24 -
As Maestro already mentioned the forms already have their own 'inherent'. Those inherents already make it worthwhile to take the forms.
Nova: + damage
Dwarf: + resist, massive hold protection (,teleport)
I like my peacebringer just the way he is (I even liked him before the latest changes to peacebringers).
AP -
I agree that the presence pool by itself is not worth it but for toons with other fear powers it can be great.
For my concept Fear-brute I love the pool. Brute, dark/dark with all fear powers. Jump into big mob press the area presence fear and minions and luits are feared right away and the bosses get the picture 1 sec later (assuming that you put some good tohit in cloak of fear).
With this toon I can even fear AV's for a good time as long as my haste is up.
AP -
I can understand that people are afraid that there will be others complaining then that their toons need to be more powerful but lets face it, people will always complain.
Without incarnates it was already fairly easy in a good team (and with that I mean a team of players that know how their powers work and not a fully pimped out toon team) to defeat all at +4.
I don't mind facing a challenge from time to time just to have some fun and see if it can be done. Sure, if Devs would allow +10 mobs then I will probably fail but hey, at least I tried.
I have teamed with lots of teams where we simply had fun trying (even if we didn't succeed we had plenty of fun trying all kinds of tactics).
I won't moan if Dev won't offer the option. For me it would be a 'nice to have' thing but not something critical. -
I'm not sure if this has been discussed before but here goes:
Currently we can set our mission difficulty to +4 levels max. That would sometimes produce some nice challenges (depending on AT/team setup). Now that the incarnate levels have been introduced it is getting very hard to find mobs that show orange/red/purple.
If possible I would like to see the possibility to set the mob levels higher than +4.
I know I can take out the alphaslot but I would prefer it if we would be given the option to set the difficulty to higher levels.
The XP can stay the same as +4 mobs as I mostly do this anyways on my level 50 toons to enjoy some challenge.
AP -
I had the same issue on a toon that I hadn't used for over 3 years.
For some reason the system believed that I NEVER ever finished a contact arc. As soon as I quickly finished my patron arc and got reward merits (reward merits from TF's don't count because I had plenty of those) Mender Ramiel was happy to speak to me.
Hope that helps,
AP -
Hi all.
I like the initiative and I hope to see a good number of events that may interest most of the playerbase.
Last year I arranged some games for my SG and the following game pleasantly surprised everyone (even the pvp-haters). Perhaps it's something that you might consider arranging on a larger scale on any of the EU servers (or test server).
I just copy and paste my challenge from last year below. Feel free to adapt the game to match your needs and come up with new rules and prizes.....
I saw it as a nice event for all and a chance for the hardcore PvP'ers (non-SG members) to have a go at unsuspecting victims ;P
I received donations from other players for prizes and even GhostRaptor was willing to check for contributions from NCsoft.
- Hide and seek:
On Tuesday 3-March we will gather between 8-8.30PM and then converge to the PvP zone once we know the number of hero/villain playertoons.
The chosen PvP zone is WARBURG. Everyone can attack everyone else in here!!! Heroes can attack heroes and villains can annoy villains as well.
Everyone will bring his/her chosen toon to the zone.
We will all meet at a designated point in the zone (and shout some nice insults at eachother). Here I will show you my stalker toon and then I will cloak so that you can check if you need yellow insps to see my toon or not and how close you need to be to be able to see me.
After testing is over I will give you all time to fill up your inspirations. When all have returned to the designated spot I will go forth and hide.
When I am at my hiding place then I will broadcast the start of the game on the Intrepid channel and then all bets are off.
- First one to find me and hit me wins...simple. (should a non SG/VG player find it necessary to kill me at an early stage of the game then the Referees will pause the game until I have hidden again after returning from the hospital. Should I be killed at a later stage in the game then I will remain lying on the floor to await the discovery by one of our own).
- I would kindly ask that whoever finds me does not betray the location to the others as there will be prizes for the first two runnerups!!!
- Every participant is free to choose his/her hero/villain toon that you expect to have the best chance of finding my stalker (and surviving all the pvp nuts that will attack you....*hehe*).
- Should people run out of yellows before the end of the game then it is up to that player to get new yellows as soon as possible....there is no break in the game
- I will NOT hide in the main base or hospital!!!!
- You are free to kill your opponents (hey...it's an AnnaPuna event)
Should after 5 minutes the target still not be found then then I will broadcast a hint on the INTREPID Channel. The hints will limit the area that you need to search. A possible example could be:
- 5 minute hint: Left half of the map
- 10 minute hint: Upper left half of the map.
- 15 minute.....: I will deactive my hiding power.
By then I would expect to have been found by someone.
Feel free to visit Warburg in the days to come to familiarize yourself with the surroundings!!!! There are a LOT of special entrances that are not that obvious on first sight (e.g. the underground access to the WEB).
Certain areas will also have a higher concentration of mobs that can really annoy you!!!
Be aware of the powers that are available to your toon as your lvl will be capped!!!
1st Prize: 20M + PPD suit code.
2nd Prize: 10 Million + Recipe
3rd Prize: 5 Million -
I know the feeling/issue Flints. I have returned 3 times myself after some short breaks.
We'll still be waiting for your return
AP -
I have the same issue....Strangely enough though I can connect almost immediately again after resetting the router of our Provider (UPC) and our own internal network router.
Before the server move I never had the issue but it has been getting worse in the last week. If I can connect then all works fine until I quit the game. Trying to immediately connect again will fail (until I reset all equipment again)....it doesn't really make sense to me but hey..
AP -
CoX itself doesn't download while you are playing as far as I know BUT....The NCsoft Launcher DOES....
