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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
    Well that made me smile... almost.
    Warshades are by no means at the pinnacle of uberness, but they aren't at the bottom either.
    I'm more concerned about how building one just seems like acting in a Back to the Future movie (yea... it feels old, like some really old design).

    As to answer the OP's question, I'd toss in Psychic/Devices Blaster. While I have no idea how such of a combination would turn out, the two sets are generally considered on the lower end, if not the lowest among Blaster sets.

    Peacebrigners are generally considered sub-par, or at least on a worst state than Warshades.

    Stone/Stone Brute. Playing it without Granite armor (aka with a sh*t ton of toggles as well heavy endurance-using abilities; or how to murder a blue bar). Why without Granite? Because with it, there's less SMASH!

    Most Stalker sets are considered below their Scrapper or Brute counterparts. Though I'm not much of an expert about Stalkers, some of them are by no means 'gimped'.

    A few Masterminds primaries have issues... that should be addressed. For starters, Ninjas are defense based, but their defense is just so low, it makes you question if they actually have any.
    And than there's the pet AI, which seems to have become better... for the newest set (Demons) only.

    I sincerely think that one of the great thing about this game is that, unless you're going for a very specific goal, no matter what powerset or AT you choose, it's bound to be useful and have its own moments every now and then. Of course, some of them excel more 'easily' and frequently than others, but you get the point!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    I disagree with the server classifications in a number of cases. Yes, VEATs provide some support but they aren't really a support AT, they're a damage AT that happens to provide support.[...]
    Corruptors are as much of a damage dealing oriented AT than, well, just about anyone else (except Blasters, of course -and one could make an argument for Defenders, too).

    Their secondary role, which is the same as Controllers and Masterminds, is support.

    As for the Widow Epic Archetype? They just happen to have self protection to pile on top of their own support powers (do I need to bring Traps up?).
    They also just happen to lose out on a costume slot (still haven't checked if they get one for free or not with Freedom).
    Or to have a crashless nuke. But really, crashes on nukes are just '...really?' already.
    Or a weak version of SR?
    Do I need to mention weapon customization? Or power customization?
    And now Mind Link is a weaker version of Farsight? (And this just sounds like a wrong wording, but whatever.)
    I almost forgot the 'epic' storyline. Which, come Freedom (and even with just Going Rogue), is yet another downside.

    To me, if you're going to stick Epic onto something, it had better get some advantages; and with all those disadvantages (and let's not bring up the Crab backpack into this), plus indirectly turning one of the Widow's signature abilitie into a weaker version of one available to anyone is just... kind of like locking Peacebrigners and Warshades behind that 'VIP stuff' banner, if only the way their tri-form design wasn't screaming 'old and outdated'... sorry I got carried.

    In any case, I tried my best to keep this on a Power X and Power Y case, which was the whole point of it (I mean, tweak the recharge or the numbers, but the ability to slot it for recharge, really? That's not an AT modifier (unless Defenders are the only ones able to), it's power balance). Defenders getting a better version is -totally acceptable-. The others? They're just about in the same boat. No. Reason. At. All.
    Oh, I almost forgot. Shiny new stuff. Gotta leave the rest in the dust...
    This reminds me, did the SoA storyline get any updates? I need to check on that, otherwise; boy am I glad to be done with that.

    [As for the Dominators under the pet section... they have permanent pets would be my guess for them belonging there. Some of them are quite worthwhile (I still laugh at Gremlins though), and frankly, It would just look weird for new players if there was a single pet class (which I strongly believe there is -with that pet bar being unique to Masterminds and all).]
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
    Yeah, but Mind Link grants pretty significant resistance to Psi damage, which Farsight does not. I'd call that an equal trade. Since aside from Blind and lolPvP how often do you need +Perception?

    Also keep in mind that Widows are not a dedicated Support AT. Their secondary is a mix of team buff and armor set.
    So... 30% resistance to psi damage is a fair trade for the ability to slot for recharge?
    ... Yea, I'm in.
    Is there even a fight that lasts more than 15-30 seconds that deals mainly psi damage? In an amount that cannot be just healed back?
    I have yet to run into one in-game, to be honest.

    If you're thinking about low level Fortunatas, I'd like to mention low level Night Widows, who have smoke grenades that can render a few teammates totally useless for a good while. In those cases, the Psi resistance and the +Perception are both valuable.

