Single Worst Powers as of 2010




Originally Posted by Blue_Fenix View Post
Hmm... Boost Range? Does anyone actually use this? Maybe it's a pvp thing, 'cause I don't do pvp, but this seems pretty useless to me.
It's already been mentioned, but I have an AR/EM blaster that basically does a build up full auto from snipe range, then follows it up with flamethrower and buckshot. Longer cones also mean wider cones, so the range is giving you more area to hit as well.

He also uses teleport. Teleport by itself is the fastest travel power in the game, boost range teleport is incredible.

Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
Team Teleport is the worst power I have ever seen. It costs 50% more end than Teleport and has 25% the range(That's 25 feet). I have never seen any player use it or even take it.
The listed range for team teleport (in Mids) was incorrect. It teleports almost the same distance as the self teleport. Teamport is very useful for masterminds and squishy fulcrum shifters. "Let's all jump in and get boosted at once." It's also a nice way for an FF defender to show his team's blasters that, yes, you are invulnerable now.

Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
I'll toss in SS/'s Hand clap. Completely counter-productive to keeping aggro for fury bar.
I've seen this used before as a way to survive the rage crash. It carries a very hefty taunt, so everything that got knocked back will come back to you.

What's my vote for the worst power?


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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Blue_Fenix View Post
What about Jump Kick? I've heard terrible things about that one.
Not as bad as it used to be, they made the animated interruptible partway through. I'd rate it as better than Flurry, but it's still no Air Superiority.

Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
Team Teleport is the worst power I have ever seen. It costs 50% more end than Teleport and has 25% the range(That's 25 feet). I have never seen any player use it or even take it.
I've heard that a few Masterminds us it for teleport ambushes. I've never personally seen it used though.

Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I always thought with Stealth if you really wanted to go inviso, you could go with Super Speed. It actually gives you a speed boost instead of penalty. Is there any truth to Stealth's claim that it's mutually exclusive with Steamy Mist/Arctic Fog, etc? I always found that weird, because Super Speed doesn't work like that.
Ok, here's how it works. There is Super Speed, there are Stealth IOs, and then there are "Stealth Powers", like Stealth, Steamy Mist and so on. Of these three categories, you can stack any with one of the others for full invisibility; a Stealth IO with a "Stealth Power"; Superspeed with a "Stealth Power"; a Stealth IO with Superspeed. You can't stack two of the same kind of stealth ability, but since stealth IOs are uniques and there's only one type of Superspeed, that only matters with "Stealth Powers".

I've taken Stealth with Superspeed on one of my characters, for full invisibility and a place to put a Karma -kb IO. The Stealth power slows down Superspeed somewhat, but that actually makes it easier to use indoors I find.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Oldeb View Post
Whirlwind isn't on the list yet? Does anyone use it?

I know people use to pick it up late as a ghetto version of a costume change emote, but once we got those for real I haven't seen a single person use this.
Whirlwind as a gimmick for a super speed based character (like Flash) is cool. It's just a shame that it's not that good pulled off in the game



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Salt Crystals comes to mind.
I routinely take Salt Crystals .... on Willpower tankers. The sleep is useless, the large AoE, small defense debuff, and ability to aggro stuff in a 30 foot radius are valuable.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



+1 on handclap, I like boxing for a set mule.

The more people I meet, the more I'm beginning to root for the zombies.



Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
Kick and Boxing are usually only taken for Tough and Weave.
Boxing has higher DPA than Jab. So throw Jab in there somewhere.



Isn't Flurry king of PVP these days? I've spent all of 5 minutes in PVP, promptly died, and have never looked back.

Kinetic's Repel is an interesting one. I actually don't find it to be that bad of a power... if it were in a different set. Force Field has something similar that I occasionally toggle on when bad guys are chasing a teammate. It pulses slower than Repel but still sends stuff flying and is actually half-useful as long as you don't leave it on too long.

Is Frostwork a contender?



Out of what I have read. I'll bring up only those of no real consequence to me. Powers like Flash Arrow are actually alright.

Sonic Repulsion - Buy time. Too end costly
serum - Somethings better than nothing but its meh.
whirlwind - concept and buy time. Too end costly
Flurry - concept
Jump Kick - concept
Poison Trap from Poison - ??? no one wants it
Barb Swipe - useful in low levels to keep attacking and gain end at the same time (well if changed since 3yrs ago, it was a case of you made more end rec than end loss over its cast time).
Melt Armour - yeah its not great but maybe you need that momentary edge.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
And Ninjutsu's smoke bomb, garbage.
Do you mean Blinding Powder? I have no experience with it but I LOL'ed when I looked it up in Mid's.

Am I correctly interpreting it as a cone shaped version of Flash Arrow with a 120 second base recharge and a blind duration of just 20 seconds?

Oh, I see a 11 second Mag 2 sleep in there too, with a 50% chance for an additional Mag 2 for 23 seconds. So 1/2 of bosses, lts, and minions, will be asleep for 11 seconds, and the other 1/2 of minions asleep for 23 seconds.

I think this power just out-Flash Arrowed Flash Arrow.



Group Fly. Worst. Power. Ever.
Accuracy debuff? No thanks. Not so much as a prompt to opt in or out? No thanks.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Do you mean Blinding Powder? I have no experience with it but I LOL'ed when I looked it up in Mid's.

Am I correctly interpreting it as a cone shaped version of Flash Arrow with a 120 second base recharge and a blind duration of just 20 seconds?

Oh, I see a 11 second Mag 2 sleep in there too, with a 50% chance for an additional Mag 2 for 23 seconds. So 1/2 of bosses, lts, and minions, will be asleep for 11 seconds, and the other 1/2 of minions asleep for 23 seconds.

