Freedom questions...
2) Premium players have 2 slots, plus any they "purchased" previously. A) Does this include those slots redeemed previously via Veteran Rewards? Seems to, based on the "you won't lose your old vet reward stuff" clause, but no really firm answer on this one. And B) will those of us with dozens of characters (and only maybe 6-8 redeemed slots, none purchased) be given the choice of which of our existing characters will be ported over? I'll have a hell of a time picking to be honest, but there are about 6 that I would really hate to lose. Yes, I know they'd be waiting for me when I can get back to VIP status, but I'd love to have access to them sooner.
I'm not sure the answer to 4 has been released yet.
Champion 50s (blueside): Marc Bridge, Nicole Bridge, Fred Blaze, Colleen Storms, Sun's Chariot, Moon's Huntress, Point of Pride
Guardian 50s (redside): Connie Mand
AE arc: Spirit Plane Invasion, #29282, @Honbrid
I don't think many of your questions have been answered for sure, but what I got from reading the freedom info is that premium players will not be able to create supergroups, but can be members just fine. Not sure if they can be leaders however.
The devs have mentioned that pretty much any extra character slot you earned from just about any source you'll keep if you go premium, which should include the veteran rewards ones.
I can't even begin to guess how 3 will turn out.
They haven't said much about 4, but from what I understand free players won't have AH access, and you can gain it back either with PP or through the paragon rewards program, though I would be willing to bet VIP players will get more slots them prem players.
Warning, I could be wrong.
1) Don't know, haven't seen anything official on that.
2) Yes it includes any vet or slots that came with the purchase of GR or the CoH/CoV merge. These aren't slots per say in the Free/Premium play but "unlocks" that can be applied to existing characters or empty slots on whatever servers you choose.
3) Don't know.
4) I believe you are severely limited in selling on the market. I believe this can be unlocked once you reach a certain Paragon Reward tier. I'm not sure which tier.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
2) Premium players have 2 slots, plus any they "purchased" previously. A) Does this include those slots redeemed previously via Veteran Rewards? Seems to, based on the "you won't lose your old vet reward stuff" clause, but no really firm answer on this one. And B) will those of us with dozens of characters (and only maybe 6-8 redeemed slots, none purchased) be given the choice of which of our existing characters will be ported over? I'll have a hell of a time picking to be honest, but there are about 6 that I would really hate to lose. Yes, I know they'd be waiting for me when I can get back to VIP status, but I'd love to have access to them sooner.
- You will get to choose which characters are 'unlocked' when going from VIP to Premium.
- Any additional character slots that you have will -not- be lost. A VIP gets a base of 12, a Premium or Free player gets a base of 2. You add whatever additional slots you have been given/have bought (Vet rewards, Going Rogue, purchases).
Also bear in mind that for every month of VIP subscription you will receive 400 Paragon Point that could be used towards obtaining more character slots (Although this is an assumption on my part, as I have no way to back this up, I feel it is a safe one, considering the other things that you will be able to get from the Paragon Market).
As for the rest of your questions, I do not believe that I can provide suitable answers, but I have a strong feeling that you will not lose anything in-game that you already have, should you decide to go from VIP to premium.
As such, I think that if premiums cannot create SGs, you would not lose your existing SG should you go from VIP to premium; but you still wouldn't be able to create one if you would leave your existing one (this is, obviously, based on the idea that premiums cannot create SGs -it's been a while since I've looked into this, so I am unsure if it is the case or not).
Hope this helps.
Are you sure about this one? The merge brought 4 slots to each server- 48 slots total on the NA servers.
GR = 2 Slots.
Vet Reward Slots.
Purchased Slots.
Anything else.
Maximum of 36 per server.
VIP Get an Additional 12 slots to that base, with a max of 48/server.
Base of 2 (Free & Premium)
+ GR = 2 Slots. + Vet Reward Slots. + Purchased Slots. + Anything else. = Maximum of 36 per server. VIP Get an Additional 12 slots to that base, with a max of 48/server. |
Premium player get "Global unlock tokens" that allow you to unlock existing "slots"
Thanks to everyone else though.... For now we're still waiting for more info I suppose. I did take the precaution of putting my most valuable crafted enhancements into the inventories of my two main characters. Hopefully I'm just being paranoid - I cringe to think how much I'll still lose if I can't access the storage.
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
--Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Q: If I am a subscriber now, what will happen to my account if I choose to become a Free player when City of Heroes Freedom launches? A: Current City of Heroes subscribers who choose to become Free players will retain access to tons of content, however some Issue content will be reserved for VIP players, including Power Sets, Costume Sets, etc. One notable difference is that Free players will be limited to two character slots total, plus any character slots directly purchased or earned through Veteran Rewards. All existing characters will be saved and reenabled if a player subscribes as a VIP player. View the Free and Premium player benefits in the Freedom player choice side-by-side comparison. |
Premium Players 1. Super Groups: Can join (Note: You have already created it.) 2. Character Slots: 2 total, plus slots that were unlocked or directly purchased (Notes: 2 + 2 if you bought or buy GR + 1 per Veteran/Year + Any bought or promotional bonus slots. You will not lose any characters but they will be locked out until you have bought/earned access to that AT type (Controllers and MM's) and used a slot token to unlock that slot, so you can pick which characters on which servers to unlock. The tokens are global, they are basically removing the automatic unlock of the initial 12 slots per server, and upping the VIP subscribers slot limit to 48. Any and all existing characters will NOT be deleted, just grayed out until unlocked.) 3. In-Game Mail: Included (Notes: Returning players who are non subscribers are automatically Premium Players.) 4. Auction House Use: Limited (Note: Most likely Direct Buy/Sell limitation It is highly likely that stored items will be retrievable but not replaceable, like the now ancient base storage changes that left some storage overfilled. Full usage MAY be unlockable.) However please be aware that all the above and i21 information currently known is: *Subject to change by launch.
