Commercial Rivals
Tim Hortons / Country Style
Must be a Canadian thing because I've never heard of them. I'll choose Country Style based on this southerner's affinity with country.
Transformers or Gobots
Gobots since it hasn't been made into a cheesy movie (yet)
Aspirin or Tylenol
Dominoes or Little Ceasars
So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?
Dubbed first knight of pep-istan by her majesty Queen Pepcat. first catmonaut to walk onna moon.
Little Caesars!
Ford or Chevy

Hershey or M&M Mars
isn`t that three
Dempster`s or Wonderbread
ooohhh i didn`t realize they were married!!!
(i did that weird keyboard thing again so my stuffs gonna be all funny, aightÉ!)
Microsoft begrudgingly
Sony Ericson Cell Phones or Motorola Cell Phones
Taco Time or Taco Bell
Taco Bell cause I've never heard of Taco Time
McDonald's or Burger King
Wendy's or Harvey's
Monster or Red Bull
Folgers or Maxwell House
Maxwell House
Dannon or Yoplait
Toyota or Honda
Lifesavers or Jolly Ranchers
Life Savers
Captain Morgan or Cruzan
Heehee!! I said Cubs only because I knew it would tick off a friend of mine, should she ever see this thread. Personally, I don't care.
Captain Morgan or Cruzan
Captain Morgan, absolutely!
Marvel or DC?
We all know there are many different companies and corporations trying to sell the same thing out there. In this forum game name two franchises, products, brands, etc. that offer something very similar. The next person will say which of the two he/she prefers and name another pair.
I'll start it off with one of the more famous examples
Coca-Cola or Pepsi-Cola