Single Worst Powers as of 2010




Well, this thread is about powers that suck, but since it came up, I'll chime in and agree that Seeds of Confusion is ridiculously overpowered. IMO it really does upset the overall balance of Control sets, which tend to either offer decent damage and lighter controls, or heavy controls and low damage. I would definitely not call Mass Confusion a bad power. The issue is Seeds of Confusion is far too good, and really should have a more appropriate Recharge time and lower duration (since it's an AoE with the same duration as the single target Confusion power Illusion and Mind get). I'm sure I'll be set on fire for that opinion, but there it is.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Well, this thread is about powers that suck, but since it came up, I'll chime in and agree that Seeds of Confusion is ridiculously overpowered. IMO it really does upset the overall balance of Control sets, which tend to either offer decent damage and lighter controls, or heavy controls and low damage. I would definitely not call Mass Confusion a bad power. The issue is Seeds of Confusion is far too good, and really should have a more appropriate Recharge time and lower duration (since it's an AoE with the same duration as the single target Confusion power Illusion and Mind get). I'm sure I'll be set on fire for that opinion, but there it is.
I'm readying the gasoline as we speak =D



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I'm readying the gasoline as we speak =D
*drops down an oil slick just in case he tries to run*

*...yeah it probably won't ignite. so wut?!*



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I'll chime in and agree that Seeds of Confusion is ridiculously overpowered.
It's pretty crazy. The funny thing is, I frequently don't even need to use it.



Invoke Panic. I can't think of anything else that matches up to it in terms of poopyness.

"Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." -- Plato

Playing Gods (51106) - Heroic Lvl 5-20
What Rough Beast (255143) - Villainous Lvl 40-50



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Well, this thread is about powers that suck, but since it came up, I'll chime in and agree that Seeds of Confusion is ridiculously overpowered. IMO it really does upset the overall balance of Control sets, which tend to either offer decent damage and lighter controls, or heavy controls and low damage. I would definitely not call Mass Confusion a bad power. The issue is Seeds of Confusion is far too good, and really should have a more appropriate Recharge time and lower duration (since it's an AoE with the same duration as the single target Confusion power Illusion and Mind get). I'm sure I'll be set on fire for that opinion, but there it is.
Why do you believe you should be let off that easily?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
* Holds are the most potent. They flat out stop someone from attacking or moving period. They're short duration.
* Stuns are fairly good. They don't stop someone from moving, but they do stop them from attacking. They're slightly longer in duration most of the time.
* Sleep, confuse, and fear are softer controls. They can be weakened or even broken when enemies are attacked. These mezzes tend to have very long durations to compensate.
Dear Dispari:

Confuse is not a soft control. It is 100% reliable. When something is confused, it will not damage you; except through locationals like caltrops that were already set out PRIOR to confusion, and frankly no other hard controls will do that either. It has stopped being a threat and it will no longer be a threat until a point at which confuse has worn off.

If there are no enemy targets for a confused monster to attack, it will not attack any friendly targets. It will sit there and let you kill it. It will not break any faster whether you're beating on it or not, the duration is identical. In addition, confuse will also remove the threat of any active pets the target might have, making it even stronger than holds (especially since most true Confuses have a LONGER base duration).

The distinction between soft and hard control is not always a useful one. Black Hole and Dimension Shift are hard controls. They are reliable, they completely remove threats and they do not break early. This does not necessarily mean you may find them pleasant.



Originally Posted by NetMinder View Post
Dark Armor: Soul Transfer.

Okay its got a silly strong disorient attached to it, but unlike other self-rez powers, you need something to hit to activiate, and even then, the hp restored is based on the targets hit. By far the worst of the self-rez powers, and really just a sad tier 9 power in general.
I actually get a kick out of the power. Of course, I don't think of it as a self-rez, I think of it as a full heal (with three targets) + high-mag stun. It affords me the luxury of looking at a nasty group of foes and thinking, "Can I defeat them before they defeat me... twice?"

Strangely enough, I've also used it to save from a team wipe when we were way in over our heads. Drop toggles, pop Soul Transfer, the team gets 8-12 seconds to regroup or retreat. Hasn't happened often, but when it does, dang it's nice.

Victory: @Brimstone Bruce
Brimstone Bruce (lvl50 Stone/Fire Tanker) Broadside Bruce (lvl50 Shield/WM Tanker)
Ultionis (lvl50 Dark/Dark Defender) Cortex Crusher (lvl50 Mind/Kin Controller)
Patronox (lvl50 Kat/Dark Scrapper) Harbinger Mk.7 (lvl50 Bots/FF MM)
NightShift for Life.



