Question: What powers do you want Alternate animations for?




Adding to the list... arrows need to be customizable... I'm thinking energy arrows where you can pick the color (similar to the whip in demon summoning) could go a long way to flushing out some concepts that regular arrows don't quite work for. It would be good to add some tech/elemental bows also to go with it.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



Longtime lurker
I'll echo what has been said about the breath powers and the no fx for super speed, and an alternate for jump kick
I also agree that broadsword/warmace/ battle axe could use some love.
There is a shared attack animation that just irritates the crap out of me every time I see it.
The gash/pulverize/ fire/ice sword animation is the culprit. It just looks so odd, like trying to hit with the top non-blade portion of a regular axe. (always confused me with the hatchet using hellions attacked without using the sharp part) I've never played a powerset that has this animation in it
Also the animation for swoop/jawbreaker/disembowel looks as if your doing an uppercut while holding a weapon, like a hilt punch. Take the weapon out of the hand and it is a great uppercut type animation, but to my eyes it never looks like the dangerous part of the weapon is making contact. And while headsplitter does more damage, hack looks more dangerous.
Thank you for listening...or reading rather....



I'm strongly in favor of animations based on the 5 Origins for each of the power pool choices.

I'd also REALLY like to see Origin based animations for Traps, since they're really limited to Tech right now.



Tossing something else in. Don't know if it's be brought up already, but if it has, it needs repeating anyway.

Alternate animations for Teleport. For example, doing something like using the costumes change animations for Lightning Bolt or Dimension Shift or Smoke Bomb.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



There are a lot of great ideas in this thread, I kinda skipped/skimmed by a lot of them, but yeah.

Anyway, what I would love to see is alternate animations for the blast sets that actually move around instead of just going "ok, put arm here, shoot bolts of elemental energy". What I have in mind is something akin to the animations used for the various benders in Avatar: The Last Airbender (the cartoon, for which they actually did extensive research into various martial arts, not the movie by Shamallamaman where they just had the actors flail about like idiots).

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



So, kinda like how they did with Kinetic Melee, except on blasts?



I am sad to report that emote "getsome" is gone with issue 18.
I had a keybind that put that and taunt together, but alas it is no more. I think we need to start a write-in campaign to have "getsome" reinstated. This is just unacceptable!



Me likey this!

Elemental Melee sets:
I'd be great to have a sword/no sword choice for ALL attacks.
I personally would love to see Shadow Maul become a nightmarish Claymore made of liquid darkness weilded with a rapid flourish. Not only would it look all kinds of badass, your toon wouldn't look like a cabbage should they miss.

Psi sets:
It would be nice to see more subtle animations for these. For example, rather than a psi-sneeze, a flick of the fingers or a Jedi hand wave would suit better.

Blast sets:
I second the eyebeam/breath attack suggestions by others. I also second the gun/no gun choice for attacks. Fire blasts would look great from a flame thrower.

Travel Powers:
Super Speed needs customisable effects; fire, lightning, darkness, shadows no effects etc.
Fly. As above plus poses. Jet packs and/or hover boards would be damn cool too.
Super Jump might benefit from the same, plus perhaps some impact crater or cracks in the ground when landing.

Combat-ready stance:
Some alternates to the generic combat stance wouldn't go amiss. A martial arts stance, a feral tooth n' claw hunch, a more upright powers-at-the-ready pose.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.

Union: @ominousvoice2059



Just something that came to mind as I was fighting Arachnos earlier - how about letting Electric Blast have the Mu lightning attacks as alternative animations?



I'd like to see new animations for the VEAT Tactical Training powers.

It's minor, but the current ones are very boring and repetitive.



Late to the party. Didn't read the full thread.

Adding a vote for more breath and spitting attacks and alternates to eliminate those if desired. Same for elemental sword attacks.

Others wants in no particular order:

- Head Ram animation in Super Strength for Knockout Blow. Think a bull type character getting down below the target and just lifting. See any RL bullfight footage where the matador gets tossed and you'll know what I mean.
- A Head Butt or Bop for a faster attack in the SS set.
- A Head Gore for a mid length higher damage attack in the same set, with side to side shaking.

- Dancing dervish type attacks for some of the old vanilla blast sets, similar to dual pistols.

- Device based activations of the shields and buffs, similar to the current med tricorder or surveillance power.

- Ray guns or ray rifles for energy blast. Pew pew pew.

- Grenade lobs for various blast powers such as fire blast.



Alt animation for vet temps would be nice also.. I find it odd sometimes pulling out a staff with my AR Traps guy.. I would really like if it was either part of my gun or some sort of blast just coming from my hand.

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:



Alternate Animation for Claws: Shockwave, please! The actual character animation is fine, it's the little whirly disks that don't seem to fit the mental image of a shockwave. Maybe as an alternate, it would be possible to use the Dual Blades: Sweeping Strike animation/wave thing?

"Scrappers don't want the bit of dignity that Brutes left them taken away by (lol)Stalkers." -Delta_Strider, on Stalker buffs.

