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  1. still not had my monthly points to spend at the store since launch of freedom had the 1200 and nothing since, billing date is the 1st of each month so thats october and november paid any yet nothing?
  2. all of them are giving points towards healing badges
  3. rebirth incarnate power counts toward healing badges when teammates are at full health emapthy powers dont which one is broken :S
  4. fatalnova

    6 hours downtime

    i got excited and wet myself, and now im sat here all sad and wet no i20
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    It's not on the costume screen. It's added as an inherent power to all your characters. Toggle it on and it'll change your costume.
  6. yay got one applied it but cant find them on the cossie screen how do i select them :S
  7. fatalnova


    just rolled one last week i like the play style its fun not slotted it yet but i say give it ago it is good¬
  8. hi and welcome to the EU server if you decide to make an alt on the union server theres

    -sals badgehunters
    -union taskforce
    -union raids
    -union chat

    channels that are good for setting up/getting into a team/raid i do recommend sals badgehunters and union taskforce as theirs stuff going on there all the time wednesdays= motuhership raid
    fridays= Cathedral of pain

    and hami's are randomly hosted along with several tf's Master Of ..... attempts etc have fun hope to see you around!!!
  9. fatalnova

    Updater Problem

    same problem here and several random crashes think there were 8 in an hour so decided not to play for fear of more d/c's
  10. fatalnova


    they usually list the time changes, but i dont think they will the usuall 12-2 i guess
  11. maybee the looking for group (LFG) button in the menu tab will work now!?!?! wasnt that for crossed server teaming? if i can recall it was meant to go live with GR but wasnt finished...
  12. would fit into the whole rogue /vigi theme aswell using different identity cards to acsess different places like a spy!

  13. hero tip teams
    vigi tip teams
    rogue tip teams
    villain tip teams
    badge hunter teams
  14. hey guys sign me up for attempt 2 also hami and mothership raid teams can be found on the new 'Union Raids' channel aswell as the COP teams join if you can regular raids are now being hosted/advertised
  15. will be there with the trusty empath again to aid the taunt team
  16. most of the gravity set

    also super speed could we have the synapse version that is sweet also all other travel power animations need a revamp
  17. cant acsess any of the tabs from the main page :S
  18. If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

    Pam And Marge were extatic once they purchased there super-science booster pack........... the cosmetic surgeon has worked wonders.
  19. ah cool thanks for the heads up will try get mids working now keeps crashing everytime i install sommat about 1 file but the program wont work without it and downloaded and tryed it at least 7 times now will give cohtitan a go see if they can help
  20. any 1 who got the loyalty badge should be in now there was a post from a dev about it will find it when im back from work!
  21. hey guys well decided to finish my 1st defender imore of a villain player currently at lvl 43 but want to know if there are any builds out there for empathy/dual pistols i want this toon so it can be quite handy on the master of badge runs so alot of defense/max heals is a must, i heard about mids but it wont install for me so any help is much appreciated
  22. well guys just started the download for gr beat for when it goes into open beta, where i live i can only get a certain internet speed and i currently have to wait 13 hours for the download!!! this is why we need the disks devs!!! now im not lookin forward to the 17th of august as everyone will be downloading it from the eu and my speeds will be even slower! not fair we need an uptodate copy on a disk. god forbid my comp ever needs reformatting anytime soon or ill need to download the game client then let it ''fix'' the files then download 17 issues and then GR again..... any 1 else live where u can only get minimal broadband???
  23. will we ever see revamped travel powers/ new travel powers???? say a perma jet pack for toons with a tech concept that dont want tech wings???? or super speed animations like synapse has in the LRSF?