Originally Posted by Brimstone Bruce View Post
Strangely enough, I've also used it to save from a team wipe when we were way in over our heads. Drop toggles, pop Soul Transfer, the team gets 8-12 seconds to regroup or retreat. Hasn't happened often, but when it does, dang it's nice.
My favorite scenario on this topic is when the enemies are in a small room or corner, such that they can't scatter much. Self Destruct + Self Res can be great fun, if you have time to wait for SD to animate (which I have on a few occasions).



Vanity powers duh lol.

Seriously I wonder what are the worst powers of EVERY powerset ordered by set. That'd be VERY handy to know



I know this is not bad power but I was personally most disappointed about Voltaic Sentinel. I was waiting some kind pet who can fight and can be targeted. Just like giant fly trap or "fluffy" in dark defenders set. When I finally got it I summoned my uber great lightning pet and after short moment wondered, "where's my new friend?" It took a few moment when realized it wanished after ridiculous short time.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



Voltaic Sentinel lasts only 60 seconds but it has a 60 second recharge so while it has to be resummoned, it's perma by default.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Voltaic Sentinel lasts only 60 seconds but it has a 60 second recharge so while it has to be resummoned, it's perma by default.
Yeah, but that locks you into resummoning it every minute, and it costs a ridiculous amount of endurance. I have it on my Dom and I just get tired of resummoning it and using up that endurance.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Worst power ever is Invoke Panic. Check the thread. It's so bad that people forgot to include it. It's so bad that people always forget to include it when this type of thread comes up. I'm sure someone will post saying they have and use the power and swear by it, but when was the last time you talked to someone who was considering the power? You know a friend who was playing Gravity and asked about Dimension Shift, or wanted to know if Temperature Protection was worth taking, but when's the last time someone asked you about Invoke Panic?

Let's go over the attributes of the power:
* Fear, meaning easy to break, hard to stack.
* Duration is 13s on Controllers, and far less on all other ATs.
* Recharge is 60s. 1/2 recharge and 2x duration = downtime!
* PBAoE power, radius of 15ft. Most AoE mezzes are 25-30ft.
* Secondary effects: None! No -ToHit, no damage, no anything.
* Accuracy: -20%.
* Endurance: 22.8. Over 1/5, almost 1/4 your end for this power!
* Mag: 2. Meaning even if you did use it, you'd only mez minions.
* Misc: Requires you to take two other equally useless powers from a pool.

Worst. Power. EVER.
Defo agree on this, would be a somewhat good power to use on a dark miasma, if it werent for the fact you have to take 2 other powers to get it.

On a funtioning stand point it probly only ever good for a dark armour tanker or brute who also have Cloak of Fear. However considering that;
A)Tankers and Brutes have taunt on a majority of their Secondaries and Primaries respectivly and better versions of that too.
B)Its end cost, recharge and mag, still make it pointless to take. Unless you are a Dark/Dark Tanker/Brute, who only wants to perma taunt/fear a single boss.

That makes Pressence for me the completely unless powerpool to currently exist.



Group Fly - luckily nobody takes it, but even on the rare occasion someone does, it pisses me off when I start randomly flying. Swap this turd out for hyper-flight, a faster fly with very high end cost.

Ghost Slaying Axe - wtf, isn't this kinda overly specific, especially when the other choice is the multi-purpose sands of mu? Change the name to axe of badassedry, improve it's stats, and actually give people a choosable alternative to sands of mu.



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
Swap this turd out for hyper-flight, a faster fly with very high end cost.
Pointless, and essentially impossible. Fly itself already caps fly speed easily enough that making a "faster fly" would be redundant. Upping the flight cap won't happen either, due to balance and/or performance concerns.

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It's not the worst, but Elude is pretty pointless. SR is easy and cheap to softcap with IOs, and even without you're only a small purple away. It'd be great on a low def powerset, but in SR? Waste of a power.



Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
Team Teleport is the worst power I have ever seen. It costs 50% more end than Teleport and has 25% the range(That's 25 feet). I have never seen any player use it or even take it.
I actually have - a Mastermind I met, who used it as an attack power. (And also had personal stealth powers.) They'd get their pets ready, the teleport themselves, their pets, and any team mates who didn't get out of the way right into the middle of a pack of enemies. Ninja/Forcefield, if I remember correctly. Their theory was that this allowed the ninjas to get into melee range without either getting shot, or falling outside the Dispersion field. They also felt it looked really cool. Since I was playing my Fire/Fire Brute who deliberately skipped all the fire sword attacks, I wasn't going to say anything. His tactics seemed to be working in the missions we were doing, at least.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Pointless, and essentially impossible. Fly itself already caps fly speed easily enough that making a "faster fly" would be redundant. Upping the flight cap won't happen either, due to balance and/or performance concerns.
Oooo a dev response, lol. Well you guys said it was 'essentially impossible' to allow us to choose the color of our powers too.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Pointless, and essentially impossible. Fly itself already caps fly speed easily enough that making a "faster fly" would be redundant. Upping the flight cap won't happen either, due to balance and/or performance concerns.
I beleive the idea is to balance the endurance cost so that going over the current cap would be alright.

