Are we hated?




First off, I wanna apologize if this has been brought up before. I just recently returned, so I haven't been around the forums much.

So MM's are the most fun AT for me to play. I've played every single set extensively with a different combo, and I just can't get enough. (I'm dying for Demons)

But I've noticed it before, and really started to notice recently, is that other people don't like us on teams anymore. Is this just me, or do others get it too?

Like today for example. I decided I'd level up a Bots/Traps for double xp. After soloing so many levels of so many MMs, I wanted a break and decided to team. (My MM was 42 at the time). So I have my lft flag up. I get nothing. After awhile I see "lvl 40 team lfm". So I send a tell. It pretty much went this:

Me: 42 MM here, mind if I join?
Him: lol no MM thnx.
Me: Umm okay, not trying to be rude, but why not?
Him: too many pets plus at is weak srry lol

Okay, I get it. The cluster of pets and fighting for space is REALLY annoying. So I let it go. Then a broadcast for AE missions shows up. I send a tell again.

Me: Mind if I join?
Him: No, you'll just spread out mobs.
Me: Right... Okay then. >>

A few mins pass, and he sends me an invite anyways. I guess he couldn't find anyone else. So he's a SS/Fire Brute, and basically tells me if I don't play right and I makes everyone fly around, I'm getting kicked. I should've left there, but I didn't. We get fighting the mobs, and he lays down his burn patch which scrambled everything. My Assbot used his missle which knocked like 3 critters away, and I get booted.

Him (tell): See why I don't invite MMs?

These are only a few stories, as I have MANY more. But it's just ridiculous to me that we have this banter about us, and I don't understand why. We are very effective in teams, but because of the cluster of pets, nobody wants us? I can't even do end game TF's unless I roll with a group of friends.

I only made this post because I fear it may get worse. If MM's are allowed to team hero side, is it going to be the same? People were crying about it in my SG earlier, about how we'll lagout atlas, and blah blah blah.

So, am I the only one? Or have others found this out too?



Originally Posted by Edgewater View Post
First off, I wanna apologize if this has been brought up before. I just recently returned, so I haven't been around the forums much.

So MM's are the most fun AT for me to play. I've played every single set extensively with a different combo, and I just can't get enough. (I'm dying for Demons)

But I've noticed it before, and really started to notice recently, is that other people don't like us on teams anymore. Is this just me, or do others get it too?

Like today for example. I decided I'd level up a Bots/Traps for double xp. After soloing so many levels of so many MMs, I wanted a break and decided to team. (My MM was 42 at the time). So I have my lft flag up. I get nothing. After awhile I see "lvl 40 team lfm". So I send a tell. It pretty much went this:

Me: 42 MM here, mind if I join?
Him: lol no MM thnx.
Me: Umm okay, not trying to be rude, but why not?
Him: too many pets plus at is weak srry lol

Okay, I get it. The cluster of pets and fighting for space is REALLY annoying. So I let it go. Then a broadcast for AE missions shows up. I send a tell again.

Me: Mind if I join?
Him: No, you'll just spread out mobs.
Me: Right... Okay then. >>

A few mins pass, and he sends me an invite anyways. I guess he couldn't find anyone else. So he's a SS/Fire Brute, and basically tells me if I don't play right and I makes everyone fly around, I'm getting kicked. I should've left there, but I didn't. We get fighting the mobs, and he lays down his burn patch which scrambled everything. My Assbot used his missle which knocked like 3 critters away, and I get booted.

Him (tell): See why I don't invite MMs?

These are only a few stories, as I have MANY more. But it's just ridiculous to me that we have this banter about us, and I don't understand why. We are very effective in teams, but because of the cluster of pets, nobody wants us? I can't even do end game TF's unless I roll with a group of friends.

I only made this post because I fear it may get worse. If MM's are allowed to team hero side, is it going to be the same? People were crying about it in my SG earlier, about how we'll lagout atlas, and blah blah blah.

So, am I the only one? Or have others found this out too?
Havent experienced this myself, infact, I get invites to help with av's and such. Of course, thats the only time I team. The other pets dont show up in my pet window, or do as they are told. Plus, you need to share XP with them...



Knockback from pets can be quite annoying at times, more so from a tanks point of view, but there are ways around that on the MM side.

If you haven't done your patron pool story arc yet, I'd suggest going MU Mastery and getting Electric Shackles. Its an AOE immobilize with -KB. Just throw that onto the group before sending your bots in and your tank won't experience mobs flying out of range.... much.

