Smallville 12/10
Not too shabby. Certainly got things moving along nice and quickly.
I liked it.
I wonder what the flash of light at the end meant. Rather weaksauce way of including Bart, AC, and Cyborg in for the funeral.
A rather ignoble end to Slade. Liked how he was able to work "Deathstroke" into his monologue.
Half-thought Emil spilled his guts to that Trotter person. Also, Lois = noob. She left the frickin' remote control for the chute on the desk.
*Wonders what the heck that white glowy pyramid coming out of the sand was*
Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
deffinately an "Epic"-sode
Man the only downer is that the next episode isn't until 1.28.2011

I wonder what happend at the end?

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute
Great episode. I was really impressed with the special effects for Hawkmans wings this time around. It was significantly better than the last time I saw them.
Quite possibly the most 'comic book' ending the show's had. Good episode.
Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."
Makes me sad to know it's coming to an end. I was watching last night and my wife, who isn't a fan of the show, was in the room during the Deathstroke vs. Hawkman fight and stated how cool she thought it was that there were more characters on there now. Who doesn't want a Justice League spinoff or something? Hawkman was awesome.
The pyramid seems like some kind of trap to me - the preview for next ep. had clark whining at lois about how 'they took his powers', so Im assuming next ep. will start with them captured and depowered.
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
I wonder what the flash of light at the end meant. Rather weaksauce way of including Bart, AC, and Cyborg in for the funeral.
A rather ignoble end to Slade. Liked how he was able to work "Deathstroke" into his monologue. Half-thought Emil spilled his guts to that Trotter person. Also, Lois = noob. She left the frickin' remote control for the chute on the desk. |
Episode was ok but frankly for a mid season cliffhanger i would have rather had something more in line with whatever the seasonal plot was. It just kinda seems like the idea of a pyramid and a flash and everyone passed out was kinda an after thought to just tack it onto the episode.
And i still cant figure out how the hell all of a sudden everyone and their brothers in the government seem to know who clark kent is and what he can do. Its really almost like secret identies on that show are just for kicks when they work to the stories advantage and left out when they dont.
I know I'm kinda late to the party. Just saw the episode tonight, and I must say I was really surprised. And yes Hawkman was great in this episode. I was never a fan of the character in the comics, so I was pleasantly surprised with him during Smallville episodes, especially this one.
Quite surprised about the turn of events. Even Tigh-Slade got into some fighting.
But yeah, I was wondering how the show will handle having some of Slade's people knowing who Clark is. I guess I'll just pay it no mind for now.
And like everyone, I wonder what that pyramid thing was? O_o
Can't wait for January.
I skipped it when it originally aired because I hated the first Slade Wilson episode and I saw that Cat Grant would be making another appearance. But since people were raving about how good this episode was I decided to check it out this morning online. Got as far as Homeland Security (or whatever government agency it was) screening people as they enter the Daily Planet basement and decided it was too high a level of stupidity for me to deal with and found something else to do instead.
"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot
At this point I'm guessing that
- Slade banished to the Phantom zone took with him a piece of the 'darkness' which will possess someone powerful there, such as one of Zod's lieutenants. They will escape to be the 'Darkseid' level foe Clark knocks out in one punch in the series finale.
- All the problems with people guessing Clark's identity will be erased when the 'darkness' is defeated, as nobody will remember anything that happened while they were influenced by it. Thus the vigilante registration act, etc, will cease to exist and only the heroes will remember what happened.
I find the second to be the more likely of my two guesses, but I'm not counting the first guess out.
Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."
At this point I'm guessing that
- Slade banished to the Phantom zone took with him a piece of the 'darkness' which will possess someone powerful there, such as one of Zod's lieutenants. They will escape to be the 'Darkseid' level foe Clark knocks out in one punch in the series finale. - All the problems with people guessing Clark's identity will be erased when the 'darkness' is defeated, as nobody will remember anything that happened while they were influenced by it. Thus the vigilante registration act, etc, will cease to exist and only the heroes will remember what happened. I find the second to be the more likely of my two guesses, but I'm not counting the first guess out. |
On a side note: I think the first idea is interesting... but... instead of it being one of Zods LTs, it's the real Darkseid. Or rather... what will become Darkseid after his smokey-ness joins that particular body.
Unfortunately all of that Darkseid stuff happens off screen between the penultimate and final episode, leaving us with a lot of talking ("Wow, that was a tough fight," ""Sure was, pal") and the final shot of the series will be Clark putting on the outfit.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Isn't Hawkgirl supposed to show up this season or did she already? If it has anything to do with Captain Marvel or Black Adam (which they already nodded to in passing) I would watch it in a heart beat.

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute
Well, that was an unexpected ending.
Hawkman just got awesomer. Flaming wings costume piece sighted!