Are we hated?




Nothings more wickedly delightful than a full team of MMs running on the highest difficulty. It's insanely fun, if your graphics card can handle it. As far as "not buffing teamates goes". I don't view the pets as separate from the MM, the pet and the MMs are one being, one unit as it were. I buff my pets, because much like a tanker,scrapper, or brute, my buffs are "Self buffs". Tougher Pets = Tougher MM.

My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi



Originally Posted by Spazztastics View Post
Reading through this.. Why do people getting annoyed about pets getting in their way? Personally I love MM's cause their pets can draw aggro while I blast foes to bits. Even playing with a melee character I've never had any problems with 3-4 MMs on the team with bots. It's nice to have a wall of meat which you can Ninja Run Backflip over when you're getting low on hp
A overview of the persepctives I have encountered:

Brute: Oh noes! The pets are stealing my precious agro! How can i keep fury maxed out 100% of the time if not everything is hitting me?! And they dare to claim they can tank! But I'm the villain tank, everyone says so on the brute forum, and I have the same powersets as heroside tanks. I must be the tank. RAAAAAAR!

Stalker: I don't like masterminds. They kill things fast, and always shoot first. I can never use my precious assassin strike. And they don't let me run away right after I kill one enemy.

Corrupter: You mean I have to heal THEM too?!

Dominator: But I can't keep my domination bar filled. I don't have enough time to do more then throw out a control or two!


Note I didn't include the villain Epics. Haven't teamed with enough of them on a MM to find out. Although, as an MM I love teaming with them.

Nevermind that the devs changed it so that players aren't blocked by henchmen. We can push them out of the way, or walk through them. Can't remember which it is. Nevermind that masterminds get some very effective buff/debuff sets. Nevermind that they do really good damage, as well as provide damage mitigation just for having pets out.

Of course the hate stems originally from badly played Masterminds. Someone encounters two or three poorly controlled masterminds, and assumes all masterminds are like that. I noticed teaming dried up in the 20's on my first one. And now teaming dries up around level 10.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
Sorry, but brutes are not like scrappers. The only thing the two have in common is that they are melee combatants with a few shared powersets. When was the last time you played a brute and followed someone's pets around? I guess you like doing sub par damage then. Avoiding aggro is probably one of the last things you want to do when playing a brute. If you want to skulk around and not draw aggro while playing melee, a stalker is much more fitting.

Also, the intention of MMs to be the sole aggro takers of Villains was abandoned years ago when the devs realized that brutes performed the function much more efficiently than expected. Don't forget that many people who play MMs seem to forget that pets can be resummoned and that bodyguard mode even exists. To add to that thought, a brute generates 400% taunt with each attack he lands. With effects like that, please don't tell me that a brute is not supposed to aggro things.
So, a brute taunts the enemy hit with each punch. So, does every brute spend the entire fight switching targets after each attack? No, they focus on one enemy at a time usually. Many brutes have a damage aura, true. But they do not have a tank's punchvoke. Actually, unless someone can point it out in patch notes, I'm not sure if brutes do taunt with each attack.

Brutes are intended as a hard hitting melee type. Sure they have defenses, but at base I believe it's closer to scrapper defenses. I could easily be wrong though. Going into the game to check however, it proves to me that brutes have SCRAPPER levels of defenses. They 'can' tank to some degree. But then so can scrappers with the same sets. Honestly, no villain AT is built to tank. They are all built to be fairly self sufficient. Thus making the need for tanking redundant.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
On top of the pets taking up space, there's also a mentality of many Masterminds that buffs are for pets only. Sometimes when I add a Mastermind to a team what I see is teammates getting slaughtered while the MM is busily healing his zombies. It's one thing to concentrate on your pets while the team is doing ok, but really poor style when the team is about to wipe. I suspect a lot of Masterminds don't even look at the team window to see how things are going, based on the number of times I've been killed.

That said, not everything about Masterminds is bad. Having those extra bodies around as potential aggro targets does make my squishies feel safer.
When I'm playing my high level ninja/poison mastermind I will admit. I spend more time healing my pets then the team. I do heal the team however. It's just that it might take all my attention to keep those ninja tier 1's from going SPLAT. And even then on large teams I'm resummoning a lot. If I didn't spend so much time healing them, everything would be dead in seconds.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
Note I didn't include the villain Epics. Haven't teamed with enough of them on a MM to find out. Although, as an MM I love teaming with them.
I know my Crab is high-fiving the MM, going 'Pets ftw!' rolling forward with my little robotic spider army at my massive, power armoured feet

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
Oh I know how effective they are. I just don't like how bleeding massive and noisy they are. One of the most common reasons people give for not letting MMs on a team is that they can be a nightmare in tight maps and Bots are probably the worst offenders since they're both big and ranged (so they'll just stand in one spot firing). Can be a pain to get past.

