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  1. My system is NOT crappy, thank you for assuming. This is a known issue with Firefox that has been going on for quite a long time that seems to only get worse with each update. You can find quite a few complaints about it online but Mozilla has never acknowledged it nor tried to fix it as far as I know. The suspected culprit is Flash video. It seems that after watching a undetermined, seemingly random number of videos on Youtube, etc Firefox will start having CPU usage spikes where it will go from 3% or 5% usage up to 15% up to 25% usage then back to 3% every 4 to 10 seconds. When this happens Firefox will freeze briefly even when you are no longer watching videos. This makes scrolling the page, typing in a text box, etc a pain because it freezes every few seconds. It used to be that it only happened occasionally and restarting Firefox would fix it, temporarily, but lately it happens almost every time and I've had the problem persist even after restarting Firefox. I finally just had enough of it.

    There have been some reports of the same issue in Chrome but I've yet to see it.
  2. I narrowed the problem down to Chrome. If I have Chrome running in the background, either the browser itself or a background process like Gmail notifier, those two key combos stop working. Once I close Chrome or any background process running that uses Chrome they start working again. I'd had Chrome installed but hadn't used it much until recently after I got fed up with Firefox's CPU spikes. That's why the problem seemed to appear out of the blue when I hadn't installed anything new.
  3. Yes, I did the upside down and canned air procedures as well as well as popping off the keys to make sure I got everything. More importantly, as I stated above, I tried a completely different keyboard and had the same problem.
  4. No, nothing was installed in-between. I was playing that morning and when I logged back in that evening they didn't work. My keyboard has programmable keys but I don't use them. There's not even a profile that it could load. I did uninstall the keyboard from device manager and let it reinstall itself on reboot but it didn't help.
  5. Thanks, but I know. I've already tried all that. It's not the keybinds themselves. The problem exists even when the game is not running and it persisted even after a reboot of the PC. The fact that it occurs using two different keyboards makes me think it's something in Windows itself. I mean what are the odds that two separate keyboards would have the exact same two key combinations be bad?
  6. I generally keep my travel power bound to Alt+tilde and I set auto run to Alt+R so I don't accidentally hit it and take off running into a group of enemies and up until the other morning this setup has served me well. When I logged in later the same afternoon I noticed that these binds weren't working. I tried resetting the binds but that didn't fix it. Thinking it might be a game glitch I exited and restarted the game. They still didn't work. So I decided to reboot the PC but that didn't fix it either.

    Next, I downloaded a keyboard tester and tested my keyboard (the game wasn't loaded at the time). The tester shows that the Alt key, R key and tilde key are all recognized when pressed. Holding Alt and pressing any other key but those two the secondary key will be recognized. Holding Shift or Control and pressing any key including R and tilde the secondary key is recognized, but when holding Alt it does not recognize the key when you press R or tilde. If you hold Alt it shows it as repeating input until another key is pressed. When I press R or tilde while holding Alt the repeating stops so it detects that a key is pressed, but just not which key. Again, all other keys get recognized and R and tilde are recognized in combination with Shift or Control.

    Even though I thought it odd that both quit working at the same time and was unlikely to be the keyboard itself, I did try another keyboard and the problem persisted. I tried uninstalling the keyboard from Device Manager and letting it reinstall itself on reboot but that didn't help either So, I'm guessing that maybe it's a problem within windows itself. I tried running a system restore to go back to a restore point before the problem occurred, but of course the piece of crap that is system restore wouldn't work, so now I'm stuck. I thought perhaps the key mapping got screwed up somehow but so far I've been unable to find anything about remapping a key combination.