    As for the dedicated Support AT, I could be wrong (since the beta servers won't let me in as of this post, for some reason), but I think that the character creation might be screaming 'you're wrong' if you click on Support.
    I could've sworn I saw Widows and Soldiers under that.
    (Edit: managed to log in and check. Controllers, Defenders, Corruptors, Masterminds, Arachnos Widows and Arachnos Soldiers are all classified under support)

    On a personal note (read: opinion), I'd gladly consider anyone with a built-in Leadership pool (with beefed up numbers on maneuvers, to boot) and some buffs (Mind Link), control (WAWG, Web Envelope and a bunch of Fort powers) and debuffs (-Recharge and Surveillance) a support. Even if it's not on Defender levels, it's at least on the offensive Corruptor levels.

    In any case, if it's (Farsight) a Mind Link clone that's just better (at least in my opinion) I just might roll a Psychic/Time Corruptor. And complain.
    Yea, complain sounds good too.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
    PBAoE Team, +To-Hit, +Defense(All), +Perception
    Three slotted with SO's can perma this. It does not stack.

    Zwill hates Blind the most out of all status effects.

    .... ....

    I sure hope that +To-Hit and +Defense buff is pretty low, otherwise this just makes me want to strangle a few people.

    Hello? Mind Link? Cannot be slotted for Recharge Reduction, does not grant +Perception.

    I swear, if Time Manipulation reminds me of something (even more so with this power) it's the Widow Epic Archetype. Yes, E-p-i-c Archetype. The Fortunatas are supposed to be somewhat like Seers, no? I mean, not totally so, but still; able to spy from afar and whatnot. Just with Scirocco's Patron Arc, you get to see their ability. It's barely if they can't -see- the future.

    Oh and Zwill, just pick up Tactics if you're worried about -Perception effects. It'll also be easier to max your hit chance against +4.
    You can also get Rectified Reticle (sp?) +Perception, if you want some overkill.

    Edit: For more power choices, I remember someone mentioning the idea of having a travel power at level 1 (like at character creation). This would free up at least one power slot on most characters.

    My idea for this is to have a 'temporary travel testing phase' which would be level 4 to 6. Basically, you get all (or choose one and can switch freely) at level 4, and once you reach level 6 you get to pick one for free.

    I'd also throw in the idea of giving one for free at level 50 (or 40) too, since I'm part of those who like to have more than one (and yea, Ninja Run and Beast Run kind of turn off Combat Jumping, so it's too annoying to use in my case).

    Just some ideas to make this post more constructive
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The Avatar of the Hamidon kills Vanessa DeVore, and Desdemona uses Vanessa's mask to recover the secret she was carrying with her:
    It might just be the way Golden Girl has worded/written it or whatnot, but this sounds like some lame storyline. Almost makes me want to not run the trial, at all...

    I'm not sure if I can put this out in a clearly understandable way, but DeVore dying 'just like that' is just poor use of a character, in my opinion.

    I mean, she has the potential to be such of a great character... nothing like some of the storyline's 'main' characters. (Hello Super Man ripoff and his dozen other dimension selves.)
  6. A few suggestions before I mentioned anything.

    -Help us help you;
    -Do moar reading
    -Tell us what 'type' of character you'd like to play (ranged or melee, support, tank or purely oriented on damage, with or without pets, etc.)
    -Moar reading
    -Any Archetypes you absolutely do -not- want to play?
    -When you settle on an AT, go read its forum section; at least the first page or two, as well as the stickies.
    -Trials are not the only part of the game. There's only 3 at the moment, and one of them is, arguably, not worth running. If you were to make a thread, asking the same thing but for AV/GM soloing, you'd get different answers. Some characters perform better in certain areas, but just about 99% of combinations can, at the very least, and if only for their damage or de/buffs, be useful in all areas.
    -Epic Archetypes: No mention. Despair imminent: Why?

    Now, if you want to be useful on every, single, trial I'd go for a Traps character.
    If you're looking for more options: if I were to pick, solely on the idea that the character would be used only for trials, a resistance based set for a melee Archetype.
    A self heal is immensely welcome too (Electric, Fire, Dark Armors and Regen are the first to come to mind).
    Honorable mention for melee goes to SS/Fire Brute. Or Claws/Electric Brute. Or Fire/Shield Scrapper. Or...

    Sonic Blast for a Defender. Rad/Sonic is an insane combo on a Fender.

    Fire for anything that's focused on damage (Corruptor and Blaster, mostly; though I'd be tempted by the crashless nuke of Dual Pistol and Archery, even more so on a Blaster).

    Dark Miasma or Radiation Emission for a debuffing set, or Kinetics for a buffing set. I feel that they multiply the league's (the teams on a trial) effectiveness more than the other sets, but that might just be me.

    Cold Domination for a buffing -and- debuffing set. The shields will help people reach the softcap (hence why I mentioned resistance based sets for melee; there will be a few people with shields to softcap you).