I think this power just out-Flash Arrowed Flash Arrow.
No, Blinding Powder isn't bad. It's decent if you decide to use it.

And no, it's a mag 2 sleep (so minions go to sleep) and a 50% chance of mag 2 confuse (so minions might start attacking eachother) along with its -perception and -ToHit.

Smoke Flash is the PBAoE placate power.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
No, Blinding Powder isn't bad. It's decent if you decide to use it.

And no, it's a mag 2 sleep (so minions go to sleep) and a 50% chance of mag 2 confuse (so minions might start attacking eachother) along with its -perception and -ToHit.

Smoke Flash is the PBAoE placate power.
And here I thought I'd found the Troll 2 of powers. Oh well.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Is Frostwork a contender?
Frostwork is pretty awesome. +Hp is always nice, specialy on my brutes.

Handclap is also very usefull, namely for the godmode crash.

Temperature protection is decent on brute at least. And it's a nice place for -kb IO, without wasting a slot.

Really useless powers? I'd go with barb swipes and all the "quick" tier-1 powers that have horrible DPS and flurry.

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



I nominate a power choice instead of a specific power. I'm doing this because one can opt not to take the crappy powers nominated thus far. But when you have a choice of two powers at level one, and they're both bad, you've got a lousy power permanently, no matter what. Thus, my nomination is:

Entangling Arrow/Flash Arrow

In Trick Arrow, the suckitude isn't optional!



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
What's my vote for the worst power?

My emp/rad, who runs through missions constantly doing something, while running sprint (with stealth IO) and Superspeed, with no endurance reduction slotted, disagrees.

And I've got to go with Black Hole/Dimension Shift as well. Sure, it serves a purpose... griefing the team you're on. I asked someone to remove it from their tray and forget they ever took it on a Sister Psyche TF where they were using it as it recharged. I felt that response was nicer than just kicking them on the spot, which was the only other option I was willing to tolerate.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
And here I thought I'd found the Troll 2 of powers. Oh well.
It also doesn't break stealth when you use it. (and becomes a mini Seeds of Confusion with the Purple Confuse Proc)

No amount of slotting will make Flash Arrow good or even decent.

"An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of BS." -General George Patton

-Lord Azazel



Can I nominate the blaster version of frozen aura?

A PBAoE minion only sleep. Don't let the large (and admittedly cool) animation fool you, it only extends out as far as ice patch. I would be so happy if the blaster version got the tank version treatment.



Barb swipe and scare are quite nice in pvp.
Jump kick has the same animation time and damage as air sup, less end and rech.
Burn is fairly useful if you use it like caltrops or have a kd power, esp aoe.

The change to energy transfer took EM from my favorite set and 3k hours played on my main to haven't bothered to log it in. The set could be retitled 'wait on animations'. Its damage in pvp really isn't an issue any more, and it has basically no aoe. Meh.

Stun in blaster em is fairly useless, though it could be stacked with TF.

Grant cover has some nice secondary effects, but its primary goal as a team defense power winds up being pretty worthless.



Originally Posted by Krogoth View Post
Temperature Protection (just in case capped fire resistance wasn't quite enough without it)
Came here to post this. What a worthless power.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
My emp/rad, who runs through missions constantly doing something, while running sprint (with stealth IO) and Superspeed, with no endurance reduction slotted, disagrees.
Hate to say this, but it sounds like you're doing it wrong. If you're gaining from vigilance, that means you're letting the team redline.

Vigilance rewards failure. It's that simple, and why I nominate it for the worst power.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Ok, I'll humor you and give you my top 5 most retarded and created powers up until now.

At number 5..... Voltaic Sentinel

As a blaster the last thing you want is something or someone following you around, more so if you fancy yourself a strike and flee kind of player... If I ever get a electric toon that high, no VS for me. I wont take gun drone either, my dev blaster likes to stay hidden and blow S*** up under the cover of his cloak.

At number 4..... Whirlwind

I'm the kind of guy that loves a good mess around, but this provides no usefulness and purely for kicks.

At number 3..... Blaster's Chillin Embrace

Are you kiddin me? A stupid slow aura on a blaster, and it's not like it causes a slow fear effect either.... This should have been ice sword circle.

At number 2..... The whole darn Presence Pool

The acc is so low it's not funny, and the only use for this on anything other than a tank or scrapper, would be on like a blaster in PvP.... For the minus to range...

And my all time number 1 is..... Dimension shift!

This one power ruins the set, and drive me away from playing it, playing a power set that I wont take a power before I get and try it, just cause I KNOW it isn't useful or productive... Come on.... That's like jumping into a snake pit naked with mice taped to you. Not to mention no power in the set provides kb pro for the baddies... FAIL.



Originally Posted by MaxLongstreet View Post
Entangling Arrow/Flash Arrow

In Trick Arrow, the suckitude isn't optional!
It'll be metaphorically over my dead body if anything happens to those powers. I will argue the case for them powers. Take them out and TA is broken.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Novawulfe View Post

At number 2..... The whole darn Presence Pool

The acc is so low it's not funny, and the only use for this on anything other than a tank or scrapper, would be on like a blaster in PvP.... For the minus to range...

And my all time number 1 is..... Dimension shift!

This one power ruins the set, and drive me away from playing it, playing a power set that I wont take a power before I get and try it, just cause I KNOW it isn't useful or productive... Come on.... That's like jumping into a snake pit naked with mice taped to you. Not to mention no power in the set provides kb pro for the baddies... FAIL.
the only use i know of for the presence pool is poeple use it to make tankerminds

and dont forget black hole!, just the same useless epic fail of dimension shift



Time bomb is pretty high up there.
Serum on Mercs, yup.
Group fly. More fail than a CoT Demon LT.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Throw Barrage in there with Jab and Barb Strike.

Global name: @k26dp