New player.

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Hi guys,

I'm a new player to CoH, I was just wondering archetypes etc should i choose. Thanks for the help.



Depends a lot on what you like to play.

I recommend scrappers for new people, but if you like ranged, grab a blaster.

Also, you have lots of slots so experiment!



Welcome to the City.

There are so many differnt types of ATs to choose from it can seem a daunting task. Don't let that bother you though. The more the merrier.

If you want to stand toe to toe with the baddies then Scrappers, Brutes, and Tanks are good choices. I should probably say Stalkers as well but I have never had one so I won't. Each of these relies upon damage and some kind of defence in their two sets to get them through.

Do you feel liking standing back and throwing bolts of energy around? Then a blaster can serve you well. They tend to be a little bit squishie but they do great damage.

Ever dream of keeping the baddies locked in one spot while little creatures run around and attack things for you? Then the Control set might be for you.

If you like to make other players stronger and make the baddies less deadly then check into Defenders.

If strategy is fun for you then Masterminds can offer a challenge. Bring out your pets, send then where you want and direct the flow of the battle.

There are other ATs as well but I don't know much about them. Someone else will be a long shortly I am sure to fill you in on those.

The best advice I can offer is to pick something that sounds fun at the time, make a cool looking costume and go off and fight crime. If after a while (whethe that is 3 levels or 30) you decide you don't like the hero try again and make something new. Then try again and again and again.

Experiment as much as you want. You will be surprised with what you end up enjoying. I know I was.

Oh Yeah. There is a group called N P C that is set up to help new players. Here is a link for information on them.

Lots of nice and helpful people there to asist you.

Enjoy your day please.



Welcome to the Game!!!

For new players I like to recommend a Katana/Willpower Scrapper. You have Divine Avalanche, which gives +defense which is very nice, that makes Willpower a very tough Secondary. Willpower doesn't take a lot do know to play right. A Katana/Willpower is very sold Scrapper and easy to play.

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



I suggest Scrapper or Brute for a first toon, IMO these are best because you can really learn the game around you. You don't have to worry about detailed mechanics or how to use debuffs/buffs. You simple walk in a room and hit things, thats your job. I started with a scrapper myself, then moved on to other ATs.

I'm more of a Brute player myself 9 brutes to my 1 scrapper at 50. Check out the class traits see what you like. Scrappers can critical and have a higher base damage mod, Brutes have fury which add to damage and a higher damage cap. They both share the same resistance numbers, but Brutes share Tank resist caps. Brutes also have more HP, that may seem that Brutes are better. However when Scrappers are played right, they can put Brutes to shame in the damage department.

You have lots of slots to start out with, make a few toons and see what you like. Welcome to the game, if you have not decided on a server, I personally enjoy Infinity. Freedom has the most players, Virtue is the unofficial Roleplay server. I enjoy the community on Infinity, its not overwhelmed but you never have trouble teaming. Word of advice though, if you can't find a team, form your own. Too many people write off other servers because they aren't bombarded with team invites 1 minutes after they log in.

Again welcome to the game, May Altitus soon infect you. :P



I gotta agree with others who said scrapper or brute. I started out with a blaster and that was fun but you die a lot - a lot - and that really never gets better. You can solo a blaster into the low 40s, i did anyway but my defender and brute got to 40 in way less time, way less dead, and way more fun.





Obligatory: ParagonWiki is your friend. Excellent resource if you want to read up first.

I concur with what others have said before me. If you want melee a Scrapper or Brute are the damage dealers, Tanks do less damage but are, well, tanks. Take a lickin' keep on tickin' characters. If you rather attack at range Blasters, Defenders and Corruptors are reasonable choices.

Also each archetype have their own special inherent ability. Scrappers have a chance to do double damage. Brutes get an ever increasing damage bonus as long as they are attacking or are being attacked (SMASH!). Corruptors have an increasing chance to do double damage as the target's HP decrease. Tanks aggro targets easily. So read up on them.

And welcome aboard.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Gypsy_of_Paradox View Post
I suggest Scrapper or Brute for a first toon, IMO these are best because you can really learn the game around you.
With the caveat that melee toons usually don't learn what mezzes the enemy groups have (because to a lrage extent they ignore the effects). It can be a rude shock to switch to an AT without status protection. "Those guys stun? Never knew that!"

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Aside from the "Well, what do you like to play?" question (perfectly valid, if you know your playstyle,) realize something else - this game is designed to encourage alts. Unlike, say, Guild Wars (sorely limited slots) or Aion (lots of slots, but a hard coded limitation of 8 characters, and only one side per server,) without paying a dime you can have up to 12 characters per server with no restrictions.

Make alts. Even if it seems you don't like an archetype, try another powerset combination, as they can play quite differently. (F'rinstance, I started trying Masterminds with a Bots/Force Field and couldn't stand it. Tried another pairing - Thugs/Poison - and practically couldn't put it down.)

Personally, I started with a tank, but my first 50 was a blaster (the tank got to 50 later.) Villainside, started with a brute (who also got to 50.) But don't be in a rush to get to 50, enjoy the trip up.