    I might have missed a few, or a bunch. Probably a bunch. But I'd strongly suggest playing something that you enjoy playing, before anything else. It will make it so the character isn't deleted or shelved into oblivion. Trust me; if you enjoy playing a Psychic/Device Blaster, because you have a concept or it's just a fun character, don't let anything stop you. It'll be a lot more fun than if you force yourself into playing something that just doesn't mesh well with your gameplay.
  7. Powersets, mostly.

    The feature to see the costume pieces that we haven't purchased will hopefully be there (unless I missed the mention that it wouldn't be in issue 21).

    Other than that, things I might want to buy and that testing them might change my opinion.

    Nothing fancy, really...
    ... so about that casino
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    And a rebuttal by LordKat also posted in the thread
    quite something. Disgustingly so.

    All I could get what "I settle for things already existing, stop trying to make more things! It's bad!".

    I'm thinking the writing was made too fast / s/he didn't re-read what s/he wrote before posting it.
    I mean it's like puking on my screen from across the internetz.

    And no, the video from the other link is not the word of god or whatever, either.
    It's just heading in a better direction; not necessarily the best (all things being situational and all).
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TygerTyger View Post
    2) Premium players have 2 slots, plus any they "purchased" previously. A) Does this include those slots redeemed previously via Veteran Rewards? Seems to, based on the "you won't lose your old vet reward stuff" clause, but no really firm answer on this one. And B) will those of us with dozens of characters (and only maybe 6-8 redeemed slots, none purchased) be given the choice of which of our existing characters will be ported over? I'll have a hell of a time picking to be honest, but there are about 6 that I would really hate to lose. Yes, I know they'd be waiting for me when I can get back to VIP status, but I'd love to have access to them sooner.
    Everything that I have seen, read and experienced leads me to assume that;
    - You will get to choose which characters are 'unlocked' when going from VIP to Premium.
    - Any additional character slots that you have will -not- be lost. A VIP gets a base of 12, a Premium or Free player gets a base of 2. You add whatever additional slots you have been given/have bought (Vet rewards, Going Rogue, purchases).

    Also bear in mind that for every month of VIP subscription you will receive 400 Paragon Point that could be used towards obtaining more character slots (Although this is an assumption on my part, as I have no way to back this up, I feel it is a safe one, considering the other things that you will be able to get from the Paragon Market).

    As for the rest of your questions, I do not believe that I can provide suitable answers, but I have a strong feeling that you will not lose anything in-game that you already have, should you decide to go from VIP to premium.
    As such, I think that if premiums cannot create SGs, you would not lose your existing SG should you go from VIP to premium; but you still wouldn't be able to create one if you would leave your existing one (this is, obviously, based on the idea that premiums cannot create SGs -it's been a while since I've looked into this, so I am unsure if it is the case or not).

    Hope this helps.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ketch View Post
    Resource management, positioning, and timing (via not putting an aura on auto-fire). Those all seem to me like things that would fall under strategy.
    There's an unlimited supply of resources; you can always refill at the hospital inside the trial.

    Positioning is just such of a situational thing, I wouldn't bring it up; but I'd still say it's the hardest part in this whole game.

    As for auras on auto fire, most players would rather have a constant source of healing they know they can find somewhere, rather than dropping some mobs faster or whatnot.
    And it's not like if it was any different than a lot of the situations found outside the trial: you get low on health, pop the healing aura. Someone else is low? Clicky zee aura. It's just a lot easier when people hug you through the trial.

    I'm not about to say 'defenders do no dmg lul keep the aura rolling', but in that specific trial, the situation pretty much calls for something very similar to that newbie mentality. Or at least for those with healing capacities to use them more often, if you'd rather like that.
  11. Keyes trial is just so poor in design, it reminds me of some of the games kids make to pass time.

    'Here, X unresistable damage, zone-wide for shitz and giggles!'
    'Wait, what?'
    'Need to make it hard! ... I mean, annoying as hell so you won't do it ever again and we can say that we made something hard, because not many people will be doing it, because it's annoying and then... are you listening?'
    '... wha? Oh, stopped caring, sorry.'

    Yea, see, I like good design. Keyes is just piss poor design of the 'I'm a god and you're not hur hur hur here's some $%#@ in your face' caliber.

    Oh, and if Keyes required you to think, there would be a way to counter/temporarily stop the pulse; because, you know, if there's no way to stop/counter it, than you ain't thinking; You're just dashing through the trial, as fast as you can.
    You know, kind of like everything else that doesn't require you to think! What a brilliant thought!

    Carrying greens and using one every 30secs isn't thinking, either. Sorry.
    Sticking next to someone with a heal aura on auto-fire isn't either; sorry again.
    Putting an aura on auto-fire ...
    You get the idea.

