The reason for the Kheldian weakness
Quants are a bit silly alright, but I've been getting teams fine on Union even so. And the Quants generally aren't that bad (exception in the case of when a Quant Boss spawns in a spawn, those guys HURT).
Gamewise its a bit stupid when you suddenly start seeing Freaks or CoT or whatever hanging out in missions with Voids or having silly guns just because there's a Kheld on the team.
"Hey fR4nk. Whats with the big purple gun today?"
"Dunno, for some reason I just felt like bringing it to work today"...
The original reason for adding quants was it was at the time felt that since keldians where an all rounder AT, they would need a specific weekness. I don't think anyone on the development team still thinks that, which is why quantums where nerfed into harmlessness. They remain in the game because they are tied into the story arc that acompanies keldians. If you are having trouble with them, it's because you havn't got the hang of playing a keldian yet.
And there is a story reason why quantum weapons have been distributed to villain groups
I really should do something about this signature.
If you are having trouble with them, it's because you havn't got the hang of playing a keldian yet.
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They're a challenge for sure and when my Warshade was below 20, they were horrible and caused me no end of frustration. But once you gain a few levels, they become just another foe. A dangerous foe, definitely, and one you should be wary of but they're just a challenge like anything else in game and can be overcome.
Persevere and team a lot. Once you start getting higher, you'll steamroller over them just like any other mob. Best of luck.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

The original reason for adding quants was it was at the time felt that since keldians where an all rounder AT, they would need a specific weekness. I don't think anyone on the development team still thinks that, which is why quantums where nerfed into harmlessness. They remain in the game because they are tied into the story arc that acompanies keldians. If you are having trouble with them, it's because you havn't got the hang of playing a keldian yet.
And there is a story reason why quantum weapons have been distributed to villain groups
[/ QUOTE ]
Is there a story reason explaining how they know only to break them out when a Kheld is about to storm their base, even though they're seemingly happy to stand about chatting and let them in?
Probably the same reason they know who is attacking the base before you reach them. Obviously once they know who you are they head off to the scattered weapons caches and pick up the appropriate weapons - why they don't head over when the group next to them starts taking fire is another issue.
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
hi all,i had had a level 50 pb now for 9months,but the biggest problem with khelds is the lack of enhancement slots,i personally think that being an epic it would be possible to play in all forms,but unfortunatly its impossible,if i went all human then i would have enough slots i guess,but wheres the fun without nova+dwarf,so i put the kheld weakness down to lack of enhancement slots.
shine level 50 peacebringer
The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made.
Groucho Marx (1890-1977)
Probably the same reason they know who is attacking the base before you reach them. Obviously once they know who you are they head off to the scattered weapons caches and pick up the appropriate weapons - why they don't head over when the group next to them starts taking fire is another issue.
[/ QUOTE ]
*BOOM* *SLICE* *CRUNCH* "Aaaarrgh, my blood. Stop punching out all my blood, hero*
Hellion 1 : "You hear something."
Hellion 2 : "Nah, probably a cat or something. Nice purple gun by the way."
Hellion 1 : "Thanks. I just had the oddest feeling I should bring it to work this morning"
They keep thier quantum guns in the same extra-dimensional backpack that all weapons are stored in the CoXiverse. So as soon as they catch sight of a keldian they can whip them out.
I really should do something about this signature.
Also know as Hammerspace
Only had issues with Quants if they were of the boss level. Otherwise my PB could easily take them out before they could fire the second shot.
I have more issues with that darn hold getting through so easily on Kheldians. I can solo any mish but when confronted at higher levels with mobs that have good holds (Carnies/Rikti) then the pain begins. Either I have to fill up my insps just with break frees or get help...
For the rest I have no complains about my PB. It would be nice if more enhancement slots were available (as I like playing with all 3 forms) but it's not a big enough miss that I want to cry about it.
I find my PB very hit and miss in teams.
Some times you are the shiney blue/white whiring death machine, some times you are a weird floating swquid with the power of a weak kitten.
Rather than being epic, it's more like "you have breezed through 50 levels, not try something a little different"
My PB got to 50 a couple of years ago, it took some pain... a lot of pain.
This was before the quants and cysts were reduced a bit. She is tri-form, with no power pools, it was the only way to have enough slots, so imho a pure PB. The only time I had trouble with her really was when I had to solo cysts (light form is great for this). I could normally manage it with only 1 death. But I can totally unstuck on the mob with a void and a sapper. That was just cruel!
