1034 -
wan·na (wän)
1. Contraction of want to: You wanna go now?
2. Contraction of want a: You wanna slice of pie?
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Just for the record, I do want a slice of pie. -
Quote:It's a game based on super hero genre, it's not a game "about comic books"., but I'm frankly baffled that on a game which is supposed to be about comic books...
Super heroes, especially these days, transcend comic books.
For the record, I grew up loving comic books...and still love the ones I grew up on. I couldn't care less about them today. -
Manticore Manticore Bo-Banticore, Bonana Fanna Fo-Fanticore, Fee-Fi-Mo Manticore...Manticore.
Yes...it was I who stepped on her face. -
On the sixth day of Forum-mas, my true love gave to me:
Six trolls a-baiting
Five Brand New Forum Games~
Four flamers flaming
Three red names lurking
Two HeroCons
And a reference to the Cockroach Empire.
__________________ -
I'm pretty much a one toon player, but thanks to several rerolls over the years, I have made the trip to 50 a few times. It has never taken me more than 3 months to reach lvl 50, and my leveling process mostly consists of street sweeping, with a few missions sprinkled in.
Yep, that's right up there with Godzilla riding on Santa's sleigh.
I did this while I was waiting for my SB:
I can't really remember quotes from Star Trek, but the scene where that alien thing burst out of the guy's chest is pretty unforgettable.