    The hardest part about the Keyes trial, that actually made people somewhat think, was when Anti-Matter could get stuck on the ground. Had to move him around nicely, otherwise he didn't want to follow! What a meanie...

    I'm still waiting on a trial that isn't just a 'hit whatever is in front of you and use these temporary powers' mission with a timer.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    This is not what at least one person who played the beta at the most recent convention reported.
    Zwill has mentioned that only Travel Power Pools will be affected by the change (that will remove the restriction of needing another power from the pool).

    If you're interested in reading it yourself, here is the thread:
    It's on the first page (since I fail at linking, you'll probably have to scroll down a little).

    As for the topic of this thread, I'm not a fan of the powers mentioned as the possible choices, so I will simply add that I would pick some from whatever power pool you already have (assuming that you already have taken 4 power pools). Stuff like fly and give you slots from hover, since you wouldn't need to slot it for flyspeed.

    Other than that, nothing seems to come to mind. If you still have at least one power pool open, Vengeance can be a good idea, as well as the previously mentioned Aid Self (which, while not as useful with one slot, is still rather useful).

    Hope this helps.
  13. In case it hasn't been mentioned yet (not enough time to read through all those posts, sadly), you can confuse the Captain standing next to the Honoree before you even aggro either, and he will kill the Honoree probably faster than you could imagine. Of course, this requires you to land 3 confuse (for a mag higher than 10) and the Captain to actually focus the Honoree (which he will do, right after he's done decimating all those Riktis).

    As for damage on a Fort? Well, if it can be held, then it's mainly a matter of time, rather than killing it before it kills you.
    Then there's always inspirations to crack up your damage (not like if you needed purps on a Fort).
    Or the option of melee-oriented Fort (which I think I saw a mention of through while skimming through the posts), which puts out more damage than the average Fort, at the cost of psi damage.

    As for when you're on a team, I'd say it hardly matters. Just get your rotation going on targets that last longer than 5secs and go with AoEs for those that do not.
  14. Besides the ones already mentioned, I can only think of:
    Foot Stomp
    Ice Patch
    Trip Mine (and possibly some other powers in the Traps set?)
    Ouroboros Portal (at least I can't)

    Some of the Stone Melee and Luminous Blast animations are similar to Foot Stomp, but then again, Frozen Aura can be used mid-air (or last I checked).
  15. Something challenging?

    How about playing a whole week without creating a new alt?
    Hell, make that three days. Maybe two...

    ... Or playing on a single character for a few days straight.

    Hard stuff, srs buzness.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kenteko View Post
    Wait, all ATs don't have a fury bar? What is this nonsense?!
    I really like my Widow for that. Fury? Fury takes time to fade away... Follow-Up, on the other hand, only takes a few seconds.

    Gotta keep those stacks up, if it drops under 2, I'm doing something wrong!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Dying isn't even that big of a deal in this game. Sometimes it can be fun to get in over your head and test your character's limitations. The only way to find out how much you can handle is to bite off more than you can chew.
    Like soloing packs of Cims during an ITF on my Widow, then getting hit by a bunch of defense debuffs within seconds of each others, dying and having the Peacebrigner proceed to do the exact same thing after using Veng on me. And then he falls to defense debuffs too, and I get to use veng on him. Good times.

    Oh, and I have 7.5% more global recharge. Hell yea.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
    I went with Longbow for the nullifier. I'm hoping he will drop a debuff to stack with mine.
    Paragonwiki is your friend.

    It appears the Nullifier does not have any debuffs, though I've heard good tings from the Cataphract's -regen.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    While I support keeping the travel powers in the powers system for those who may want more than one, I truly think ONE travel power should be selectable from the costume creator without taking up a power pick and it should be selectable during creation.
    As someone who enjoys taking both Super Jump and Super Speed, I cannot help but take the time to write this to show my agreement.

    Though it might be more simple (simpler?) to give the power in-game, such as during a level-up (think exiting the tutorial and hitting level 2 or whatnot).
    In any case, it wouldn't imbalance anything and it'd free up some space for more character customization.

    I think I could get behind something that would let people skip Boxing/Kick.
  20. Paragonwiki has a page for the lore slot abilities, with links to what the lore pets are/can do/etc.

