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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Peterbilt View Post
    So what do you think makes for a hero?
    Not sitting in front of a super hero computer game at least

    Gamewise we are limited in our ways to be heroic. CoH and CoV has the exact same missions. The end goals of them are however slight different.
    While saving npc citizens in distress does feel like an small accomplishment there's no real meaning in doing it. If there were more random events like, there's 10 people trapped in a bus, the driver's fainted and the bus is now heading for the sea. If there was missions like this were we had to combine our powers and experience to stop the bus we would have more chance to play our part as special human beings with or without super powers.

    I love to help lowbies. One of the great things when I started to play CoX was the dedication from veteran players to offer their aid for me. Now, I’m trying to contribute to this open minded thinking as much as possible by giving back to the community, run with sewer teams and so forth but I would like to refer this more to mentoring/having sidekicks then being heroic.

    There’s one task in the game where I actually feel that I do a difference and that’s the ITF ’Cimeora’. You drive out the evil, reclaim the city for 100s of good citizens. Best TF in the game hands down! Not only because there's actually a real goal comparing to other TF's out there. I like it because it make me feel that I'm the hero that they have for so long been waiting for to liberate them.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rochlin View Post
    I was wondering the same thing. Great info.

    Haven't had time to practice this yet, but I will try it out this weekend

    Thanks all!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Suzumebachi View Post
    Yes, you can create macros in your bar to click on, but as far as I know you can't assign an icon, just some text that displays on the button.

    Probably the best place to get started is the ParagonWiki, check the section on Macros for instructions on how to create one.

    Just a note, I don't know anything about WoW macros, but here they are fairly restricted in that you can't fire a sequence of powers with just one macro, but you can do a load of useful things with them.
    Thank you for a great answer sir and for that you took time to give me feedback

    /e fancybow
  4. Congratulations to all that got their badges. I just started on the dayjobs so it will be a while till I'll join you
  5. I don't know why.. but though she's not so helpful all the time and biased, GG's oneliners somehow always succeed in putting a smirk on my lips. Oooh.. shouldn't encourage her... sorry..

    Off topic. Sorry for that too..
  6. Ok I want to start by saying that this might have come up before but I didn't find anything on the forums. If I missed it I'm terrible sorry for the inconvenience.

    My questions is; can I make custom macros and put them in powerslots as icons which I can click on? Like in WoW I mean. Would be nifty

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    I think there is a guide somewhere on the boards explaining naming techniques. I do things like frame in "x" or add a dash. So I ended up with x Keeper of Blades x after moving one of my toons to Virtue. I tend to get the name I want in one way or another.

    Oooh nooeeees. It's a Counter-Strike nametag

    It would be better as; 'Keeper of Blades

    the " ' " is not that annoying

    Sidenote: Names of hero characters is best if they either resemble the characters powers, origin, rank, motive or costume. It's extra good if the name is not too advanced or too long.
    Batman, Storm, Magneto and Spiderman for naming a few is extraordinary names because they explain the characters perfectly.
  8. Spazztastics

    CoH Beta memory

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    OK, I got it. And I hope you were really, really joking
    Personally I like it more then what we have today
  9. Spazztastics

    CoH Beta memory

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    The only UI the movie shows is the costume creator, and I'm not sure how you can call that jumbled mess "darn good looking."
    Then you missed it Take a look at the UI when that toon in the red wired tech armor runs around beating up people
  10. Spazztastics

    CoH Beta memory

    Originally Posted by Edgewater View Post
    Just curious, but this video was from the alpha stage correct?

    They had some interesting power choices. And the fog in Steel was pretty cool looking.

    The UI in that vid is so darn good looking, why couldn't they have kept it like that?
  11. I don't agree with the complaining about ninja runs vertical movement drawback. If you know how to actually hurdle with ninja run you can out fasten most travel powers.

    What I use to do when running to another mission is that I make use of tilted buildings. Ninja run +sprint +tilted buildings +holding down space; make you trigger a glitch that makes you float over a building at a very high speed. When you reach the top, hurdle kicks in. With the already built up speed from the float your toon makes an extremely high jump which make you fly for a while in the air at a fast speed until you land on another building, bouncing from one to the other. If you've picked hurdle also (I usually don't though) you can pull of an insanely high jump after the float

    When you've done it sometimes you know exactly which buildings in every zone to make use of to build up your speed. It's easy comparing the pros with the awesome possibilities of ninja run to the slow movement that I have when I make a toon with flying. Using the float glitch I use to beat most team members to the mission and I don't even have to be concentrated to make the correct jumps
  12. The files you are looking for is located in the CoX application. "Applications - Show Package Files" and then you can navigate to the costume folder in there. While I'm at work I can't guide you directly but finding the files are as easy as goblin pie.