The only complaint I had was that she is a little dull to play, and as such rarely gets used. And that the new villain ATs seem to be really popular and whizzy, whilst the hero ones are frankly still a little pants....
No mez prot but 3 shield powers in human? What earthly use are all those shields when you are getting mezzed every 10 seconds.
Inherent doesnt work in forms. What is the point of having an AT with the big feature being the forms and an inherent that doesnt work in those forms. Seriously. Major league stupid.
On top of that the inherent is pretty poor even when it does work.
In light of that i feel quants and voids are the least of a khelds problems.
The game was very different when keldians where added back in issue 3. It was assumed that there would always be lots of players around looking fro teams, so picking up a couple of controllers for mez protection would be quite easy.
The concept of an inherent did not exist back then. That was developed for CoV, and didn't start to be added until issue 5. So Cosmic Balance/Dark Sustinace where designed specifically to buff human form to keep competative with Nova and Dwarf forms, which already had big inherent boosts to damage and resistance.
So, while keldians need updating now, to keep up with changes in the game, the original design was not stupid. Even without, the current issues can be worked around with a bit of thought. Shields ineffective because of mezzes? Don't take them! There are plenty of other powers to choose from. The strong self heals constitute a PBs best defense. If you try to build a keldian like a scrapper you are doomed. You need to approach it as a squishy with a few defenses, similar to those available in APP/PPPs.
I really should do something about this signature.
"Hey fR4nk. Whats with the big purple gun today?"
"Dunno, for some reason I just felt like bringing it to work today"...
[/ QUOTE ]
If you check the Lore, thoes Quantum Guns they have, are some the villain groups have bought from the Council.
Since the council is so much into the whole Nictus thing, they have inventede the Quantum Guns, and then they hire there "Void Hunters" out to villain groups, but if the villain group dont want a Council guy hanging around there operation, then they just buy a Quantum Gun.
(O.o )
(> < )
This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your profile to help him on his way to world domination.
Guys instead of complaining now you should just wait and see whats coming in i13, kheldians are definately getting looked into, whether it will be good or bad we will have to wait and see.
So why the hell haven't Void Hunters been fixed (in the neutering sense) yet? At the lower level I am now, standard enemies with Quantum Guns are a hair ripping challenge, but I can do it and it's nice to pretend I actually killed them instead of arresting them.
Void Hunters, it's impossible. There isn't a challenge, you might as well wait three days to drop the mission. Just enemies packing a specific BS-powered I KIL U gun is more than enough to deal with, especially since the moron in charge of the whole 'Kheldian idea' decided they shouldn't be a part of the mob spawn calculation. They're just stuck on the side and screw you if now you're staring down a magic murdergun added to a normally challenging group of three yellows. But Void Hunters, they also get special magic I WIN armour to laugh off all your attacks.
Quantum Guns? Fine. Challenging, pain in the backside, whatever, they're doable. But trying to have a pleasant little solo play to get your Kheldian to a reasonable level when Void Hunters start turning up, is made literally impossible. It would have been a simpler and easier solution to just make the Kheldian inherent prevent you from entering any mission solo until you're level 20 and can Dwarf the [censored] to death.
Void Hunters. Remove them. It wouldn't even be a big background change to do so, and it would make sense anyway that the Peacebringers would get together say....every hero in Paragon City to completely scrub such a specialised mercenary outfit, or everyone deciding that the Kheldians actually aren't any different to any other hero and not wasting their damn money (which can be spent on, oh, y'know, Quantum Guns). Without this idiot faction of badly implemented fashion abortions ruining the ride, people can try to actually enjoy their Kheldian instead of getting their ****hole handed to them before they even get going and wander off to play a blaster instead, which would be a God damned tragedy because playing a Peacebringer is otherwise so rewarding and rammed full of future promise, with the creamy soft filling of having the absolute best power effects in the game.
Of course, you can always use the line of reasoning that you should just find a team, but that can be used on any problem, and doesn't solve the problem. You can always go looking for a PUG of people who open doors by headbutting them until they're not in the way anymore, but then, when the team breaks up, or you just want to have a little solo play while watching a DVD, or just like the word 'solo'.....a Void Hunter is waiting round the corner to TEAR YOUR FACE OFF.
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
Void Hunters have been fixed, they do much less damage than they used to, and it is neg, which all keldians in all forms have resistance too.
They are a little tougther than regualr quantums in that they still have a shield that gives them some resistance to energy and negative energy damage, but only bosses rate as any sort of challenge.