    If you're interested, here it is:

    (while there is no quoted post, this is mostly directed at the poster who asked for what abilities the support pets had, rather than the OP -nevertheless, I thought it'd be good idea to throw it out here in case others may be interested too).
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nitrogen_Star View Post
    I know what the devs say,what paragonwiki says,what the game rules are,what the players say and that drops are random and uninfluenced. That still means that something isn't working the way it should,because facts are facts,i didn't believe so either but it seems they are not very random at all when you get down in the field.
    Maybe it's an error in the program somewhere,i don't know what it is,but run a map for a whole day and you get a fortunata hypnosis;run another and you get an average of a purple for 2-3 runs max,often a very valuable one
    Flip a coin once. Get heads.
    Flip the coin again, get heads again.
    Flip the coin again, get heads...
    and so on.

    You could get heads or tails ten times in a row, it would still be random.
    Why? Because every time you flip the coin, you get a 50% chance of getting either heads or tails, regardless of how many times you flipped the coin before.

    The random part in 'purple dropping' is that every time you kill a mob that is high enough for it to drop, you get a chance. It stops there. It doesn't go beyond that. That's your 'coin'. To me, it seems like some may be perceiving 'clearing a whole map' as 'flipping a coin', which is not. When you flip the coin, you get a chance at a heads or tails; when you kill a mob, you get a chance at a drop or nothing. That's all there is.
    The only thing that affects the drop rate would be the number of killed mobs. Also known as the increased number of times you get a chance to get a drop, or the number of coins flipped.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Sure as long as the test server is restricted to VIP players. Why? Simply because if they let free players access to items that have to be purchased on the live servers they will simply play only on the test server.
    Reset the test server every few weeks? Basically just wipe off every character.

    Holy crap I just fixed something.

    Oh, and for the thread (almost forgot -I really hope we'll get to test stuff before we buy it >.>). It'll probably be Street Justice, some costume pieces, a few costume slots, some more costume pieces, some character slots and did I mention more costume pieces?
    Well in case I didn't, more costume pieces.
  23. Narkor

    My MFing Build

    Originally Posted by Bionut911 View Post
    How did you get that small box that shows your stats like dmg buff and such? I would love to have one of those!
    From the Power Tray, Powers > Combat Attributes > Right click an attribute (like Damage Bonus, Lethal Resistance, etc.) and select 'Track' or whatever it's called.

    I think there's a maximum, but I'm not sure on that number. You can manage them directly afterwards by right-clicking on that small, new window (you can move them up and down the list, stop tacking them individually or all at once, etc.).
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tunnel Rat View Post
    Wow, this thread has really trended into requests for alternate effects for existing powersets!
    I'm thinking there's two things that keep people (including me) from posting in the other thread that specifically asked about that:
    -It was started by Castle, who, I hear, is no longer there.
    -It's in the AT general discussion, possibly a forum section that is less visited than this one.
    Combine those two and it's very likely that people might not even see the other thread. Or might just ignore it.

    As for this thread, I cannot help but add my voice to those who wish for something else for Domination. Kind of like Hasten, just an option to turn it off would suit me fine. Though I'm sure there are some more interesting possibilities.

    Super Speed also comes to mind. I'm not a fan of the graphics, especially since I like to play around my settings and sometimes it just looks plain bad to me.

    And now that I typed that, Teleport just rose up and asked for the possibility of having 'more' effects. Just think about someone appearing through a flaming circle. Kind of like the Warshade version; adding some additional effect (and lowering the dam endurance cost!) might make it more appealing to some.

    Originally Posted by Dante View Post
    I've already made a post about it in this thread but I believe that the various forms of Ice Shield could do with looking at. Cold Domination, Ice Armour and the various Ice Epics all use the same 'ice cube' overlay that can ruin a good costume and look... well... dated really.
    This. A thousand times this. Hell, a thousand more times this.
  25. hmm, well SoAs are pretty far from Defenders, but I can see a few things that might interest you.

    - Tank Crab. I heard it's pretty amazing (my Soldier sits at 50, banked until they fix that backpack that sticks around when you switch builds), especially if you manage to fit in most of the pets. I's suggest looking at it; at lot of SoA players like to take a look at the Leadership pool, even if they already have one that's just better. I mean, double Assault, double Maneuvers, Tactics and Vengeance, if someone manages to die, is just awesome.

    - Control freak Fort. I was somewhat disappointed when I tried Mass Confusion, but the rest of the control powers are just amazing. Plus, you get a crashless nuke, how awesome is that? Oh yea, it stuns, too.

    I'd think the tank crab, possibly with Fortification, perma-Serum, Tough, Weave, 2x Maneuvers, 2x Assault and some pets would fit your bill, but that would still be rather far from being a buffing/debuffing Fender. You'd definitely be going more up-front, and might even need to dip into the Presence pool (for a taunt, since Soldiers don't get any), but like I said, my Soldier's banked, so there's no word from personal experience from me; I just heard it works well