I've never really had any problems in teams on my MM, and have had some quite flattering comments during/after some teaming instances, so I wouldn't say we're an overall hated team AT. We are, however a very good solo AT, when setup correctly.

One thing I tended to do with my MM, was spend a lot of time soloing, so that I could build up a good understanding of his weaknesses and strengths - especially in and around large quantites of mobs. Once you can handle crowd and pet control in /x6 + missions, you find it pretty easy to adapt to teaming.

Hope this helps



I don't like teaming with MM's. It's not the players, but the AT. Specially on tight maps (caves, office missions, bank missions, etc).

Mind you, I know they're powerful and handy. I just can't stand how crowded missions get when u have more than 1 MM in team (at high-ish level, that is).

@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant

Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]



Originally Posted by False_Fiction_EU View Post
I don't like teaming with MM's. It's not the players, but the AT. Specially on tight maps (caves, office missions, bank missions, etc).

Mind you, I know they're powerful and handy. I just can't stand how crowded missions get when u have more than 1 MM in team (at high-ish level, that is).
That's the crux of the problem as I see it. One or maybe two MMs is fine. Anything more is hellish on tight maps (it can be hilarious too though had an 8 man team with 5 MMs before, but it was an SG team and we agreed not to break out the Tier 1s to save the Brutes sanity. Until the end when I decided "Screw it" and unleashed them and Gang War for the laugh)

And Bots are probably the worst offenders in terms of potentially annoying teammates. Lots of people just let them stand and shoot, which can be really annoying in terms of blocking doorways (so frustrating if you're a Brute and Assbot won't let you get into a room to fight while your CrackFury bar drains away) and in terms of unfocused knockback sending them miles away.



Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
(so frustrating if you're a Brute and Assbot won't let you get into a room to fight while your CrackFury bar drains away)
I thought they changed it so pets don't block players anymore. Can't you just walk right through them?



I love MMs on my teams. Heck many times it is a reason to raise the difficulty.

Only draw back is some people's systems cannot handle too many MMs on their teams.

I like MMs but never found a MM I got behind. Hoping Demon Summoning Changes that for me.



We're not hated. We're envied.

I will not rest until we have in-game throwable pies!



i never have a problem getting invites when im on a mm, and i have no problems inviting mm's to teams

i do understand about the mob scattering part (bots are the worse, the others arent as bad), but i dont understand why people think they are a weak AT

there are a few people in my sg coalition that dislike mm, but im not entirely sure why, i know some poeple just dont like the pets getting in the way and stuff (and i completely understand their point on that in cave mishs, especially with more than 1 mm on the team)

I thought they changed it so pets don't block players anymore. Can't you just walk right through them?
for this, they only changed mm pets to not block the mastermind that summoned them, they still get in everyone elses way though lol



Since I've been playing my now level 50 MM Bots/Traps for the past 7 months, I do believe there is a slight bias against MM's with pets. Currently, I am doing solo -1x8 mish'es to work toward some rare purple drops. Out of all my nine other Toons, my MM probably has the easiest time to go x8 alone. When I have been invited to a team, no one has told me I couldn't use my pets. If that was the case, I'd said "screw this" because my pets are my damage and without them, I might as well be sitting in corner reading a book.

It is true that Bots do occasionally run off as you try to "leash" them back in. The potential problem is creating unnecessary aggro against another large group while your team is already doing battle with the first group. What pet doesn't run off to cause some chaos now and then? It is also true that in tight environments such as those wonderful blue caves or maybe the sewers, that having your pets "plug" up the exit or entrance can be annoying at times.

With all that being said, MM's still do bring a lot to the table such as my Bots/Traps. Right before we go into battle, I plop down my Triage Beacon for some heals, my Seeker Drones and Poison Traps and of course my Force Field Generator which not only protects me but my teammates. And lets not forget about Acid Mortar, Caltrops and Web Grenade just to name a few.

So in conclusion, if someone doesn't invite me because they don't like MM's and their "run a round" pets, then that's okay. They need to realize that they are missing out on some big time damage makers. Yes, it can start to get a little crazy if there are more than 3 MM's on a team. Then it may become more of an issue with bogging, lag situations. I once did a 8 MM team and to use the world "chaos" lightly would be an It was a bit much. So, we are not hated. The people who don't invite us really don't understand the true potential of what MM's can bring to the table. They may have had a bad experience from a bad MM and think "all" MM's play that way.