    I love how mac does everything better then a PC (referring to keeping all of the applications files in one single icon)

    The files is the exact same formats because Macs CoX client is an emulated windows client using Cider from Transgaming. Just remember that he can't use the costume if you have pieces in it from an expansion that he have not yet activated or if he's too low level for certain stuf (capes, auras)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cremzen View Post

    Another problem solved by those quirky guys (and gals) on that moody server!!!

    So, can we suggest events for you to hold, Shuriken?
    Nah, I'm just kidding, really, I am.

    So, how do you qoute so many different things, anyway, IB? I can only get one in. Of course, my whole 5 posts is nothing compared to you, Oh zen master of the 12,881 forum posts.
    Man, is my n00b showing?
  14. 1. Staffs (high tech staffs with stances and attack animations.)

    2. New pistols (more futuristic and big f**** gunz)

    3. Ability to make a fat toon and more normal body types (smooth works for my 16 year old dp toon, but he still looks fit which works cause he is a true hero but what about an average Joe and 8 year old toons?)

    4. Backpacks & propellers

    5. More casual clothing, hooded shirts, shorts, more shoes etc. etc

    6. Equipment packs (textures like knives, guns that can be put on legs,arms and other parts of the body just for detail.)

    7. Grenades, molotov coctails, gas grenades and other ways to make a natural born toon that doesn't have any super powers.

    8. Ability to have 2 different textures over a body piece (stripes and arm stars on the chest piece for example. This would allow you to make a more complex better looking suit)

    9. Animated faces and hands

    10. Make chest and arms into different body pieces!!!

    11. Hoverboards, mountain bikes, roller blades & skateboards for travel

    12. Wall climbing

    13. Real crouch stance and animal running/leaping on all four which can be used for example by gimmick characters that have monster legs.

    14. Monster legs with correct anatomy (as u all know those we have today are entirely incorrect designed)

    15. Afro that actually look like afro o.O (not the 70s stereotypically afros that exist in the game today)

    16. Miniguns, floor mountable energy shields

    17. Overall more gimmick stuf like stances, catchprases that could be programmed to use when you attack etc. without spamming in the local chat window, gadgets etc. etc would add a lot to the games feel IMO

    18. Get rid of female toons weird normal stance and make it possible to make a extremely muscular female toon. (The anorectic body shapes doesn't fit that well for a super strength woman and though you can use some sliders for shoulders and physics, you still can't make a muscle builder female toon)

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    3. Fish bowl helmets. Seriously, just a glass bubble around the head with hair limited to short hairstyles.
    Spiderman's Mysterio?
  15. Spazztastics

    Speedy toon

    Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
    OMG THAT's the fix for that?! I take it back, lolww ftw....

    yes It even worked when a toon was stuck in the roof
  16. Spazztastics

    Speedy toon

    Originally Posted by Philly_Guy View Post

    Actually, I have a speed-themed toon. His name is The Golden Jett. He's an elec/SD scrapper. Gold uniform, and full blastbot helmet. The shield I gave him is the elec shield, and I colored all his customizable powers gold as well. Took the vet reward sprint that shoots off gold streaks when you run, gave him hasten and SS too. Pretty neat concept I think.
    looks very cool Philly. It would be cool to see it live
    I'm planning to make a really cheesy gimmicky speed based toon as soon as my dp hits 50

    Thanks for all input guys. It really helps out!
  17. Spazztastics

    Speedy toon

    Originally Posted by Frost View Post
    You know what this just made me realize? I'm thinking really hard but I don't believe I've ever actually seen anybody use whirlwind in-game. In 6 years.
    Saw a female toon use it yesterday. It was only in one situation though when a foe were glitched into an object and we couldn't attack. The whirlwind kicked the toon out of the object for us
  18. happy birthday, hope you had a great day!
  19. Spazztastics

    Are we hated?

    Originally Posted by Zyal View Post
    At the end of the SF the leader asked if I wanted to join their VG because I did such a good job tanking and controling my pets.
  20. Spazztastics

    Speedy toon

    Dark Melee would be great for the gimmick. And Super Reflexes is a great idea too guys I have to go with whirlwind too, though it's not extremely good I need it just for the image.