New Smallville
Are you sure? DirecTV says no Smallville at all tonight, and even wikipedia says the next new episode won't air till Feb. 4th.
Are you sure? DirecTV says no Smallville at all tonight, and even wikipedia says the next new episode won't air till Feb. 4th.

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
ditto ... le'sigh
Damn, now where will people who have no interest in the show go to complain about things they don't care about?
If you're ticked off about getting a VD when you wanted your Smallville, call and tell them your opinion and demand the put smallville online tonight.
Phone: 818-977-6878
Post online:
Mail: The CW Televsion Network, 3300 W Olive Ave, Burbank, CA 91505
Vampire Diaries: An even more emo Twilight/True Blood rip off aimed at the "CW audience."
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i sent feedback about no supernatural tonight...been waiting a longass time for it.frankly im urked beyond belief and trust feedback told them that

I tuned in a few minutes early for Supernatural and didn't realize I was watching the tail end of VD rather than Smallville until the emo bad boy vamped out and bit the chick which, I think, is a sad commentary on Smallville. Both and Comcast had tonight listed as new episodes of Smallville and Supernatural, not VD and Nikita.
"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot
supernaturals facebook lit up with over 4000 comments at 9 ....all bad,very bad!

Yeah I really wanted to watch Supernatural last night, stupid repeat of Nikita.
Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!
Tonight at 8pm EST
Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute