33 -
I don't think it will stack to enough of a proportion to be benificial. As cool as it would be, though.
Quick question.. Daemodand, is your Avatar a modified picture of HS_Anakin's face from JA? lol -
Hey, I was just curious how long it takes to receive the additional tokens from purchasing/spending points? I think it was, when you buy 1200 points, you get an additional token. Am I wrong? I've purchased previously and never recieved them, and did so again recently and have not received those either. Am I missing something?
Oct 5, 2011 City of Heroes Freedom™ZDevoi8000 ParagonPointsPurchasedCompleted
Oct 5, 2011City of Heroes Freedom™ZDevoi1600 Paragon PointsBonusCompleted
Sep 17, 2011City of Heroes Freedom™ZDevoi8000 Paragon PointsPurchasedCompleted
Sep 17, 2011City of Heroes Freedom™ZDevoi1600 Paragon PointsBonusCompleted -
Trust me, I'm aware of the required work. I used to do custom models for Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy all the time, including weighting the models to the game skeletal structure. So I'm not saying this with disregard as to the process required. I do appreciate the previous posters who made mention of removing the other content.
Regardless, it actually wouldn't be as hard as you may think. Think of where the legs stretch. It stretched toward the upper thigh. It would be similar with the arms. Stretching near the upper part of the bicep to the shoulder. The shoulder can stretch outward, it would also proportionately be able to stretch downward along the axis. I might be talking out of my butt to you, but this is something I've seen done before. If you can apply the same concept to stretching a texture when you increase the length of the leg, you should be able to do the same with the arms. -
Now, before anyone says it... I am WELL aware this has been requested more times than anyone can care to count. Yes, I requesting a revamp of the weights and proportions of the character model. I've gotten irritated after seeing Resistance and PPD members with attachments on their arms, legs, and whatnot. Now, it would be awesome to be able to add add attachments to arms, and legs. It wouldn't be much different than the way Skirts/Kilts are set-up where it loads a new lower torso with it attached. This would load a new lower torso that allows the attachment of such things, and same with the upper torso. Another great thing would be the ability to increase arm length. We can do it with Legs, but not with Arms? Doesn't make sense to me.
However, I just feel as though the character creation model has dulled in comparison over the years while everything else improves. I know I'm practically falling on deaf ears as this would require a near complete revamp of the player model, which would be a ton of work....but here's to wishful thinking.
The character concept I had in ******* so long ago, was similar to the character above. Very similar to Bane from Batman. A war vet who lost his ability to fight and so, joined a military experiment and got hooked on the drug. The cables pumped the drug in to him and increased his size and strength. I know there will be at least one person that will say, "If you enjoy it so much, then go back to said game!" To which I would simply respond that I enjoy this game far more. The only thing that lacks is the character model. Powers and everything are great- but the character model itself is vastly outdated compared to the other updates applied to the game.
-New graphics and lighting
-New structures
-New Powers
-New Events
-New Character screen
-Power customization
-Weapon Customization
...but no update to the character model itself. Again, it's supremely wishful thinking...but here's to hoping. -
I had this same issue. Never got my tokens. I also spent the $100. Apparently reached my "monthly spending limit" and can't get anymore.
As appealing as that would be, I like Scourge way too much for that. lol. Also, I'm keeping it thematic, so given his background... I'm starting to really consider Rad/ or Psy/.
Figures, the new mids comes out and I'm at work and I can't fiddle with new build ideas. However, looks like we've knocked Elec/Time out of the list. It is now down to Sonic/, Rad/, or Psy/. I'm partially leaning toward Psy, but I know what you mean about the whole "when they resist, they RESIST" thing. It is rare, but still. Hmm. trying to remember what groups specifically have high Psy resist.
Well, I ended up going Beams/Traps and so far, I'm enjoying it. I've always enjoyed /Traps, so no complaint there. However, I'm left with a sore spot. I REALLY enjoy /Time. I have a theme-based character that I wrote an extensive backstory for which is very tech-based. Now, in the story I've displayed him using /Time on numerous occassions, so I can't really cut that out. However, I've barely made any mention of the primary power which at the time was Beams. However, due to slots and power choices, it is definitely difficult to really narrow things down to what's most needed. At least, I won't be able to do so until Mid i21 is released. I figure, to get the most out of it, I'd want one that doesn't cause redraw, so no weapons. However, I'm still looking to stick with the "power-suit" theme that he has. I know Elec/ isn't that great of a primary, or at least it wasn't last I checked. Le sigh...
I've considered Elec/, not too keen on it. Mainly because it's just not that good in terms of performance. I like Sonic, but I'm not entirely sure how I'd be able to fit that in with his story. Sonic/Time would probably be great, but still. Dark/ focuses far too much on ST, which i'm very used to, and Beams isn't too different, but still. Radiation is potentially an option as I can always color it and explain it as something different...which I'm not against. Just not sure how useful Rad/ is and how slotting would be. Energy, as explainable and nice as it would be, there is far too much knockback. Fire & Ice...not really a fan of either, though they are both powerful. Just not with /Time, in this concept. I've considered Psy/ but I'm really hesitant as I have not seen anyone use Psy as a primary in a while... So, here are the options I'm considering;
I know I've been asking left and right for opinions, but I've hardly had any time to do anything lately. Any help with seriously be appreciated. -
Unfortunately, I'm not at home to really look at numbers or test it out yet, but it just hit me and now I'm considering this. Beam Rifles/Dark Manipulation... Not sure about the PPP/APP to go with it. I love that Dark was made a secondary for Blasters. I feel like the boundless amounts of -tohit from Dark would add the already debuffing hits from Beams. I could easily be wrong. I'm curious. I like the idea of Mace Mastery or Cold Mastery, but I I hate the way that Frozen Armor looks. not a fan of blocky shields. lol. This is just a general power selection. Still figuring things out. Pretty much doing this manually.
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Single Shot -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Penumbral Grasp -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Cutting Beam -- Empty(A)
Level 4: Death Shroud -- Empty(A)
Level 6: Disintegrate -- Empty(A)
Level 8: Hasten -- Empty(A)
Level 10: Shadow Maul -- Empty(A)
Level 12: Lancer Shot -- Empty(A)
Level 14: Super Jump -- Empty(A)
Level 16: Soul Drain -- Empty(A)
Level 18: Combat Jumping -- Empty(A)
Level 20: Spring Attack -- Empty(A)
Level 22: Kick -- Empty(A)
Level 24: Smite -- Empty(A)
Level 26: Piercing Beam -- Empty(A)
Level 28: Tough -- Empty(A)
Level 30: Aid Other -- Empty(A)
Level 32: Overcharge -- Empty(A)
Level 35: Scorpion Shield -- Empty(A)
Level 38: Midnight Grasp -- Empty(A)
Level 41: Aid Self -- Empty(A)
Level 44: Summon Spiderlings -- Empty(A)
Level 47: Dark Consumption -- Empty(A)
Level 49: Aim -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Defiance
Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Health -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- Empty(A)
After not feeling my Beam/Time Corruptor... I'm seriously considering an Elec/Time Controller now. Even Grav/Time sounds like a blast. Lol.
I know what you mean about it feeling like they should go together. Saying you have control over Space & Time is kind of a bad *** thing. I myself am looking on how to utilize /Time for big game. It definitely has some nice utilities in it. It just needs the right set to compliment it. Trying to decide between the two is hard. Might play both to 20-25 to see how I like them at that point. -
Honestly, this is off topic from the thread itself, but I'm actually going to commend Gospel_NA for how he handles flaming on the forums as opposed to some people who fight right back. Kudos.
The only thing I can say is that there better be a Scythe weapon customization for Staff Fighting. That would be sick. I imagine that Titan Weapons would include different types of large weapons. Large hammers, large swords, large axes and such. I'm letting my mind get too in to this.. bah. I'm partially picturing animations from Champions and DCU that would just look cool.. Bah.
Well, if I go with a resist shield, I could add to the debuffs or get some more reliability. I was thinking between;
- Phsychic Mastery: Dominate and Mind Over Body (would work better Solo with an extra hold)
- Soul Mastery: Soul Drain, Dark Embrace, and Soul Storm. (A nice DMG boost, decent shield, and another Hold)
- Power Mastery: Power Build Up, Temp Invul
I agree with Shubbie's answer! Lol. It's funny that with all these new things they release, Malta still prove to be the biggest pain in the *** in this game. Hell, AV's and GM's are easier than a group of Malta.
However, if you're able to hit the soft cap with Time, then I may look in to that further. I imagine, with Scorpion Shield from Mace, + Farsight, CJ and Weave- I should be pretty well off. Still working on some testing. -
Well, in terms of debuffing, that's why I figure it would work with Beams. Each one of Beam's attacks has a debuff. Or most of them at least. The only thing I may see as an issue with Time is the potential inability to soft cap defense. I figure, if I take Mace Mastery, I could take Scorpion Shield to help work toward hitting the soft cap.