Current Project: Hard Goodbye, StJ/Nin
Retired: Blitzwulf, Claws/Nin (50); Perdition's Blade, Night Widow (50)



Not sure if this has already been mentioned but I would love to see vehicular inspired animations added in as an alternative for many of the Travel Power Pools as an option. Super Speed motorcycles, Jet Packs teleports etc..



Alternative means of travel powers would be nice. Right now we can use emotes on flight but it would be so much cooler to just have those as seperate customized flight options.

Perhaps a grapple hook/line for jump, even tumbling, perhaps even a rocket boost up and a free falling tumbling skydiver on the way down.

Superspeed going from glowy feet to distorted image, ground tumbling like super fast flips and twists sort of like floor show gymnastics. Another is the vanish and transformation into some sort of lightning, flame, darkness while you move around.

Propel.. rather then appearing from the ground and coming up with the portal and the portal/wormhole being next to the gravity controller.. have it appear someplace in the front or next to a foe and alternate the way objects leave the portal.. maybe from the side or from behind or above.. and anything in between.

Teleportation.. Opening a portal in front of you and steping into it or below you and falling into it and dropping down on the otherside.. like playing portal and placing one of your entrance portal on the floor and exit portal on the ceiling. Heck just random portal enter and exit would be a lot of fun.

I'd like to see that gut punch of Martial Arts I beleive its the first power.. slowed down a little bit. Just seems a little too fast.

The ability to choose between heroic or villianous color selections. Like blue electricity or red electricity.. custom colors are great but its hard to mimic the original colors and I tend to like the heroic versions over the villianous ones.



Id like to see the new animations that the Ghouls have for dark powers made available to players.

I ESPECIALLY want to see dark powers WITHOUT the death heads PLEASE. There are concepts that dark would work very well with ( Anti Matter. Negative Energy ) that are totally spoiled by the death heads IMO.

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Ninja run without the Ninja.. It gets a bit tiresome seeing everyone bent over in the count dracula pose. All is missing is cape.. Maybe just have the character stand up normal when it stops running.. The running is fine, though an alt for that would be nice.. But the standing still is a bit much, it's as if they are getting ready to run at all times..

Buying at the market, getting ready to run.. Standing on the Mcdonalds line, getting ready to run.. Bio break, getting ready to run..

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:



Elec Blast needs some lightning into it. Currently it not only is weak, but also feels weak which I think is worse. For example, while Broad Sword is weaker than Katana DPS wise, it has a certain crunch to it and it doesn't feel weak by any means. My suggestion for Elec Blast: make it something close to Statesman lightning. I want thunder, not some zip zap spark beams!

Alternate animations for Aid Self would be nice, like a potion, spell or something close to Reconstruction. The tricorder is often the reason why I don't pick it.

No FX options for pool powers like Super Speed and Hasten.

Fire Sword/No Fire Sword animations for all Fiery Melee attacks. I really like the swords, but I dislike the fact that I can't use an attack chain that only uses Fire Swords. No Sword animations for people who prefer the other way around.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



More dying animations, and make them selectable. The ghouls dying animation looks cool & the Praetorian Clockwork animation would be good for any robot toons. I'd like to see any mobs/players with a rocket pack turned on, have their pack malfunction & shoot them straight up into the sky, explode, & they fall back down to the ground. An "AVENGE ME!" type emote would be cool, have a hand reach out to the nearest ally, over-dramatically. Another could be you're stunned, then just fall straight onto your back. Maybe add something extra where when you are defeated and don't rez for a bit, your arms & legs would twitch uncontrollably

@Killerhurtz & @Killerhurtz 2 of Justice

Arc ID# 95628 What If...#1 The 'Hurtz' Family



Elec Melee needs more variety in the punches, and Jacob's Ladder. But more importantly, the double hammer fist punch (air superiority and all it's imitators) needs an alternative. With my elec melee toons, I have air sup, thunder strike, and the tier two punch, all with the same basic animation. Thunder strike's jump and hammer fist is the only variation. Personally, I only like that animation on air sup itself, since with the -fly aspect, it does look like you're smashing and yanking a person out of the air. On any other attack, and this to me includes thunder strike and EM's total focus, it just looks goofy. Love to have an alternative.



Anything for Assault Rifle would be nice.. Praetorian Clockwork graphics and effects would be great..

I thought the heroes and villains were suppose to look cool, not the non paying NPC. Just about every enemy in GR has some really great effects I wouldn't mind having on one toon or another..

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:



I think there have been more replies in this thread than there are powers in the game.

"I used to make diddly squat, but I've been with the company for 16 years and have had plenty of great raises. Now I just make squat" -- Me

Pediatric brain tumors are the #1 cause of cancer related deaths in children.



Running around Praetoria, beating on some police...

Let Energy Aura have the same effect as their "shields" (and attacks) do. A "No FX until hit" option - no effects on the shields, you get hit and an energy "aura" or "armor" temporarily becomes visible, then fades.

It's just a neat effect, and to me really looks like, well, energy-based armor.