I do appreciate your attempt to help though - helpful players are one of the best things about this game.
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
--Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
1) I have a personal SG. Its been suggested that personal SGs won't be effected for the "Premium" players, but it still appears that they may not be possible. Another thread suggested that I likely have nothing to worry about, but does anyone have a more definitive answer?
2) Premium players have 2 slots, plus any they "purchased" previously. A) Does this include those slots redeemed previously via Veteran Rewards? Seems to, based on the "you won't lose your old vet reward stuff" clause, but no really firm answer on this one. And B) will those of us with dozens of characters (and only maybe 6-8 redeemed slots, none purchased) be given the choice of which of our existing characters will be ported over? I'll have a hell of a time picking to be honest, but there are about 6 that I would really hate to lose. Yes, I know they'd be waiting for me when I can get back to VIP status, but I'd love to have access to them sooner. |
When you become Premium, you will be given a set of 'tokens' where you CHOOSE which characters across all servers will be accessible. As a 54 month vet, that's 4 bonus slots for a total of 6 - plus any you may have bought. You'll get to pick which 6 (or more) characters will be unlocked.
3) If one goes into every character and emails their influence and enhancements (assuming one is really, really paranoid about losing the SG base and characters in the switch) to one's global, how safe would that be, given the distinction between Free and Premium players, and the overall issues with huge Issue related changes? I know this one is pure conjecture, but I was hoping someone may have insight into how Issue releases can / have messed with outstanding emails. Of course, this carries its own risks, if the I21 release is more than 60 days from my last day of account play, I'd lose them all... bah! |
4) Just how "Limited" will Premium access to the Auction House be??? Those stored enhancements and my crafting badges aren't nearly as important if I suddenly can't get reasonable access to the AH. |
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
In my opinion, bad plan. Even under normal conditions, items in email can go poof if the global server sneezes. My suggestion: since you're paying now, keep paying. If you're going to let your subscription lapse, wait for the Freedom release date to be announced then renew a week ahead of that. If you are VIP status at the time of the change-over, you have no worries. Then you'll have a few weeks to read up on the finalized details of SG's, the Consignment House, etc and be able to make a fully informed decision.
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
--Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Note the bits that are in-line with the "Tier #" are rewards for reaching that tier, rewards that are included without the reward system in the VIP sub, pretty much.
Reaching Tier 3 for example auto-unlocks global chat for you without you having to use a token specifically on it.
So your SG should be fine.
54 months (even 57) means you start in the middle of T7
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
It's my understanding that things that are available to VIP members are also available to Free-to-play people by paying for them. So based on that I think that you should be able to do anything you want... but it won't be free.
I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.
I may have missed this, and it may be a dumb question. I'm asking it anyway just to be on the safe side. Rather than using a credit card, I prefer to use the game time cards. Will this still put me in as a VIP or do I need a CC for a continuous subscription?
What's that Puddin Pop?
...Ahhh that's the good stuff.
Sarcasm and goofy jokes do not translate well on msg boards or text msgs.
Anyone paying for the access is VIP
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
OK, I have used search more than I care to think of tonight, been over to a dozen times and read through 90+ pages of the Discussion threads, but I can't find anything resembling the answers I need to get my head around the switch, so I come here, hoping beyond hope that someone can answer (or even give me the scuttlebutt) on a few issues.

I'm a 54 month (56 actually) play vet (took some time off here and there, but the siren song of CoH always pulls me back), with all the associated badges. For reasons beyond my control I won't be renewing my yearly membership here at CoH, and greeted the initial announcement of F2P (sort of, I know) with great glee! Even though I may not be able to pay to play any longer, I would still be able to enjoy this game that I love. But...
1) I have a personal SG. Its been suggested that personal SGs won't be effected for the "Premium" players, but it still appears that they may not be possible. Another thread suggested that I likely have nothing to worry about, but does anyone have a more definitive answer? Preferably with a quote or something to back it up? I have billions in crafted enhancements in my storage, and would really, really hate to lose access to that. Not to mention the amount of time invested into building a fully functional (and dare I say smashingly well decorated) base by myself.
2) Premium players have 2 slots, plus any they "purchased" previously. A) Does this include those slots redeemed previously via Veteran Rewards? Seems to, based on the "you won't lose your old vet reward stuff" clause, but no really firm answer on this one. And B) will those of us with dozens of characters (and only maybe 6-8 redeemed slots, none purchased) be given the choice of which of our existing characters will be ported over? I'll have a hell of a time picking to be honest, but there are about 6 that I would really hate to lose. Yes, I know they'd be waiting for me when I can get back to VIP status, but I'd love to have access to them sooner.
3) If one goes into every character and emails their influence and enhancements (assuming one is really, really paranoid about losing the SG base and characters in the switch) to one's global, how safe would that be, given the distinction between Free and Premium players, and the overall issues with huge Issue related changes? I know this one is pure conjecture, but I was hoping someone may have insight into how Issue releases can / have messed with outstanding emails. Of course, this carries its own risks, if the I21 release is more than 60 days from my last day of account play, I'd lose them all... bah!
4) Just how "Limited" will Premium access to the Auction House be??? Those stored enhancements and my crafting badges aren't nearly as important if I suddenly can't get reasonable access to the AH. That may make me a sad camper, though my characters will certainly level faster as I don't "waste" as much time in Wents!
Thanks all for your anticipated help. I know that a lot of the answers I am seeking may just not be available yet, but I know some of you have been following these changes since they were announced, and I had been too busy with other issues to really notice it lately - so here's hoping.
Thanks again.
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
--Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.