Fly is already largely considered the crappiest travel power to a great degree, so I rather doubt helping it out of place. Especially when such cries for help are usually offered with another free kick in the face to Fly users.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post

* The duration even for a Controller is 27.9s. Enhanced to +95% that's 54.5s. So it's definitely not "60 seconds longer than most AoE holds," unless most AoE holds are -6 seconds long.

* The radius is 35ft, while most AoE holds are 20-30ft. It's not "over double" any other AoE hold. It's not quite double half the sets, and only about 17% larger than the other half.

* The duration is ABOUT twice the length of other AoE holds. They're all around 14.9s, with EMP Arrow being 27.9. It's not quite twice as long.

* You're right that it doesn't have an accuracy penalty, and damages machines, but you forgot:

* The recharge is 300s (5m) instead of 240s (4m).

* The endurance cost is 23.4 and you have -1000% recov for 15s. Most AoE holds are 15.6 end.

I wouldn't call it great. Certainly not one of the best powers in the game. Probably wouldn't call it useless or the worst power of 2010 either. Just sort of exists.

Ranged AOE holds are a 20 foot radius, EMP Arrows is nearly twice that. Only PBAOE Hold have a 25 foot radius, and PBAOEs aren't very good for opening fights. And EMP Arrow has a 50% chance of "critting" on everyone hit thus holding bosses too. Wonderful power.*

But I digress since we both agree it certainly doesn't belong in his thread as a Worst Power.

* I think I'd nominate the newly added Controller Epic World of Confusion, for the incredibly small radius. Or maybe Domi Mud Pots for the same reason. Any AOE Aura needs to be hitting a fair few enemies to be worth running and I can't see how either of these could be worth it. The effects of both are pretty good but the radius is just ridiculously small. Maybe not the "Worst powers" but possibly the "Worst Neutering of Powers" in the game



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I beleive the idea is to balance the endurance cost so that going over the current cap would be alright.

Fly is already largely considered the crappiest travel power to a great degree, so I rather doubt helping it out of place. Especially when such cries for help are usually offered with another free kick in the face to Fly users.
And yet it's possibly the most popular travel power due to it's ease of use and safety.

Teleport, in my experience, has been the most difficulty travel power to work with. Without binds, it can be a bear and even then can it can give you trouble if your experiencing latency issues.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
Teleport, in my experience, has been the most difficulty travel power to work with. Without binds, it can be a bear and even then can it can give you trouble if your experiencing latency issues.
I would have agreed with you before I had my computer doctored. With a reasonably good system it's fast and fun, I use it from habit now with a Shift+ Left mouse click bind. Having said that I find the activation time annoyingly slow, but then I mostly play Kinetics...


Oh and Repel has saved my squishiness many times (especially solo), and the fact that it arrives early in Kinetics for Defenders can make a nice difference when exemplaring. It takes practice to use I'll grant you, but Repulse for stalkers seems much sillier.

My nomination though is Conditioning for VEATs, it seems barely noticable and doesn't even scale like Vigilance does/(did, depending what excited..!).

Defiant EU
Quaver: Kinetics/Sonic Defender
Semiquaver: Sonic/Kinetics Corruptor



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
Oooo a dev response, lol. Well you guys said it was 'essentially impossible' to allow us to choose the color of our powers too.
Except for that part where that was never what was said concerning Power Customization.

Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I beleive the idea is to balance the endurance cost so that going over the current cap would be alright.
That still doesn't address possible performance concerns.

I also find it funny that people still complain that Fly is a bad travel power when all four actual travel powers have been largely marginalized thanks to Ninja Run and the approximately 3000 teleport shortcut powers we now have.

Originally Posted by Quaver View Post
My nomination though is Conditioning for VEATs, it seems barely noticable and doesn't even scale like Vigilance does/(did, depending what excited..!).
Seems barely noticeable? Once I read that thread where Castle explicitly compared VEAT recovery and regen to base I was shocked to see how little it actually gives. And considering that the number one problem that all three of my VEATs have is endurance troubles, I'd love to see Conditioning get a little buff at some point.

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