Single Worst Powers as of 2010




Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post

I also find it funny that people still complain that Fly is a bad travel power when all four actual travel powers have been largely marginalized thanks to Ninja Run and the approximately 3000 teleport shortcut powers we now have.

How is becoming progressively worse with each issue supposed to be a point in Fly's favor? You have an odd sense of humor.

Originally Posted by ketch
And yet it's possibly the most popular travel power due to it's ease of use and safety.
Not that I claim to have a travel power census handy, but I kind of doubt this is accurate. From personal experience Super Jump is most popular with Fly probably being second.

Popularity aside, it's still a very underachieving power, and it's perceived 'safety' isn't as great as the AFK guy buzzing into the side of a building might have you beleive.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Not that I claim to have a travel power census handy, but I kind of doubt this is accurate. From personal experience Super Jump is most popular with Fly probably being second.

Popularity aside, it's still a very underachieving power, and it's perceived 'safety' isn't as great as the AFK guy buzzing into the side of a building might have you beleive.
If the info collected by City Info Tracker is representative of the player population at large, then Flight it the third most common power pool behind Speed and Fitness. Of course, we can assume a great number of users of the speed pool dip into it for Hasten alone and do not necessarily use Superspeed as their travel power.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Except for that part where that was never what was said concerning Power Customization.
Sure they did. They said it was 'essentially impossible' because it would require too much work, but obviously it wasn't impossible. I believe the same can be said about increasing flight speed in some way, which is why no dev has said it is 'truly' impossible, and instead insinuated 'essentially' as you pointed out (oh wait the devs didn't actually say that, you did right?). Why? Because it's problematic and difficult, but not impossible.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I beleive the idea is to balance the endurance cost so that going over the current cap would be alright.

Fly is already largely considered the crappiest travel power to a great degree, so I rather doubt helping it out of place. Especially when such cries for help are usually offered with another free kick in the face to Fly users.
First of all, I doubt making faster fly power is truly impossible, nor would it break the game, as some have suggested.

But even if that is the case, there are other ways to improve the power set. (And I don't think most players take fly due to its effectiveness so much as they take it because it's the iconic super hero power it is.)

Again, the point of the thread is to point out lame powers, and I was kinda sidetracked by strawmen, since I'm not actually bashing the power 'fly', i'm bashing the power 'group fly', which imo, is lame and not coincidentally, very rarely used. I'd replace it with a sonic flight, that is either an increased speed flight at greater end usage, or if that is truly impossible as some official techs have suggested, make it a teleport-like power so you can move short distances in great bursts of speed that only appear to be teleports.

And before the twenty players who use teleport flip out, I'd add to that set too. I'd add a power or two to the set. One that allows you to teleport to anywhere on the map, and another that allows you to teleport to missions - obviously these powers would be upper teir and have long recharges.



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
Sure they did. They said it was 'essentially impossible' because it would require too much work, but obviously it wasn't impossible. I believe the same can be said about increasing flight speed in some way, which is why no dev has said it is 'truly' impossible, and instead insinuated 'essentially' as you pointed out (oh wait the devs didn't actually say that, you did right?). Why? Because it's problematic and difficult, but not impossible.
There's a large difference between "requires a lot of work" and "requires a change to the game engine". It's not impossible to make flight faster, but it would require the game engine be modified to allow for the increased rendering costs. Modifying the game engine essentially means creating a new game. I can't see them deciding that the flight speed cap is a good reason to completely overhaul the game.

We'll always have Paragon.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Worst power ever is Invoke Panic. Check the thread. It's so bad that people forgot to include it. It's so bad that people always forget to include it when this type of thread comes up. I'm sure someone will post saying they have and use the power and swear by it, but when was the last time you talked to someone who was considering the power? You know a friend who was playing Gravity and asked about Dimension Shift, or wanted to know if Temperature Protection was worth taking, but when's the last time someone asked you about Invoke Panic?

Let's go over the attributes of the power:
* Fear, meaning easy to break, hard to stack.
* Duration is 13s on Controllers, and far less on all other ATs.
* Recharge is 60s. 1/2 recharge and 2x duration = downtime!
* PBAoE power, radius of 15ft. Most AoE mezzes are 25-30ft.
* Secondary effects: None! No -ToHit, no damage, no anything.
* Accuracy: -20%.
* Endurance: 22.8. Over 1/5, almost 1/4 your end for this power!
* Mag: 2. Meaning even if you did use it, you'd only mez minions.
* Misc: Requires you to take two other equally useless powers from a pool.

Worst. Power. EVER.
My warshade uses invoke panic, solowing, teaming no tank etc. I alternate between that n the cone disorient.



Originally Posted by NeverDark View Post
There's a large difference between "requires a lot of work" and "requires a change to the game engine". It's not impossible to make flight faster, but it would require the game engine be modified to allow for the increased rendering costs. Modifying the game engine essentially means creating a new game. I can't see them deciding that the flight speed cap is a good reason to completely overhaul the game.

If what you are saying is in fact the case, that's why I gave other options that we already know for a fact, work in the current game.



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
Ghost Slaying Axe - wtf, isn't this kinda overly specific, especially when the other choice is the multi-purpose sands of mu? Change the name to axe of badassedry, improve it's stats, and actually give people a choosable alternative to sands of mu.
Ghost Slaying Axe is amazing. Take it on ATs that already have a lot off attacks, and take Mu on the ones that don't. Then when ghosts come out, you fire this off instead of your regular attacks. For most of one of my stalker's careers this did damage on par with an assassin strike.

Plus its recharge and endurance cost are closer to a regular attack so it fits better into an early level chain than Mu does.

It's not the best, but it's no where near the worst.

I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.



Originally Posted by PhroX View Post
It's not the worst, but Elude is pretty pointless. SR is easy and cheap to softcap with IOs, and even without you're only a small purple away. It'd be great on a low def powerset, but in SR? Waste of a power.
Still better than these tier 9s Hibernate or Soul transfer