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
With the caveat that melee toons usually don't learn what mezzes the enemy groups have (because to a lrage extent they ignore the effects). It can be a rude shock to switch to an AT without status protection. "Those guys stun? Never knew that!"
Some of them are unintentionally well aware of the mezzers as a consequence of not understanding the purpose of their anti-mez armor choices.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Make 4 or 5 characters, using different ATs or even just using different powerset combinations within the same AT. Play each one for an hour or two, then decide which is the most "fun" - we all decide what is fun in a different way;

I started with one of each of the 5 Hero ATs (blaster, scrapper, tanker, defender, and controller). My blaster reached level 50 first, followed by my defender (over a year later, because I have started many, many alts). The scrapper is in the high 40s. I deleted the tanker (I don't really have the tanker mindset). The controller is still around, but is still in the 20s.

Clearly, I prefer blasting things.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



If you have a concept in mind, read all of the powers descriptions in the Creator and pick the one that suites it best, then give it a whirl.

1. Just remember, you will not be über out of the gate, that comes with time. Don't skip the tutorial, and read everything rather than just clicking 'Okay". There is a great deal of useful information in there.

2. The tutorial whether Primal or praetorian side, gives you the basics for learning how to fight. So pick your fights, pull you enemies if need be to give yourself some breathing room.

3. Eat your inspirations. These things . The tutorial will give you two Tier 3 insps, sell them at the market.

4. The Tram can now take you to almost any zone blueside, Ferry/Black Coptor for redside, it lists the appropriate levels for the zones. Hitting 'M' will bring up your mini-map, look for the (Monorail) (Ferry) hmm no icon on Paragon Wiki for the Black Helicopter Line. Might be but with a black 'H'.

5. Enjoy the game.



What AT to play? Oh boy. Well,

First things first. Within each AT, different powersets will let you lean toward one role more than another. Corruptor for instance is a damage and support AT. But depending on what sets you take, you might lean one way or another. A Fire/Kinetics is more of a damage-dealing toon than a team-supporting toon, while a Dark/Dark would be great on team support but not so much on damage. With that in mind,

ATs do several things. They can deal damage, they can take damage, they can mez (that is, make enemies unable to fight), and they can buff/debuff/support for a team. There's a lot of bleed-over, of course, based on what I said above. Controllers pretty much exist to mez, but it's not like some Defenders can't also mez.

With that in mind, what kind of role do you want to fill? Do you want to solo, or help defend a team? Do you want to do lots of damage, or do damage while being able to take hits, or be able to sit on the back line and do damage as a support character?

You can go Blaster for pure damage (melee and range), or play a Scrapper, Stalker, or Brute to be a melee damage dealer that can take hits. Or a Tanker who can survive nearly anything, but not do as much damage. You can be a ranged support character who's balanced in damage and support with a Corruptor, or lean more toward support with Defender. You can mez enemies and support a team with a Controller, or mez enemies while dealing damage as a Dominator. There's also the Mastermind wild card, who ranges from damage dealer to tanker to team support to mezzer, depending on sets. All of them are useful, so pick the one that you think you'd enjoy playing.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Lexxi View Post
Hi guys,

I'm a new player to CoH, I was just wondering archetypes etc should i choose. Thanks for the help.
The best answer i can give this question is to first think of a concept of what ever you think would be fun to play ... for example, maybe your favorite comic book super hero could be an influance, or maybe you really enjoyed playing a cleric or a ranger in a different game... then just read through the descriptions and check out the power sets they have and see which one fits best , then you move on to how you want to look, and you can design to your hearts content

if you start with a basic concept then everything seems to smoothly come together (except getting the name you want,... may need to try a few different times for that), just remember to just take the concept as your influence and not as a direct copy or you'll get "generic'd"



Originally Posted by Morbid Star View Post
The best answer i can give this question is to first think of a concept of what ever you think would be fun to play
This is really sound advice. I have made many, many characters over the years. I find that even the most min-maxed, carefully-designed, highly efficient game-busting character does not give me the personal satisfaction of playing a character with a good concept, costume, and description. The characters I made because I heard such-and-such combination was "hot" are fun to play too, but over time, they sit in day jobs while the characters with personalities get the bulk of my playtime.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Concept plays a big part in what I find to play with as well. And you can further refine your concept with power pools, and epic pools, but for right now a new player should focus on trying the different AT's and power combinations.



Originally Posted by Lexxi View Post
Hi guys,

I'm a new player to CoH, I was just wondering archetypes etc should i choose. Thanks for the help.
Eventually? All of them!

I am at most about 20% joking.

Here's the thing. What you enjoy and what other people enjoy may be totally different things. A lot of people told me to start out with a scrapper, but I never got into scrappers; even now, I've only got one that I'm seriously trying to play, and I only like to play him occasionally. But I love trollers... Which a lot of people told me would be hard and unrewarding.

1. Get some in-game friends to play with.
2. Find a character that Looks Fun.
3. Have them drag you around while you do your best to help, which may or may not have much effect.

CoH is, by design, fairly easy. Most teams can just keep on steamrolling even if someone has to go AFK for a phone call or something. Also, people are usually pretty cool about stuff like that; our game culture is rewarding to casual and friendly play rather than OMG SRS BZNS.

Biggest advice I'd have, from my own experience, is to develop at least a passing familiarity with how the market works as early as you can, because plentiful money makes the game easier.