I also think we're envied. Although I have received the same treatment when looking for teams. I hope we don't get the same treatment in Going Rogue. And I can't wait for demon summoning either... W00t!!!



If someone won't team with you because you're a specific AT or build, you don't want to team with them anyway. I guarantee their problems don't just end with MMs on the team. They prolly won't start a mish without a "healer", won't let anyone use confuse powers because they steal xp, and won't fight a room of enemies unless they are "herded".

Don't you understand that this game is impossible unless you follow a very specific formula of tactics, ATs, and builds?? *insert sarcasm*

If you play with good players they won't care what you bring, because they will know enough about this game to make it work.

Level 50s: to many to remember at this point



Originally Posted by Edgewater View Post
[...]and decided to team.
Well, there's your problem!



Originally Posted by captain_wacky View Post
we're not hated. We're envied.



Plus I understand with the AE mission. Masterminds tend to move slow because of the pets themselves. No, not damage, but movement. The time it takes the pets to arrive to the next mob is usually much greater than it takes to actually have half of it all ready dead. Usually in the case of AE missions without Archvillains or Heroes people will want fast-moving ATs.

Outside of AE farm missions and speed runs, you'll find many places a Mastermind will be comfortably welcomed. Speed, in this case, is not the Mastermind's specialty.



Originally Posted by Captain_Wacky View Post
We're not hated. We're envied.



Originally Posted by Tangler View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't mobs need to be lvl 50 at least for purples to drop?
Read my other post in "Market & Inventions" section titled "My First Rare Purple". I am currently running mish'es at -1x8 based on what paragonwiki says and what others have posted, it is more random but the larger the mobs the greater the chance of getting rare purple drops. So far, I ran approx 10 mish'es at full mobs (x8) and got a ton of rare salvages but have yet to get a rare purple.



Speaking honestly, my problem with Masterminds isn't that they scatter mobs, but, in order of importance, that they lag my pretty-low spec computer, and they seem to be one of the most poorly played ATs that get to high levels, because of the relative ease of soloing to higher levels, same as Scrapper and Brutes, while also being easier to annoy teammates with.

Though, sounds like you just got generally bad luck that night. Oh, and please turn off your pets at the Black Market, and your effects, if you don't already. Like I said, Lag, but the Markets are already dense and fully of people too lazy to turn off their toggles.



Originally Posted by CaptainHouse View Post

Though, sounds like you just got generally bad luck that night. Oh, and please turn off your pets at the Black Market, and your effects, if you don't already. Like I said, Lag, but the Markets are already dense and fully of people too lazy to turn off their toggles.

And full of annoying, ignorant people that think one toggle at 3 AM with no one there is actually lagging them.



I really didn't mean to offend anyone, if that was directed at me... It's just, I've seen a lot of /Storm Masterminds and all their pets run up to a Market (and /Darks and whatever their toggle is called) and when I'm already lagging to 12-16 FPS from the Market, it makes a huge difference.



I've never been excluded from a team for being a Mastermind. At least, not yet anyway.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
I've never been excluded from a team for being a Mastermind. At least, not yet anyway.
'Tis a strange thing when it does. It's not like you lose a "team" anyways, right?



Originally Posted by Tangler View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't mobs need to be lvl 50 at least for purples to drop?
nope... have run loads of the timed RWZ missions from Borea @ -1/x8, and had about 3 or 4 purp drops in the last few months, also had a purp drop from a lvl 47 CoT minion - ok granted it was one of the cheaper one.

/off topic



Originally Posted by CaptainHouse View Post
It's just, I've seen a lot of /Storm Masterminds and all their pets run up to a Market (and /Darks and whatever their toggle is called) and when I'm already lagging to 12-16 FPS from the Market, it makes a huge difference.
Im not trying to be rude or anything, but how do you manage to play on an 8 player team, with or without MMs, if the market+toggle(s) laggs you that hard?



I hate masterminds for the same reasons I hate other AT's. I don't discriminate.

Active 50's
Darklocked (dm/sd Brute)
Wardman (Fire/sd Scrapper)
Congealer (ice/cold Corruptor)
Peroxisome (mind/psi Dominator)
Evil Thing (Fire/Kin Corruptor)

Proud Member of Repeat-Offenders