Removing the collision detection between all pets and players would be a great move IMO.
You'll never find my henchmen blocking doors. Why? Because I'm frequently the one who initiated combat, so my henchmen are busy slaughtering things.

Ok, maybe my TA/Thug. But they tend to spread out anyway.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post

Note I didn't include the villain Epics. Haven't teamed with enough of them on a MM to find out. Although, as an MM I love teaming with them.
My crab spider can summon 6 pets too. I just cannot control them.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



OOooo I just read an above post about stalkers that made me mad...*sigh* I will ignore it.



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
OOooo I just read an above post about stalkers that made me mad...*sigh* I will ignore it.
Sorry if it bothered you. I have been told time and again by stalkers not to summon my pets, because they couldn't AS anything. Stuff died too fast. They also didn't like that on MY teams there is no "kill one foe with AS then run away to restealth". Instead it's "AS if possible, then beat things down with the team." I boot people who flee after one attack just so they can restealth.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
Sorry if it bothered you. I have been told time and again by stalkers not to summon my pets, because they couldn't AS anything. Stuff died too fast. They also didn't like that on MY teams there is no "kill one foe with AS then run away to restealth". Instead it's "AS if possible, then beat things down with the team." I boot people who flee after one attack just so they can restealth.
I don't know who you're playing with but I wish I could smack them around some. Everyone plays differently but that's not how one should...that's not how I play a stalker at least.

I love pets, actually your pet distracting the baddie is even better. While he's fighting your pets I can dig my pointy razor sharp katana up his @$$. The only way the stalker would lose stealth from a pet attacking is if the mob dishes out an Aoe at the pet and the stalkers gets hit then it will break his stealth. He should know by a certain level what enemies can and cannot do.

If the team is steamrolling I change my style to scrapper/stalker. Using big attacks then Placate then using the big attacks again....then scrapping it out.

On team it's suicidal and dumb to go ahead of the group and AS the biggest dude in the room unless you can do it unseen which is rare, Or if you have some tasty defense.

Once the brute on the team or MM get's the mobs attention I dodge and weave past the alpha AOE's and then Stab the boss in the fase :3. Also why would they need to re stealth when they could just hit placate?

Maybe I'm crazy but you've been teaming up with some "special" stalkers hehe,.



When I'm on redside, you'd never see me turn away a MM.

Pets and debuff/buff secondary? Why would I turn that down to team with?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
I don't know who you're playing with but I wish I could smack them around some. Everyone plays differently but that's not how one should...that's not how I play a stalker at least.

I love pets, actually your pet distracting the baddie is even better. While he's fighting your pets I can dig my pointy razor sharp katana up his @$$. The only way the stalker would lose stealth from a pet attacking is if the mob dishes out an Aoe at the pet and the stalkers gets hit then it will break his stealth. He should know by a certain level what enemies can and cannot do.

If the team is steamrolling I change my style to scrapper/stalker. Using big attacks then Placate then using the big attacks again....then scrapping it out.

On team it's suicidal and dumb to go ahead of the group and AS the biggest dude in the room unless you can do it unseen which is rare, Or if you have some tasty defense.

Once the brute on the team or MM get's the mobs attention I dodge and weave past the alpha AOE's and then Stab the boss in the fase :3. Also why would they need to re stealth when they could just hit placate?

Maybe I'm crazy but you've been teaming up with some "special" stalkers hehe,.
Actually, quite a few stalkers I find subscribe to the "AS then flee" mindset. Once they get placate it goes "AS, placate, use strongest non-AS attack, THEN flee if the targeted enemy didn't die". Something to do with the idea a stalker can't survive in melee due to low health.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



This is directed toward the OP: You can't let a few idiots ruin your fun time with masterminds. In my eyes, its easier to run into a bad mastermind compared to a bad immediately, alot of peeps lablel masterminds as crap. Obsolete, my bots/traps, prefers soloing...I think I've ran into far too many teams where I feel like I'm being 'babysat' to make sure my pets don't obtain any unwanted aggroe...which is stupid because A) I'm properly binded and B) If I do obtain any additional aggroe, I can handle it myself.

I think mainly, I'm tired of trying to meet people's expectations. I'm capable of doing it, I don't need to be tested or observed or ordered to make sure I'm not a dribbling bafoon. But thats what makes me happy about red side, everything has the capability of soloing!



Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
A overview of the persepctives I have encountered:

Brute: Oh noes! The pets are stealing my precious agro! How can i keep fury maxed out 100% of the time if not everything is hitting me?! And they dare to claim they can tank! But I'm the villain tank, everyone says so on the brute forum, and I have the same powersets as heroside tanks. I must be the tank. RAAAAAAR!
Good point. I hadn't really thought about a Brute wanting to max out their own aggro. I certainly don't mind if they want to save me the trouble of summoning more pets.


Stalker: I don't like masterminds. They kill things fast, and always shoot first. I can never use my precious assassin strike. And they don't let me run away right after I kill one enemy.
I love teaming with stalks. My MM's are never as strong on damage as they are on survivability. I just remember to always tell them how much I love the work they do.

Of course the hate stems originally from badly played Masterminds. Someone encounters two or three poorly controlled masterminds, and assumes all masterminds are like that. I noticed teaming dried up in the 20's on my first one. And now teaming dries up around level 10.
Yeah. I find it's important to get yourself a reputation as a good MM. There are a few people on Virtue who will look me up by my global when they need an MM, which makes me suspect they must like my particular approach. I try at all times to cultivate that response. It's not so much about being a badarse yourself, either. It's about playing your role well, even if you suck overall as a player. (I tend to end playing with people who are better/ more experienced at playing than I am.) I always make sure to buff/heal Brutes before my own henchmen, and I hate re-summoning, so I'm actually kind of shy about sending my henchmen after every last mob.

I think it's very important to make sure all of your teammates have fun. If you don't make an effort, then it's very easy to squelch their fun or kill their buzz. You've usually got pets on your crew that can do most jobs a team needs at a mediocre level. That means a mediocre, but expendable pet might be taking away the thunder of somebody who's highly specialized at doing a crucial job. They'll get bored and want to quit the team.

Allow them to shine (by which I mean do all the work), and they actually love you more and want to invite you back. It's kind of a cynical irony that the lazy MM is the favorite to team with. (I don't object, though. I kind of like being lazy and still getting XP.)



Originally Posted by Berzerker_NA View Post
Allow them to shine (by which I mean do all the work), and they actually love you more and want to invite you back. It's kind of a cynical irony that the lazy MM is the favorite to team with. (I don't object, though. I kind of like being lazy and still getting XP.)
In teams, I usually view my role as an MM as "big nasty threat slayer". Weather that threat is the freakshow tank, or the malta sapper. I always gun for the most dangerous enemy in the group first. But then, that's the role I assign myself no matter what I'm playing. If I'm a dom or controller, that just means I hold them first, then work on the other stuff.

I do heal team mates on my ninja/poison. However a team mate isn't always my top priority. It can take a lot of my focus just to keep henchmen alive on an 8 man invincible team (old rep system of course). And without those pets, I'm toast. Their my damage reduction, offense, and the team's distraction. For every hit a hench takes, that's one less hit the dominator or corrupter took. Or the stalker for that matter.

Then again, most of what my MM does for the team is offensive. I turn the tough enemies into kittens, then turn them into bleeding kitten corpses. If I have a choice between healing my Jounin who's at 1/3 health, or the brute who's at 1/3 health I almost always pick the jounin first. I know the brute can handle himself for a few more seconds. And if he can't, well he's back on his feet right away. If the jounin dies, that means the other pets will die quickly too usually. At which point I'll probably be dead, and no longer helping the team.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



I'm probably one of those 'bad' MMs.

I have my pet binds set up to mirror the WoW hunter pet commmands (ctrl+1 = passive attack my target, for when you want one specific target dead or distracted but don't want to aggro a nearby mob, Ctrl+2 = aggressive attack my target for when I cut the bots loose. Ctrl+3 = Bodyguard mode, which is default mode) so I don't command pets individually but treat them as a singular entity since that's what I'm use to.

Pets only get resummoned when I'm down to one of that pet (for tier 1s) or completely wiped out (for tier 2 and 3). Having taunt, pets softcapped defenses to all, my own defenses softcapped to all and bodyguard mode makes for a mean secondary tank though.

Never had any complaints so far about me though.



People only hate Masterminds because they're jealous of us.




Honestly I don't get the problem, with tankers I have problems with tankers that can not handle their aggro control, I absolutely despise tankers and brutes that do not spend power slots on taunts. A tanker/brute without all the proper taunts and CC abilities of their secondary is a low damage scrapper at best. Its these no taunt tanks that have the problem with MM's and even blasters.

On the ITF lots of bots can be a problem with the generals if your trying to use the hunt and pull method to get them to you but in the Recluse TF MM are a god send the right secondary and your talking cc and damage out put...even some nice healing or debuffs.