Do you have any other ncsoft games installed and are you using the launcher? I know for example that the launcher will download updates for Aion in the background as long as the launcher is active in the background. Might do it as well for some of the other games but I don't play those.
If you go to the settings in the launcher you can edit the autoupdate settings and disable them. Hope that helps.
AP -
My brute is dark/dark and together with the presence pool I can even cause fear to AV's. It did take a bit of set IO-ing (no purples) to ensure +acc and +rech but it works fine since I have all the fear powers (it did take me up to lvl 38 to get a powermatch that is nice to play and works though so you will need some patience before it starts to show results...).
I did take the fighting pool as well for some additional toughness on the brute as the dark armor tends to be a bit squishy but that may be different on tankers.
AP -
If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.
It is exactly 9:47:13PM. Please adjust your watch. Failure to comply will get your clock privilege revoked! *skzt* End of Message *bzzst* -
I will try to contact you this evening. I didn't see a PM ingame but that might be explained if you used @Anna Puna instead of @Annapuna.
I'll check if I see you online today. I will definitely be there to play my demon MM for several hours.
AP -
Same issue...For some reason I can connect once but after I logout and try to connect 5-10 minutes later then the updater doesn't know what to do.....weird.
Happend twice now on 2 days after the patch was installed. -
Hmm, reread some posts but I can't find proof that someone actually FINISHED the TF with Kehldians only....So in that regard I would have been wrong.
HOWEVERThe subject only mentioned a pure Kheldian STF run. It didn't mention the promise of the first succesful completion...hihi
AP -
Quote:hmm....I can't say that STF is broken. I have seen many different team setups and they all managed to beat the AV's. It just requires some tactics from time to time and that is something that not all teams are capable of.THE SPECIFIC BROKENNESS OF THE STATESMAN TASK FORCE
If you have issues with the fact that some AT's can potentially be a bit more useless (by themselves) when facing certain foes then I find you a bit unrealistic. There will always be opponents that may be the worst oppenent possible for a certain AT. That's why you have a team.
In regards to insps.....WHY WOULD YOU WASTE MONEY IN AH FOR THESE????
Just go to Ourorobos (yes the portal still works there in STF) and go to the vendor there. He will still gladly accept your money for CHEAP prices. Buy all the purples you want here.
If you insist on having BIG purples then I believe you can just rightclick on the purples that you have bought and combine them to one Larger purple.....a lot cheaper then bidding in AH.
The Endgame content:
Here I would like to see more as well. I'm hoping for more (challenging) TF's or other refreshing content to get rid of the repetitiveness of things.
AP -
Welcome to the club. I hope you will keep enjoying the game for a long time.
As Damz already mentioned, definitely join the channels for further fun/help/grouping/etc.
AP -
It has been done on other servers (US) and they are even planning the Kheldian MoSTF run at this moment.
But, that aside, depending on when it would take place I wouldn't mind joining with my PB.
AP -
I have to agree with Techbot. I don't want to see the cap raised.
I don't want the prices to go berserk even more than they are at the moment. For a regular player it is very hard to reach 2B inf even once in the time that they play CoH/V.
In Europe the prices are (compared to US) a lot cheaper and even there I can't afford one of them.
There is no need to make them more expensive.
There is a need to make more of the recipes available though.
I'm kinda hoping that NC will come up with a way to provide more recipes for the market. Even if it would be some kind of code that ensures that there is always at least one (for each level) of that recipe available for an ACCEPTABLE price to accomodate ALL gamers and not just the ones that have the time for mega farming or spending hours in the AH for business.
I leave it up to the DEV's to decide what the price will be for recipe but I would put a limit to the price just to ensure that all players have a chance of buying them.
AP -
Hey Pix,
I have a dark/dark brute where I had survival issues for quite a while as well. After lvl 35 I didn't have any issues anymore (even though I'm squishier than the tank AT) but I manage to survive very effectively by building on fear.
The cloak of fear is nice for minions. I took the presence power pool and choose both the fear powers from that one.
Now I can jump into huge mobs and I open up with the area fear from presence. That + the cloak of fear should have just about all trembling. If the boss doesn't happen to be impressed then I fear him again with the single fear presence power. All in all so far I managed to see all AV's I encountered tremble at some point
Seeing that I needed to spend 3 powerchoices for this I sacrificed the following powers:
- Death shroud: Seeing that feared targets that get attacked MIGHT attack you I have dropped this AoE effect.
- Cloak of darkness: I will be seen anyway so no use for this as I will jump into the mob and present myself to them
- Taunt: I exchanged this one with the slightly weaker area taunt from the presence set.
With those 3 powers gone you can take the necessary presence powers.
All in all I can keep all my enemies tremble around me and I (and my team) can beat them up at our own leisure and I never had any complaints from the team.
I'm not saying that this is THE solution but it worked quite well for me and the fear fit perfectly with my toon Boogeygirl....
Additional note: yes, I took tough as well but no acrobatics. I inted to by some IO for the KB protection..
AP -
Ooooops, totally forgot.
Thanks for all the great help Alex and I wish you the best of luck for the future.
Give me a shout when you're online -
Only had issues with Quants if they were of the boss level. Otherwise my PB could easily take them out before they could fire the second shot.
I have more issues with that darn hold getting through so easily on Kheldians. I can solo any mish but when confronted at higher levels with mobs that have good holds (Carnies/Rikti) then the pain begins. Either I have to fill up my insps just with break frees or get help...
For the rest I have no complains about my PB. It would be nice if more enhancement slots were available (as I like playing with all 3 forms) but it's not a big enough miss that I want to cry about it.