. In the mean time, I just wanna blow through stuff.

Slotting common IOs doesn't take much longer than slotting TOs/DOs/SOs, and most of the time prior to the availability of SOs, it results in better bonuses, without the disturbing tendency to go yellow or red during missions.

If I buy three IOs every two levels, and occasionally go back and update, and I just buy stuff outright, I am out a few million inf by level 22, which is to say, nearly what I make in an hour punching dudes on one of my existing 50s. That's if I just pay Buy It Nao prices for the IOs I want. Alternatively, I could craft, or spend more time messing with TOs/DOs for less benefit. But it is quite rational for me to choose to spend 200k on an accuracy IO, because unless I have superspeed and a base specfically designed to make crafting easy, there is no possible way I can craft that IO in less time than it takes me to earn 200k inf on one of my 50s. Also, I have spare inf lying around with nothing to spend it on, so the value of inf is even lower to me than the cost of the time it would take to replace it.

Which is to say... You can get rich selling to me and people like me, in this scenario, even though we are making rational decisions.

This pattern, that other people may rationally prefer to pay you to do something rather than do it themselves, will be eerily familiar to anyone who has ever had a job. Marketeering can quite easily be a "job" in the sense that you're doing something a lot of people would rather pay you to do than do it themselves. This does not make them suckers. If they enjoy punching dudes and do not enjoy marketeering, it makes them clever people who know what they want and are playing a game in the way that maximizes their enjoyment.

FWIW, my billions are made nearly entirely off crafting. I probably make a million a week on antiflipping (buying tons of salvage and relisting it for 1 inf in order to get badges and thus transaction slots), but apart from that, it's pretty much all crafting.



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Teams should always consist of a tank, a healer, and 6 DPS...
Hey, that's pretty much my ideal team when I'm on my mind/emp.

Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
"Defenders without heals are useless."
Defebcers should heal!