If you are having trouble with minion or Lt voids, I'm afraid you are doing something wrong, since they lost thier ability to rip your face off some time ago.
I really should do something about this signature.
*watches the whole context of 'fighting Void Hunters solo at low levels where you can't counter their awesomeness' intent of post get completely thrown out*
Yeah, what a surprise.
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
I admit that having one specific group designed to sting more than anything else is rather irritating. And in the past I have found them murder to solo. The real problem is that I find teams rarely on a Kheldian, and not only do I not find solo play much fun, but for me they suffer in solo play. An inherent and an enemy faction that depends on team play, when I cant GET a team? Cut me some slack already
Still, Minion and Lt Voids, even at lowish lvls are counterable. It involves a simple tactic;
Unless your running a low lvl mish on harder difficulties. In which case your just overly macho
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Yes, they are hard but then they're meant to be. Personally, I like them. It keeps me on my toes and stops me from just plowing into every mob I see. Firstly, your best bet is to get a bind sorted that checks for a Void in each mob you come across. I've never needed one but I hear they help a lot in making sure you're not surprised by one. Should be some in this forum.
The next is to carry Inspirations and be ready for a fight. Buff yourself up and blast them into oblivion in Nova form. I find Warshades have an easier time as they get Starless Step and Gravity Well (which deals with Lietenants easily) whereas Peacebringers have to rely on knockdown/knockback.
If all else fails, maximise your damage output and blast the hell out of them. Yes they'll hit you with a crud load of damage back but if you've got some Respites, it's endurable. The only other alternative is to enhance your negative energy resistance through the shields and Incandescence/Absorbtion. I believe that their damage was altered to be Negative rather than Untyped so can now be resisted more. Good luck to you.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

As has been mentioned above, Voids don't do special damage any more, all they do now is negative damage with what is essentially a beefed up auto-critical when hitting Khelds. The damage is still described as "Nictus damage" but it is resisted.
Voids are still a pain in the neck but they are manageable. At low levels it's a matter of hitting them hard and fast before they can do too much damage. Nova form (mainly the Detonation attack) and any temp power that does knockdown are the key until you can get Dwarf Form. If he can't stand he can't fight. Also they're still unprotected when it comes to smashing damage so using melee attacks while he's off his feet will be more potent. Radiant Strike's almost guaranteed knockback and smashing damage is a godsend for this.
If the Void is in a stacked mob (ie his and the regular placement) then for a PB I find using Build Up > Nova Form > Nova Scatter > Nova Detonation as a salvo works well. If you target the Void then pretty much every minion around it will go down and the Void will be pretty badly damaged, if not dead. It's a good idea to build up the slotting in your Nova Form attacks for the pre-20s as combining their damage with Build Up as a first strike is generally your best defence, until you get Dwarf Form.
I hope that's of use to you Khorak. It's not a definitive strategy but it worked for my Tri-Form during her early days.
I've never understood people's fear of Voids... They're really not much more difficult to take out than any other mob as long as you remember they can resist some of your damage. The only time I ever worry is with the boss void spawns, which if they spawn with a regular boss, or an EB, can REALLY ruin your day. Fortunately, that's quite rare...
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Argeed. I like the extra background/story element of it as it lets me feel like I'm actually squishing someone worthwhile, rather than the usual hapless goons.
Mostly I just whack them with whatever form I'm in at the time, but as Floating said bosses are dealt with a little more carefully.
What IS the reason for the weakness of the Kheldians?
That they are the epic AT? Oh wait they aren't epic at all its the story which is different that makes them epic
Is it because they have epic powers? Oh WAIT! They dont dont do any supreme damage! Weird!
But even though they are not EPIC they they get some slack of the rope like other AT's? No they dont! They have some a** wipe in almost every mission they participate in with a big retarded lookin ray gun that shoots and takes off 35% HP with EVERY HIT!
Do other AT's put up with this? Do the villains EPIC AT's have this annoying and out-raging monstrosity? NO!!!
I dont care about the Lore and Warshade is my fav AT for the Hero side but im fed up of being killed solo by Qhantums etc in 3 hits or less and not being accepted into teams because of foes that kill me near instantly!
REMOVE QUANTUMS! Remove any foe which causes a severe and unfair disadvantage for the Warshade/Peacebringer! Nobody else who players any other AT puts up with this, why the hell should we!?
Players who use WS's or PB's pay the same amount for this game as any other player, why should they suffer while others have it a bit easier!?
Fix this problem!
Thanks for reading =D