Any tanker or brute that has a problem with MM is probably covering for the fact they dont have taunts. Sorry even if the mob gets KB's all you have to do is wait for it to run by you after the bot or MM and taunt and they run back to you. Simple. Substandard tankers and brutes will whine about anything from too much damage from blasters to KB from MM's...

Just my personal feeling on this.



i glanced at the thread, and read over most of it.

hated? when the game first came out, absolutely. now, not so much.

after playing alot of each at to level 50, i look at the game not the AT. and how a team can mesh, and still have fun.

This is how i play mine but mine is melee, I provoke/taunt bot alot. i view pets as a hit point increase or dull pain, and tier one damage as mostly not that useful in a team. Every other classes tier one damage power is better damage the a tier one pets, and not a level lower or two.

Then the other thing i do, on a big team, I only summon what i need, so if we have a brute, i summon my tier two and tier three. Or if on a brute heavy team, only a tier three, and focus on team buffing. On a corr/dom/stalker team, i use more pets. The brutes get their fury, the corrs get theirs and the stalkers can as, and scrap some. Me with less pets, increases the spawn size, and makes the other players, you know, have to play (heal kill debuff etc). But as team mate it is no fun to basically be marginalized by one player on a team ie the MM, and be all cramped up, so i let the team enjoy themselves, and i focus on what i am doing, which is controlling my upper tier pets.

I can always summon and save the day. When i start summoning to increase my hit points basically, as things go south, it is just plain crazy fun because people are dieing and flying around, running just ads to the choas or a sticky situation. But it makes surviving it cool, to go from "ok" "power house" on the fly and save the teams collective butts...

If we have something that will hurt us like an av, i summon up and do all the upgrades. etc. Basically i buff up, just like inspirations and what not.

Teams seem to understand how i do intrinsically, and don't mind it all. we go from no pets, to lots of pets if a pull goes bad, etc...then if the pets are not needed,very few pets. I go back to my default for the team (only tier twos/tier three or combination of those two). The team seems to just get it. I never have problems teaming once i am on a team, or after i start a team.

Not real complicated, and other players appreciate it. They know at any given time, i can "buff up" if things go south.



Well firestorm, I've also encountered one team where they demanded I didn't summon any pets. I agreed, although I did explain that they were removing me from the damage dealing capabilities entirely. They said they just wanted my debuffs and heals. Mind you, I was on a ninja/poison. Half way through the mission I got the boot. When I asked, the leader said it was because I wasn't contributing to the team's xp/second speed.

Er, excuse me? They wanted me to contribute to how fast they get xp... but don't want me doing damage?! I don't get it.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



I believe the stories I'm reading, on the whole, but I still have trouble relating to them because I've never encountered anything similar.

I can't help but wonder in what parts of the game MM hate shows up, when it shows up. If it shows up in farms or highly structured TFs/SFs (MoITF, STF, ...), perhaps that could explain it, as I spend no time in farms and little time in the highly structured TFs/SFs. I've never see MM hate in standard "leveling up" content, though.



It's very subtle actually. You'll notice it as you get fewer and fewer team invites the higher you get in level. Even when there are dozens of team LFM messages being posted. In Mercy and Port Oaks it's non-existant. It I find starts to from in Cap Au Diablo. By the time you reach Nerva teams almost entirely dry up for masterminds usually. The exception seems to be if your a /thermal or /pain mastermind.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
It's very subtle actually. You'll notice it as you get fewer and fewer team invites the higher you get in level. Even when there are dozens of team LFM messages being posted. In Mercy and Port Oaks it's non-existant. It I find starts to from in Cap Au Diablo. By the time you reach Nerva teams almost entirely dry up for masterminds usually. The exception seems to be if your a /thermal or /pain mastermind.
This is one of the reasons I always form my own teams. I can understand it being a problem for those that don't like to lead though (I much prefer to follow personally, but what can you do?).



Originally Posted by FireandDarkness View Post
I absolutely despise tankers and brutes that do not spend power slots on taunts.
You'll love my Invul/BA because he only has one slot in taunt. However, you'll love my Ice/SS even more because she doesn't have taunt. And yes, holding aggro is easy with those two.

How much do you despise my tanks now?



Originally Posted by Atheism View Post
You'll love my Invul/BA because he only has one slot in taunt. However, you'll love my Ice/SS even more because she doesn't have taunt. And yes, holding aggro is easy with those two.

How much do you despise my tanks now?
My ice/mace tank too. Never took taunt. Has never slotted taunt enhancements in any power. And yet... only knockback happy peeps or well played trick arrow defenders can steal aggro from me. Specifically blasters who spam 100% chance for KB aoes to the point my auras can't taunt enemies, and I can't hit them due to constantly chasing enemies around.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History