So I'm guessing the best route to go would be Traps. I'll have to do some solid testing on both to see how they play out together. I know what you mean about Time being very click, Swansu. It wouldn't be too different than playing a Regen Scrapper though. There is a lot of clicky involved with that as well.
With Traps, you at least have the opportunity to really kick up your defense. I'll have to do some extensive testing tomorrow on my day off. -
Hello Everyone.
Been sitting at work and going back and forth to the hospital so I've been unable to do any testing. I was wondering if anyone may be able to help me figure out what would work best in terms of soloing, but still provide some good team effort. I've been really considering Beams/Time, but Beams/Traps just seems like it would be more efficient. I can see how Time would be more useful team-wise, and Traps might be better soloing. I'm just hoping someone may be able to kick me in the *** and explain how Time may be benificial in soloing, especially with potentially min/maxing against AV's/GM's.
Thank you! -
What server is this on? My RP-SG on Virtue has a laboratory design that I would definitely say meets your expectations. I take pride in design and creativity, and that does sound like a nice, pretty penny.
Good to know I can count on you, Werner. Heh. DM/Inv it is.
Hello my fellow scrappers,
Running in to that all-too-familiar altitis and it's hitting me hard with scrappers. I know what I want him be able to do, and I damn well want him to do it well. I recently rolled a DM/Inv, and am quite pleased- however, I'm like a damn kid on Christmas. I see something, and I get this idea in my head, and I go "Hey!" and then go "Crap!"... I develop an idea in my head, but can't seem to think of a powerset to back it up. I love Invul, and I love SR... I love Shields, but they've been done.. Though, that doesn't mean I'm ruling them out if it's a must. For the love of- I want him to represent power! I want him to be the Chuck Norris of Scrappers! ...but not actually Chuck Norris, he's aging.
So, I started considering DB/Elec. Seems nice, yeah- but I feel as though it would be a bit on the squishy side. Broad Sword is nice too. I have a BS/Shield, but have lost my motivation to play him. Oh, to answer a valuable question ahead of time- Yes, I want him to be able to solo AV's, and if possible, GM's. Though, I also want him to be able to run in to a group, get wailed on to **** and go "That all you got, you panzies?!"
So... What are my options, because I'm overly hyper and altified to think rationally on this... -
Specifically, Dark Melee as a whole. I absolutely love Dark Melee, but the "cloud of darkness" that surrounds your fists just...isn't appealing. It's too big, and just looks like splattered ink.
I recently made a DM/Shield Scrapper myself. I can honestly tell you, if you want certain issues corrected- taking your own build is good...but if you search around for the DM/Shield build of Powerforge, you will find yourself impressed. It just needs to be updated for i19 and then all would be set. I have a copy of it on my comp, but I'm at work right now...
I have a Bane and have had him for a very long time. To this day, he remains one of my most beastly characters. He has no problem running up to an AV and giving them their last rites before they die. From what I remember, Bane Spider and Night Widow have the best odds of soloing AV's and the Rikti Pylon than the others. I've come close to soloing the pylon on my Bane and that's without IO's.
A simple request, if anything... Taking an note from the Mender shoulders, it brings me to ask for something I consider easy. The options to have only ONE shoulder piece on or two different types. Now, some of you may find this familiar to Champions Online, and honestly- it would be quite fantastic. For instance, the Gladiator large pauldron. If reversed to the other shoulder as well, would look like Romulus Augustus' shoulders and that would look amazing. I've done modeling for Jk3 before, and it honestly isn't hard to take an already exisiting model, but the other piece and submit, or take an already existing model, copy it, reverse it and weight it. I've done it myself, and for something like this, it should be equally as easy.
In terms of NPC costume pieces...
-Romulus Augustus' Shoulders
-The long drape robe of the Lich or COT members for males
-Possible leg accessories like on the PPD, Resistance and Praetorian Clockwork. The thigh accessories.
-The PPD Gloves
-PPD Hardsuit pieces
I think for my MM I'm going Musculature. I'm Bots/Dark, and I already handle GM's and AV's with relative ease. So I don't really need to worry about the control issue. I don't have to worry about endurance. So, what's better than more power? Nothing... Damage increase, Immobilization increase, and Defense Debuff increase...? Damn right I'm going Musculature.