    Any idea on how I might fix it?
  7. Any leads for the Dark immobilize sounds, Shadowy Binds and Living Shadows? The base sounds are a bit too loud and it sounds like Shadowy Binds has one of the heal sounds on top of it that's even more annoying since it gets spammed a lot.
  8. For myself, I've narrowed this issue down to the launcher. If I launch the game from the updater it runs fine. If I run it using the launcher it will randomly hang when clicking menu items or always when I exit the game. Until such time as they fix they launcher to play better with CoX I'm going to continue to use the updater until they disable it.
  9. When creating a character or visiting a tailor, when I set a custom colors for a power and check either "Match Color Across Powerset" or "Match Color Across All Powers" my frame rate drops from 60 to 8. If I uncheck them my frame rate returns to normal. I did a quick search on the forum but didn't see anything about it.
  10. Now I'm also getting occasional lockups when clicking on menus... contacts, mission, tailor, etc.
  11. Just for the record... waiting a few seconds didn't help.
  12. I usually click it right away so I'll try waiting a few seconds and see if it helps. I'm not using the overclocking tool.
  13. When I exit the game it stops responding and I have to go into Task Manager to end it. This only happens when I use the Launcher. If I start the game from the old Updater it exits to the desktop just fine. I even tried shutting down the Launcher after the game has started/before I exit and it still hangs. While it doesn't interfere with my game play it is annoying to have to go to Task Manger every time to get back to my desktop and since the Launcher will soon be mandatory it will become even more so.
  14. A better animation for Kinetic Melee's Concentrated Strike.
  15. I wouldn't have started a new thread if I'd seen one of the other ones but in a quick scan of the first page or so of threads I didn't. I assumed it was a newly occuring issue because right after deleting the old toon I was able to use the slot. It was when I thought to go back and check names that I got locked out. Also, I've never encountered or heard of this issue before tonight. Thanks for you input though.
  16. This may have been mentioned but I haven't read the whole thread... any power that uses the underhand sweeping motion used in Electron Haze, Twilight Grasp, etc
  17. Well, they are having free transfers this week anyway so you could do that. But the people I want to play with aren't on those servers.
  18. What's even more ridiculous is that the slot that went locked is one of the original 12, not one I added. I can somewhat understand extra slots having this issue when the store is down but not an original slot.
  19. I logged in a deleted a lowbie character I wasn't playing to make room for a new one. I started to create the new toon then decided to go back to the character select screen because I forgot to check if any of the names I had in mindwere available. When I got back to character select screen the 'online store not available' message popped up and now the character slot I freed up is locked/unavailable and I can't create my character. I also had one unredeemed character slot and it too is now gone. So I can't create my character in the slot I deleted from nor can I add a slot because the one I had left is gone as well.

    This must be an issue related to the store being down because the other sever where I had added slots, some of which were still available are also locked so I can't make new characters there either.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    There are two difference name checking devices. One at the character selection screen, and one at the character biography selection screen.

    The one on the character select screen works.

    The one on the character generation screen does not.

    This reportedly ties into a database access issue that the developers are hesitant to try and fix at this time since the system is largely working as intended.

    So if you want to check a character name: do so BEFORE you generate the character.
    Ah, thanks! I must've used the one on character select then because I knew it had worked.
  21. Any time I try to check a name it just says the name cannot be checked.

    Sorry if this has been asked somewhere. I tried searching for it but didn't come across anything.
  22. After loading these I noticed I was getting a lot of lag. At first I wasn't sure what was causing it because I'd just made a new toon on Freedom where I hadn't played in a while so thought it might be server related. After a couple more play sessions I realized that the lag happened every time RivaTuner changed my fan speed. I had it set up to change the fan speed when it reached certain temps and if it hovered around one of the thresholds making the fan speed up and slow down repeatedly it would cause a lot of lag. Once I disabled the scheduler it runs smooth, I just have to adjust the fan speed manually. Just thought I'd mention it in case someone else had the same issue.

    Also, it didn't fix the problem with black flashes resulting from frames frozen in memory when you alt+tab out either. :/
  23. Doh! I must have left my brain in bed. I didn't even think of the Guides section when I posted it. I'll see if I can get it moved and stickied.
  24. I was playing with some builds using Mid's today and became annoyed with not being able to select a travel power before level 14 as I am able to do in-game as a 63 month Vet. So, I decided to tinker around with it to see if I could get it to do so until such time Mid's is updated. Now that I have it sorted out I thought I'd share what I did if there's any other Vets out there using Mid's that like to take their travel early.

    Here's what you need to do:

    Start Mid's and select Options > Advanced > Database Editor
    On the Editor window that pops up click "Main Database Editor". This will open the Power Database Browser.
    In the 'Group' pane on the left scroll down and select 'Pool'. In the middle pane you will see the various Power Pools and in the right pane you will see the powers of the selected pool.
    Select the 'Flight' pool then in the right pane double click on 'Fly' to bring up the 'Edit Power' window.
    Click on the 'Power Attributes' tab and change 'Level Available' to 6.
    Next click on the 'Requirements' tab and click on the 'Set Power A to None' button twice so there is nothing in the 'Required Powers' section.
    Click OK.
    Select the Leaping pool and and do the same for Super Jump.
    Select the Speed pool and do the same for Super Speed.
    Select the Teleportation pool and do the same for Teleport.
    Now double click 'Teleport Foe' and on the right side of the window check "Priority Sort Order" and click OK.
    This will ensure that Teleport Foe will be listed before Teleport in the list as it normally is. Changing the level availibility of Teleport causes it to get sorted before Teleport Foe otherwise.
    Click 'Save & Close' on the bottom right side.
    Click 'Close' on the Database Editor window.
    Restart Mid's and you'll be able to select your travel powers starting at level 6.

    I have auto-update off. You may need to turn it off as well as Mid's may notice a discrepancy and try to re-update to the last version which would undo your changes.

    Hope someone finds this as useful as I do.
  25. I can see it now... tooling around in my car on the way to my next mission only to be passed by every hero running with Sprint on. :P