Why does my Fort's Damage Suck so Badly?
did you have the baddies set for AVs or EBs? in either case i think since the honoree is a natural AV and just lowered to EB in that mish he would have retained his 85% debuff resistance so your -regen would have been doing almost negligible amounts of debuff and he also has high resist to smash and lethal
your best bet was to pop a bunch of reds and use a lot of psi attacks on him since he is weak to psi dmg
from personal experience my forts single target dmg is a little low but the aoe dmg it can put out is phenominal
honestly what i try to do in that mish when i can is to confuse captain holtz to kill the honoree, since captain holtz is an odd case where even as an AV does not get purple triangle protection, definitly make that room a bit easier

your build could stand some work, you skipped TK Blast and Subdue, which are your bread n' butter w/ Dominate.
Fortunatas are not inherently weak or gimp.
I'll assume you were fighting +0 vs an AV, if he was +4 you'll be doing half damage and need to double any offensive requirements below. If it was vs a +0 EB, you either have a great deal to learn, or you need to play something more suited to your playstyle.
Your -regen is worthless vs AVs, and honestly is worthless vs anything else too. You need -regen 10 or more times what you have to give it the value most people assign to a "-regen power". Make it a team of 8 widows, and it may or may not be enough stacking to make it "work", maybe.
A well built Ranged Fort without procs will only generate 104 dps tops, less when considering defense and any other powers or clickies. You'll be lucky if you are doing 90 to 95 dps, even if you manage 5 extra dps from -regen, you're still looking optimistically at 1.5 Hours to kill a standard AV.
Honoree isn't a "standard" AV, he has an effective T9 as well. That means you have to kill him in less than the time it takes to recharge his T9. I don't know what that time period is, but I would say you'll need something in the area of 150 to 250 dps. If you plan on using Lore, then you'll want to save them until after the T9 expires the first time around. That means you have to beat him down, keep beating on him while he regens, then summon the pets and finish him off as soon as the T9 drops.
- You can increase ranged dps by use of procs, but only slightly. However, slightly, may be enough.
- You can get 200 dps with a Melee Fort Build that double stacks Followup. 180+ dps is more practicable. Depending on his resists and what else you bring, Melee may not be the answer for this specific target, but will overall in other situations double your dps capability.
- You can add 200 to 500 dps with Lore Pets and Reactive Interface.
- You can Floor his regen with Longbow Pets, although you'd likely be better served by the pure damage of Cimerorans or Warworks, depending on level.
- You may also prefer the lower damage of Seers given the ability of Psy damage to bypass T9s.
- You can bypass the T9 with Psy damage from Dominate and Subdue.
- You can use the once a week mission complete feature to bypass the mission.
- You can unlock Alpha using one of the alternate methods.
If it's a true AV-status, range Fortunata will have a hard time beating due to lower dps but this doesn't make Fort "suck". Fort, in my honest opinion, is one of the best ATs in the game when you factor in survival, mez protection, control, team buffs and damage.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
If it's a true AV-status, range Fortunata will have a hard time beating due to lower dps but this doesn't make Fort "suck". Fort, in my honest opinion, is one of the best ATs in the game when you factor in survival, mez protection, control, team buffs and damage.
The controls are control-lite in my opinion. They are nice, but they are not controller or dominator level of control.
The buffs are excellent, but I can get that from the NW side, or any VEAT build for that matter, the same goes for the survival and mez protection.
Survivability wise, when caught alone I find my NW is actually doing better in trials due to simply killing targets faster.
The only thing that the Fort has that I wish the NW had is Psy Shockwave.
Which is why I will either abandon the Fort build entirely or merge the two into a high end melee Fort build.
The NW gets Elude, the Fort gets Confuse and light controls. I find the Controls more useful in keeping me, and my team, alive. Take 4 seconds to put one ST confuse each on the dangerous bosses, then run in and AoC and go to town in complete safety. Next spawn, Nuke and/or Judgement, Next spawn is back to confuse ....
However, the ranged/control Fort is still useful, packs more AoE, and makes it even safer for the team. However, that comes at the cost of personal offense, and so far, I've not decided it's worth it to go back and reload the ranged/control build on an alternate build slot. While 4 spawn breakers is better than 3, If what I bring as a melee fort isn't enough for the team, the little bit more team defense offered by the ranged/control build most likely won't make a difference, and it's better to just find another team.
Linea can you post your build? My fort was stripped of IOs and is just sitting at 50 gathering dust and occasionally bidding on the market. Maybe I should dust her off.
I soloed every part of the Get Your Alpha Unlock Arc using my Mind/Kin Controller. The secret to defeating Honoree in the sequence was ... Confuse. You use Confuse on Captain Holtz and use HIM to beat down Honoree for you by proxy ... right after he defeats every single Rikti that's spawned and the portals that spawned them. Then you keep him Confused while you beat down Captain Holtz himself.
The beauty of this is that Captain Holtz isn't especially resistant to Confuse powers ... unlike Honoree ...

I have a dual build NW (melee) / Fort (ranged) - and I have finally given up on the fort half.
The controls are control-lite in my opinion. They are nice, but they are not controller or dominator level of control. The buffs are excellent, but I can get that from the NW side, or any VEAT build for that matter, the same goes for the survival and mez protection. Survivability wise, when caught alone I find my NW is actually doing better in trials due to simply killing targets faster. The only thing that the Fort has that I wish the NW had is Psy Shockwave. Which is why I will either abandon the Fort build entirely or merge the two into a high end melee Fort build. |
My other widow build is actually a Blood Widow build that only uses claw attacks and follow up. Yes, this build has higher damage but she dies easier than my Fort because defense has its limits. When I get hit by two Ritki boss swords (which happened to me once during Master of Lady Grey run!!!), I died in split second. My Fort could safely hover in air and blast Ritki bosses to death because their psionic damage can barely touch me.
Maybe hybrid is the way to go to get the best melee dps and controls but I find my range Fort to be extremely safe and effective. The measurement of effective is maybe where the problem is. I don't find myself doing the best damage but my damage isn't a joke either. Dominate (with smashing proc), Gloom, Subdue and some TK Blast is very fast for range-only attack chain.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
In case it hasn't been mentioned yet (not enough time to read through all those posts, sadly), you can confuse the Captain standing next to the Honoree before you even aggro either, and he will kill the Honoree probably faster than you could imagine. Of course, this requires you to land 3 confuse (for a mag higher than 10) and the Captain to actually focus the Honoree (which he will do, right after he's done decimating all those Riktis).
As for damage on a Fort? Well, if it can be held, then it's mainly a matter of time, rather than killing it before it kills you.
Then there's always inspirations to crack up your damage (not like if you needed purps on a Fort).
Or the option of melee-oriented Fort (which I think I saw a mention of through while skimming through the posts), which puts out more damage than the average Fort, at the cost of psi damage.
As for when you're on a team, I'd say it hardly matters. Just get your rotation going on targets that last longer than 5secs and go with AoEs for those that do not.
here is a nonsosuck build for that
this build is melee i say the best way to play it is do the psionic tornado then the dart burst then use a good psy shockwave or spin
I just built this character and I expected more from her...
I just completed the Alpha Unlocked missions and I needed to bring in help to kill the Honoree because he was regenning faster than I could kill him even with my regen debuffs...
This is the first time I have needed help completing those mishes on any of my characters.
Have I done something wrong or are Forts just really really bad?
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
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