Updater Problem




Is anyone else having trouble with the updater since the server move?

Sometimes it takes two or three gos for me to connect and then I will restart my computer and it will connect on the first go without any problems.

At the moment I cannot connect at all.

Is this a common problem?

Life is one big practical joke that we as the human race have yet to see the punchline to. Once you work that out the rest is easy.



I have the same problem. Currently at "Connecting... #7" as I write this.

Been a random occurrence over the last few days, but seems to be becoming a more frequent problem.



same problem here and several random crashes think there were 8 in an hour so decided not to play for fear of more d/c's



I have the same issue....Strangely enough though I can connect almost immediately again after resetting the router of our Provider (UPC) and our own internal network router.

Before the server move I never had the issue but it has been getting worse in the last week. If I can connect then all works fine until I quit the game. Trying to immediately connect again will fail (until I reset all equipment again)....it doesn't really make sense to me but hey..




I have the same problem. Usually rebooting the system solve the problem. Only the updater have this problem, FireFox is working.



anyone got any ideas around this ......getting tired of staring at an empty box. havent been able to get in for a few days now ...getting rediculous



It appears this is a common problem. I have e-mailed support today and reported the problem to them.

In the meantime if anyone else is getting problems then please continue to post - I will pass the concerns onto support!

Life is one big practical joke that we as the human race have yet to see the punchline to. Once you work that out the rest is easy.



Same thing been happening here since saturday and reported to support, hah, on monday.
Have been through the have you done this or that, despite telling them that I had and TO CHECK THE FORUMS multiple times as it seems to be a known problem here.
Have now used their test software and have given them a file when it does connect and another when it doesn't.
Bearing in mind I've been off line with COH for almost a week it doesn't seem like I will get any satisfaction soon. And all since migrating the servers to the States - don't they want Euro players anymore?
If it carries on much longer I'm tempted to jack it in and try Champions, are things better there?



i did the same thing on tuesday ....have yet to hear anything......glad to see support is on the ball and that the euro player base doesnt seem to rate too high in the importance stakes.



Having the same problem here. Stuck on the updater screen!



had the same prob yesterday. Crashed due an ITF 3 or 4 times, at least i stuck at loading, just as we wanted finish rommy off.... I dont had that before and hope it was caused by the preparations for todays downtime and will be fixed after servers up again.
Sry ppl who were at that ITF for not comming back, i tried, really........



Same here, yesterday went to connect #73 before allowing me in, for what felt like an hour or so. Today it only reached #6 or so, but it's becoming a problem. But hey, we're just the eurotrash minority so it's unlikely there'll be much (any?) effort to fix it.

Aside from that, if I do manage to log in, the server does feel faster and with less lag spikes than before the migration so it's not all bad.



Bumped thread, wah?
Hadn't had any troubles with it all the way through December. Then suddenly get the continuous "Connecting.. #X" thing. Restarting my laptop has usually gotten this to go away, but apparently it's just broken for me atm. Le sigh.

ETA: 70 attempts and it lets me in. Wat. I'd given up on that. >_>;



You would be better off posting about this in the tech support forum but in the mean time there is an easy way to bypass the Updater altogther.

Create a shortcut to CityOfHeroes.exe then add -project "eucoh" to the end of it. For example, mine reads:

"C:\Games\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes.exe" -project "eucoh"

I only use the Updater on patch days

Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2

Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, Badgehunter.com and City Info Tracker.



Clueless Mac user here is clueless as to how to do stuff like that. :V

I should go to the tech support forum, but I am lazy and easily distracted.



Originally Posted by OV_ohms View Post
You would be better off posting about this in the tech support forum but in the mean time there is an easy way to bypass the Updater altogther.

Create a shortcut to CityOfHeroes.exe then add -project "eucoh" to the end of it. For example, mine reads:

"C:\Games\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes.exe" -project "eucoh"

I only use the Updater on patch days

Perfect! Thank you very much. I'd all but given up hope of getting it to work.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



download the game advisor here:

Run this and look at these sections of the file:

= Checking server connectivity
= Gathering IP addresses

This will tell you what your problems are. Send the gameadvisor file if you open a help ticket.

I think you can point to a different server but I'm not sure how but here's the list for the EU:

IP Address Information: diag.plaync.com
IP Address Information: cohupdate.coh.com
IP Address Information: cohupdateeu.coh.com

Also, this will not work...the -project "eucoh" rubbish (it's unsupported and will not work). I just spent December fooling around the problems with EU client and I've seen everything.

Originally Posted by OV_ohms
You would be better off posting about this in the tech support forum but in the mean time there is an easy way to bypass the Updater altogther.

Create a shortcut to CityOfHeroes.exe then add -project "eucoh" to the end of it. For example, mine reads:

"C:\Games\City of Heroes\CityOfHeroes.exe" -project "eucoh"

I only use the Updater on patch days



well seeing as i came here becouse of the connection problem,and got in first try after modifying the shortcut i whould motion towars "it does work" ^^